Hearing this, Chen Jing couldn't help but nod.

Although "Xi" apparently agreed to their request to visit its home, who knew what that ghost was thinking, and no one could guarantee whether it would change its mind, so it was still necessary to hurry up and get down to business. .

"Let's go."

After saying this, Chen Bofu took the lead and walked towards the ruined city, and everyone hurriedly followed. Chen Jing and Yegetos walked at the back of the team, taking care of the old man in tandem.

"This should be a residential area on the edge of Paradise City." Qiao Youning walked in front of Chen Jing and said while looking around, "It is similar to the architectural style recorded in those ancient books. They are all cylindrical pigeon buildings. At least a few people can live in one building. Thousands of people…”

"Why does this place look so weird..." Wei Nan looked at the squirming windows on the outer wall of the residential building. He felt that they were like mouths that were about to choose people to eat, and he felt very scared in his heart.

And just then.

Chen Jing suddenly felt a chill on his back.

I subconsciously looked back.

I saw that the scarlet street behind me was filled with "people" with pale skin.

They appear silently.

When discovered by Chen Jing.

These "people" even showed disgusting smiles.

"You Ning...Have your monastery elder ever said...what do the residents of Paradise City look like?" Chen Jing frowned and looked at these hateful humanoid creatures. Although there are all kinds of strange things in the world, the appearance of these people is indeed That's a bit much.

"I never said that."

Qiao Youning immediately shook her head, as if she didn't want to get too close to these "weirdos", and subconsciously took two steps back.

"But I don't think those residents look so disgusting."

Chapter 429: Evil beasts in human form (Part 2)


The footsteps heard by Chen Jing and the others should have been made by these creatures.

And the auras that resembled living people that Chen Jing and the old man sensed seemed to come from these weird humanoid creatures... So the current situation really left Chen Jing a little confused.

Because no matter how you look at these terrifying creatures, they are far different from normal people. Chen Jing doesn't understand how they can have the aura of ordinary people.

Even though they possess many human characteristics, no one would associate them with humans.

These creatures appear to be aberrations from humans.

Their pale and abscessed skin exuded a greasy sheen, and their emaciated bodies showed that they had not had a full meal for a long time. Chen Jing could hear their bellies growling with hunger even from dozens of meters away. rattling sound.

They are like the frightened lepers of the last century. Their swollen faces are almost distorted to the point of being humanoid, and their eyeballs are squeezed to the size of peanuts.

There was no trace of humanity in those dark eyes... It was no exaggeration to say that being stared at by them felt like being stared at by a wild beast.

Hungry, it chooses people to devour.

"If the breath judgment is correct, then they should be human beings."

Chen Bofu frowned and smoked, seeming to find these creatures with pus flowing all over their bodies a little disgusting.

Especially after seeing them licking their bodies to "groom" them like wild beasts, and then licking up the stinking pus... the old man felt a little nauseous.

"Are they still human?" Chen Jing asked in confusion.

"Perhaps these guys have lived and multiplied in this decayed ancient city for thousands of years. In this place that is completely isolated from the outside world, their life in the dark has gradually made them lose their human characteristics. It may also be because of those old times. The materials left over from the times have distorted them..."

"Perhaps they have degenerated." Qiao Youning hid behind Chen Jing, revealing half of her face and carefully looking at the creatures, "I have seen similar records in an ancient scripture, saying that human beings do not only evolve. It will also degenerate under certain specific conditions. After several generations of continuous degeneration, it will become a four-legged livestock..."

at this time.

More and more "humanoid beasts" appear.

They seem to live in the flesh and blood of this city. When cracks open in the bright red road, these creatures will crawl out of those gaps nimbly and quickly like insects.

Chen Jing did a rough count.

There are at least five to six hundred of these creatures squatting on the street at the moment.

When the few "humanoid beasts" squatting at the front let out sharp and high-pitched howls, these creatures began to rush forward in groups.

They were like extremely hungry beasts. They were drooling and had a faint green light in their eyes as they ran quickly towards Chen Jing and the others.

No need to guess.

These hateful-looking "humanoid beasts" regard Chen Jing and the others as food.

"let me."

Chen Jing gave the old man a look, then raised his hand, and a golden beam of light shot out from his palm instantly.

The dazzling holy light instantly penetrated the bodies of dozens of "humanoid beasts", disrupting the formation of these monsters in an almost devastating manner.

However, these monsters are like mad dogs at this time... they know neither fear nor terror. Even if the same kind around them are burned to ashes by the holy light, they still keep running, as if these are the only things in their eyes. Food to fill your stomach.

"These beasts are really annoying." Chen Bofu cursed and raised his hand, and with an understatement, he made these four-legged animals stop running, as if they had been tapped. Unable to move in place.

"I don't mind disgusting other people, but you still dare to disgust me..."

And just then.

A clear and timid voice suddenly came from a distance, followed by the sound of footsteps.

"Quick! Run away! They will eat people!"

Everyone looked at the sound.

A thin and short figure appeared at the end of the long street, shouting and waving to Chen Jing and the others.

"Go to the altar! They don't dare to chase you! Come quickly! I can lead you!"

Hearing this, Chen Boxu and Chen Jing looked at each other for a while, and then the old man tilted his head and gave Chen Jing a look.

The next second.

The old man lowered his raised right hand.

The stagnant humanoid beasts instantly turned into meat patties everywhere, as if they were being squashed by some invisible force, and dirty, foul-smelling blood flowed all over the ground.

At the same time, Chen Jing led everyone behind the caller by jumping in deep space.

This is a little girl.

Judging from her age, she should be about the same age as Anu. When she stood up straight, she was not even taller than Chen Jing's thighs. She was only wearing a dusty robe. Her childish face had a very anxious expression, as if Still worried about the safety of Chen Jing and his party.

"Little girl, are you a resident here?"

Hearing Leng Buding's voice coming from behind, the little girl was immediately frightened and screamed.

"You! Why did you suddenly run behind me!" The little girl's eyes widened, like a frightened kitten, and she subconsciously took several steps back.

"Don't be afraid, we are not bad people."

Chen Jing looked her up and down and felt that she looked no different from modern people. Judging from her facial features, she looked a bit like a European from the outside world. She had shoulder-length blond hair that was naturally curly and tied into a single ponytail. She was fair and fair. Jing's appearance is somewhat incompatible with this city made of flesh and blood.

This little blond girl had many tattoos on her body, even on the exposed skin, which made Chen Jing frown.

Because there is nothing aesthetic about these tattoos.

They are all repeating patterns similar to red crescents.

They were densely packed on the little girl's snow-white skin, crowded in layers, and they were the ultimate nemesis of patients with trypophobia.

Perhaps it was because the color of these tattoo patterns was too bright red. No matter how he looked at it, Chen Jing felt that the color of these patterns was similar to blood, and it was the kind of extremely bright and exuding strong vitality...blood.

"You...you are from outside?!"

Compared to the quality of Chen Jing and his group, the little girl seems to be more concerned about their origins.

"I have sensed your aura before, but I can't believe that outsiders will come here... You are from outside, right?!"

Her mood recovered quickly, and she jumped up to Chen Jing, looking at Chen Jing in disbelief with her eyes wide open.

"Have you crossed the River Styx?!"

Chapter 430: The Lonely Soul in the Dungeon (Part 1)

Everyone looked surprised when they looked at the childish little girl in front of them.

Everyone seemed unable to believe that there were normal people in this dilapidated city... Only Chen Boxu frowned slightly.

The old man looked at the little girl doubtfully, then at Chen Jing, hesitantly smoking a cigarette without saying anything.

"We did come in through the River Styx."

"That's the River Styx made by the ancient gods! How did you break in?!" The little girl raised her hands and gestured with excitement, "I have tried for so many years and still can't run out! You can take me out! !"

"Have you been trying for many years?" Chen Jing noticed this key sentence, and his expression couldn't help but become confused, "How many years have you been here?"

"A long, long time!"

The little girl scratched her head, as if trying to remember something.

"Judging from the big hourglass in Xiacheng District...it's probably several thousand years old, right?"

"For thousands of years?!"

If there are still residents in this decaying underground city, who have been cautiously reproducing thousands of years ago, then Chen Jing probably wouldn't be so surprised, but the problem is... ethnic reproduction and individual survival are completely different things.

Although there are many long-lived creatures in this world, such as Jegertos and others, this little guy does not look like a person who has lived for thousands of years, with his immature face and ignorance. His expression is also difficult to associate with an immortal species.

"What's your name?" Chen Bofu asked coldly.

"Mona." The girl replied, as if she wasn't too wary of everyone. Her eyes were rolling, looking at everyone present curiously.

"You asked us to go to the altar just now, saying those monsters didn't dare to chase after us..."

Chen Bofu casually put out the cigarette butt and walked to Mona with a rare kind expression.

"Where is that altar? Can you take us to see it?"

"Okay!" Mona nodded without hesitation, then turned around and jumped up and ran to the front to lead the way, "Hurry up and follow!"

Follow Mona through these decaying, lifeless streets.

No one saw any more creatures along the way.

It seemed that they had killed all the remaining humanoid beasts in the city.

The streets were eerily quiet.

Except for the strange squirming sounds of the city that can be heard from time to time, the only thing left is the tinkling sound of the little girl Mona.

A cast-iron ornament hung around Mona's neck. A thin black chain circled around her neck covered with scarlet tattoos. The pendant was hidden on the chest of the dusty robe. It would emit sounds as she ran. A tinkling sound.


Under the leadership of Mona, everyone arrived at the edge of the city.

"It seems that our estimate is correct." Chen Boxu put his hands behind his back and turned around to look around, "Most of the underground city has been destroyed, and only the area of ​​the city we just walked through is still barely intact. "

"Did the Ancient God destroy it?" Wei Nan asked cautiously.

"It may not have been destroyed by the ancient gods."

Chen Jing raised his eyes and glanced at the "city buildings" that were crawling like mountains of scarlet flesh, and his mind was filled with "his" voice.

"Although I don't know much about the Western Continent, I don't feel like this place was destroyed by Xi."

"you sure?"

"Oh, every old creature has different methods. Just like you, if you were to destroy this city, no matter what method you use, you will leave your traces, but there is nothing here...the feeling that this ruin gives me It has nothing to do with Xi.”

As he said this, "he" couldn't help but marvel at the old man's sharp eyesight.

"Didn't the old man say before that he feels that the changes here come from another ancient source? I guess he can also tell that it is definitely not Xi's fault that this place has been polluted into such a dead state."

Right now.

Mona has led everyone to a huge pit.

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