After hearing Chen Bofu say that Chen Jing saw those strange threads, Erjia was obviously stunned for a moment, and then looked at Chen Jing with a look of doubt.

"I didn't expect that I really underestimated you... You can actually see the umbilical cord of the Buddha Mother?!"

"Umbilical cord?"

Chen Jing and the old man looked at each other in surprise. It was the first time they heard of such a thing.

"Actually, I didn't mean to hide anything... This is not to harm you... From a certain perspective, this is a gift from the Buddha Mother..."

Erjia raised his hand and waved it gently. As the candlelight in front of the Buddha statue swayed left and right for a while, the "umbilical cord" rooted in Chen Jing's chest instantly appeared... Chen Jing and the old man could only see about half a meter, as if it was translucent, and it was vague and unreal near the end.

"The polar day is the territory of the Buddha Mother. All creatures that appear here will receive the gift of the Buddha Mother, and connect to the Buddha Mother's body through the umbilical cord, so as to obtain a continuous source of vitality..."

According to Erjia.

This is actually one of the biggest secrets of the temple, and of course it can also be considered the secret of Polar Day City... The umbilical cord of the Buddha Mother is both a supreme gift and the cornerstone of this paradise in troubled times.

"The Buddha Mother's vitality is endless, so she is not stingy with it. Any creature connected to her through the umbilical cord can get the "nutrition" continuously delivered by the Buddha Mother... Therefore, in Polar Day City, even the most ordinary human beings can always maintain the "blissful state" with full blood and no diseases, and their lifespan is much longer than that of humans in the outside world."

"No harm?" Chen Jing asked.

"I want it?" Chen Bofu sneered.

Erga took the initiative to ignore Chen Bofu's complaints, smiled and said to Chen Jing that of course there is no harm, this is a generous gift that the Buddha Mother will give to the world out of compassion.

"Gift crab..." Chen Jing muttered, and suddenly raised his hand to grab the vague "umbilical cord". In Erga's unbelievable eyes, he grabbed the tail end of the "umbilical cord" and slowly pulled it out of his body.

"This thing should be two-way... Since the Buddha Mother can give people infinite vitality... Naturally, she can also take it back with interest... And once something happens to the Buddha Mother's body... I'm afraid that all creatures within the entire Polar Day will be affected..."

"You... Can you touch the Buddha Mother's umbilical cord?" Erga felt that he could not see through this deep space resuscitator, because the Buddha Mother's umbilical cord did not exist in a physical state, and even he, as the leader of the temple, could not touch it.

"It's just a trick to play with the laws of dimension, but no wonder it can pass through the seal and come to the outside world..."

After Chen Jing took off the Buddha's umbilical cord with a normal expression, a new umbilical cord appeared out of thin air in an instant, just like the previous one, piercing deep into his heart with only half of it left outside...

This made Chen Jing speechless all of a sudden, thinking how could this thing be like a curse that couldn't be shaken off?

Chen Bofu, who was standing next to him, was also stunned. He couldn't help but look back at Erga, and he had already started to think in his mind whether to slap him with his left hand or his right hand first.

"Erga, if the Buddha Mother of your temple plays like this, it's really shameless. Isn't this just forcing a cow to drink water... Can you rush to put a dog-skin plaster on someone!?"

Chapter 531 Three-Day Limit (Part 1)

In the Buddha Mother Hall, only the candlelight flickered. The magnificent hall seemed particularly dim at the moment. Even the Buddha Mother statue with a face full of compassion and mercy looked a bit hideous and terrifying.

"In fact, it is not difficult to release the Buddha Mother. The difficult part is how you can protect the Polar Day City after the Buddha Mother is freed."

Chen Jing looked back at the Buddha Mother statue and spoke calmly. He was not angry at all because Erga concealed some information.

"You Ning told me a long time ago that the Buddha Mother is an ancient god without any consciousness. It is not only the source of vitality, but also the ultimate life form containing billions of biological genes..."

"You say it is compassionate or has pity on all living things, that is the wishful thinking of you monks. If it really doesn't have much consciousness, it is just a piece of rotten meat with infinite vitality... After it escapes, how sure are you that you can control it?"

"Control?" Erga was stunned, "Control a god?"

"Don't say you don't have such an idea, otherwise I will think you are too stupid. After all, faith is faith, but life is life..." Chen Jing smiled and looked at the old man with interest, "You are different from those monks, and you are also different from those cyber lunatics in the Hanging City. I can see that you are more... pragmatic."

The word pragmatic is a compliment.

But at this moment, Erga heard it full of a sense of mockery.

Of course, Erjia was not angry because he knew that Chen Jing was not the kind of person who liked to mock the old madman... Chen Jing's words were honest advice that was unpleasant to the ear, but they made sense.

"If the Buddha Mother is merciful and compassionate to all living beings, we believers will naturally be willing to devote everything to follow her." Erjia sighed.

"What if the Buddha Mother is not merciful?" Chen Bofu smiled gloatingly.

Hearing this, Erjia was stunned and then fell silent. He did not speak for a long time, but the painful expression on his face said it all.

In fact, in Chen Jing's view, all believers who believe in the ancient gods can be divided into two factions, whether it is the Polar Day City, the Hanging City, or the Eternal Night...

That's right.

They are all two factions.

One side regards the Ancient God as their only belief, and can offer everything to the Ancient God without hesitation, even if it is their own life or the lives of others, they will not hesitate no matter what the Ancient God wants.

And the other party... is like the monk Ega in front of him.

Although he also has extremely devout faith in the Mother of Buddha, he also has his own concepts of right and wrong, good and evil.

He knew that there were some things he could do and some things he couldn't do. Even if he did it reluctantly, he would regret it for the rest of his life.

"You should have the answer in your heart." Chen Jing interrupted Erjia's silence, and the smile on his face became gentler, "So it's better for you to tell us clearly about some things. At least this way we will be more confident that we can save Ji Zhou. All."

"Do you know what I think?" Erga asked Chen Jing in return. His eyes were exceptionally clear and did not look like the eyes of an old man.

"Although I have never dealt with you, I heard You Ning talk about you. I feel that there is a difference between an old descendant like you who can treat ordinary people as human beings... and those lunatics in Hanging Yongye."

Hearing what Chen Jing said, Erjia could only sigh, and then told the true situation in Jiju Capital.

It turns out.

The situation in Jijudu is far more complicated than Chen Jing and the others first heard.

It was not the original intention of the temple to release the Buddha Mother.

If possible, they even hope that the Buddha Mother can maintain the status quo and never come out of that ancient seal.

The reason is also very simple.

There is no way the temple can guarantee that the Buddha Mother will still have the same "compassion" after she escapes from the trap. After all, it is an ultimate creature without any consciousness... Maybe it has a little IQ, but it will definitely not be more polluted than the wasteland. Too much wisdom.

The temple has verified this.

Before Qiao Youning, the Buddha girl, appeared, it was extremely difficult for Ejia, the leader of the temple, to communicate with the Buddha mother, because the Buddha mother could not understand it at all, or was unwilling to listen. Ejia wanted it to understand him. Almost everything that was said took a long time to explain.

Although now with Qiao Youning as a "human medium", the communication between the temple and the Buddha Mother has become easier, but this is just communication. It does not mean that the temple can order the Buddha Mother, and they cannot even guarantee that the Buddha Mother can listen to them. Opinion.

Therefore, the temple hopes that the Buddha Mother will always be in a seal.

After all, only the Buddha Mother who does not step out of the seal is a good Buddha Mother.

Once this unconscious ancient god is allowed to come out of the seal, no one can guarantee what it will do... Judging from the temple's understanding of the Buddha Mother over the years, she is not someone who can treat ordinary humans as dependents. Ancient God.

in other words.

The only group that can be covered by the clear kindness of the Buddha Mother is the monks who have awakened to the "sequence of life".

As for the hundreds of millions of ordinary humans living in Jiju's hard to say.

When Mother Buddha is compassionate, she will protect them unconsciously.

But what if the Buddha Mother is not compassionate?

What if Buddha Mother wants to do something else?

Is it possible that it will take care of these ants?

"Since no one can guarantee how big the risk of the Buddha Mother's appearance will be, it's better to evacuate the residents of Jizhou City first." Chen Boxu said something that was quite pleasant while eating the food, and it was rare that he didn't ridicule it. Erga.

"It can't be done," Urga sighed.

"Why can't you do it? Are you afraid of affecting those people's belief in the Buddha Mother?" Chen Boxu asked with a sneer.

Erjia shook his head and had no intention of quarreling with Chen Boxu. Instead, he asked seriously.

"Brother Chen, we have not dealt with each other once or twice. You should be familiar with the situation in Jizhou City... Allow me to ask you a question."

"Say." Chen Bofu nodded.

"Have you ever seen the indigenous residents of Jiju City outside Jiju City?" Erga asked calmly.

Chen Bofu was startled, and suddenly seemed to realize something, and his brows slowly wrinkled.

"Within the confines of Jiju City, ordinary people and ancient descendants are two different concepts. The life of the former seems to be free, but in fact it is restricted everywhere. Only the latter can escape from the control of the Mother Buddha and walk out of this land of blissful Buddha."

When Erga said this, his eyes couldn't help but drift to the "umbilical cord" on Chen Jing's chest. Under the dim candlelight, the "umbilical cord" that was thinner than a hair still glowed with a strange luster.

"Can't ordinary people leave Jiju Capital?"

Chen Jing looked at Erjia in surprise. After thinking about it, he understood why the temple insisted on releasing the Buddha Mother instead of directly choosing to evacuate the residents of Jiju City.

"If ordinary people want to leave Jiju City, the moment they step out of Jiju City, they will be killed by the umbilical cord on their body, and their whole person will disintegrate into pure life force to feed the Buddha... So, we No choice.”

Chapter 532: Three Days Limit (Part 2)

After the dinner.

Chen Jing and the old man left the Buddha Mother Hall under the leadership of the "Chang Lao".

If Chen Bofu had some objections to Erga before, it could even be said that he looked down on this bald thief who was full of little ideas, but now he admires him a little bit...

"For the sake of these residents of Jiju Capital... How dare you take the entire temple to risk... I will have to look up to him in the future..."

After returning to the guest room, Chen Boxu lay on the bed and smoked an after-dinner cigarette, chatting with Chen Jing wordlessly.

"It turns out that You Ning was right. Erjia is not only the leader of the temple, but also the leader of Jiju City. At least he still has ordinary people in his heart." Chen Jing sat on the chair beside the bed and looked from afar. In the brightly lit Jizhou Capital District, "It's a pity that we can't bring Xizi here. Otherwise, with him sitting in the rear, we wouldn't have such a headache."

"They are gambling." Chen Bofu slowly exhaled a puff of smoke, and white mist suddenly filled up in front of his eyes, "It's a pity that those bald donkeys are not gamblers, and Erjia and the elders are no longer of the same mind. "

Hearing this, Chen Jing couldn't help but look back at the old man.

"Grandpa, have you noticed it too?"

"You can't hide this kind of thing, since you can see it, let alone me..." Chen Bofu sat up from the bed with a cigarette in his mouth.

In fact, as early as before the dinner, when they met for the first time in the Buddha Mother Hall and talked about the plan to release the Buddha Mother, Chen Jing clearly felt that the expressions of the elders were a little strange. To put it simply, some people were in favor of it. Some people object...

"Ega is a smart man, and he also knows that internal struggle is a troublesome thing. You can see from his plan. He plans to let a few elders lead the team first, and let the old immortals take away a large number of people from the temple. Monks...if things work out, let them come back. If things don't work out, even if they escape, the monastery will not be wiped out."

Having said this, Chen Boxu looked at his good grandson Chen Jing and couldn't help but ask.

"What are your plans?"

"Saving life is important." Chen Jing replied without hesitation, "As long as I am sure, I will try my best to help them release the Buddha Mother and find a way to put the Buddha Mother in a stable state, but if the situation changes... …I’ll just take you and You Ning out.”

Hearing this, Chen Bofu nodded silently, then raised his hand and shook the cigarette ashes twice.

"Ega didn't lie to us, right? He said that in three days..."

"If it's true, isn't it a coincidence?"

Chen Jing couldn't help but laugh. Thinking of the important message Erga told them before, he couldn't help but feel full of expectation.


Erga said that in only three days, people from Hanging City and Yongye City will come to Jiju Capital to visit the temple. In all likelihood, they are here to unite the temple forces to fight against Deep Sky...

It is said that Hanging City sent not many people, seemingly only one alchemist, while Yongye City Hermitage sent a team of a hundred people, led by Bishop Sati who had dealt with Chen Jing and the others.

Enemies are extremely jealous when they meet.

There is still truth to this saying.

Just like now.

Chen Jing and the others have not yet seen the grandsons from the monastery. They can't help but gnash their teeth when they think about it. They can only wait for the monks to come and take care of them slowly.

"That little bastard Sati...I will have to skin him when he comes..." Chen Bofu sneered and lay back again. He covered himself with the quilt and called Chen Jing back to his room to sleep. "Those monks are still here." I don’t know how long it will take to prepare. It’s like a fool to wait for them not to sleep. Let’s get some rest now!”

Chen Jing responded, then left the old man's guest room and went back to his own room to rest.

In fact, there is a doubt that has been lingering in Chen Jing's mind.

This is what Chen Boxu wanted to ask Erjia before, but in the end he was persuaded by Chen Jing's look.

"Why does the Buddha Mother want to imitate my appearance..."

Chen Jing was lying on the bed in his room, tossing and turning. No matter how he thought about it, he felt a little creepy, as if someone had been making plans for him behind his back. The feeling of being watched in the dark... Chen Jing couldn't sleep at all. Can't sleep.

Not afraid of thieves.

I'm afraid that thieves will miss me.

What's more, I don't know why the thief is concerned.

After thinking about it, Chen Jing decided to ask "his" opinion. After all, this guy was quite knowledgeable in another time and space, and he seemed to have dealt with the Buddha Mother.

"Do you have any clue about that?"

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