Every time it started to sing, Chen Jing suspected that he had traveled to the Golden Hall of Vienna.

"If you want to be torn off the cover, just keep dancing!"

"... Then I won't dance."

Mr. Shu stopped obediently.

Although its expression seemed a little innocent, its hands were still waving restlessly, like a hyperactive patient who was talking nonsense, and humming a song.

"Let me introduce you..." Chen Jing had no choice but to introduce the people present to it.

"Oh, I have synchronized your memory! I know these people! No need for you to introduce them!"

Mr. Shu put his hands on his waist and looked proud, his eyes swept across everyone's faces one by one.

"Wei Nan, a brave and aggressive crazy woman, her head is full of water, she thinks whatever she wants, and it is her natural power to cause trouble."

"Yan Que, an autistic problem child, can't do anything, looks well-behaved and sensible, but in fact she is very black-bellied, and often plays tricks on that idiot Wei Nan."

"This is Qiao Youning, a fool who is easy to bully and cheat. She has always been pitiful and brainless since she was a child. Maybe she will be sold and have to help others count money in the future."

"This is your grandfather Chen Bofu, who has a bad temper and great ability, but his brain is a little..."

In an instant.

Mr. Shu disappeared.

Chen Jing let it return to the embrace of deep space again.

"Fuck, this presumptuous thing is really outspoken..."

Chen Jing cursed in his heart with a pale face, and then he tried to squeeze out a well-behaved smile on his face under the strange eyes of everyone.

But before he could explain, Chen Bofu spoke first.

"My dear grandson, I think what it said makes sense. Why don't you let it finish the rest of the sentence?"

"It knows nothing! That ignorant guy is talking nonsense! Don't mind it, everyone..."

Chapter 477: Plan to relocate the old nest (Part 1)

Synchronous memory.

These four words came from Mr. Shu's mouth.

Everyone heard it clearly.

Although no one present knew what happened between Mr. Shu and Chen Jing.

But they all subconsciously regarded Mr. Shu's words as Chen Jing's inner thoughts, or his evaluation of the people present.

"Is there water in my head?" Wei Nan rubbed his fists and walked over.

"I am a black-bellied problem child?" Yan Que looked dissatisfied.

"I'm not that stupid... How could I be sold and help others count money..." Qiao Youning looked at Chen Jing aggrievedly.

At this time, Chen Bofu, who had just lit a cigarette, also spoke.

"I'm really curious about what you think of my grandfather..." Chen Bofu said with interest, "You can let it out again!"

Chen Jing shook his head frantically, indicating that it was absolutely impossible.

"Alas, the child has grown up and doesn't listen to his grandfather..." Chen Bofu sighed, with a look of loss on his vicissitudes and old face.


As Chen Jing's grandfather.

He knew very well what Chen Jing was most afraid of.

"Okay, okay, I'll let it go..." Chen Jing looked helpless, and then summoned Mr. Shu again.

This time.

Mr. Shu learned to be smart.

Although he was weird and sometimes mentally ill, it must be said that after being beaten in the arsenal, he still gained a lot of insight.

As soon as he saw Chen Jing winking at him, and he was sent back to deep space before... he immediately understood what he had done wrong.

"What's its name?" Chen Bofu asked.

Without waiting for Chen Jing to speak, Mr. Shu took the initiative to introduce himself.

"Call me Xiaoshu..."

Mr. Shu said carefully, while also observing Chen Jing's expression. Seeing that he gave him a look of approval, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Go on." Chen Bofu sat on a boulder, holding his chin with one hand and looking at Mr. Shu, saying with interest, "You just said that I have a bad temper and great ability, but my brain is a little... a little what?"

"A little smart!" Mr. Shu thought of a solution in a hurry.

Then, Mr. Shu did not give Chen Bofu a chance to ask more questions, and quickly glanced at the other people and beasts present.

"Yegetos! Very fierce! Great!"

"Bai Aji! Fly fast! Awesome!"

"Mona... a cute little girl!"

"Jerry, a sensible and smart little mouse!"


"Don't talk about me."

The ancient god Xi sat aside and waved his hand.

"Just treat me as air."


The people who were originally preparing to go home by themselves were really exhausted after Mr. Shu's commotion during this period... In the end, Chen Bofu suggested that everyone have a barbecue dinner in the Western Continent and have a good rest before talking about going home.

Although it is not difficult to go home, especially with Bai Aji and Chen Jing here, maybe he can jump back to the fortress with a few deep space jumps, but to be honest, Chen Jing doesn't want to go back in a hurry, because he is a little tired from the bottom of his heart...

Accepting inheritance in the armory.

I am not very tired.

It's mainly mental fatigue.

Chen Jing also wants to take a break.

What's more, he still has some things to deal with in the Western Continent...

"So you want to discuss this with me?"

Gu Shenxi has no interest in the dinner.

He doesn't want to eat or chat, sitting quietly in the corner like air.

At first, he thought that Chen Jing and the others would find some polluted species to kill and eat, so he was thinking about whether to help. After all, his ancestors had asked him to "assist" the descendants of the Yellow King.

But Xi never thought that Chen Jing, a somewhat mystical person like him, would never eat game.

To be precise, don’t eat contaminated seeds.

The ingredients for the dinner were all taken out from deep space by Chen Jing.

You say he took out dozens of kilograms of snowflake beef and lamb legs, forget it.

Finally, I took out a bunch of oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar seasonings, and even picked up a few brand-new oil brushes...

Seeing this scene, Xi was stunned.

I thought to myself that this guy really used deep space as a trash can and put everything in it!

But what surprised Xi even more was what Chen Jing brought up now...

"Yes, this is what I call Home Relocation Plan 1.0."


"Actually, I have always wanted to find a Feng Shui treasured place to settle down. After walking around the mainland for a while, I think your place is more reliable."


"The Western Continent is a notoriously taboo place. Wanderers from outside don't dare to set foot here at will. The polluted species avoid this place and avoid it. Even those from major sects have to think twice before breaking in. …So I think it should be safe to settle here.”


After hearing Chen Jing's complete plan, Xi couldn't help but have a lot of questions in his mind... Although he had heard Chen Jing say before that he had the idea of ​​moving here, it seemed like he just said it casually. Playing for real? ? ?

"Do you want to rebuild a Kakosha here?" Xi asked with some displeasure, his eyes full of vigilance.

Although Xi has been staying in the Western Continent these years and is not very familiar with the changes in the outside world, he can still understand that it is extremely risky to let a deep space resuscitator like Chen Jing stay by his side. thing.

What's more, he seems to have offended a lot of people outside, and many people want to kill him, such as that bastard star Gehro.

If Xi is in his prime, then he really has nothing to fear.

After all, in this era, Sequence Eight creatures were enough to sweep across the continent. He really didn't have the slightest fear in his heart towards the self-proclaimed Moon God, Gehro.

But the problem is that he has not recovered yet, and even leaving the Western Continent where he has taken root is a delusion.

So Xishi didn't want Chen Jing to get too close to him from the bottom of his heart.

This is a source of trouble. If you want to live a more stable life, you cannot be tied to him at this stage.

"Aren't you unwilling?" Chen Jing asked with a smile. Seeing that Xi had not spoken for a long time and had been silent, he comforted him softly, "There will be no trouble. Gehro cannot leave Yongye's range. Turing should We are also restricted. The Mother Buddha’s attitude towards us is very friendly, so what are you afraid of?”

Xi didn't say anything. You can't say I'm afraid of trouble, right?

"You are the ancient god of the Western Continent!" Chen Jing raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder, and said confidently, "As long as Turing and Gehro don't come to the Western Continent, you will be invincible here. Who can I can be called your opponent!”

"I just feel..." Xi hesitated.

"Do me this favor and it will benefit you too."

Chen Jing interrupted Xi's words, with a gentle smile on his slightly delicate face, and golden light flowing slowly in his clear eyes.

"You might as well listen to my sincerity first."

Chapter 478: Home Relocation Plan (Part 2)

Campfire dinners are not uncommon in the wasteland.

But in this place on the Western Continent.

Bonfire dinners are an absolute no-no.

With the ancient god Xi sleeping here, even believers from major sects have to keep a low profile.

Even breathing must be deliberately lowered, let alone burning those crackling bonfires.

"Sister You Ning, I still want to eat!"

"Okay, let me bake some more for you... Yanque, do you want it?"


Next to the bonfire, there was a simple earth stove built by everyone. It was filled with charcoal brought by Chen Jing from the outside world. There was also a stainless steel barbecue net on the earth stove.

At this moment, Qiao Youning was guest-starring as a barbecue master, helping everyone barbecue, and she was very busy.

While she was taking care of these "naughty children" like Wei Nan, she was also busy roasting lamb legs for Chen Boxu. The old man had been staring at them eagerly for a long time.

"Sure enough, food that has not been contaminated is still delicious..." Jerry sighed with tears in his eyes as he gnawed on the mutton cut into pieces, holding a fork about the same height as himself in his arms.

In a broken place like the Western Continent.

It's good to be alive.

As for its appetite... it is no exaggeration to say that it has not had a bite of good food in so many years.

"Are you ready? Can you eat it?" Bai Aji has shrunk his body to the size of a golden retriever. He looks more like a good dog, eagerly lying next to the oven waiting for Qiao Youning to feed him, " Can I eat that sheep?"

"It's not good yet. It's not cooked yet inside. It needs to wait for a while."

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