At the same time, Wei Nan, who was tearing into pieces of barbecued meat, suddenly turned around and looked fiercely at Mr. Shu, who was squatting aside waiting to be fed.

"Hey! Can you please give me some face? You are a book! What are you trying to steal from us?"

"Who said you can't eat when you're studying?" Mr. Shu rubbed his little hands, with a pitiful look on his face, "I'm also greedy. After being locked up in the arsenal for so many years, I can't even get a sip of water. Never drank it!”

It turns out.

There is quite a sense in the saying that people who share the same feelings are called confidants.

Although Mr. Shu offended a lot of people when he first appeared, judging from his crazy energy, it was almost effortless to fully integrate into Chen Jing's team, even if there were some unharmonious frictions along the way. , have all been resolved by itself.

So Mr. Shu can chat with anyone at this moment.

Especially Chen Boxu and Wei Nan, who have abnormal brains.

Although it was normal for him to be criticized, once the conversation reached a happy point, Mr. Shu got involved with these two people and became overly enthusiastic.

What's more, before the barbecue started, when everyone wanted to light the charcoal, Mr. Shu took the initiative to tear a piece of paper from his body and threw it in to start the fire. This heroic act immediately received praise for it.

"A Jing! Do you want to come over and have something to eat first?" Qiao Youning flipped the beef slices on the net with a metal tong, while using her left hand to gently turn the skewers placed next to the fire, she took a moment to ask Chen Jing He glanced at it and said, "Let's eat something first and then talk!"

"Come soon!"

Chen Jing smiled and waved, then turned his head and continued chatting with Xi.

"He is busy with business, so don't worry about him for now." Chen Boxu said.

"I see that he hasn't eaten for a long time. I'm afraid he's starving..." Qiao Youning sighed.

"The king is the master of deep space. Even if he doesn't eat for hundreds of millions of years, he will be fine."

Yegetos, who was speaking, was sitting aside and seemed to have no interest in barbecue, but he was the only one who knew that his task now was not to join in the fun like Baiage... He should keep an eye on Xi, at least before he agreed.

"Mona, here, be careful because it's hot."

"Thank you sister!"

Mona took the skewers from Qiao Youning's hands with excitement. This was the first time she had ever eaten this kind of grilled meat, especially since the ingredients were not contaminated... But as soon as she got it, she subconsciously He glanced at Bai Aji.

Bai Aji looked at her longingly.

Mona didn't hesitate and handed over the kebab directly.

The next second.

Baiaji opened his big mouth and waited to be fed, so the old man kicked him out.

"Bullshit." Chen Bofu held a cigarette in his mouth with a look of contempt on his face, "You have the nerve to rob a child's things! I've been waiting for a long time!"

Seeing Bai Aji being kicked several hundred meters away, Chen Jing just felt warm to the heart.

A family has to have fun and fight to be warm and cozy. This is what it feels like to be at home...

"Let's keep talking."


"So I've given you my sincerity. It's up to you how you want to choose..."

"Even if you want to bring people to move here by force, do you think I will stop you?"

"Oh, I mainly want you to help me look after..." Chen Jing stopped hastily at this point, swallowed the word "door" forcibly, and continued to explain shamelessly with a smile on his face, "You can protect me." With us, aren’t we safer?”

"Let me think about it." Xi sighed.

"What's there to think about! Didn't you say it! You don't want to become a king and conquer the world! You don't want to become a god and be worshiped by the world!" Chen Jing calmly seduced, "In this case, you might as well join us directly. Kong Yilineage, when I advance to a certain level, I will be able to accept you as my dependent..."

"Being your thug?" Xi asked, his tone becoming unpredictable.

"Whether you beat me or not is another matter, but at least you won't die."

Chen Jing smiled.

Even before entering the arsenal, he could see Xi's true nature... This ancient god had an extremely strong obsession with living. He could be said to be timid and afraid of trouble, or to be greedy for life and afraid of death.

Combined with King Huang's memory.

Xi should be the kind of ancient god who cherishes his life.

At the beginning, he wanted to join the Yellow King just like some of the old descendants, in order to transform himself into an undead species with terrifying vitality.


To them.

The undead species were the biggest bug in the old days.

As long as the King of Deep Space is still breathing, the undead species can still be resurrected in deep space even if they are torn to pieces by the dimensional turbulence.

"Fuck with me."

Chen Jing continued to seduce the hesitant Gu Shen Xi, and there was a sense of temptation in every line of his words.

"I can guarantee that I can make you live longer, especially after becoming an undead species. You will not be limited by your lifespan like other old kings. You can live as long as you want..."

"I'll think about it again." Xi still didn't agree, and then changed the subject, "Since you want to move your family here, have you chosen a place to stay?"

"Not yet. I plan to go back to the Walled City to discuss it with them. If they are willing, I will move here with the Walled City..."

"How far is it from the Western Continent?" Xi asked.

"It's quite far."

Chen Jing answered truthfully.

Thinking of those acquaintances in the walled city, he couldn't help but smile.

It has been thirty days since I left the walled city.

I don’t know how Ryan and the others are doing.

However, with the colorful seeds that he left in the fortress as a back line, there must be no danger that can affect them.

Chen Jing thought optimistically.

After all, the place was remote enough, and there were enough means to protect the fortress, so he was not very worried.

But what he didn't know was.

On the day when everyone left the armory.

A palace from outer space had silently hung high above the fortress...

Chapter 479 Out of Control Deep Space Colorfulness (Part 1)

Two hours before Chen Jing and his friends started the barbecue dinner, it was just past dinner time in the fortress.

As a typical street slicker in the fortress, Lawrence started to stroll around the building after dinner.

During the time when Chen Jing and his friends were away, Lawrence's life was very comfortable.

After all, without the oppression from the old madman from time to time, and Hazard didn't like to meddle in things, Lawrence felt that life in the fortress was much more comfortable.

Of course, this kind of freedom was only experienced by him.

To outsiders, this weird old man with a face full of holes is just like a walking human intimidator. Most of the residents in the city keep a distance from him.

The reason is very simple.

Although Lawrence is relatively low-key in the city, he also spent a long time in the wasteland, so many people recognize him as the famous murderer in the wasteland.

"Mr. Lawrence!"


At this moment, Lawrence was drinking tea in a teahouse on the third floor. When he heard someone calling him, he looked back.

Standing outside the store was none other than Ryan, Chen Jing's little follower, and Anu, the family member of the deep space.

Ever since Chen Jing took people out to do business, Ryan has been idle in the city. After all, his most important task is to take care of Chen Jing or run errands for the old man.

Now everyone is gone.

Ryan naturally felt that he had lost his goal.

Anu usually came to play with him, but he showed no interest. He kept saying that he hoped Chen Jing and the others would come back soon, just like a child abandoned by his parents.

Compared to him, Anu behaved much more maturely. Although the little girl was also thinking about Chen Jing and hoped to see her king as soon as possible, she was not like Ryan who kept nagging all day long. She had to go to work every day, and sometimes she was so busy that she could not even see his shadow.

"Two more cups of herbal tea!"

Anu shouted as soon as she entered the store. The boss standing behind the counter responded and went to prepare it. In less than two minutes, he brought two cups of herbal tea.

"What's the matter?" Lawrence felt a little strange when he saw the two little guys sitting at his table.

He was not familiar with Ryan and Anu, and they didn't have much interaction. At most, they nodded and said hello when they met, so Lawrence really couldn't think of what they wanted to do when they suddenly came to him.

"Mr. Lawrence! Can you come with us later?" Ryan sat opposite Lawrence, holding a cup of herbal tea and drinking with a straw, "Those deep space colors left by the young master seem to be a little bit wrong again!"

When Lawrence heard this, he frowned immediately.

Before Chen Jing led people to the Western Continent, in order to prevent someone from attacking the rear of the fortress, he deliberately scattered a batch of deep space color seeds within a radius of 50 kilometers.

According to Chen Jing's explanation, in the absence of foreign invasion, these seeds will always remain dormant. Once they sense someone invading the fortress, they will quickly begin to "grow" until they kill all outsiders who dare to invade the fortress.

This is Chen Jing's trump card arranged in the rear, and Lawrence and others know it.

But some subsequent changes...

Indeed exceeded Lawrence and others' imagination.

At the beginning, these deep space colors were still very well-behaved. As Chen Jing said, they were all in a dormant state and would not affect the daily life of the residents of the fortress.

But it started some time ago, about 20 days ago.

These seeds seem to have signs of "sprouting".

At first, no one noticed it at all. Only Lawrence and Hazard could sense the subtle changes in those auras, but as time passed, the changes in the deep space colors became more and more obvious, and even "cracked" the surface of the ground within a radius of 50 miles.

Standing on the rooftop and looking out.

At a glance.

The surface around the fortress is covered with cracks of strange colors.

From the day these cracks appeared, the fortress was completely isolated from the outside world.

Especially after Hazard promoted the lethality of the deep space colors in the fortress, no one dared to step over these strange cracks since then.

Even those who ran out of the fortress to find supplies did not dare to approach, and could only wander outside like helpless lonely souls, and only dared to come back when these strange colors disappeared.

Although everyone knew that this was a backup plan left by Chen Jing, for safety reasons, Lawrence and Hazard went to the scene more than once. After careful study, they determined that... These deep space colors should have sprouted, and they were still in an extremely unstable state.

Safe or dangerous?

Even the knowledgeable Hazard could not guarantee this.

In the end, Lawrence was brave enough to run to the crack and step on it a few times.

Facts proved that.

These deep space colors no longer recognize people.

When Lawrence touched them, he was eroded the first time, but fortunately, their growth progress was extremely slow, as if they were deliberately suppressing their growth rate, so the lethality was still very limited...

"The cracks have widened again." Ryan said nervously, "Mr. Hazard is afraid that they will enter the outbreak period, so he wants you to go with us to have a look."

"Go now?" Lawrence asked with a frown.

"Well, go now." Ryan nodded, "Just go and confirm it, and you will be back soon."

"Is Hazard not going?" Lawrence drank the hot tea in the cup, and his expression was not very willing. After all, he suffered a loss at the hands of these deep space anomalies last time.

"He is still fiddling with the big antenna!" Anu said on the side, and she had already drunk most of the cold tea in her hand. "Grandpa Hazard wants to contact them with that machine, saying that when the king comes back, all problems will be solved!"

"The dog thing is lazy..." Lawrence sighed.

"Grandpa Lawrence, besides Grandpa Hasad, you are the strongest in our fortress!" Anu drank the remaining herbal tea in one breath, and then wiped his mouth with his sleeve, "We don't trust other people's eyesight, and Grandpa Hasad also said that he only trusts you, so let us come to you."

"The more capable you are, the more work you should do? You really know how to find things for me to do!" Lawrence snorted coldly, put down the teacup in his hand, stood up and walked out of the store, urging without looking back, "You're not leaving yet? Then I'll go back to sleep?"

"Let's go! Let's go now!"

Anu grabbed Ryan who was still drinking herbal tea, and followed Lawrence without even paying the money.

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