"The ancient creature living in the western continent is very difficult to deal with. With your current strength, you must not provoke it."

"I know, as long as you follow its rules, it will be fine, right?"

"It should be."

Chen Jing looked at the vast gray plain outside the valley, his eyes gradually became solemn.

Although they have not really stepped into the western wasteland yet, the bloody smell that hits them is enough to prove that this place is more terrifying than they imagined.

Especially the dead silence...

No sound...

"By the way, I forgot to ask you last time, what is the name of that ancient creature? It should have a name like Geheluo and the others, right?"

"Of course it has a name."

"He" in his mind whispered, patiently explaining Chen Jing's doubts.

"Its name is Xi."

Chapter 414 I like Shushu the most... (Part 1)

The ancient god living in the western part of the continent is called "Xi".

Xi of Fuxi.

According to the "him" in my mind, this ancient god hiding in the Western Continent is much stronger than Gehlo, but after the war, its strength has also declined greatly, but it is not something that everyone can deal with at this stage.

The entire Western Continent is its territory, or in other words, it is a part of its body, so from a certain perspective, as long as it is within the scope of the Western Continent, it is everywhere.

"Its desire to conquer is not strong, so it is not a big threat to the outside world. Just keep quiet within its territory."

"Just like what the old man said."

"In the Western Continent, you can't fly, fight, or speak loudly. Always keep a pious and polite silence, which can avoid all disasters."

While patiently listening to the instructions of "him" in my mind.

Chen Jing has led everyone to follow Chen Bofu's footsteps and stepped into the dense forest in front of him with a vigilant look.

"Through this forest, we will reach the river valley."

Chen Bofu walked at the front of the team, holding an unlit cigarette in his mouth, and his voice was involuntarily lowered. After all, he was taught a lesson by "Xi" and he learned from his mistakes.

"I stayed in the river valley tribe for a while to recover from my injuries. I don't know how they are doing now..."

"This place is so quiet." Wei Nan also heard Chen Jing and the others talk about the taboos here, so no matter how carefree she was, she couldn't help but look a little restrained at this moment. After all, she was still afraid of death. "Except for the sound we made, other sounds seemed to disappear, even the sound of the wind became blurred."

"There is no breath of other creatures."

Yan Que has been observing the surroundings, with a solemn expression on her little face.

"It seems that there is nothing here except plants. This situation is almost the same as the records I saw in the archives of the hermitage."

"Our temple's internal records of the Western Continent are the same." Qiao Youning held a bag of soft candies made of honey fruit in her hand, and threw them into the mouths of Wei Nanyanque and Chen Jing in turn like a feeder, "It is said that this is a silent forbidden place."

"Did your grandma tell you something else?" Chen Bofu asked suddenly. Although this sentence sounded a bit like scolding, he was really curious whether Grandma Hong told Qiao Youning some secret legends about the Western Continent.

Chen Bofu knew about the Western Continent, but not very well. After all, he was not the kind of patient old scholar. It was fine to come here to venture out and gain some experience, but he didn't have the patience to let him study this broken place for years.

So compared to him, those from major sects or parliaments obviously knew more about the secrets of the Western Continent, but the information they knew could not be made public, and even ordinary members inside would not know it.

But is Qiao Youning an ordinary person?

That old woman almost raised her as her own granddaughter!

Let this girl follow everyone to the Western Continent for adventure, can the old woman not remind her something else?

"Yes." Qiao Youning nodded, without hiding anything, "Grandma told me that the ancient gods in the Western Continent have been very restless recently, and the bodies hidden underground seem to be more active than before."

As soon as the voice fell, Qiao Youning added another sentence.

"According to the results of the temple's monitoring of the Western Continent in recent years, the power of the ancient god is obviously increasing, but strangely, its territory has not expanded at all, and it seems that it has no desire to invade the outside world."

As they spoke, everyone had gradually crossed the jungle.

Although everyone was deliberately controlling the sound they made, and did not dare to be presumptuous in the rise and fall of their steps, it must be said that muscle control and body balance are almost instincts of the old descendants, including the seemingly fragile Qiao Youning...

Everyone can run quickly in a silent state. Although this speed is still much worse than everyone running at full speed, it is better than walking carefully step by step.

Outside the jungle.

It was the river valley that Chen Bofu and Chen Jing had mentioned.

But here, no one saw the tribe that Chen Bofu had mentioned.

"Fuck, they moved away without telling me..."

Chen Bofu lit a cigarette and stood on the cliff next to the river valley, frowning and looking at the desolate scene below.

There used to be a river that ran across the Western Continent.

At least that's what the legend says.

But the last time Chen Bofu came here, he had never seen any river water, and the empty riverbed had been dry for who knows how many years.

In this desolate river valley, everyone can barely find traces of some tribes that once lived here. From these traces, it is not difficult to judge that the number of members of this valley tribe is definitely not small, and is even larger than most. The wasteland tribes are all larger.

Judging from the traces left at the scene, there was no fighting here. Maybe it was just moved to another place...

"There is something."

Suddenly, as if Chen Bofu noticed something, he suddenly jumped down from the cliff above the river valley.

Seeing how big his movements were, everyone was immediately frightened, fearing that the old man might not be able to control his voice.

But the reality proves that ginger is still spicy when old.

At the moment of landing.

The gravel under Chen Bofu's feet suddenly turned into a puddle of black water, or a gelatinous substance close to asphalt. It was soft and could release force, and was able to minimize the sound of landing like a silent sponge. .

After landing, Chen Bofu turned around and waved to everyone. He did not dare to make any noise and could only urge everyone to come down with his mouth.

Looking at the spreading black water on the ground, Chen Jing and the others jumped in without hesitation.

"You've been like this... couldn't we run faster..." Chen Jing walked to the old man and couldn't help complaining in a low voice, "You first turn the road ahead of us into black water... We are here No matter how fast you run up there, there is no sound..."


Chen Bofu chuckled and walked forward, still explaining.

"I haven't been here for many years. Grandpa will pave the way for you soon. You can run as much as you want, but... I have to see what this thing is first."

After saying that, Chen Bofu suddenly squatted down and inserted his hands silently into the stone ground beside the river valley, as if in front of him, no matter how hard the surface was, it would become as soft as water.

Under everyone's surprised gazes, Chen Boxu exerted slight force with his hands, and he gradually tore a huge wound on the surface of the ground, like a soup dumpling punctured with chopsticks...

The whole process didn't make any sound.

It was eerily quiet.

Chen Bofu didn't stop until the wounds on the surface were torn apart by Chen Bofu and gradually rolled up, and the gap on the surface was almost three meters wide.

"I just said there is a faint biological smell here! It seems that my induction is correct!" Chen Bofu smiled proudly, squatting next to the crack in the ground with a cigarette in his mouth, and looked into the depths with interest, "These The ghosts must have just moved here, I didn’t see them last time I came here.”

At this moment, everyone gathered around, squatting next to the crack in the ground and looking into the depths.

"This is……"

Chen Jing looked at the trembling weird creatures below and couldn't help but frown.


Chapter 415: Shushu is my favorite... (Part 2)

Under the cracks in the ground.

It is an underground space that has been excavated.

It's about three or four meters above the ground. At a glance, it looks a bit like the layout of a commercial building in the outside world, with three bedrooms, two living rooms and two bathrooms... Why the hell are you building a bathroom underground? ! Is there a sewer here?

Chen Jing already felt outrageous when he discovered this scaled-down version of commercial housing.

But what's even more outrageous is that there are people living inside.

Well... at least it looks a bit human.

"If the bosses of MGM and Warner see this... they must not file for bankruptcy..." Qiao Youning said calmly.

Chen Jing also had a look of surprise on his face. Looking at the rat men in casual clothes who were no more than the size of a palm, the more he looked at them, the more outrageous they felt.

These little guys are indeed very similar to Jerry in Tom and Jerry. Except for the different fur colors, their appearance is basically the same, and their standing posture is very similar to humans...

"Hello...you guys..."

The seemingly bold black-haired rat man standing at the front said tremblingly, his voice so small that you couldn't hear it clearly unless you listened carefully.

"Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen, what do you want to do when you come to our house..."

"Oh shit! You can talk!" Wei Nan was very excited. After all, it was the first time for her to meet such an interesting creature. "This is your home?! Did you decorate it yourself? Where did you buy that toilet? It's so exquisite. …”

Chen Bofu kicked Wei Nan away, frowned and cursed.

"What a gossip! You can't ask anything useful!"


"What's that! Come here! Master, I have something to ask you!" Chen Boxu pointed at the black-haired mouse.

Hearing this, the black-haired mouse took a few trembling steps forward. At the same time, he winked at the family members behind him, telling them not to be afraid. These impolite descendants did not seem to have any hostility...

"You ask..." the black-haired mouse said tremblingly.

Chen Bofu was smoking a cigarette with a serious face, as if he was thinking about something big, his eyes became deep, and he hesitated for a long time before he asked.

"Which decoration company did your family find?"


"This decoration style looks quite cozy. My grandson should like it." Chen Bofu said seriously, still complaining, "That damn Yongye decoration company did a great job, that's right. The style is so old-fashioned that my grandson always felt that his house was haunted when he was a child. "

"...Old man, are you serious?"

Everyone stared at Chen Bofu in shock, and it was only then that they remembered... This old man's brain circuitry was not that of a normal person. If he hadn't been so crazy, how could he have been scolded by outsiders? Where's the old madman?

"Forget it, let's not talk about it for now."

Chen Bofu took a puff of cigarette and pointed at the river valley and asked.

"What about the tribe that lived here before?"

"Run... ran away..." the black-haired mouse whispered, "About a month ago... they moved away from here... It seemed that they had made up their mind to move to the south or the east or the north..."

"If you fart with me again, do you think I'll slap you?" Chen Boxu cursed, pointed at Wei Nan and said, "This girl's biggest hobby is eating rat fuck, don't force me to pickle you and hang you up! "

"Old man, you're bragging, but don't take me with you!" Wei Nan was so angry that if she hadn't always kept Chen Jing's instructions in mind, she would have couldn't help shouting now, "You just like eating rats!"

"They really said that!"

The black-haired mouse couldn't tell whether the old man was trying to scare it or not. It suddenly became speechless and looked at Wei Nan with a clear look of fear.

"They didn't even confirm their destination! They just left like that!"

"Leaving in a hurry without confirming the destination..." Chen Jing looked up at the river valley thoughtfully, "Why does it sound like he is running for his life..."

"Escape!" The black-haired mouse nodded hastily, "They will die if they don't run!"

"What's going on?" Chen Bofu asked with a frown.

"There are monsters."

The black-haired mouse said cautiously, the whiskers around his mouth trembling.

"It should have been about a month and a half to two months ago...a monster that looks very similar to you suddenly appeared in this wasteland..."

"Looks a lot like us?" Wei Nan was stunned, and couldn't tell if this was a curse.

"Yeah! Just like you... no no! Just like humans!"

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