From 11pm to 4am.

Chen Jing finally couldn't bear it anymore.

But just as he yawned and prepared to go to sleep, the light screen he had closed suddenly popped up automatically.


[The secret medicine has been absorbed, and the sequence will be randomly opened]




[The sequence is assigned, and the candidates can go to the personal information page to check]


"Does this thing take so long to digest?!"

Chen Jing stared at the information on the light screen in amazement, and subconsciously clicked on the candidate's personal information page.


[Candidate number: 0]

[Candidate name: Chen Jing]

[Ultimate sequence: Deep space]

[Current sequence: Sequence 1·Lost clan]

*Lost clan who yearns for the ultimate deep space, you will eventually receive the blessing from the Yellow King, and you can also glimpse the Supreme Goodness hidden in the deep space...


The promotion direction of the ultimate sequence... Deep space?

What kind of promotion path is this?

Lost clan... Is this my initial career?

Chen Jing looked at the personal information belonging to him in confusion, and soon realized the key point... Huang Wang.

Remember that the ancient relic he got before was called Huang Wang Holy Grail?

Are these two Huang Wangs the same?

Judging from this information, is Huang Wang also a god?

Just when Chen Jing was puzzled, the door was suddenly kicked open.

The person who came in was the old man Chen Bofu.

When he saw that there was only Chen Jing lying on the bed in the room, the expression on his face first changed from endless anger to unbelievable surprise...


He smelled the breath of the old descendant at the beginning.

And this breath was extremely unfamiliar.

The most important thing is... This breath suddenly came out of my grandson's bedroom!

Could it be that an enemy sneaked into my grandson's bedroom? !

This guess made Chen Bofu extremely angry.

Because he couldn't stand someone attacking his grandson.

No matter who the other party is...

Whether it is from the [Round Table Council] or other sects...

As long as they dare to touch his grandson even once.

This crazy old man would choose to turn against him without hesitation, and even a fight to the death was imminent.

That's right.

Chen Jing was his Achilles' heel.

It was also Chen Bofu's last attachment or concern for this world.

If Chen Jing was gone...

Chen Bofu didn't know what he would do, but one thing was certain, he would go crazy.

Just like in the past...

Become a real living natural disaster.

However, when he entered the house, what he saw was not what he imagined.

There was only his good grandson in the house, and no other figures could be seen. After careful identification...

Chen Bofu found that the breath of the old descendants... was actually emitted from his own grandson!

"" Chen Bofu couldn't speak clearly, stuttering, holding the door frame as if he couldn't stand steadily, his eyes full of disbelief, "My dear grandson...why do you have..."

Chen Jing didn't expect the old man to notice it so quickly, but he had prepared himself mentally before, so he was not panicked now, but a little excited...just like when he got a perfect score on the test when he was a child, he couldn't help but go home to show off to his elders.

"Grandpa...I seem to have become an old descendant..." Chen Jing pretended to be incredible and said in surprise, "Just now I felt something was wrong while seemed that there was something wrong with my body...but I can't tell..."

"Don't move!"

Seeing Chen Jing was about to jump off the bed, Chen Bofu hurriedly stopped him, just like a mother-in-law saw her pregnant daughter-in-law going to bungee jumping, and hurried to the bedside to carefully help Chen Jing back.

"Be good, don't move, let grandpa check..."


Chen Bofu took a deep breath, slowly placed his palm on the top of Chen Jing's head, and carefully felt the breath surging in his grandson's body.

Although this action was redundant for Chen Bofu, with his strength, he didn't need to confirm it in this way, even just a glance would be enough... but Chen Bofu still did it.

After a moment, Chen Bofu trembled and retracted his hand, his eyes red and he couldn't speak.


My grandson really became an old descendant...

He won't die so early again...

Even if I die in the future...

He won't be bullied anymore...

"Grandpa..." Chen Jing looked at the old man's red eyes, and his nose couldn't help but feel a little sour, because he knew what the old man was really afraid of.

He was afraid that he would die too early.

He was afraid that the old man would send the young man away.

Before that.

The old man had racked his brains to make him become an old descendant, from the beginning with a glimmer of hope to the end of despair...Chen Jing knew all this, because the old man had told him this more than once.

Therefore, Chen Jing knew very well what becoming an old descendant meant to the old man.

"Grandpa's wish... has come true..." Chen Bofu sat on the bed trembling all over, his face showing both joy and fear, he was afraid that this was just a dream.

"Grandpa, don't cry..." Chen Jing wiped his eyes, turned his head away stiffly, and didn't dare to look at the white-haired old man, "It hurts to see you cry..."

"Okay, okay, grandpa, don't cry."

Chen Bofu hurriedly raised his hand to wipe the tears on his face, and tried hard to pull up the corners of his mouth, trying to show a happy smile.

But I smiled and laughed, but I still couldn't help crying.

To be honest, Chen Jing didn't expect this.

As a living natural disaster in Yongye City, an old lunatic who is feared like a tiger by countless descendants...

He would actually cover his face and sit on the bedside and cry until he burst into tears.

"I'm sorry, Jingjing... Grandpa is just happy..." Chen Bofu cried hoarsely but suppressed it forcefully. His sobs made Chen Jing's eyes turn red, "Grandpa finally doesn't have to worry about you anymore... Grandpa is really happy..."

Chen Jing patted the old man's back gently and stared at the wind chime by the window to divert his attention, fearing that he would cry when he saw the old man.

From a certain perspective, Chen Jing actually did not have much contact with his grandfather in this other world. He was not even sure whether his body was related to the old man by blood.

But after getting along with each other these days, Chen Jing really accepted this old man from the bottom of his heart...

Although the old man is often crazy and occasionally scolds some unpleasant words.

But it is undeniable that Chen Jing has developed feelings for the old man, and he has gradually begun to treat the old man as a real grandfather.

"Grandpa, stop crying... I'm an old descendant, shouldn't you laugh... Ryan is still sleeping in the room... I'll wake him up and let him see how embarrassing it is... Stop crying..."

After being comforted for a while, the old man's mood slowly stabilized.

"Okay, stop shooting, grandpa, don't cry anymore..." Chen Boxu took the paper towel handed by his good grandson and wiped his nose, his voice was still a little muffled, "Good grandson, what is the direction of your ultimate sequence? "

"Deep space." Chen Jing replied.

"What sequence is this..." Chen Boxu was stunned.

Chen Jing shook his head and said he didn't know, but one thing was certain.

"This sequence seems quite strange."


"Hmm...the ability is a bit weird..."

Chapter 38 I seem to see the sun

"Ability a bit strange?"

Chen Boxu couldn't help but become nervous, fearing that something would happen to his grandson.

After all, the good grandson before was still an ordinary person, but now he suddenly became an old descendant... No one can tell whether this is good or bad.

Although the Old Descendants do have an extraordinary status in this world, and it can even be said that the group that dominates this world is the Old Descendants, but...

It’s really not that easy to be an old descendant.

Different sequences have different risks.

Some ancient descendants have had smooth sailing since they first awakened, just like the old man himself.

But some ancient descendants always have some inexplicable flaws, such as the crazy female upstairs...

Thinking of the danger, Chen Boxu couldn't help but stood up with an anxious look on his face and started pacing back and forth beside the bed.

God opened his eyes and allowed the good grandson to become an old descendant, but if the order of the good grandson is too dangerous... then he might as well change back!

Even an ordinary person is better than those crazy old descendants!

"This sequence of your awakening...Grandpa has never heard of it...there won't be any major flaws..."

Chen Bofu kept calculating in his hands, his brows furrowed tightly, and his eyes full of uncertainty.

"And there are only thirty-six sequences in the world in total. Ji Zhoudu and Hanging City occupy two of them, and the remaining thirty-four sequences are spread across the wasteland and Yongye City..."

"Deep space……"

"What kind of silly sequence is this... Dear grandson, you can't make a mistake, can you?"

Chen Jing was startled when he heard the old man's words.

He really didn't expect that there are countless sequences in this world... In other words, the categories of superpowers are still fixed? !

Thirty-six species?

Old man, why didn't you tell me earlier? !

Chen Jing also had a headache for a while.

If he had known that the sequence had a fixed number of categories, he would not have revealed his sequence promotion direction even if he was killed.

After all, he finally recognized his biological grandfather, and he didn't want the old man to find out anything more...

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