After Mu left.

King Huang seemed to have turned into a sculpture.

He held the girl A Ling in his arms motionless, and just slumped on the incomplete black star like this.

In a place like deep space, the concept of time is very vague.

Chen Jing didn't know how long King Huang had been here.

It wasn't until the moment he spoke that Chen Jing felt the frozen time begin to flow.

"I said I would lead you to a good life..."

Huang Wang held the girl's body, which was already cold in his arms, and looked down at her face in despair.

"But I didn't expect..."

"Even you can't be protected in the end..."

King Huang slowly took off his heavy robe and gently covered the girl's body. He seemed to feel that the wind on the Black Star was too cold and was afraid that she would catch a cold.

The silk robe, which was originally golden in color, was now stained with the blood of Huang Wang and A Ling, and its color was even brighter, as if it had been plated with a layer of gold again.

"I remember many years ago...we were still slaves on the grassland...we were driven to herd cattle and sheep by those guys with whips...I was beaten half to death by them several was you who took care of me..."

"You were still young at that time... You actually dared to help me steal herbs to treat my illness... You were afraid that I would be hungry and you stole things for me to eat... As a result, you were beaten several times... But you still refused to change your ways..."

From Chen Jing's perspective, the first half of Huang Wang's life was nothing more than a mere image of a few hours.

Just a few hours.

The first half of King Huang's life flew by like quicksand between his fingers.

Time flies when the white horse passes by.

Half a lifetime has passed in the blink of an eye.

"When I led the resistance to fight against the helped me lead the charge into battle...and helped me with were able to help me think of things I couldn't think even learned how to fight in order to help me. Learn the theory of war..."

King Huang spoke softly, as if the person in his arms was not the deceased, but an old friend who could patiently listen to his ramblings.

"Later you also woke were promoted faster than me...I have always said that you are a genius...but your focus is still not on the right path of promotion sequence...instead you are thinking about how to plan for deep space. It’s the most reasonable... What kind of decoration style should I have in my palace so that I can live comfortably..."

As he spoke, King Huang lowered his head and hugged the person in his arms tightly, his thin shoulders trembling faintly, and his voice became deeper and deeper.

"Since we came back to settle in deep space... you have been busy organizing everyone to open up wasteland in deep space... but you have left me, the person in charge, idle..."

"I know you understand me..."

"You know how deeply I've been hurt..."

"So I'm always grateful to you..."

"Thank you for helping me so much..."

"Without you... I'm afraid my dependents wouldn't be able to live so comfortably... But I really don't understand why you keep helping me... It seems like there is nothing else in your life... You can obviously do it for yourself Stay alive, you idiot..."

The incomplete black stars drifted unconsciously in the deep sky, and the cold wind from the surface seemed to blow into people's bones.

"I will bring you back to life..."

"And my dependents..."

"I won't let you die like this..."

"And the Creator family...that bastard..."

King Huang slowly picked up the girl from the ground and staggered towards the other end of Black Star.

For a while.

The tattered yellow robe that King Huang covered the girl's body was suddenly blown by the wind, and the anklet he gave to the girl was also gently swaying on the cold ankle, and once again made that clear, sweet and inexplicably cheerful sound.

In a daze, King Huang mistakenly thought that the girl was still alive, jumping around as annoying and cute as usual.

But once again, I looked at the cold girl in my arms, and the silent and endless sky.

All Huang Wang's fantasies were shattered in an instant.

He knew none of this was a nightmare.

it is true.

Everyone he valued in this world... disappeared.

The violent feeling of gap and the impact of reality made his consciousness become a little dizzy, and his heart bound to the deep space seemed to be crushed into pieces.

"It feels really uncomfortable to be alone here."

King Huang gently tucked the corners of the girl's robe, with unspeakable grief hidden in his calm tone.

"It's like what you said when you first came here..."

"This shabby place..."

"It's so damn cold..."

Chapter 456: When a shunner becomes a conqueror (Part 1)

Cong led the rebel uprising.

Then to the rise of the empire called "Kakosa".

Later, he was hurt by people's hearts and sadly retreated to the deep space to live in seclusion.

In this process, the world in the old days actually became "normal".

In other words, in simple terms, the inner world and the outer world at this stage are actually very similar. There are not so many strange-looking creatures. Looking at the entire civilization, the number of ancient descendants known as "gods" is actually very few.

Therefore, there are only a few "king-level creatures" like the Yellow King in the entire world.


King Huang has always believed that he is the limit of this world, not to mention that after possessing the power of deep space, he has also visited other worlds and observed many biological civilizations in different dimensions. He is absolutely sure that he is the strongest. He has never I have seen beings stronger than myself.

Until the Creator appeared.

Until the deep space was wiped out by that unspectacular child with a wave of his hand.

Only then did King Huang understand a truth.

His power only exists within a certain range. If you put him on the scale of the universe, then he is not considered a strong person at all. Even if he can surpass 99% of living creatures, he will still be 100% One of the creatures was on top of him.

That's right.

The strength of the Creator Race even gave him a sense of powerlessness.

But this feeling of powerlessness was not enough to make him despair, let alone make him lose his almost shattered fighting spirit.

"I will make them pay with blood."

King Huang sealed Ah Ling into a coffin made of black star material. The rest of the people whose bodies had dissipated did not receive this treatment because they disappeared too completely. However, King Huang did set up a monument for everyone.

Both the stone tablet and the coffin were placed in a corner at the end of the deep sky by King Huang.

That was a place Chen Jingdu had never set foot on.

"There is only one level difference between the Yellow King and the Creator."

Hearing "his" voice, Chen Jing couldn't help but feel that the difference between the levels was too exaggerated, almost like the gap between humans and ants.

"I didn't expect that there is such a level difference. The difference between the two is almost the same as cloud and mud." Chen Jing sighed.

"Just look at the difference between the levels of the old descendants. Aren't there also differences between the old descendants of Sequence Seven and Sequence Eight?" He smiled and explained patiently, "The higher the sequence level, the more Be able to master more power derived from the original laws of the universe.”

at the same time.

The scene in front of Chen Jing suddenly began to fast forward.

After Mu left deep space, King Huang stayed in deep space for another two years.

This is not because he gave up on himself and indulged in grief and couldn't extricate himself, but because he followed the words left by Mu and found another direction to become stronger.


Complete this incomplete deep space and strive to become one with it.

"The Yellow King is coming out of seclusion."

Chen Jing looked at the ever-complete deep sky and suddenly felt a little emotional. Especially after seeing the black star being completed by King Huang himself, he only discovered that this world is actually quite fragile... It is easy to destroy, but difficult to repair.

After leaving deep space.

King Huang began to search for creatures with common characteristics in the other world to become his dependents.

Because in the past two years, King Huang also figured out a truth.

No matter how strong his individual strength is, at some point he will not be able to take care of the vast expanse of deep space, so he must leave some dependents behind.

Ever since King Huang gave up the Kakosa Empire and went to deep space, he has been staying in deep space without paying attention to the outside world, so this time he left deep space and returned to the inner world... He suddenly found that the world had changed It was completely different from what he remembered.

The entire world no longer maintains that delicate balance. Both the continent and the ocean are a tragic scene of war.

The so-called "gods" have also become "old descendants".

That's right.

People call those powerful creatures the descendants of the old gods.

And King Huang is one of the legendary... old gods!

When he appeared in the other world, countless creatures were terrified of him, especially those Sequence 8 creatures who called themselves "Kings".

Although they can clearly sense that the aura of the Yellow King is similar to theirs and should belong to the same sequence level, the Yellow King is a legendary creature after all, and is also called the Old God by countless people...

"Those old kings are worried that the appearance of the Yellow King will affect their rule, and they are even more afraid that the Yellow King will do something extraordinary, such as... well, that's it."

When "he" said these words, King Huang in the image had already participated in the war.

Judging from King Huang's memory, he was not the kind of old king who was aggressive and full of conquest. From a certain perspective, he was very similar to Chen Jing.

It's like a beast called "Hunting Cat" in the wilderness... It's usually lazy and doesn't like to move. It only knows how to find something to eat when it's hungry.

In short, unless someone threatens the safety of the Yellow King and everyone around him, it is impossible for the Yellow King to participate in any war or battle, and he will not even have the idea of ​​​​taking the initiative to become stronger, because he has no such desire .

"King Huang's character seems to have changed a lot."

Chen Jing looked at the image of King Huang who was constantly conquering one country after another. He felt that this slightly thin back suddenly became a little scary to look at. He was more aggressive and oppressive than before...

King Huang, who had just participated in the war, did not have any family members at his disposal, so he fought every battle by himself.

The golden holy light continues to shine all over the world.

The high-hanging black star is also like a nightmare.

It has brought unforgettable ultimate fear to countless creatures.

When those old kings who dared to choose "killing gods" to prove their strength all perished under the black star, the number of dependents behind the Yellow King began to increase.

Some took the initiative to seek refuge with the Yellow King.

Some of them were defeated by the Yellow King and used as his own.

But to Chen Jing, these are all unfamiliar faces. At least he has never seen these creatures, nor has he heard Jegertos mention them.

Until several months later.

King Huang conquered the last kingdom that dared challenge him.

So far.

King Huang brought many of his family members back to deep space and officially started the journey of dimensional conquest...

While leading his family members to travel between various dimensions, the Yellow King also conquered countless civilizations that were very similar to the countries ruled by the old king.

He didn't bully the weak, he only looked for equals.

Because Huang Wang needs an opponent of similar strength to fight and learn from, so that he can consolidate the power he has obtained from deep space, so as to reach the same "frequency" as deep space and synchronize the two sides... This is Mu's suggestion, the way to become one with deep space.


More and more followers followed Huang Wang, until a familiar figure appeared in the image.

"Is that... the color of deep space!?"

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