The black star is getting closer and closer to the surface.

It even got so close in the end that Chen Jing had to prepare to evacuate everyone.

"It seems that the old man has not regained his consciousness yet..."

Chen Jing did not move the city to deep space from the beginning. After all, for these creatures who are not members of the deep space family, going to deep space once is tantamount to losing their lifespan, and there is a high possibility that they will die due to the erosion of deep space. He died there... So he was really unwilling to use this backup plan unless it was absolutely necessary.

But now it seems.

The old man is really ready to let Black Star smash it down.

"Damn, the old lunatic is going crazy!!!" Wei Nan now regretted rushing to the rooftop to join in the fun. When she saw the black star starting to fall, she almost subconsciously grabbed Yan Que beside her.

"What are you afraid of..." Yan Que snorted coldly, but there was an expression of fear clearly on his pale face.

After spending a long time with Chen Boxu, they all forgot what a terrifying person the old madman was. It was only now that their lives were threatened that they slowly remembered... The old man was not the crazy old man with a foul mouth and a bragging habit; A terrifying ancient descendant!

Just when Chen Jing made up his mind to move the walled city to deep space.

The "tentacles" wrapped around the black star suddenly let go.

The connection between Chen Jing and Black Star was also restored at this moment. As if there was a signal suddenly, Chen Jing commanded Black Star to continue to rise without hesitation until it reached an altitude of 10,000 meters and turned into a small black dot...

"Hey, luckily I woke up in time...I didn't scare you, right?"

Hearing this familiar voice coming from behind, everyone turned their heads almost at the same time, only to see Chen Boxu standing there with an awkward look on his face, appearing so silently that no one had noticed it before.

"I was dreaming in front of me."

Chen Bofu took the initiative to explain without waiting for anyone to ask. As he spoke, he raised his hand. As far as everyone could see, the black water-like liquid suddenly broke away from the surface and floated, gathering in the sky and twisting... until it changed. It became a simple black spear.

It is about a kilometer long and exudes a vicious aura.

It exudes the unique luster of metal in the sunlight.

"The panacea my dear grandson helped me find will work..."

As soon as the old man finished speaking, the spear, which was made of pure energy, shot through the air with an extremely harsh roar, and its straight-line speed almost tore the space along the way.

It was as if the sky had opened into an endless abyss.

The torn space cannot be healed in a short time. The dimensional turbulence exuding the aura of destruction is constantly surging and tearing in the wounds in the sky, like a whirlpool trying to pull in all foreign objects and swallow them up, making people feel confused. I couldn't help but get chills on my back.

"Now that everything has recovered... let me send a greeting gift to the Pope of Eternal Night..."

Chapter 407: The Terror of the Old Madman (Part 1)

Gehro's erosion of this world is getting worse day by day, especially after bringing his true body to the other world, Eternal Night City has almost become one with it.

The city is parasitic on this strange star, and those long-dead creatures are also resurrected by Gehro in strange ways.

Under the moonlight, it was completely white, but it was quite lively.

"The temple actually rejected our proposal to form an alliance..."

In the obelisk, the Pope was discussing with the resurrected bishops. When talking about the attitude of the [Great Buddha Mother Temple] towards the deep space resuscitators, each of them looked sad.

"But it doesn't matter..." The Moonlight Pope enjoyed the overwhelming moonlight, as if he was swimming in a bath, with an extremely comfortable feeling constantly coming from every pore, "There is one less alchemist in the Hanging City... There’s nothing wrong with the temple…”

"Your Holiness." Bishop Sati stood closest to the Pope. His whole body was irrecoverably distorted by the energy of the moonlight, and he almost lost his human form. "The alchemist from the research association has already sent a letter asking us if Sanctions should be taken against the temple..."

"Too far."

The Pope stared at the moonlight shining on the top of the obelisk, feeling unprecedentedly peaceful...but in this tranquility, there was a trace of uneasiness that could not be ignored, like a thorn in his heart.

"Most of the alchemists in the Hanging City don't like the world. They are just good at talking. If we cooperate with them, we will become cannon fodder. Besides... if we don't use violent sanctions, how can we deal with the temple? , it is impossible to hurt the opponent's bones, but it may become a joke. "

After hearing what the Pope said, the bishops looked at each other for a while.

Although everyone knew this, no one dared to say a word before the Pope spoke, for fear of being labeled as "improving other people's ambitions and destroying one's own prestige."

"There is no point in dealing with the monastery."

Pope Moonlight said calmly, as if he had already made a plan.

"If you push those monks too hard, they can do anything."

"Are you afraid that they will take refuge in that deep space resuscitator?" Bishop Sati asked carefully.

"Anything is possible."

Pope Moonlight sighed, his tone gradually becoming dangerous.

"So our top priority is to find the resuscitator and strangle him in the cradle. We must not let him continue to grow..."

Having said this, Pope Moonlight suddenly lowered his head, and his neck made of moonstone made a strange friction sound.

"Sati, I asked you to find him, but you still haven't found him yet?"

"We are still trying..." Sati was sweating, not daring to make eye contact with Moonlight Pope, "The clues we have so far are very limited... but we can be sure that they are still in the wasteland..."

"Since we know they are in the wasteland, then go find them, even if you have to turn the wasteland upside down, you have to find those rats for me, especially the deep space resuscitator... no matter what, you have to kill him."

As the closest family member to Gehro in the present era, Moonlight Pope knows very well what deep space resuscitation means. Although he has not experienced the old days suppressed by deep space, from Gehro's "oral account"...

Once deep space resuscitation is completed.

This world will return to "great unification".

All gods from the old days, including Gehro, will be ruthlessly wiped out by deep space, because the era of deep space does not need "gods", let alone "kings" other than Him.

In short.

Deep Space is the only ruler and the absolute overlord. He will not tolerate any existence that threatens his rule...

All this.

Moonlight Pope heard from Gehlo.

"By the way, I asked you to find Raphael..." Moonlight Pope seemed to suddenly remember something, staring at Bishop Sati and asked, "You haven't found him yet?"

"Your Excellency... Pope..." Sati almost fell to the ground, his voice trembling uncontrollably, "Raphael's disappearance is too bizarre... We have tried our best to find him... But we haven't found any trace of him yet..."

Hearing Bishop Sati's reply, Moonlight Pope did not get angry, because he couldn't figure out... Where did Raphael go?

Not long ago.

When Raphael was still in the Evernight City.

Moonlight Pope had heard Gehlo say that the Light Bearer Raphael made a deal with him in private, saying that he would take Lord Gehlo to see another world, a brand new and ownerless land full of vigorous vitality...

Because of this.

Lord Gehero peeled off a part of himself and parasitized on Raphael, the Light Bearer.

But just after Raphael disappeared strangely.

The connection between Lord Gehero and the peeled body tissue was completely severed.

"Where did that guy go..." Moonlight Pope murmured in a low voice.

The reality is indeed not something that these natives can figure out, and even Gehero doesn't know where Raphael went.

Because the inner world and the outer world are completely independent existences, even Gehero, who is as powerful as a living god, can't guess where Raphael is without the return of "that part" of the body tissue.

For Gehero, Raphael just disappeared out of thin air.

That's all.

This is also the most difficult thing for him to understand in recent years.

A weak family member who is closely related to him just disappeared from his body out of thin air. How can he understand this?

Is it a ghost?

"Now your first task is to find the deep space resuscitator... Once you find him, don't hesitate... Make sure to kill him as quickly as possible..."

At this point, the Pope couldn't help but smile with relief.

"Fortunately, his grandfather suffered a backlash, and now his strength must be much worse than before. It should be impossible to protect him like before. This will be our best chance to kill him."

"Understood." The bishops nodded in response.

"Chen Bofu, Chen Bofu..."

The Pope looked up at the moonlight in the sky, and in a trance, it seemed to have returned to the time before Ge Heluo came.

Recalling the back of Chen Jing, covering the sky and the sun and wearing a yellow robe, the Pope still felt a little incredible until this moment.

The grandson of the old madman turned out to be a deep space resuscitator?

Should he say he was lucky or...


The Pope only felt that the throne under him was trembling faintly, and the bishops seemed to have noticed something, and everyone looked confused.

"It's the breath of that old madman... Is he healed?!"

When the Pope realized this, he was about to get up and go out to take a look, but there was a loud bang, and the obelisk was instantly pierced by a black spear.

And the Pope himself.

He was also nailed to the throne by this spear.

Chapter 408 The Terror of the Old Madman (Part 2)

In the obelisk of Eternal Night.

When the bishops saw the Pope being nailed to the throne by the spear, they not only felt incredible, but also felt a deep fear.

"Heh... The old immortal thing... It's really hard to deal with..."

The Pope endured the severe pain, raised his hand to hold the spear in front of him, and slowly pulled it out of his body.

"Chen Bofu..."

"Is this the greeting you gave me..."

Now that Gehero has descended into Eternal Night, as the Pope of the clan, his strength is no longer what it used to be, but even so... when this spear pierced his chest and nailed him to the throne, he still felt a brief powerlessness.

It was as if all the strength in his body was drained at that moment.

He hadn't felt that kind of piercing pain for a long time.

"Your Excellency the Pope..." Bishop Sati was the first to run over, his face full of fear, "Chen Bofu's strength has recovered?!"

"Can't you see for yourself?" The Pope asked coldly.

After saying this, the Pope's aura became more and more dangerous, as if he was on the verge of a rage.

In front of so many subordinates, he was nailed to the throne by Chen Bofu.

This was an unbearable insult to him!

Chen Bofu...

Why don't you die yet?

Thinking of this, the Pope was so angry that he crushed the black spear with his hand. In the process, the Pope suddenly discovered that this thing was made of pure energy.

In other words.

If it was crushed like this...

"Chen Bofu, you old bastard!!!"

When the spear suddenly exploded, the bishops only heard the Pope's hysterical curses. Before they could react, they were buried by the collapsed obelisk.


This is Chen Bofu's gift to the Moonlight Hermitage.

It is also a sentence that Chen Bofu brought to the Pope.

"The hatred between us, old and new, will be resolved sooner or later."


In the [Great Buddha Mother Temple] in the far north.

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