"I've never seen them before." Jerry suddenly said, trying to remember, "They only appeared in the past few months."

"When the ancient god wakes up from his slumber, his strength will naturally take some time to recover. This recovery period will be very long..."

Chen Jing turned around and looked at the dry river valley in front of him, feeling that the ancient gods of the Western Continent seemed to be plotting something just like Gehro...

No evidence, no clues.

Just intuition.

"Since you know so much about the old times, about Xi..."

"Not sure."


"In the old days, there were too many ancient gods like Xi. I know all the ones who like to be in the limelight, but Xi... doesn't like to be in the limelight very much, and even deliberately avoids the world, so I don't know much about it. ”

"What do you think of Xi?"

"What should I say about this thing...it's not a living person."

Hearing Chen Jing ask this, "he" didn't know how to answer for a moment, so he thought carefully before speaking.

"If we evaluate it based on human concepts, then it should be regarded as a good or bad person. Anyway, it has never done anything harmful to the world, but it has also not done anything good. During the old war, it just managed to avoid showing up... …”

"Okay, last question."

"you say."

"Is it...afraid of deep space?"

"A Jing, why are you so dazed?" Wei Nan threw himself on Chen Jing's back and shook Chen Jing's head hard, "Let's go rafting on the River Styx!"

"What are you thinking about?" Qiao Youning walked to Chen Jing with concern, "Seeing that you are so absorbed...are you thinking about something important?"

"No, I just want to take a gamble."

After Chen Jing came to his senses, he first rubbed Wei Nan's head vigorously, telling her to go down and stop acting like a naughty child, and then looked at the old man.

"Don't follow me yet, I'm going to wander around in the wasteland."

"Let's have some fun?" Chen Bofu was stunned.

"Since it is a 'god' from the old days, it was most likely hit by the Deep Space Iron Fist, so I want to give it a try..."

Chen Jing suddenly showed an excited smile on his face, as if he had found the answer to a difficult problem and was about to write the first solution on the paper.

"The ancient gods dare to punish you, but they may not dare to punish me..."

"I want to try..."

"Let's see if it dares to attack me."

After hearing what Chen Jing said, everyone understood instantly. Even the stupidest Wei Nan knew what he was going to do.

"Are you going to make a taunt in the wasteland?" Wei Nan looked worried. "That thing has high attack power. I'm afraid your defense will be broken if it can't hold on for a while..."

"My defense is low, but my dodge rate is high."

Chen Jing said softly, with a smile on his face, and the yellow robe that had been hidden appeared again.

"Although I am still a crispy person, to be honest..."

As he spoke, Chen Jing looked up at the sky.

I don’t know when it started.

There was a strange black star hanging high there.

That's a symbol of deep space.

"It is quite difficult for an ancient god who has been reduced to the post-era to survive, even if he wants to kill me."

Chapter 423: I am the King of Deep Space (Part 2)

Is "Ancient God Xi" unable to kill himself at this stage?

at this point.

Chen Jing has already discussed the results with "him".

That's just the way it is.

Although "Xi"'s current strength is roughly equivalent to that of Gehro, and much stronger than top old descendants such as Chen Bofu and the Priory Pope, he is not able to kill a deep space resuscitator easily.

In a head-on battle, Chen Jing is definitely no match for it.

A sneak attack... probably wouldn't be able to break through its defense.

But if he just wanted to escape from it, "he" felt that it was not difficult, as long as he could return to deep space in an instant, and he could also pack the old man and the others away with him.

Judging from Chen Jing's current "assimilation rate" of deep space, he is almost equivalent to a walking deep space, so it is indeed a bit difficult to kill him, especially for such an ancient god who has not fully recovered his strength. In terms of.

"Is your grandson crazy??"

Wei Nan looked at Chen Jing's back as Heixing walked away, couldn't help but pulled Chen Bofu, and asked with a worried look on his face.

"It's okay if this doesn't go wrong, but if something goes wrong, you're dead!"

"It should be fine."

Chen Boxu lit a cigarette at some point and was sitting on a big rock next to the river valley, smoking leisurely.

Although the old man said this and seemed to have full confidence in Chen Jing, there was still a hint of worry hidden in his eyes.


If this thing is done, it will be done. If it is not done...

That's really going to kill people!

"It must be fine." Qiao Youning sat aside, teasing the mouse Jerry in front of her, "He is not the kind of reckless person. Since he dares to take risks, he is 100% sure."

"Agree." Yanque sat next to Qiao Youning, poking Jerry's round belly with his cane from time to time, making him roll and laugh, "Ajing is very afraid of death, and he won't risk his life. Betting on small things like this.”

Hearing what they said, Chen Boxu and Wei Nan couldn't help but nod.

Chen Jing is really such a person!

"He stopped."

Chen Bofu paused while smoking, his pupils narrowed as he stared at the black star several kilometers away.

"It's about to begin..."

Above the Black Star.

Chen Jing and Yegetos stood side by side.

Although he had made his decision and knew that he would not be at risk, to be honest, he was still a little nervous.

After all, I have never really dealt with "Xi"... Who knows how many tricks that ghost has?

If it strikes too fast and is seriously injured before it can react, then even if it successfully returns to deep space, it will probably be painful to death.

Chen Jing is not afraid of death, but he is quite afraid of pain.

"Go down."


"You go down first and show off a swordsmanship to brighten its eyes!"


"You're not afraid anymore, are you?"

Chen Jing pretended not to see Jegertos's surprised expression, and raised his chin to signal him to hurry up and not to embarrass Shen Kong.

Yegetos sighed, pulled out the broadsword on his back, and jumped off the black star.

It’s hard to say what the relationship between the new king and the yellow king is.

But the new king's heart is definitely not yellow.

It's black.

"Why do I feel like this guy is scolding me in my heart..."

Chen Jing squatted on the edge of the black star and looked down, with a hint of suspicion in his tone.

"I don't know if he scolded you or not, but if I were him, I would definitely scold you. You're such a loser..."

In Chen Jing's mind, "he" couldn't help but start complaining.

"I'll do the good thing, and I'll kill you. You, the new king, don't act in a decent way."

"He can't die anyway. As long as I live, he can live... Don't talk to disturb my mind! He's started!"

At this moment, Yagerthos has fallen to the surface of the wasteland.

And the moment he touched the surface.

Overwhelming scarlet energy surged out from the cross sword in his hand, and eventually enveloped his body, forming a huge ball of energy light.

In fact, when he landed, the sound he made was not too small.

But compared to the next big explosion, the previous ones can only be regarded as small troubles...

Through the bright red energy light group, Chen Jingneng could vaguely see Yegetos dancing his broad sword in it, as if performing some weird ritual.

As the rhythm of his broad sword dance accelerated, the diameter of the energy light group also began to increase exponentially.

till the end.

Chen Jingdu couldn't help but let the black star increase its altitude and get as far away from the "explosive package" with a diameter of several hundred meters as possible.

"It should be fine..."

Chen Jing muttered to himself, looking around, but he didn't see the so-called ancient god's sanction appearing.

At this moment, as the ground shook violently, the bright red energy light group exploded.

Countless dazzling sword lights struck out from the inside of the light group. They all seemed to be controlled by Yegetos, and most of the target points were placed on the ground.

It only took a few seconds.

A huge crater with a diameter of about a kilometer appeared on the ground below Chen Jing, and there were thousands of terrifying ravines in all directions.

They were all chopped by sword light. The long ones were nearly a hundred meters long, while the short ones were only tens of meters long.

These scars on the surface were bombarded by pure deep space energy.

So at this time.

The air was filled with the smell of deep space.

That is the breath of deep space that has disappeared from this continent for countless years and has never appeared again...

"It should be enough for Yegetos to make such a fuss..." Chen Jing murmured.

"Almost." The "him" in my mind said that it was enough. "We have all made such a fuss. If the ancient god doesn't show up yet, it proves that we guessed it right!"

at this time.

Looking around, the ground is in a mess.

It was like experiencing some kind of extremely cruel war, and there was no good place on the entire ground.

"It seems okay..."

Chen Jing looked down at Yegetos standing in a daze at the bottom of the pit, and a happy smile suddenly appeared on his face.

Standing on the edge of the Black Star, Chen Jing shouted to Yegetos.

"How do you feel?! That ancient god didn't come to attack you, did he?!"

"Me! I feel great!"

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