Chen Jing had never heard the old man mention any old friends in the [Great Buddha Mother Temple].

Of course, this might be because he was not gossipy enough. For example, didn’t he only know about his grandfather’s old friends like Hasad later?

But Chen Jing had never thought that the old man would have female friends?

“Sister Youning!”

Wei Nan could not see the subtle change in the atmosphere. He ran over as soon as he saw Qiao Youning, hugged Qiao Youning’s shoulders and started to complain about how boring he was in the city recently.

Yan Que, who was standing by, also walked up to Qiao Youning and said hello.

Although she was not very familiar with Qiao Youning, after the last experience, she did have a good impression of Qiao Youning. In addition, the other party had always maintained a suitable distance, so the taciturn Yan Que did not dislike dealing with her.

"Yan Que! Wei Nan! Look how many delicious foods I brought you!"

In fact, Qiao Youning was also very happy to go out with them, and the enthusiasm on her face was not just a pretense, because to be fair, Qiao Youning had no friends of the same gender and age, and it had been like this since she was in school.

From a certain perspective.

She and Chen Jing are exactly the same.

Looking weak and introverted, but actually living alone.

It is difficult to let others integrate into the life when you are used to living alone.

Because she doesn't know what kind of person the other person is, and she is too lazy to understand what kind of person the other person is, including those candidates of the same age in the temple...

But Wei Nan and Yan Que are different.

When she first met them, Qiao Youning naturally accepted them from the heart, and didn't even think about getting to know each other deeply, because she felt it was unnecessary.

This is not to say that Wei Nan and others have any personal charm, but simply for Chen Jing's sake.


Qiao Youning has unconditional trust in Chen Jing. Since Chen Jing can regard Wei Nan and the others as friends, there is no need to doubt their character.

"You believe whatever I say?" Chen Jing asked this occasionally when he was in the outer world.

Qiao Youning also nodded subconsciously and said without hesitation: "If you say the moon is square, then I definitely won't think it is round!"


In the gradually awkward atmosphere, Qiao Youning calmly led Wei Nan and Yan Que to the village. Before leaving, she gave Chen Jing a questioning look, meaning whether to go with them to hide?

Let alone the fool like Wei Nan who has no vision, now even Yan Que can see that something is wrong.

There must be some story between the old man and the old lady, and maybe there are some unresolved grievances. Anyway, looking at their expressions... The old man looked embarrassed and seemed to want to find a place to hide. That expression was exactly the same as Wei Nan who wanted to avoid debt after playing cards!

As for the old lady...

When she saw Chen Bofu, her face just became a little colder, but she didn't say anything, unlike the old man who showed it so obviously.

"'s been so many years...I didn't expect we could meet again..." Chen Bofu spoke first, and his stuttering voice made Chen Jing couldn't help laughing. He just felt that the old man's reaction was the same as when he had a social phobia attack.

"Well, I didn't expect to see you again." Grandma Hong looked at Chen Bofu expressionlessly, "After my sister left, I thought you followed her. After all, without her watching you, it's not surprising for a madman like you to die inexplicably."

Hearing this, Chen Jing couldn't help but feel a little surprised, because it seemed that Grandma Hong still knew his grandmother.

"I still have a grandson." The awkward smile on Chen Bofu's face gradually faded, as if when he heard the other party mention the deceased, his mood suddenly became low, and his voice became a little hoarse, "For him, I have to live well."

"You do have a good grandson."

Grandma Hong's eyes turned slightly, looking up and down at Chen Jing, with a trace of undisguised admiration on her expressionless face, but in those turbid eyes, Chen Jing saw an inexplicable helplessness.

"I didn't expect that Youning's friend would be you..." Grandma Hong sighed, seeming a little disappointed, "Chen Bofu's grandson... a resurrector in deep space... I couldn't sleep when I first heard the news..."

"Excited?" Chen Bofu was also shameless. When he heard what Grandma Hong said, he immediately started to praise his grandson, "It's such a blessing to be friends with my grandson!"


Grandma Hong smiled without comment, and it was also the first time she smiled in front of Chen Bofu.

"Do you think this is a blessing?"

"What else?" Chen Bofu couldn't stand other people's sarcasm towards his grandson. If it weren't for the special status of this old friend, he would have raised his hand and slapped him, "My grandson is a deep space resuscitator! Pure!"

When Grandma Hong heard what Chen Bofu said, she didn't refute it, but just looked at Chen Jing deeply.

Before she could speak, Chen Bofu knew what she wanted to say.

"My dear grandson, go play first." The old man still spoke in the tone of coaxing a child, and didn't treat Chen Jing as an adult at all, "Let me talk to this old woman alone."

Although Chen Jing was also curious about what they would talk about, when he heard the old man actively asked him to avoid it, he could only walk away tactfully.

On the way to find Qiao Youning and the others, Chen Jing kept looking back secretly.

I saw Chen Bofu arguing with Grandma Hong, and his expression looked a little excited. Chen Jing wanted to prick up his ears and eavesdrop a few words, but found that they seemed to have taken measures to prevent eavesdropping. He could only see their movements but not hear them. Any sound.

In the village at the foot of Yukong Mountain.

Qiao Youning and Wei Nan were already chatting away. Even Yanque, a taciturn autistic person, had a smile on his face. It was obvious that they were having a good time chatting.

"A Jing! Try this candied haws!"

Seeing Qiao Youning hand over a bunch of candied haws, which were as clear as green crystals, Chen Jing raised his hand to take it and put it in his mouth. He only found that this thing melted in the mouth, and the taste was different from the traditional candied haws...

"Why does it taste like ice cream?" Chen Jing said in surprise.

"Oh, you idiot! This is Jijudu's specialty!" Wei Nan held a bag of something similar to spicy strips in his hand and stuffed it into his mouth while complaining about Chen Jing, "Don't tell me, Jijudu's snacks are better than I want to live there forever!"

"Are they still chatting?" Qiao Youning asked curiously.

Chen Jing bit the candied haws and said yes. Then he looked back and saw Chen Boxu standing next to Grandma Hong. He didn't know what he was talking about and was wiping his eyes with his hand...

Like crying.

Chapter 413 Grandma Hong and Chen Boxu (Part 2)

What kind of person is the old man?

During this period of living in the other world, Chen Jing had a very clear understanding of him.

Call him crazy or call him ruthless. In short, the old man is not a person who is good at expressing his inner emotions.

Chen Boxu seemed to be having a great time every day.

At least that's how it seems to outsiders.

But as his grandson, Chen Jing has always been able to feel the depression hidden in the old man's heart.

Chen Jing didn't know where this depression came from.

Are you worried about the future of his sweet grandson?

Or is it for some other reason?

Anyway, Chen Jing knew that the old man was not as happy as he looked on the surface. His whole mood seemed to be forcibly suppressed by something. That suffocating feeling reminded him of himself many years ago.

"Where are the people in the village?" Chen Jing sat next to Qiao Youning, eating candied haws on a stick and looking in the direction of the old man and the others.

When I first came to Yukong Mountain.

Chen Jing found that the village was empty.

I can't feel the breath of any villagers.

Only Qiao Youning and Grandma Hong were at the foot of the huge mountain, and no one from the temple followed them.

"They were all arranged by the temple to settle in Jizhoudu." Qiao Youning sat on the stone and gently swayed her feet. "The Bodhi Fetus tribe suffered heavy casualties. If we want their tribe to recover as quickly as possible, the temple must This mountain range has resorted to means, and leaving those villagers here is a hindrance.”

As soon as she finished speaking, Qiao Youning suddenly turned her head and looked at Chen Jing curiously.

"I didn't expect that the old man actually knew my master..."

"I just found out." Chen Jing said helplessly, "The old man never mentioned it to me before, and he didn't even say that he had acquaintances in the temple..."


Wei Nan seemed to have discovered something terrifying, and suddenly climbed onto Chen Jing's back with a look of panic, like a humanoid pendant swinging from side to side.

"Why does the old man look weird...a bit like he's crying!"

"She seems to be crying." Yanque nodded, indicating that Wei Nan was right.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck..."

In Wei Nan's impression, the old man was an extremely terrifying old lunatic. Even though he had become close to the old man during this period and had not been dealt with much by him, the psychological shadow left by him in the past had not been erased.

So in Wei Nan's view, the old man can laugh, make trouble, and go crazy without any hesitation, but he will never cry.

Such weak emotions are not possible in an old madman.

"Maybe it's because the wind in the mountains is so strong that it blinds my eyes." Chen Jing explained.

"No wonder..." Wei Nan really didn't have any brains. She believed Chen Jing's explanations and even murmured to herself in agreement, "The wind in the mountains is indeed quite strong... I'm just telling you! How could that old lunatic possibly Will cry!"


How could I cry?

Chen Jing looked at Chen Bofu squatting on the ground smoking from a distance, feeling a little inexplicably depressed in his heart.

Judging from his experience.

To be able to touch the old man's emotions to this extent.

Either the content of the conversation is related to his good grandson, or it is related to the old lady who has passed away long ago.

Almost ten minutes passed.

After Chen Bofu finished smoking his second cigarette, he slowly stood up. While patting the dust on his pants, he gestured to Chen Jing and others to let them pass after the conversation.

"With you following them, I feel relieved."

When everyone came to them, Grandma Hong also said the last words, but just after she finished speaking, she looked at Chen Jing again.

"I have no relatives, I only have You Ning as my apprentice. I raise her as my granddaughter..." Grandma Hong looked at Chen Jing, her face expressionless, but there was a feeling of an elder giving instructions to a younger generation, " Outside, I hope you can take more care of her."

"I will, don't worry." Chen Jing responded without hesitation.

"Well, that's troublesome." Grandma Hong nodded.

Hearing them speak so politely, Qiao Youning felt a little uncomfortable.

Because before coming here, she wanted to introduce Grandma Hong to Chen Jing, just like introducing her most important family member. She hoped that Chen Jing and Grandma Hong would have a good relationship... at least not the politeness like now.

"Youning is my friend. I will take care of her outside and will definitely not let her suffer any grievances!" Chen Jing promised.

"I hope so." Grandma Hong still had no expression on her face.

"Oh, you are still worried about my grandson being with you?!" Chen Bofu hugged his grandson's shoulders and said with dissatisfaction, "My grandson can protect me better than I can!"

"I'm not worried about the danger outside, I'm worried about your grandson... you should understand what I mean." Grandma Hong stopped talking without explaining.

Before Chen Jing could figure out the meaning of the old man's words, the old man next to him continued to show off.

"My grandson is very reliable! Don't worry! But then again... do you think my grandson looks like me or his grandmother?"

"Of course he looks like his grandmother." Grandma Hong answered without hesitation, "You are so ugly, there is no hope for you if you look like you."


Chen Bofu didn't say anything, but muttered a few dirty words silently, and then he didn't bother to say hello, and ran to Bai Aji's back in two steps.

"Let's go! There's nothing to say to this old woman!"

"Grandma, then I'll go with them first..." Qiao Youning hugged the old woman's arm and whispered, "When I'm not in the temple, you should take care of yourself. We should be back soon!"

"Don't worry about me, worry more about yourself." Grandma Hong raised her hand to smooth Qiao Youning's hair that was messed up by the wind, and there was a hint of helplessness in her soft words, "Run when you should run, understand?"


After saying goodbye to Grandma Hong.

Everyone took Bai Aji and continued to fly to the west of the wasteland.

The whole process went very smoothly.

Until Bai Aji stopped in the valley next to the western wasteland according to Chen Jing's instructions.

During the landing process.

The "him" in Chen Jing's mind also reminded him again.

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