Chen Jing asked, but after waiting for almost two minutes, he received no response. "He" in his mind seemed to have disappeared, and it was so quiet that it was scary.

"Hello? Brother, don't scare me?"


"Isn't it? You fell asleep again??"


The next day.

Chen Jing got up early in the morning, and when he went out, he could still hear Chen Boxu snoring in the next room. Obviously, the old man's sleep quality was much higher than him... because he didn't sleep at all this night! Especially after discovering that "he" was offline, Chen Jing felt a little uneasy.

According to "him", "he" has now reached the final stage, and he may never wake up again when he closes his eyes, so Chen Jingzhen is a little worried that this guy will die quietly.

Just when Chen Jing was sitting in the yard in a daze, a graceful and soft figure suddenly flashed past the wall.

Chen Jing looked at the figure that fell to the ground silently, and his brows couldn't help but twitch.

"Sister, if you don't want to go through the door, you have to climb over the wall. Are you a female snitch?"

"Isn't the old man sleeping? Don't I knock on the door to wake him up?" Qiao Youning walked softly to Chen Jing's side. The monk's robe on her body had already been replaced by plain white casual clothes, and she was holding a cotton and linen bag in her hand. There were a lot of things bulging inside, "Hurry up and change your clothes, my sister will take you out for a walk!"

"Now?" Chen Jing was stunned.

"Anyway, you are idle. The elders still have to prepare for a day or two..." Qiao Youning blinked and said pitifully, "Besides, after you finish your business, why don't you go back to the Western Continent? Come back next time But there’s no telling when…”

Upon hearing this, Chen Jing felt that this was really the case. Without saying anything, he went back to the house and changed clothes... This change of clothes was probably the most troublesome thing in Chen Jing's life. It was similar to those little girls who put on makeup before going out. He It took more than ten minutes of working in the house to get it done.

In fact, it's not to blame for his clumsiness. The main reason is that the living habits in Jizhou City are similar to those in ancient times. For someone like Chen Jing who doesn't understand the structure of Hanfu, it is still difficult to wear this suit neatly. It's quite difficult.

When Chen Jing walked out of the house, Qiao Youning, who was standing outside the door, also turned around and looked over.

have to say.

Chen Jing's looks are equally impressive both inside and outside the world.

Whether it is a modern style or ancient costume, it can hold up equally well.

Even though Chen Jing still has modern short hair, this fresh and elegant white brocade dress looks particularly natural when he wears it. There is also a decorative white jade plaque hanging on the belt with Buddhist moire patterns. His gentle and elegant dress is very like He met some young masters from aristocratic families in the capital.

"We'd better keep a low profile when we go out. Don't let people recognize you casually."

Qiao Youning resisted the urge to take crazy pictures with her mobile phone, and took out a strange-looking instrument from her cuff, like a folded paper lantern. She opened it with her hand and turned it into a strange cube.

Without waiting for Chen Jing to say anything, Qiao Youning put the cube on Chen Jing's head. In just an instant, Chen Jing's aura completely changed, becoming no different from the natives of Jizhou City.

"Okay." After finishing all this, Qiao Youning clapped her hands and smiled with satisfaction, "This way no one can notice that your breath is weird! Your hairstyle will not be irritating to others!"

"Don't you think this is weirder..."

"It's okay. This kind of magic weapon is used by many people on the black market. Those who don't like to be in public are wearing this around their necks!"

Chen Jing seemed to not understand Qiao Youning's explanation, and raised his hand to touch his "square face."

"You Ning... do you know how I feel now..."

"Huh? How does it feel?"

"I feel like I'm a walking square skull."

Chapter 533: Small Bridge and Flowing Water·Fuyue Tower (Part 1)

"Why do I feel like everyone on the street is looking at me..."


"Don't I look particularly stupid when I look like this..."

"Oh, stop thinking about it, it's nothing!"

On the streets of the inner city of Jizhou City, Chen Jing was coaxed by Qiao Youning as if he were a child. Although Qiao Youning always spoke in a serious tone, Chen Jing knew that this was absolutely nonsense... He went out with this thing in broad daylight. That can't be described by four words: standing out from the crowd.

Passers-by don't even look at it twice.

There are so many people staring at it!

If it weren't for the temple mark on the jade plaque around Chen Jing's waist, he would have been surrounded by people like a monkey, so it's no wonder he felt like a fool. This look is true in the inner city of Jiju City. It’s a mudslide in the fashion industry.

"Sister Qiao, why do I always feel like someone is talking to me in my ears..."

"Someone is talking to you?" Qiao Youning was startled and turned to look at Chen Jing, "Isn't it Master Ejia who sent you a message from thousands of miles away to tell you to go back? The seal of the Buddha Mother shouldn't be so early..."

"No." Chen Jing interrupted Qiao Youning's conjecture and pointed to his square head with a serious face, "The voice told me to go back to my hometown in Gotham quickly. He promised that Batman would not beat me up."

Hearing this, Qiao Youning couldn't help laughing, then she put on a serious face and raised her hand to touch Chen Jing's square head.

"Don't talk nonsense, this is so beautiful!"

"Sister Qiao, I suspect there must be something wrong with your aesthetics, or else you just like some kind of weird play..."

Jizhou City is divided into inner city and outer city.

The inner city is closer to the temple, and most of the people living here are old descendants, or rich and powerful people, while the outer city is the residence of ordinary people. Although it is not as beautiful as the jade towers and palaces in the inner city, it is still full of flowers. It did have the fireworks that Chen Jing and the others were familiar with.

After all, the number of residents living in the outer city accounts for 95% of the total population of Jizhou City. Therefore, although the outer city is not as elegant as the inner city, the lively and noisy atmosphere is much better. This is what Qiao Youning likes most about being outside. One of the reasons for playing in the city.

Walking in the market in the outer city of Jizhou City, Chen Jingdu felt as if he had traveled to ancient times. The passers-by were all dressed in ancient costumes, and the courtyards and pavilions he saw were all antique. Even the streets he walked on, They are all paved with bluestone slabs, and they charge admission fees even in scenic spots.

“The mutton soup here is particularly delicious! I’ll take you to check in!”

"Okay, clock in!"

"I almost forgot! Let me buy you some candied haws on the road! Their candied haws are made from white hawthorn, so sweet!"

"Okay, buy it!"

"Let's buy more. You can bring some to Wei Nan and the others when you go back. That girl and Yan Que have always wanted to come to Ji Zhoudu to play, but unfortunately they haven't had the chance... You can bring them with you next time! I'll be your tour guide. !”

It seemed that Qiao Youning took Chen Jing out shopping just for the sake of shopping. He either went to this restaurant to drink soup and meat, went to the market to buy candied haws, or went to a particularly inconspicuous alley to show Chen Jing some fairy tofu.

Fortunately, Chen Jing is not a mortal but an ancient descendant. No matter how much food enters his stomach, it will be digested in a short time, so the two of them can truly eat from day to night.

After nightfall.

Chen Jing was taken to the southern outer city of Jizhou Capital by Qiao Youning.

This place is like a scene of a water town in the south of the Yangtze River. The small river that runs through the entire southern city is winding. The widest point is only three feet, and the narrowest point...

"Miss Young Master, please sit still!"

"Uncle, if you can't squeeze through, don't force yourself to squeeze through!" Chen Jing, who was sitting at the stern of the boat, couldn't stand it anymore. Hearing the sound of the small wooden boat colliding with both sides of the bank, he felt that the small wooden boat would be torn apart in the next second. Fragmented.

God knows how this damn place in Jiju City was built in the first place. For example, the southern city where Chen Jing and the others are located. Looking at the small bridges and flowing water, fresh and elegant, it looks like the Suzhou water town in the world, but in fact... this place It’s almost as weird as Yongye City.

The revetments on both sides of the river were buzzing, and many shadow-like hands squeezed out from the cracks in the bricks, swaying like reeds on the water bank.

When a ship passes by here, they will invariably stretch themselves until they grab hold of the passing boat and keep pulling, like children playing with the passing boats as toys.

To be honest, this scene does look quite weird. If you look at it, outsiders might think it is caused by pollutants, but the residents living here seem to have been used to all this.

Whether it was the old man who was holding the boat or the passers-by, they all looked like they were used to it. Even children no more than four or five years old dared to sit on the shore and catch those shadows to play with.

"Sir, don't worry, old man, I've been running a boat here for more than fifty years, and I've never had any accidents..."

The old man who spoke seemed to be about the same age as Chen Boxu. There was a mark of blessing from the Buddha on his neck. His muscles were bulging under his dark skin, making him look particularly powerful.

"Here in the Nanhe River, Lao Ke and I are famous for being fast in rowing. You can go wherever you want, Mr. and Mrs., even if you want to go to Beicheng, I can bring you there within a stick of incense!"

"Let's go to Yishanwu." Qiao Youning pushed away the lychee-like fruit in her hand and raised her hand to Chen Jing's mouth. "There are fireworks shows there every day. I often go to see them!"

Chen Jing cooperated obediently and opened his mouth, and a scarlet slit opened in his square head in an instant, like the bloody mouth of some kind of monster, catching the fruit that Qiao Youning threw in to feed him.

"We can eat, have fun and watch the fireworks show... I even want to go through immigration procedures and come here..."

"Immigrate?" the old man punting the boat asked curiously, "Young master is from the inner city, do you want to move to the outer city?"

"Absolutely." Chen Jing smacked his lips with satisfaction, then opened his big mouth to show how delicious it was and ordered another one, "It's too cold in the inner city, but it's still lively in the outer city."

"Well, everyone has his own thing."

The old man slowly pushed the wooden boat across a stone bridge. When he laughed, the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes were squeezed together. His voice was hoarse and strong, and his calm accent sounded more like that of a middle-aged man.

"People in the inner city think that life in the outer city is lively, and people in the outer city still think that the inner city is classy. For example, my useless son wants to move to the inner city. He says that the only way to live in the inner city is to Only by entering there can you be considered superior to others..."

Listening to the old man punting the boat talking about home affairs, Chen Jing couldn't help but look back at Qiao Youning, who was wearing a veil.

"You see, people are the same everywhere. Deep down, they like to be divided into three or six categories. They always feel that only by being superior to others can they be happy. In fact, that's all..."

Qiao Youning smiled softly and nodded in agreement, then opened another "lychee" that was as green as a gem.

"Open your mouth."

At this moment, there was a sudden and earth-shaking loud noise in the distance, and a ray of silver light streaked across the sky like a shooting star without warning, instantly lighting up the night sky outside the city of Jidai City... The so-called fire, trees and silver flowers, a flash of youthful beauty. , I’m afraid that’s the case.



Seeing Qiao Youning's eyes full of doubts outside the veil, Chen Jing smiled and explained a few words, slowly stood up and walked to the bow of the ship, stretching comfortably.

"I have been busy with business during this period. It seems that I have not been this relaxed for a long time. Sister Qiao is reliable and knows how to take me out to relax..."

There was another earth-shaking loud noise, accompanied by the cheers and laughter of children coming and going, and scarlet firework fireworks bloomed in the night sky again, illuminating the outer city as bright as day in an instant.

"Baozhu Yunjin! I like this firework the most!"

The old man who was punting the boat suddenly slowed down and couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the bright fireworks in the sky, while Qiao Youning on the side was also ready to say something.

Suddenly, a group of naughty children ran past on the shore, making faces at Chen Jing as they ran.

"Square head, ha poke, can't escape when the carriage comes."


Chapter 534: Small Bridge and Flowing Water·Fuyue Tower (Part 2)

Chen Jing felt that he had never been so speechless in his life.

Although he is not the kind of person with a lot of image baggage, being stared at along the way was really unbearable. Coupled with the scolding of those naughty kids, it was like the last thing that broke the camel's back. straw.

Simply put, he broke the defense.

Fortunately, Qiao Youning is good at comforting people.

I don’t know whether he learned it from Grandma Hong, or whether it was the experience gained from working part-time in the kindergarten afternoon care class, but Chen Jing was coaxed into becoming confident again with just a few words.

Not a moment.

Chen Jing and Qiao Youning went ashore at Qishanwu.

This is the closest place to the fireworks show and the first choice for out-of-towners to spend the night.

As soon as Chen Jinggang landed on the shore, he was shocked by the crowd of people on the shore. Did he think that these people didn't sleep at night?

At a glance.

The whole street was crowded with passers-by.

"There are a lot of people in this place, be careful not to get lost..." Qiao Youning was already used to this, so she naturally took Chen Jing's hand and squeezed into the crowd, "I booked a private room at Fuyue Tower... Let's go You can also have late-night snacks while watching performances there..."

Chen Jing was also infected by the lively atmosphere at this moment.

While being led by Qiao Youning as he shuttled through the crowd, he couldn't help but turn his head and look left and right. Everything he looked at felt new... It was as if he had really arrived at an ancient night market at this moment, and the street vendors were selling strangely colored food. Daliwan, a singing artist who set up a stage not far away was singing "I dedicate my youth to the Buddha's Mother" loudly.

When passing a corner, Chen Jing saw a sideshow that was unimaginable to him...a broken steel plate in his chest.

"Are all the people in Jizhou City so good at doing things..." Chen Jing was shocked by the sound of banging iron and stopped in his tracks. He thought to himself that if this skill returned to the world and became an internet celebrity, he would be able to destroy Land Rover in one day. The pieces are all collected!

In places like the outer city, well-dressed young men are not uncommon, but a young man with a square head like Chen Jing is still rare to see. It is no exaggeration to describe him as standing out from the crowd.

In addition, the jade plaque on his waist was engraved with the seal of the temple, so among the many onlookers, Chen Jing and Qiao Youning were as dazzling as they could be.

When the family members of the entertainers saw Chen Jing, they immediately ran over with a tray held high. At the same time, they kept saying all kinds of auspicious words, bowing and clasping fists in salute, which made Chen Jing subconsciously To take money out of pocket.

But in an instant, Chen Jing's movement of taking out money suddenly froze.

He suddenly realized that the common currency in Jizhou City was gold and silver copper plates ordered by the temple, and all previous purchases were paid for by Rich Po Qiao...

"Take it, I will reward you."

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