"That's Mor Dalos, the father of slaughter, and the one on the right is Tilingtur, the god of cunning..."

The images in front of Chen Jing changed rapidly, and "he" acted as a narrator, introducing Chen Jing to those ancient beings that he had never seen or even heard of.

This war caused by the polluted bodies has exceeded Chen Jing's imagination.

On one side are the kings of the old days and those who call themselves "gods", and on the other side are the "test questions" created by the Creator... Although the strength of the first batch of polluted bodies is uneven, most of them are between sequence three and sequence six, but there are also dozens of beings at the same level as King Huang and others.

So when they fought in the inner world, it was really like destroying the world.

The space state of the entire inner world was almost on the verge of collapse, and most of the battlefields were distorted. The places where the battles were the most intense even broke the space apart.

The space wounds torn by energy were full of dimensional turbulence, regardless of friend or foe, and death would come if touched.

Huang Wang actually did not appear on the battlefield at the first time.

At first, he just lurked in the deep space with his followers, patiently reproduced the three-dimensional map of the entire world on the black star, and marked the locations of the most powerful polluted bodies.

After that.

Huang Wang brought a mighty army of deep space immortals to the inner world.

Although the situation in the inner world was also dominated by the natives before Huang Wang came, after Huang Wang came with his followers, Chen Jing finally understood what it meant to "defeat the king of an era".

This is not a war.

This is a massacre.

These low-level polluted bodies that appeared in the inner world began to be unilaterally slaughtered by the deep space immortals at a very fast speed, while the top polluted bodies were attacked by high-level immortals such as Yegotos while being restrained by the kings.

In just three days.

The polluted bodies in the inner world were slaughtered by the deep space followers led by Huang Wang.

"Fuck... It only takes a moment for King Huang to kill a contaminated body of the same level... This is too exaggerated..."

"This is the king of deep space."

While Chen Jing was sincerely surprised by the image in front of him, the "him" in his mind couldn't help but sigh.

"It only took me a moment to kill the old descendants of the same level, mainly because the power of deep space is too easy to use."

"It seems that this is considered to be passing the first round of exams."

Chen Jing looked at the rapidly changing images in front of him and saw that King Huang had already signed an alliance with the kings. Taking advantage of the rest period after the first round of exams, he made the inner world into an iron plate at the fastest speed.

Facts have proved that he did it.

He also used his strength to prove what the true king of all kings is.

Almost all the old descendants in the world regard him as a spiritual leader, and even those sequence eight creatures of the same level call King Huang the leader.

Everything is developing in a good direction.

At least it seems so.

The rest period after the first round of exams is one year.

After a year, the second batch of seeds cast by the Creator will germinate, and more contaminants will return.

So during this year, King Huang and the other kings are racing against time to prepare for the next round of exams, and are also racking their brains to come up with a way to break through to Sequence Nine.

Although all the contaminants that appeared in various parts of the world have been killed, everyone knows that this is not the end. According to the examiner's prompt, the number of contaminants that appear in the second round will not be too many, but their strength will be stronger...

So if you want to end all this, someone must break through to Sequence Nine and meet the examiners' requirements, thus ending this biological leap exam.

Everyone placed their hopes on King Huang, including those old kings who once did not take King Huang seriously. After all, his strength is obvious to all, and he is the closest to Sequence Nine among the old descendants alive...

In response to this.

King Huang's mentality, which had been calm for thousands of years, also had some waves.

"You all grew up eating the feces of polluted bodies?"

In a meeting, King Huang looked at the old kings who were looking at him eagerly, and couldn't help but flip the table.

"It's said that we should gather everyone's wisdom! Let's come up with a solution together! But you let me think by myself when the meeting starts?! You he..."

Looking at the image of King Huang swinging his yellow robe and cursing, Chen Jing didn't know what expression to put on for a while.

"...Why do I feel like I saw the old man."

"This is just the beginning."

The "him" in his mind couldn't help laughing, and felt that this scene was too rare, and wanted to find a mobile phone to take a picture.

"The old man's scolding is really ugly, King Huang is still a little naive."

Facts have proved that King Huang still has some brushes, but it can also be said that he is too lucky. During the rest period of this year, he actually found a way to be promoted to Sequence Nine in deep space.

But facts also prove that.

People who are too lucky.

Always don't live long.

Chapter 459: The Test Begins: The Creator Arrives (Part 2)

Huang Wang always remembered the words that Mu reminded him.

If you want to reach a higher level, you need to merge with the deep space.

Huang Wang always remembered this sentence.

But he never could do it.

To put it bluntly, the deep space is just an extremely strange dimensional space. It is impossible to completely merge with the deep space just by thinking.

But as King Huang digs deeper into deep space, the more secrets he discovers about deep space... such as the origin of deep space.


Where did deep space come from?

Although this place looked like a natural product, in some hidden corners of deep space, King Huang discovered some things that did not look like natural formation, such as some strange incomplete geometric objects...

They are suspended in deep space like star dust, constantly moving with the gravitational pull of nearby stars.

King Huang had actually seen them before, but unfortunately he never noticed them. He only thought that they were the products of the fragmentation of certain stars.

In the end, it was a coincidence that when King Huang was creating a new settlement for his family members, he grabbed a few fragments floating in the deep air, and then he discovered how extraordinary they were.

They have man-made traces.

And judging from those traces left behind, coupled with some kind of feedback from deep space, King Huang quickly came to a conclusion that he himself had never thought of.


These geometric fragments with obvious man-made traces may have appeared in the year when deep space was born.

Was it left behind by the previous owner of Deep Space?

This conjecture appeared in Huang Wang's mind almost instantly.

But soon he got another response from Deep Space... The Yellow King was the first master of Deep Space. Before that, Deep Space had always been a land without an owner, and no outsider had ever entered.

So how did these things appear?

King Huang didn't get an answer.

But it opened up a new way of thinking.

If we want to become one with deep space, is it possible to trace the origin of deep space?

With this idea in mind, the Yellow King went to deep space for retreat before the rest period was over, while Jegertos and the others were placed in the inner world to help him stare at the old days who shouted that everyone should unite and overcome the difficulties together. Kings.

After all, I have experienced what happened before.

It is really difficult for King Huang to have any trust in outsiders.

"Damn it...there are actually these things in deep space..."

When he saw King Huang tracing the origin of this mysterious place in deep space, the "him" in Chen Jing's mind couldn't help but exclaim, because all this was too incredible for "him"... The one in "his" world, after completing the exam, "he" has completely mastered the authority of deep space.

But from beginning to end.

"He" didn't even know there were these weird things in deep space.

"Where did deep space come from?" Chen Jing couldn't help but asked curiously, "Is it really man-made?"

"I know where to go..."

Upon hearing this answer, Chen Jing immediately understood that there were some secrets in deep space that "he" had never touched.


The images in front of Chen Jing's eyes changed rapidly again.

The one-year break passed quickly.

But Huang Wang never found the answer.

When the second round of exams began, King Huang could only bite the bullet and return to the other world, feeling that his efforts were in vain and his time was wasted.

The second round of the Biology Leap exam.

Those weird pollutants are still used as "examination questions".

Compared with the pollutants that appeared in the previous round of exams, the pollutants this time were obviously smaller and stronger. There were thousands of them at the same level as Huang Wang and others.

That's right.

Thousands of sequence eight contaminants.

Among them, there are three pollutants whose strength is infinitely close to that of the Yellow King.

To be honest, when he saw this scene, Chen Jing couldn't help but start to wonder if the Creator was deliberately targeting them... Is this an exam? This is rather a killing game that the creators love to hear!

How could anyone be so ruthless when it comes to playing? !

Thinking of the several rounds of exams he had gone through, Chen Jing couldn't help but be grateful to the Creator for not killing him. Compared to King Huang and the others, they were simply letting off steam!

"It's so difficult, it's like forcing them to die."

Chen Jing murmured in confusion, the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

"The Creator not only multiplied the strength of those polluting entities, but also didn't give them any additional questions. If they can't get rewards, they can only hold on. This seems to be a dead end..."

"Mu once told me that about a thousand years ago, the club made some reforms to the content of the Biological Leap Exam. Because the content of the previous exam was too strict, few civilizations could successfully pass the exam."

When Chen Jing heard "his" explanation, the war in the other world broke out again... and this time it was far more tragic than the first round. The already devastated world was almost torn to pieces, and even King Huang also They all felt great pressure.

From Chen Jing's perspective.

This place has become a world composed of countless "broken glass".

The boundary between sky and earth becomes extremely blurred.

It's as if everything has merged into colorful debris in a kaleidoscope.

This was caused by King Huang.

Because he was unable to survive the siege of those polluted entities.

These three pollutants were different from the waste from the previous round. Their strength was infinitely close to his. In order to prevent the scope of the battle from expanding, King Huang could only do his best to get rid of them as quickly as possible.

But it turned out not to be easy.

The second round of exams took half a month from start to finish.

Although Huang Wang and the others won in the end and successfully passed the second round, from a certain perspective they could only be regarded as survivors.

Because in the second round of exams, nearly 70% of the aborigines were killed or injured, and more than half of the old kings were also killed.

Such a tragic battle situation was something Huang Wang and his men had never imagined.

The entire world lost 70% of its people.

This was only the second round.

After the exams were over.

Their rest period was also different from the previous round, only half a year.

So Huang Wang knew that he could only speed up the progress, otherwise by the time the third round of exams was over, maybe everyone in the world would be dead, and maybe even he would be killed.

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