at this moment.

The cracks on the door suddenly stopped spreading, and the dimensional turbulence in the sky and the surface also stopped abruptly. In an instant, it was out of that active state, and the energy that was enough to tear everything apart was condensed into ice-like objects.

"Stop crying, as long as I'm here, nothing will happen."

The smile on the young man's face was as gentle as ever, as if the death situation that everyone had experienced was nothing to him.

"Let's go, I'll take you home."

Chapter 475 Completely disappearing from history (Part 1)

Chen Jing arrived in time.

Although he is not like one of those superheroes who can step on the spot to save people, he at least rushed over at the last moment, especially at the final moment when the arsenal was on the verge of collapse.

Just ten seconds later.

This door to the outside world will completely collapse.

By then, even if Chen Jing has the means to jump into deep space, it will take a lot of effort to get to the outside world.

And let’s take a step back.

If Chen Jing hadn't come to the rescue before this space completely collapsed, the old man and the others would have a high chance of being swept away by the dimensional turbulence...

"I have temporarily delayed the collapse of this space. Before the door is completely broken, Aji, you can lead us out. I will leave it to you, Jerry, to open the door with your face."

"King! Just leave it to me!"

Jerry is also very discerning. As soon as Chen Jing came back, he did not hesitate to follow Jegertos and the others and shout "King". His seemingly loyal energy was just like following Chen Jing without knowing it. How many years old family members.

So for a moment, Jagertos looked at it with something wrong, like looking at a smelly rat in the sewer. Unfortunately, the helmet covered his face, and outsiders couldn't see the expression on his face at all.

"You are worthy of being my grandson." Chen Bofu and Chen Jing stood side by side on Bai Aji's back, hugging his good grandson's shoulders tightly. The expression on his face was as proud as he wanted to be. "Although I am loved by my grandson." It’s a bit embarrassing to be rescued...but grandpa is really happy...the child has grown up!"

"What a big fart!!!"

Just as Chen Bofu was sighing with emotion, Gu Shenxi's shout suddenly came from the distance. It could be heard from the anxious tone that he was so anxious that he almost peed his pants.

"Wait for me!! And me!!!"

"...Almost forgot about him."

Chen Jing smiled awkwardly, and then asked Bai Aji to fly back to pick him up.

Wait for the ancient god Xi to join everyone.

Bai Aji then rushed towards the door at extreme speed, and at this moment Jerry the mouse also jumped on Chen Jing's shoulder, ready to open the door with a brush of his face...

The experience of walking through the door this time is completely different from the previous one.

Maybe it's because the arsenal is collapsing.

The process of people passing through the door became very long.

It lasted about two or three minutes.

Traveling through a void filled with dimensional fragments, this wonderful experience even amazed the old man.

"Everyone try to keep sitting or squatting. You... you can lie down if you want." Chen Jing reluctantly looked away from Wei Nan and told everyone seriously, "We have a prayer now. Ji’s energy field protects us, so those stray dimensional fragments can’t hurt us, but it’s not absolutely safe, so it’s better to be careful.”

"You have been promoted." Ancient God Xi suddenly said, with a decisive tone that left no room for doubt, "You have also received the inheritance from King Huang."

Chen Jingding nodded without explaining too much.

"do you know……"

Gu Shenxi looked at Chen Jing's back in yellow robes and felt that it looked familiar, just like the original Huang King...

"I suddenly felt that you look a lot like King Huang." Ancient God Xi added coldly, "But unfortunately, the King Huang in my memory is a bit vague, and I can hardly remember his appearance."

"I remember." Yegetos suddenly spoke up, with a very sure tone, "My king and King Huang look almost exactly the same."


Except for Chen Jing, everyone else had a surprised look on their faces, as if they were doubtful about the authenticity of Jegertos's words.

"They look exactly the same? Are you sure?" Chen Boxu asked dubiously.

"Yes." Yegetos nodded and patted Baiaji's neck. "This guy has also seen the Yellow King. He can testify!"

"Then why didn't you tell me earlier?" Chen Bofu frowned, looked at Jagetos and then at Chen Jing, his expression became a little strange.

"You didn't even ask."

Jagerthos scratched his head and said he was not to blame.

"Besides, King Huang looks so similar to my king. It feels weird to say it out loud, as if he misses his old master..."

"Then do you miss King Huang?" Wei Nan asked curiously.

Jegertos nodded without hesitation: "I miss you."

Chen Bofu stood up and kicked him over, cursing and complaining, "How dare you say that, you bitch!"

"It's normal for him to miss King Huang..."

Chen Jing grabbed Chen Boxu and made the old man sit back down safely.

"Even in the old days, among the kings, King Huang was the only one who could be called a great king. Even I admire him."

"Have you seen what he looks like?" Chen Bofu asked angrily.


Chen Jing knew that there were some things that he couldn't hide and there was no need to hide them. Although he was still worried that the old man would think too much, with the big-mouthed family of Yegetos around, Chen Jing still felt that it was better to be frank... Of course, he would not reveal the most critical information.

"He does look a lot like me." Chen Jing smiled.

"Is it fate?" Chen Bofu asked.

Chen Jing lowered his head to smooth the wrinkles on his robe, with a flawless smile on his face.

"I think the possibility of coincidence is greater."

Hearing this, Chen Bofu stopped asking questions, frowning and not knowing what he was thinking.

"Hey! A Jing! Where is your friend just now?!"

Wei Nan lay on Bai Aji's neck, fiddling with Bai Aji's mane, and looking at Chen Jing curiously.


When Chen Jing first appeared, everyone clearly saw a book standing next to him... At least everyone thought it was a book at first, until they saw the book take two steps with its paper-cut legs, and then suddenly disappeared silently.

At this point, everyone realized that it seemed to be a strange creature.

It was alive!

"Sent to deep space." Chen Jing explained calmly, "That guy is weird and his brain is not normal. Let you meet him again after a while."

"What's abnormal? I think that guy looks interesting. Just let him out!" Wei Nan sat up suddenly and looked at Chen Jing excitedly, "I have never seen such a strange creature!"

"I haven't seen it either." Chen Bofu muttered and looked up at Chen Jing.

Yan Que and Qiao Youning, who were quiet on the side, also looked over at the same time. They all had curious expressions. Although they didn't say anything, the meaning in their eyes was still very clear...

"Let's talk about it first."

Chen Jing sighed helplessly. There was nothing they could do about the old man, so they could only agree in the end.

"I'll introduce you to each other when we get back to the Western Continent."

Chapter 476 Completely Disappearing from History (Part 2)

When everyone passed through the door and returned to the underground city, before they could cheer for their escape from death, Chen Jing pulled everyone into deep space and directly took the deep space jump to quickly escape to the surface.

This operation was no longer difficult for Chen Jing. It was not an exaggeration to say that he was familiar with it, especially after being promoted to the sequence, there was no need for a seven-day cooling period, so Chen Jing planned to take everyone back to the city from the beginning.

It's a pity that Gu Shen Xi was there.

"Don't run too far! I can't leave the Western Continent now!" Gu Shen Xi said to Chen Jing in a pleading tone, "The elixir given to me by my ancestors needs a long time to digest and absorb. If I leave the Western Continent now, it will only increase the loss..."

Because of such a disappointing guy, Chen Jing could only settle down not far from the "River of Styx" in the end.

When everyone got out of the deep space jump, everyone still looked confused and bewildered. Even the old man was stunned for a moment, and then realized that he was outside.

"It seems that the underground city is really going to become history..." Chen Bofu sighed with a complicated expression.

At this moment, the ring-shaped Styx has turned into an extremely huge black vortex. It is spinning at a very fast speed. The terrifying energy is gathering in it and bursting into the ground... Everyone knows that the dimensional turbulence hidden under the black water will eventually swallow everything.

"Fortunately, we ran fast, otherwise we would have been killed by those things..." Wei Nan looked frightened.

Mona stood behind everyone and seemed a little timid. Although leaving the underground city was her biggest wish, she was a little at a loss when she really left there and came to the outside world.

Looking at the Styx that was constantly swallowed by the dimensional turbulence, she knew that the city underground should have been destroyed.

For Mona.

It was a place of death that once made her extremely desperate and fearful.

But it is was once her hometown.

Her relatives and friends all lived in the underground city, and she also spent a not-so-good childhood there.

Mona once thought that her life was a straight line.

You can see both ends at a glance.

Born in Paradise City, die in Paradise City.

She firmly believed that this was her destination.

But the reality is... Paradise City was destroyed by the resurrection of the ancient gods, and the surviving people were eaten alive by those monsters, even herself, but she was lucky enough to be protected by the power of faith, so that she could continue to live in this state.

Mona thought she would be very happy.

Finally left the nightmare-like dead city.


"Don't be afraid."

Chen Jing's voice suddenly sounded beside Mona.

Before she looked back, a warm palm suddenly placed on her head.

"I know the outside world is very strange to you, but don't be afraid, we are here with you..." Chen Jing comforted her softly, and saw the reason why Mona was depressed at a glance, "The underground city was once your hometown, but your hometown should not be limited to the underground city..."

Mona nodded timidly, and glanced at Bai Aji not far away. It seemed that as long as she saw this "god" who had been believed in for generations, her nervous mood would gradually calm down.

"Hey! Where's your friend?!"

Wei Nan was thinking about the strange book all the way. For a person with a childish personality like her, it doesn’t matter whether the abandoned underground city is destroyed or not. The most fortunate thing is to escape death.

"To be honest, I really don’t want you to see it... That guy is crazy..."

Seeing that everyone was staring at him, Chen Jing had no choice but to summon Mr. Shu from deep space.

This was the first time everyone saw Mr. Shu up close.

It must be said that even the old man was shocked.

Because they had never seen such a strange creature, let alone heard of it, and even hadn’t seen similar existence in those old fictional myths.

"Strange..." Chen Bofu's eyes widened, looking at this ancient book that was more than three meters high, he couldn't help but sigh, "This thing is so damn rare... I think it can be exhibited in the biological museum..."

Just arrived in the outside world.

Mr. Shu seemed a little shy.

The paper-cut hands were clasped in front of him in a rather subtle manner, while the facial features made of stickers were still lively, and the paper-made eyes were rolling around, carefully looking at the people around him.

After making sure that he would not be in any danger, Mr. Shu breathed a sigh of relief, and finally fixed his eyes on Chen Jing.

"You really brought me out!! Hahaha!!! The great Mr. Shu loves you so much!!!"

In the surprised eyes of everyone, Mr. Shu hugged Chen Jing, ignoring the other's expression of wanting to die, and directly took his hands and started to spin embarrassing circles... Oh no, it should be said that they danced an elegant duet.

The aria sung by Mr. Shu is absolutely unique.

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