Chapter 427: Everything is within the palm of your hand (Part 2)

Chen Jingshen knew the old man's crazy personality, so when he saw the weird smile on the old man's face, he knew that the old man might go crazy again.

"What are you going to do..." Chen Jing asked cautiously.

"Take you in."

Chen Bofu suddenly raised his hands, and the movement was so large that everyone was frightened and thought he was going to use some extraordinary power, but then... they saw the old man start to warm up by jumping up and down, jumping jacks and so on. Call it a standard.

"It's taken too long to recuperate... I'm a little unaccustomed to this body..." Chen Boxu jumped up and down while looking at the Styx River below, "These rivers should come from the ancient gods... It seems to be able to shield Our perception..."

"That's right." Chen Dingding nodded and said with lingering fear, "I originally wanted to take you to teleport in directly by deep space jump, but with all this river water, I can't seem to determine the coordinate position."


Chen Bofu suddenly closed his palms, and the energy breath in his body suddenly burst out. In an instant, even the sky became gloomy with the old man's breath, as if a heavy rain was about to usher in dark clouds.

"What does that sentence mean...If the mountain doesn't come towards me, I will walk towards the mountain?"

The smile on Chen Bofu's face was extremely bright. After his recovery of strength, he felt like he had been reborn. His aging heart was beating extremely powerfully at this moment.

"We all know your location...and you're still fucking hiding it...get out of here!!!"

When Chen Boxu finished speaking, everyone saw that the Styx River below suddenly surged, and the mirror-like dead water surface stirred up waves, just like boiling water placed on a fire, with countless bubbles the size of millstones rising. .

at the same time.

The mountain range about forty or fifty kilometers away from the Styx River suddenly opened a pair of giant eyes and stared silently at this side.

That is the ancient god "Xi".

"The old man is so fierce..." Jerry grabbed Chen Jing's collar tightly, fearing that the oncoming strong wind would blow him off, "Such a powerful old descendant is rare in the wasteland... No! I have never seen such a strong ancient descendant!”

It was accompanied by a strange sound similar to howling wind.

The turbulent Styx River was suddenly swept up by the strong wind. Water columns rushed straight into the dark clouds in the sky at a speed visible to the naked eye. This shocking scene only reminded Chen Jing of the dragon sucking water in the outer world...

“The entrance to the dungeon is there!!!”

Suddenly, Wei Nan, who was standing on the edge of Bai Aji's back, shouted, pointing to the River Styx where the water level continued to drop, with an excited look on his face.

"That big water pipe should be the entrance to the dungeon, right?!"

Big water pipe?

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned. They looked in the direction Wei Nan pointed and saw an extremely weird building in the southeast of the Styx... It looked like a giant cement-colored water pipe, pointing vertically downwards. It seems to extend to the depths of the River Styx.

Not only that.

It still seems to be in motion.

When Chen Bofu continued to pump the strange liquid in the Styx River into the sky, it was also rising and sinking and shaking.

"That's the one!"

Jerry couldn't help but get excited at this moment. After all, he had seen this entrance to the underground city countless times, but he had never had the courage to continue approaching. At most, he would peek a few hundred meters away from the River Styx...

After all, this mouse is also curious about its origins, and its intuition tells it that it must have some connection with that dungeon.

But it is a pity that the ancient gods of the Western Continent and the Styx River, which can corrode all things, are like two immovable mountains, completely blocking the only way for it to pursue its own life experience.

Therefore, it placed all its hopes on Chen Jing and the others, because it had never seen any old descendant who could negotiate with the ancient gods, let alone forcefully break into the dungeon in front of the ancient gods...

At this time, Chen Bofu had already drained most of the stinking water from the Styx River. The old man did not intend to stop at this point. He seemed to want to drain this ring-shaped river until it dried up and bottomed out before he would stop.

But soon.

The vision of the dragon sucking water disappeared.

Even if the old man didn't say anything, Chen Jing could tell that he seemed to be unable to pump...

"It doesn't seem like it wants me to drain the river." Chen Bofu turned back and looked at the giant eyes that opened in the mountains.

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Boxu slowly clenched his right hand. As his five fingers gradually tightened, the dark clouds in the sky quickly twisted, forming a huge vortex.

In addition to the sound of wind in the sky, there was the sound of water.

It was the sound of the river water being pumped away by the old man.

In the astonished gaze of everyone, the whirlpool formed by the gathering of dark clouds and river water in the sky began to shrink and continue to fall.

Until it becomes the size of a walnut.

"What kind of method are you using..." Chen Jing was dumbfounded. He only suspected that the old man was playing him, "Why didn't I see you so fierce in Yongye..."

"This is just a little trick to play with energy." Chen Bofu gently closed his palm, opened it again and found nothing. He said with a smile on his face, "It's not very lethal, and it can't change the overall situation if used."

Hearing this, Chen Jing was also doubtful.

"That passage is too narrow, Bai Aji will definitely not be able to enter..." Chen Jing's yellow robe appeared again, and suddenly turned into a golden mist, shrouding everyone in it, "I will take you in directly, Ah Ji, you go back to deep space and wait, I will call you out if necessary."

"Wang, you don't really use me as a ride-hailing service, do you?" Bai Aji's voice complained in Chen Jing's heart, "I want to go in and have a look too!"

"If the passageway into the dungeon is burst, it's yours and mine?" Chen Jing asked directly.

Bai Aji remained silent.

Then he returned to Deep Sky according to Chen Jing's instructions.

"Let's go..."

Chen Jing led everyone to quickly fly to the entrance of the underground city.

During this period, he had been observing "Xi" not far away, because he was also afraid that this guy would suddenly rebel and attack.

But it turns out... this ancient god from the Western Continent is quite particular. He just "watched" them enter the passage and did nothing else.

After entering the stairway leading to the dungeon.

Everyone looked excited, like children visiting a scenic spot. Everything they saw felt new, except for Chen Jing and Chen Boxu, who looked solemn.

Because they heard many sounds the first time they entered this passage.

Those sounds came from deep in the passage.

Similar to the sound of human running footsteps.


They also vaguely sensed some familiar scents.


living person.

"What's going on...aren't everyone in Paradise City dead..."

Chapter 428: Evil beasts in human form (Part 1)

This vertically downward stair passage seems to lead to hell. The black space exudes a biting chill. The darkness that seems to be able to swallow everything has an uncomfortable moist smell, which only makes the air dull. stand up.

The sound of running footsteps.

The scent of humanity.

None of this should happen in the dungeon that has long been in ruins.

"Leave it to me next..."

When Chen Bofu said this, he slowly walked to the front of the team, and his body entered an energy state in an instant, like an erratic black mist, gradually sucking everyone into it.

Perhaps the black mist blocked some of the people's perceptions of the outside world, so the unpleasant feeling of depression also subsided a lot.

"Go down and have a look."

Chen Jing has great confidence in the old man's strength. Although he is a resuscitator of the deep space sequence, after all, the sequence level is too low, and his ability to save lives may be better than the old man. But in actual combat... In all conscience, he himself does not I think it's half as good as the old man.

The higher the sequence level.

The difference between each level is greater.

Chen Jing felt this even more deeply after Chen Boxu regained his strength.

Because now that he has been promoted to Sequence 4, his perception of energy is much more sensitive than before.

As long as Chen Jing gets a little closer to the old man, he can feel an indescribable terrifying aura from the old man's skinny body.

These breaths are extremely aggressive, like old pollution in the wasteland, like some kind of weird source of pollution.

However, the old man deliberately suppressed these auras at this time, as if he was afraid of bringing pressure to the people around him. Others did not perceive this terrifying energy...

"This passage is long enough."

Chen Bofu led everyone to move quickly down the stairs. The thick black fog seemed to have turned into a liquid at this time, like a mass of black water that was constantly squirming rapidly in the stairs, descending silently to the depths.

During this process.

Chen Jing has been using his keen perception to observe the outside world.

He only found that the footsteps in the dungeon were getting further and further away from them, as if they were deliberately keeping a distance from them.

By the time Chen Bofu led everyone through the passage and entered the underground city, Chen Jing could no longer hear those strange footsteps.


As the old man gradually recovered, Wei Nan also saw the scenery in the underground city clearly, and couldn't help but exclaimed in horror.

At the same time, Yan Que also drew his sword.

The blade of the sword became transparent at a speed visible to the naked eye, emitting a slightly dazzling white moonlight.

Although the sight of everyone present would not be affected by the lightless darkness, Yanque still wanted to use the moonlight to illuminate the area... She was not afraid that she could not see clearly, she just felt that the presence of light would make her feel safer.

"This polluted..."

Chen Jing looked at the city in front of him that looked like it was made of flesh and blood. He only felt a pungent fishy smell filling his nostrils. It was the smell of corrupt blood and some still shaking corpses.

This underground city is far larger than Chen Jing imagined.

Even though it has been turned into ruins due to the resurrection of the ancient gods thousands of years ago, and loess and boulders have buried most of the city, this is the only area that is still relatively well-preserved... at least. They are all a quarter of the size of Yongye City.

"I didn't expect that there is such a large space hidden underground in the Western Continent..."

This city called "Bliss" is built in a huge underground space, and the distance between the surface and the dome is probably nearly a kilometer.

There are many unknown totem carvings on the dome, and some empty grooves can be vaguely seen, as if something was embedded here.

"I heard from the elders of the temple that the decoration design of Paradise City is extremely gorgeous and extravagant. Because of living underground for a long time, the atmosphere in the city will become too depressing, so some high-ranking descendants took action..."

Qiao Youning put her hands in the pockets of her coat and looked up at the cracked grooves on the dome.

"They hunted down some very rare polluted species, sealed their viability with their eyeballs using secret techniques, and embedded them in the domes of the city as sun, moon and stars."

As she said that, Qiao Youning showed a puzzled expression again, seeming to be puzzled as to how the city could become like this.

"But the elders never said that the underground city would be polluted to this extent."


The city has been polluted by some remnants of the past.

Houses and buildings, roads and streets.

Everything within sight turned into squirming red flesh.

It was as if this city was a living giant creature, and Chen Jing and the others stepped into the body of this giant creature.

Such a weird picture.

It only reminded Chen Jing of the residential building in the community where Aunt Hong and the others lived.

"Did the ancient gods do it?" Chen Jing asked doubtfully.

"Not necessarily." Chen Boxu lit a cigarette and took a deep breath. "The taste here is different from that of the ancient gods. It seems to come from another ancient source."

At this moment, Jerry the mouse had hid in the hood of Wei Nan's coat. It seemed that everything in front of him frightened him and he didn't even dare to take another look.

"The footsteps just now have disappeared." Chen Jing said calmly, his eyes full of vigilance, "The breath of those living people has also disappeared."

"Never mind them..." Chen Bofu smiled and seemed not to think there was anything scary about this bloody underground city. "The top priority now is to find the treasure house, take the things and leave quickly..."

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