The opening of the cave is roughly circular.

The edges look jagged and irregular.

The stone walls inside the cave, including the ground around the entrance, showed a black color, and the surface seemed to be covered with a layer of glass-like material, instead of turning into a piece of flesh and blood like an alienated city.

Standing at the entrance of the cave and looking down, everyone found that the internal space was in the shape of a funnel.

The bottom area is the smallest, only about fifty meters in diameter at most, while the diameter of the part near the cave entrance is up to five hundred meters.

Chen Bofu squatted at the entrance of the cave, raising his hand and stroking the cold surface.

"It seems like something gushes up from below...magma or flames..." Chen Bofu said softly. His skinny palms seemed to be able to feel the energy of thousands of years ago through this black and hard rock. High temperature, "The original seance ceremony may be more complicated than we imagined..."

"Is this the place where the ancient gods were summoned?" Yan Que also came up curiously.

"It should be." Chen Jing helped the old man answer. Although he had not seen the so-called divine ritual, in this vertically downward cave, almost all Chen Jing could smell was Xi's breath!

"This is where the ancient god came from."

Hearing this, Chen Jing couldn't help but look at the little girl Mona beside him, and saw that she was already sitting leisurely on the edge of the cave, dangling her feet freely, without the slightest fear that she would accidentally fall from the entrance of the cave nearly a thousand meters high. Go down.

"Mona, when the divine trance ritual in Paradise City was launched, were you at the scene?"

"over there."

Mona raised her hand and pointed to the area of ​​the city where everyone came from. There was no trace of fear on her face. She seemed to have no fear for the ancient god who destroyed everything, only a kind of heartfelt gratitude.

"The Old God destroyed this city and killed those who had been oppressing us... Mona is grateful to Him!"

"Is it also responsible for the changes in this city?" Chen Jing asked calmly.


Mona sighed and lowered her head to look at the cave swallowed by darkness.

"It's other things... they ran out of the altar after the ancient god came..."

After saying that, Mona raised her head and glanced at everyone.

"Want to go down and take a look?"

"Where to get off from?" Wei Nan squatted aside and said with a frown, "There's no ladder or anything here..."

Mona said nothing.

He jumped directly from the hole.

Wei Nan was stunned when he saw it.

"Damn it, is this little girl so brave?" Wei Nan said loudly, then did a few warm-up exercises, turned over and jumped down with Mona, still mumbling and complaining, "At least this It must be over a thousand meters, that little girl is really not afraid of being thrown to death..."

Afterwards, Qiao Youning and Yan Que also jumped down.

When Chen Boxu was about to jump off, Chen Jing gently grabbed his arm.



"Why do I feel that you look at Mona strangely?"

Chen Jing was a little confused.

Thinking of the way the old man looked at the little girl before, I felt something was wrong no matter how much I thought about it.

Chen Jing would understand if it was just vigilance or caution, but the old man's eyes clearly saw something strange...

Surprised, puzzled.

These can all be found in the eyes of the elderly.

"It's not a big deal. I'll tell you when I get down."

Chen Bofu smiled, grabbed Chen Jing and jumped down from the cave entrance.

"I just didn't expect to see this kind of creature in my lifetime..."

Chapter 431: The Lonely Soul in the Dungeon (Part 2)

It turns out that Wei Nan is just a monkey.

Chen Jing, Chen Bofu and Jaegertos were the last to jump down.

But during their landing, they could actually see Wei Nan, who was the first to jump down... She was like a monkey that had become a spirit, screaming and jumping around on the walls of the cave. In the end, the old man grabbed Wei Nan and smashed her down. Only then did she become more honest.

"You guys are so boring!!"

Compared to Wei Nan, who could only hold his arms and complain, Yan Que was much more mature. After landing first, he raised his hand to summon the moonlight, which was like an air cushion to cushion everyone's landing position.

Although Chen Jing and the others don't need this kind of buffer, Qiao Youning obviously needs it.

So when she was supported by Yan Que the moment she landed, Qiao Youning directly held Yan Que in her arms and rubbed her face hard.

She just felt that this little sister was really cute and sensible!

"It would be great if there was such a sister in reality..."

Qiao Youning sighed in her heart, thinking of her family members who had been slapped to death by the Creator in the world earlier, and she felt a little happy for some reason.

"What are you thinking about?"

Hearing Chen Jing's voice, Qiao Youning turned around subconsciously, with a smile on her face.

"Nothing, just thinking of something happy."

At this moment, Mona, who looked innocent, had been caught by Wei Nan.

"You are very powerful..." Wei Nan put his hands on Mona's armpits and lifted her up high, as if teasing a child, "There was no sound at all when she landed! She's stronger than us!"

Mona blushed and didn't know how to explain, struggling to escape from Wei Nan's hands, but Wei Nan was too strong, and in the end she could only look at others for help.

"Don't bully children." Yanque walked up to Wei Nan and kicked her shoes, "The old man is here, be careful he will beat you up later!"

Wei Nan made a sound of disdain, but still subconsciously looked back at the old man, and saw Chen Bofu looking at her with a frown. He was immediately frightened, and hurriedly put Mona down with a smile.

"Isn't this a little joke for her... just teasing her..."

Hearing this, Chen Bofu just laughed.

"I'll tease you later, just don't cry."


At this time, Chen Jing had already taken Jaegertos around the altar.

To be honest, this place didn't look like an altar to Chen Jing.

There was nothing on the bare stone slab, and no imaginary incantations or patterns could be seen.

In addition to the stones scattered everywhere, there were only some incomplete human bones, which seemed to have been thrown from the entrance of the cave, almost all of them broken into human shapes.

Chen Jing picked up a few relatively complete bones and looked at them. He saw that there were many gnaw marks on these white bones, which should have been left by those evil beasts in human form...

"After the ancient gods came, those mist-like things ran out of the altar. It turned the ruins of the city into what they are now, and turned some of the survivors into monsters..." Mona followed Chen Jing. .

She seemed to be closer to Chen Jing than anyone else.

"Those monsters rely on these to survive?" Chen Jing shook the bones in his hand.

Mona nodded, with a trace of fear hidden in her seemingly helpless expression.

"They seem to be in a state of hunger all the time. They are like hungry wild beasts every moment. They will attack any moving creatures. All the survivors who have not mutated have been eaten by them..."

"In the end, you were the only one who survived by hiding here at the altar?" Chen Jing's face was filled with curiosity. "Have you not had to eat or drink for these thousands of years? I don't think there is a source of food or water here..."

Mona was startled, as if she didn't expect that Chen Jing would suddenly ask this, and she didn't know how to answer.

And at this time.

Wei Nan seemed to have discovered something on the edge of the altar, and shouted for everyone to come and take a look.

By the time Chen Jing walked over with a panic-stricken Mona, everyone had already begun to circle around a package wrapped in linen.

"What is contained in this?" Wei Nan squatted on the ground, looking at the unknown object wrapped in layers of linen in front of him, his face full of excitement, "It feels hard and is packed so tightly, it must be good. …”

Before Wei Nan could finish speaking, Mona rushed forward, stood in front of the package and shook her head at everyone.

"This is not a good thing! Go shopping elsewhere!"

"I just felt strange...why this place has such a familiar atmosphere to me..."

Suddenly, Yegetos, who had been silent, stepped forward and pushed Mona aside.

Seeing that the little guy was still trying to block the way, Jegertos raised his hand and grabbed her arm and lifted her up.

"Put me down!" The little girl struggled and kicked her feet in the air. "You can't open it!"

"Put her down." Chen Jing shook his head and motioned for Jaegertos to put the little girl down first.

Yegetos always carried out the king's orders unconditionally, so as soon as he heard Chen Jingrang put Mona down, he threw her out directly, while Qiao Youning stepped forward to take the girl and hold her in her arms.

Chen Jing didn't wait to ask any more questions.

Jegertos immediately tore open the linen covering.

The next second...

"This is……"

Chen Jing looked at the thin skeleton in a robe in disbelief, then turned back to look at Mona, who looked panicked, and saw her struggling to run out of Qiao Youning's arms, tremblingly blocking the skeleton. behind.

"Don't look..." Mona's eyes were red and her voice was timid, "I didn't want to scare you on purpose..."

"I just said it must be right!" Chen Bofu seemed to have seen through Mona's identity a long time ago, with an expected expression on his face, "Although I haven't seen a spirit body for many years, but a spirit body like this I can still recognize the unique smell!”

"Are you dead?" Wei Nan asked, stunned.

"..." Yan Que was still taciturn. He looked at Mona and then turned away, wondering what he was thinking.

Qiao Youning sighed, as if she couldn't bear to see the broken and put-together skeleton, she turned away and fell silent.

The skeleton looked like that of a child.

No matter the body shape or the clothes and accessories she wears, they are exactly the same as Mona.

Same as other skeletons.

Mona's remains were covered with traces of bites from those evil humanoid beasts. It was only then that Chen Jing realized why there were so many crescent marks as red as blood on the skin of the spirit body Mona...

That's right.

They were all torn apart by those terrifying beasts.

It's a scar left over from life.

"King, come and see."

Yegetos raised his hand and pulled Mona away, and then directly took off the pendant hanging from the skeleton's neck.

Judging from the color of the chain and the jingling sound, it should be the same pendant hanging around the neck of the spirit Mona.

"This animal-shaped totem looks a bit familiar..."

Chen Jing took the cast iron pendant handed over by Yegetos, and it was heavy and heavy in his hand.

The overall shape of the pendant is like a crudely made discus, and the surface has not even been smoothed. The uneven surface exudes a cheap taste.

On the back of this discus-like pendant, there is a crudely made animal totem.

At first glance, it looks like a canine with bat wings.

But take a closer look.

If we look at the outline and characteristics of this animal totem...

"Isn't this Bai Aji?!"

Chapter 432: Xi's Body·Ancient Dao Man (Part 1)

After repeated identification, Chen Jing can basically confirm that the animal totem carved on this discus-like pendant is Bai Aji.

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