The "him" in Chen Jing's mind has been talking to himself, and seems to be puzzled about the human-shaped shadows in front of him.

"It is not easy for Xi to survive that period of history. It is impossible for it to survive with its family. With its current strength, it is even more impossible to do something like resurrection from the dead..."

As he said this, "he" seemed to think of a possibility, and his tone became surprised.

"Is this... a new family?!"

"What is it?" Chen Jing asked curiously.

"A means of transforming organisms into ancient races. Since its earliest family members have all died, it is possible for it to create a new batch..."

When "he" said this, he did not forget to give Chen Jing an example.

"This operation is equivalent to turning monkeys into humans..."

"No... This method of changing species attributes... may be more complicated than turning monkeys into humans..."

Chapter 421 The New God's Family (Part 2)

In the boundless deep space colors, those human-shaped shadows are like living people trapped in a quagmire. In the process of continuous pulling, they are gradually submerged by the colors, and they don't even have time to make a sound.

Facts have proved.

The deep space colors that were unknown in the old days are even more unrecognizable in this era.

In addition, Chen Jing's control of the deep space colors has become more and more sophisticated, and even made it hide its own breath.

It is no exaggeration to say.

If Chen Bofu and others did not know the details of the deep space colors, they would probably only think that this is a "natural optical phenomenon."

The color that flows silently and wantonly would not be considered a certain creature at all, and naturally it would not feel too much threat.

After all, the deep space colors still look quite "friendly". The bright and strange colors are like a hazy dream, so beautiful that it is difficult for people to associate it with "danger".

However... these human-shaped shadows are the followers of the ancient gods. Looking at their mysterious appearance, they may be able to see the details of the deep space strange colors.

At least Chen Jing thought so at the beginning.

It was not until they were submerged by the deep space strange colors in an instant without dodging that Chen Jing realized that they did not notice the danger at all, and only thought about struggling after being trapped in the torrent of strange colors.


Chen Jing heard their painful and shrill wails.

"These bastards really won't be punished by the ancient gods..." Chen Bofu held his ears, only feeling that these miserable cries were really harsh, "It's different to be a running dog follower of the ancient gods... Look at this back door..."

"Is this done?" Wei Nan asked cautiously, and the whole person subconsciously approached Chen Jing.

After all, there were deep space strange colors everywhere, and she was very afraid of this kind of weird thing.

"Not yet."

Chen Jing's eyes hidden under the hood of the yellow robe were calm, and he always stared at the direction of the human-shaped shadows.

"Their bodies are very special, different from the creatures we have seen before, and seem to be a bit similar to the deep space colors..."

In Chen Jing's perception, these strange human figures seem to be formed by the gathering of pure energy, but they are not as real as the energy appears. Instead, they have some of the ethereal and indescribable characteristics of the deep space colors.

Although they are bound by the deep space colors, they have never been swallowed by the colors. This is the most confusing thing for Chen Jing.

Of course, even if the deep space colors can't deal with these human shadows, Chen Jing has other ways to deal with these ghosts.

For example... throw them all into the deep space.

"They started to move."

Hearing the old man's words, Chen Jing nodded.

Through the feedback from the deep space colors, he also sensed the movements of those human shadows. They were trying to move in the torrent of colors, just like living people walking in the swamp, and every step seemed particularly difficult.

But this difficulty seems to be only temporary.

But within a few seconds, Chen Jing noticed that they were getting faster and faster, like fish swimming fast in the water, starting to swim fast in the torrent of strange colors from under the cliff, and almost instantly came to Chen Jing.


The eight human-shaped shadows that appeared on the cliff are all here.

Because of the cover of this layer of deep space strange colors, they are just eight blurred black shadows in the eyes of others, and the human shape cannot be distinguished at all.

Without waiting for everyone to remind Chen Jing, the eight black shadows followed the torrent of strange colors and flowed into Chen Jing's wide sleeves.

The sleeves of the yellow robe are where the deep space strange colors first appeared, and it is also the place where the strange colors are connected to Chen Jing's body.

In their view, this seems to be Chen Jing's flaw.

"Ah Jing!"


Chen Jing shook his head gently, threw off the hood of his robe on his head, revealing his calm face.

"I'm fine." Chen Jing's expression remained calm, and he was not panicked by these deadly things entering his body. "The deep space strange colors can't swallow them... so let them approach me... this is also a good thing..."

In an instant.

The strange colors that spread across the continent began to shrink rapidly, and even Chen Bofu couldn't see their shrinking trajectory clearly. It was as if they disappeared out of thin air. The deep space strange colors that could be seen everywhere disappeared in an instant.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Chen Bofu and others hurried forward, looking at Chen Jing, whose body was constantly swelling, with a worried look on their faces.

"I'm fine."

Chen Jing's voice became unclear, like a drowning man, and a strange sound of water came out of his throat.

"I'm fine, those things can't do anything to me..."

Although Chen Jing said so, the people present didn't even believe him, because under his wide yellow robe, the deformation caused by the human-shaped black shadows on his body had already appeared.

On the yellow robe.

There were "human face cysts" that were constantly bulging and shrinking.

Then there were the outlines of the palms and the soles of the feet.

It was as if this robe had become a tool to restrain monsters, and those monsters were struggling desperately in it, trying to break through this seemingly old robe and return to the world.

"Are you really okay?" Qiao Youning asked worriedly.

Chen Jing couldn't speak at this moment. Many black spots appeared on his fair face, which spread from under his neck, like some symptoms of being poisoned, and even the whites of his eyes gradually became bruised and black.

"He's going to be possessed!" Jerry reminded anxiously.

Hearing its reminder, everyone remembered that the attack methods of those human shadows were just like spirits. They first selected a target to attach to a human body, and then controlled the possessed person to eat themselves bit by bit.

At this moment.

Chen Jing had slowly opened his mouth and raised his hands slowly, as if he was going to put his limbs into his mouth and chew them slowly...

"Don't worry."

When Chen Bofu couldn't help but help, Yegetos on the side put his hand on the old man's shoulder and whispered.

"How could the king of deep space be controlled by these low-level clans..."

At the moment when Yegetos' voice fell, Chen Jing's index and middle fingers of both hands were put into his mouth. Before everyone could stop him, Chen Jing slowly tore open his mouth until the whole head and body were torn in half...

This process was silent.

There was no blood at all.

It was like a scene in a cartoon.

"Since you like to break into other people's bodies so much...then stay here can you want to leave right after you come in...these local clans are so rude..."

At this moment, everyone was dumbfounded, because there were no internal organs, muscles or bones in Chen Jing's split body...there was only a piece of black nothingness, and at the end of the nothingness was a black star emitting a faint light, which was the black star in the deep space!

The eight human-shaped black shadows were in this piece of nothingness at the moment, flying towards the black star in the depths as if being pulled by a black hole, and the proportions of their entire bodies were compressed to the size of a walnut.

Anyone could see that the eight ancient god clans were very scared, as if they all knew what they were going to face next, so they were still struggling desperately before being pulled into the deep space, all wanting to escape from this weird space.


On Chen Jing's face, which was split in half, the smile was as bright as ever, which made people feel creepy.

"Now that we have dealt with them, we can go to the Styx with peace of mind."

Chapter 422 I am the King of Deep Space (Part 1)

Chen Jing's split body did not look bloody, because there were no bloody wounds or messy human body fragments, just like a plastic doll that was broken in half.

Of course, not bloody does not mean not weird.

The scene where even the robe was evenly and regularly split apart, coupled with the nothingness hidden in Chen Jing's body, even Chen Bofu's scalp was numb.

Until Chen Jing's self-torn body recovered, and the yellow robe also faded and turned into the casual clothes of the past, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"This... This is the new king of deep space..."

Jerry has seen many strong men in the Western Continent, but no creature can bring such a shock to it.

The color torrent that swallowed the continent.

In an instant, it wiped out the deep space in the belly of those clans.

At this moment, Jerry's incomplete memory seemed to have recovered a part. With Chen Jing as the trigger, he seemed to remember the horror of deep space in the old days.

"Did you send them to deep space?" Chen Bofu gradually felt relieved when he saw that his grandson was safe and sound.

"It's too difficult to kill them silently. We can only take some special measures." When Chen Jing said this, he raised his hands and rubbed his temples vigorously, "They are not the same as the clan creatures we understand..."

At the same time.

In deep space.

Bai Aji was lying on his side on a hill on the surface of the black star. According to Chen Jing's instructions, he stared at the twisting human-shaped black shadows with full concentration.

Since these ghosts were sent in by Chen Jing, their bodies have gradually fallen into a very unstable state of disintegration, and it seems that even maintaining the existence of this body has become extremely difficult.

They lay on the ground and struggled twistedly, and their limbs showed self-inflicted deformations...


They began to melt like butter encountering high temperature.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, it turned into a fine black fog, and then it dispersed without leaving any trace.

This scene was naturally synchronized in Chen Jing's mind by the deep space.

Combined with the actual situation.

Coupled with "his" patient popular science.

Chen Jing has basically figured out the origins of these clans, and also knows the best way to deal with them.

"These clans are not ancient species that have survived from the old days. They are all a kind of new clan, which was forcibly transformed by the ancient gods of the Western Continent using modern creatures."

Hearing Chen Jing's words, even Chen Bofu couldn't help but frown.

Because he had only heard of this method of transforming races but never seen it, he always thought it was a horror legend used by adults in the old days to scare children.

"How to transform?" Wei Nan asked curiously.

Although she was confused, it didn't stop her curiosity.

"It's equivalent to transforming an ant into a human." Chen Jing gave an example.

At this time, Yegetos also explained the concept of clans in the old days to everyone.

"Most of the strong men in the old days had clans, but some only had a single clan, such as this ancient god in the Western Continent. Its clans were limited to a specific creature, unlike our king of deep space, with whom hundreds of millions of races can establish clan relations..."

At the end, Yegetos couldn't help but start to take advantage of the situation to blow up the rise of the supreme new king of deep space, etc. Anyway, it was all rainbow farts flying around, and Chen Jing blushed when he heard it.

"Shut up!"


"Let's get back to the point. I suspect that those old descendants who died in the Western Continent were most likely transformed into this kind of clan."

"But I haven't seen it before." Chen Bofu muttered, seeming to be confused, "Or was it that I was unlucky that time and didn't meet these grandsons?"

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