"It's okay, dear grandson, don't be afraid." Seeing that his grandson was inexplicably nervous, Chen Bofu couldn't help but comfort him, "No matter what sequence you awaken in, grandpa will find ways for you to avoid the risks... …”

"I...I'm not afraid..." Chen Jing sighed, feeling that his mentality had not completely changed, and he would always be afraid of exposing his true identity at some point.

In fact, is this level of identity really so easy to expose?

The heart of the old man.

He had already figured it out.

"Jingjing, you said your ability is very strange...what exactly is it?"

"It's different from what I imagined."

Chen Jing sighed, thinking of the scene of Chen Boxu's battle with Xu Ye that day, he just felt that his "superpower" didn't seem that shocking, and he was a little disappointed no matter how he looked at it...

"I am now an old descendant of sequence level 1, and my sequence name is Lost Familia. It seems that I will receive some kind of blessing from the Yellow King..."

"Huang Wang?" Chen Bofu frowned and suddenly remembered the ancient relic that his grandson picked up last time, which seemed to be called Huang Wang's Holy Grail.

Could it be that his transformation into an old descendant...is related to the Holy Grail? !

The more I thought about Chen Boxu, the more scared I became. Fortunately, I listened to my good grandson and didn't throw away the thing. Otherwise, it's still unclear whether he could become an old descendant!

"My ability is quite simple to say...it means that you don't have to pay any price to use the 'relic'...it doesn't seem to be as shocking as yours..."


Chen Bofu was stunned for a moment, and then asked Chen Jing to repeat what he just said.

Does using the "relic" cost anything?

"You got an advantage and you still act like a good boy!?" Chen Boxu was so angry that he slapped Chen Jing hard on the back. Then he was afraid that he would accidentally slap his grandson in pain, so he hurriedly rubbed him with his hands, but there was still a lingering feeling in his mouth. Scolding, "I'm scared to death..."

"How practical this ability is! Do you know what 'relics' mean to the old descendants!"

"What does it mean?" Chen Jing asked curiously while enjoying the old man's massage service.

"You have to know that the Old Ones can gain new extraordinary abilities every time they upgrade their sequence level, but every 'relic' is equivalent to an extraordinary ability..."

"So if I take out a hundred 'relics' to defend myself, will I be invincible?" Chen Jing's eyes couldn't help but light up.

"That's a pretty idea, bastard!"

Chen Bofu almost couldn't help but slap him again, but after thinking about it, he was his own grandson after all, so in the end he could only bite the bullet and explain.

"Don't underestimate those utensils left over from the old days. The cost of using those 'relics' is very high. Some of the costs are even beyond my ability to bear..."

Hearing this, Chen Jing couldn't help but be startled.

A price that even the old man can't afford?

Could it be that I underestimated those "relics"...

"Isn't it just a blood drain or something?" Chen Jing thought of the last time he used the Yellow King's Holy Grail.

"Who told you to just bleed?"

Chen Bofu couldn't help but roll his eyes at him and explained helplessly.

"The costs of using 'relics' are varied, including organs, limbs, organs, and even lifespan, or you may be required to perform some inexplicable rituals..."

After saying that, Chen Boxu sighed with emotion.

"That's why I always thought you were lucky."


"When you used the 'relic' that day, if that bitch Lawrence hadn't rescued you in time, I'm afraid you would have been sucked to death by the Holy Grail!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Boxu grabbed Chen Jing's shoulders and couldn't help but shake him excitedly.

"So you know how powerful your ability is! You don't have to pay any price to use the 'relic'! You kid can reach the sky in one step..."

"not that simple."

Chen Jing shook his head and explained.

"I can only waive the price of three ways..."

"Three ways?" Chen Boxu was stunned.

"Yes, but I'm not sure what this path refers to. It should be the keyword in the name of 'relic'..."

Chen Jing looked at the translucent light curtain in front of him and counted with his fingers.

"After awakening the 'Deep Space' sequence, only the relics from three old paths can be exempted from the cost of use, namely [Yellow King], [Luoyan City] and [Kakosa]..."

"Is the 'relic' you picked up last time one of the three ways of relics?" Chen Boxu asked tentatively.

"Probably." Chen Dingding nodded, feeling that this was a coincidence. He even wondered if it was related to his missing grandfather.

Everything seems to be arranged...

"Then you give it a try." Chen Boxu glanced at the Yellow King's Holy Grail on the desk, with a hint of expectation in his eyes, "Since Grandpa is here to keep an eye on it, you don't have to worry about it sucking you dry."


Chen Jing jumped out of bed excitedly, walked to the desk and picked up the Holy Grail.

The next second.

The Yellow King's Holy Grail suddenly lit up.

The extremely intense golden light even made Chen Boxu wonder if he had seen the sun in Jiju City...

Chapter 39 The door hidden in the abdomen

"This time, it was an accident."


"Actually, I'm fine. I just have tingling in my eyes."


"If you laugh again, believe it or not, I'll beat you up?!"

"I do not believe."


In the dim bedroom, Chen Bofu was slumped on the floor with tears in his eyes, while Chen Jing carefully wiped the old man's face with the hot towel Ryan brought.

"Is the old man okay?" Ryan hid by the door, not daring to come in. He could only secretly look at the old man and asked Chen Jing, "Master, do you want me to get another basin of hot water?"

"Go to bed!" Chen Bofu scolded impatiently, "You are not sleeping in the middle of the night and come out to watch the fun. What's wrong with you..."

Ryan also knew that Chen Bofu had a bad temper. Seeing that the old man was a little embarrassed and ready to get angry, he quickly shrank his head and ran away.

"We were careless this time..." Chen Jing pulled open the old man's eyelids and carefully checked. When he was sure that the bloodshot on the white of his eye had disappeared, he breathed a sigh of relief. "If I had known that I would hurt you, I would have run to the rooftop to do the experiment..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Jing sighed again and glanced helplessly at the burn marks on the wall.

"I'm stupid... I actually did an experiment in the house... The wall was burned black..."

"Just find someone to renovate it, it's no big deal!"

Chen Bofu rubbed his eyes subconsciously, and the sore feeling in his eyes almost disappeared.

"Fortunately, I reacted in time and suppressed this thing, otherwise our house would have been burned to ashes..."

Hearing the old man say this, Chen Jing was also frightened, but more of an uncontrollable joy.

Because he had confirmed in the previous experiment that he found that this "relic" could really correspond to his ability.


Chen Jing found that the description of the sequence ability was actually true.

As long as he used the "relic" from the three old ways, he didn't need to pay any price, and he could also maximize the ability of the "relic"...just like the Yellow King Holy Grail before.

Since he didn't pay any price this time, he naturally didn't lose too much blood, so he was able to observe it closely from beginning to end.

What exactly is the ability of the Yellow King Holy Grail...is it fire? Maybe it's not quite accurate.

Maybe it's really holy light.

The Holy Grail turned into a dazzling yellow light almost instantly, and a huge and ancient figure emerged from it. Everything in sight was shrouded in "his" ragged robe...

Until this moment, Chen Jing dared to confirm that the scene he saw at the beginning was not an illusion, because even the old man saw that figure.

"It's a pity that it can only be used once within 24 hours..."

Chen Jing looked at the light screen in front of him with a little reluctance, but then he thought that it seemed that it was enough to use it once within 24 hours.

If the Holy Grail of the Yellow King has no cooldown and can be used continuously, then isn't this thing the same as a cheat in a game...


[Candidate number: 0]

[Candidate name: Chen Jing]

[Ultimate sequence: Deep space]

[Current sequence: Sequence 1·Lost Families]

[Abilities: (1) Families' power: Use the 'relics' from the following three old ways to waive the cost, [Yellow King] - [Luo Yan City] - [Ka Kosha]]

[Holding relics: (1) Ancient relics·Holy Grail of the Yellow King]


"This is becoming more and more like a game panel..." Chen Jing examined the information on the screen and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, "This is right, this is the feeling of playing an RPG!"

"My dear grandson, remember to carry this 'relic' with you when you go out in the future. It may save your life at a critical moment..." Chen Bofu suddenly said.

"Well, don't worry, I'll remember it." Chen Jing nodded, and then asked tentatively, "Grandpa, how much damage do you think I can do with this 'relic'? I am now a Sequence 1 descendant. Can I beat a Sequence 2 descendant with it?"

"This... is hard to say."

Chen Bofu's hesitation made Chen Jing a little confused, but after listening to his subsequent explanation, Chen Jing understood why the old man's expression was so tangled.

Probably because he was afraid of undermining his self-confidence...

"Let me give you an example. It's like you fight with a Sequence 1 descendant. The directions of promotion of both parties are different, so naturally their abilities are different... It's possible that you can kill him in seconds, or he may kill you in seconds."

"And the descendants with higher sequence levels are not necessarily stronger than you. Each has its own flaws and strengths..."

"What if I fight Wei Nan alone?" Chen Jing asked calmly.

"You can kill her." Chen Bofu answered without hesitation, "But there is also an 80% chance that she will tear you to pieces before she dies."


Seeing that Chen Jing was a little disappointed, Chen Bofu hurriedly spoke to comfort him.

"Since you are an old descendant, what else do you have to worry about? With grandpa here, I guarantee that you will be promoted smoothly in the future..."

Chen Bofu was very excited when he said these words, as if he had imagined that one day his good grandson would surpass his father.

"When your sequence level is high, the power of those 'relics' you use will naturally be greater. In the future, let alone Wei Nan, you can even deal with those people in the parliament whenever you want?"

Before Chen Jing could say anything, the old man jumped up again like crazy, grabbed Chen Jing's arm and dragged him out.

"Since you don't have to pay a price for using the 'relics', then grandpa's treasures don't have to be hidden from you..."

"Treasures?" Chen Jing was stunned.

"Do you really think that grandpa has lived in vain all these years?" Chen Bofu smiled proudly, his eyebrows full of pride, "In Yongye City, in terms of the old descendants with the most 'relics', I think I can be ranked in the top three!"

Top three? !

Then the top two should be the two behemoths [Round Table Council] and [Moonlight Hermitage], right?

"Where are the treasures you collected?" Chen Jing couldn't help asking, after all, the area of ​​the house is so small, and he has almost figured it out after living here for a few days.

If, as the old man said, there are many "relics" treasured in the house, then he must have seen them.

"The small warehouse." Chen Bofu smiled embarrassedly, looking a little embarrassed, "It turns out that I was afraid that you would mess around, and I was afraid that those things would harm you, so I could only hide them in the small warehouse..."

As he said, Chen Bofu suddenly took off his shirt, revealing his lean but muscular upper body.

It seemed that there was no fat under the old man's skin, and those muscles as hard as gold and iron seemed to grow directly on his bones, which made Chen Jing stunned.

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