Chapter 457 When the Recluse Becomes a Conqueror (Part 2)

Deep Space Color is the name Chen Jing usually calls "it".

In that era.

Huang Wang called it Nameless Haze.

It was discovered by Huang Wang in a corner of the material universe. It was like a curse born naturally in the universe. From the moment it appeared in the universe, it began to devour all the materials it came into contact with...

When Huang Wang met it, his first reaction was to destroy it, because this cruel and violent creature only reminded him of those damned creators.

But at the moment of attack, Huang Wang changed his mind...

Because he found that this creature didn't have much brain.

No concept of good and evil.

Just wanted to eat.

So why not guide it to the right path?

At the same time, it can be used by the deep space and become part of the deep space combat power...

With this mentality.

Huang Wang's battle with Deep Space Color was a bit weird.

Deep Space Color was desperately trying to eat him, while he was constantly arranging ritual arrays to contain it.


Huang Wang succeeded.

Although the Deep Space Color caused him a lot of trouble, the ending was good after all, and that strange color became a part of the deep space.

"I didn't expect the Deep Space Color to be so strong..."

After watching the battle, Chen Jing only doubted whether the Deep Space Color he got was a fake. The difference in strength was too big...

It was not difficult to see from the battle between Huang Wang and it that this piece of color wandering in the universe was almost as strong as those old kings, and it was definitely a quasi-sequence eight creature... And what about the one he picked up?

It can't be said to be weak, it can only be said that it is ridiculously bad.

"According to this timeline, the Deep Space Color is a clan that appeared before Bai Aji and the others. It won't be long before we can see them..." Chen Jing looked at the image in front of him thoughtfully.

Although he envied Huang Wang for getting the full state of the color, he also knew very well... It won't be long before Huang Wang will completely lose it.

Facts proved that this was the case.

After several years.

Huang Wang found an opponent who was on equal terms with him in a dimension space extremely far away from the inner world.

If Huang Wang's purpose of constantly conquering various dimensions was to improve his proficiency in deep space power, then the opponent he met... was a real madman, with a desire for conquest that was so high that it was frightening.

It was a humanoid creature.

It seemed to be composed of pure nebulae.

Its nearly one-thousand-meter-tall body was like an endless sea of ​​stars, and thousands of stars seemed to shine in his body.

His name was Monan.

Like Huang Wang, he had the means to lead his people to space folding, and could barely travel in certain dimensions. In order to satisfy his natural desire to kill, he was also doing something similar to Huang Wang.

So when he met Huang Wang, he was even more excited than Huang Wang.

The war started by the two fighting madmen began.

It was a difficult war that Huang Wang had never expected.

Because from the day the war started to the moment it ended, a full fifty-six years had passed.

That's right, this war lasted fifty-six years.

Huang Wang wiped out the Monan clan who called themselves "nebula creatures", and the deep space clan led by him also suffered heavy casualties. At the end of the war, the deep space clan had almost lost 80% of its members, and even the deep space splendor disappeared due to an accident.

As Bai Aji once said, "past events".

That was in the middle of the war.

Huang Wang was ambushed.

In order to ensure that the following battle would not affect those clans, Huang Wang forcedly used deep space to perform dimension folding under the situation of dimensional blockade, but an accident happened accidentally, and the deep space splendor disappeared in the turbulence of the dimensional gap...

"It's really strange."

Chen Jing looked at the constantly changing images in front of him, and the more he looked, the more he felt that it didn't match the history told by Yegetos and others.

"Didn't they say that Huang Wang's clans were all immortal species, but I see why they are so fragile, dying at the drop of a hat..."

"Because Huang Wang hasn't developed deep space to that point yet."

"He" in his mind said patiently, as if he knew what the next plot was.

"They will soon transform into immortals."


"Just wait and see, Bai Aji will probably come out soon..."

As "he" said.

The image in front of Chen Jing began to fast forward again.

It even fast forwarded at a speed of hundreds of years per second.

After completely annihilating the Monan clan, King Huang finally felt tired and led his clan back to deep space for decades of recuperation, and then set out on the journey again.

Almost all the civilizations he had contacted were dealt with by him.

Only those extremely weak civilizations were spared.

Of course, King Huang was not the kind of person who killed innocent people indiscriminately. In the process of launching dimensional wars, his target was always the group of creatures with higher combat power on the other side. He would leave after fighting and never stop, unless he met some really unpleasant ones, King Huang would kill them.

"Dimension Conqueror... Supreme King... These titles were earned step by step..."

When "he" said this, Chen Jing had already seen a familiar figure appear beside King Huang.

That was Bai Aji in a complete state.

There was no skeletal body like today, nor was there any disease of rotting like mud.

Just as the legend says.

It is the most beautiful creature in the sea of ​​stars.

It is a beauty that even the Yellow King can't help but admire, and it cannot be described in words.


Hundreds of years later.

A figure holding a cross broadsword appeared beside the Yellow King.

He claimed to be the first hunter under the Yellow King.

He is also one of the most powerful creatures in the deep space clan.


On the black star.

An ancient and simple altar rose from the ground.

This is the first year that the Yellow King stopped the dimensional war.

"So this is the supreme power of the deep space..."

The Yellow King stood on the altar in a robe. He looked at the deep space in front of him that was constantly distorted by the ritual energy. The golden holy light in his hand gradually condensed into a yellow seal totem.

In the vast deep space behind him.

There are hundreds of millions of clans.


Yegotos stood under the altar in golden armor and slowly knelt on one knee while speaking.

"Everyone is ready..."

"Then let's start the blood sacrifice."

Then Huang Wang raised his hand expressionlessly, and countless blood like liquid gold in his body directly penetrated the pores of his skin and poured into the altar like a golden torrent.

The next second.

The transformation of deep space began.

The incomplete deep space was almost completed by Huang Wang.

And all the creatures that settled here, under the influence of deep space energy, gradually transformed into the... immortal species that made countless creatures in the old days extremely fearful.

So far.

The most powerful group of Huang Wang's deep space followers has been completely formed.

And Mu's prophecy has also come true.

"They are really here..."

Before Huang Wang walked down the Black Star Altar, he suddenly sensed the strange breath that suddenly appeared in the inner world outside the deep space.

Although it has been two thousand years since the disaster of deep space extinction.

But Huang Wang has never forgotten and dared not forget the two creatures that appeared in the deep space as powerful as gods...the hybrid creator who slaughtered the entire deep space, and the creator who called himself "Mu".

That's right.

The auras that appeared in the outside world were exactly the same as those on them!

They are here!

"It seems that the exam is about to begin..."

Chapter 458 The exam begins · The Creator descends (Part 1)

The experience of Huang Wang and his friends is almost the same as that of Chen Jing and his friends.

When those terrifying phantoms like giants descended on the continent, the projection of the Creator also appeared in the eyes of every creature in an instant.

Chen Jing thought that their exam would be much simpler, at least they didn't have to travel to another world to participate in the exam, but the facts proved that Huang Wang and his friends' exams were much more difficult than Chen Jing and his friends.

That's right.

Because the exam room is in this plane, all the creatures in the world are involved, especially those human settlements that have already grown in scale, which are the first places to be impacted.

The "seeds" sown by the Creators in this plane have spread, and the first parasitic mother body has bred tens of thousands of "seeds".

Those parasitic creatures are far more terrifying than the polluted species.

The huge body with morbid and deformed bodies and the strange unknown power.

These are things that the natives of the inner world have never seen before.

Most of these polluted bodies created by the Creator exist in a state that ordinary people can understand.

Only a small number are spirits or energy bodies.

Therefore, for the Old Kings like Huang Wang who have already ascended to Sequence Eight, the threat is not that great, but it is a pity for the weak common people.

At the moment the exam started.

The war spread to the whole world.

It is no exaggeration to say that the inner world has also become a real place of death since this moment.

Those polluted bodies created by the Creator are all over the world. They seem to have only the instinct of killing and devouring. All the creatures they see along the way are slaughtered and turned into food by them, until they meet more powerful beings... those Old Kings who lead their clans to counterattack.

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