Wei Nan laughed wildly, looking proud, pointing at the faceless face of the statue.

"A Jing! I pinched your face! Does it look like it? Praise me!"

Chapter 571 The black star will eventually rise as usual (Part 1)

The construction progress of Kakosa is much faster than Chen Jing and the others imagined. This may be attributed to Hassad, an old man who studied under Turing. As long as he is provided with sufficient raw materials, he can build it in a very short time. To create a bunch of mechanical "cheap labor"...

The mechanical creations responsible for the construction of Kakosha are roughly divided into two types.

The first is the main mechanical creatures in human form that can perform various heavy tasks. Not only do they consume low energy and have comprehensive functions, they are also the largest number of mechanical creatures in Kakosa. They are called "struggle workers" by Hassad.

The second is the sculptors whose appearance is similar to "spider". It seems that because the production process is too complicated, there are not many of them. They are mainly responsible for the details of Kakosa's construction, such as the decoration and sculpture of major buildings, etc.

Follow the blueprint provided by Qiao Youning.

Kakosa has gradually built up what Chen Jing had dreamed of.

On this plain shrouded in golden light, medieval-style buildings rise from the ground.

The entire city formed a huge ring on the plain.

Especially when looking down from a high altitude, it feels like there are no divided areas in this city, as if all the buildings can be integrated into one very cleverly. With the civil buildings as the lines and the temple as the core, a huge city is outlined. Deep space totem.

"According to the design on the blueprint, in addition to installing water, electricity and sewage systems under all buildings, we also added several additional pipes for flowing deep space energy. The entire Kakosa has been connected in series..."

The speaker was Hassad.

At this moment, everyone was riding Bai Aji soaring in the sky a thousand meters high. He was flipping through the design drawings in front of him with his hands while reporting the progress to Chen Jing beside him.

"The pipeline route is exactly the same as the design drawing. As long as the girl did not make a mistake in the design drawing, then... the self-destruction ritual under Kakosa is now complete."

Under the leadership of Hassad, everyone took a tour of the residential area in Baiaji. When they saw the small single-family villas with the same shape and front yards and backyards, Chen Jing couldn't help but sigh... Before the biology leap exam, This kind of living environment is truly a dream, with green mountains and green waters and a small villa. How much money do you have to save to afford it?

"Is the Kakosa project progressed to a quarter now?" Chen Jing glanced at it a few times and probably had an idea.

"Almost." Hassad nodded, holding a pencil in his ear. "This is as soon as possible, and according to the requirements on the drawings, we are building a city that can accommodate at least 500,000 people. Many details are still there. It needs to be improved slowly..."

"Only 500,000 people?" Chen Boxu glanced at Hassad with a very dissatisfied expression, "Just give me the name of my grandson. How many people have to find ways to come and settle here... You only give 500,000 quota?”

Saying that, Chen Bofu was still a little angry and wanted to kick Hassad off Bai Aji's back.

"The entire city is smaller than a district in Yongye. Is this how the hell you built it?!"

"Damn it, don't act like a mad dog and bite people!" Hassad swooped in front of Chen Jing and opened the distance between the two parties at lightning speed, "This is the first phase of the project, okay! There will be more later. There are two, three, four, five and six issues!”

"First issue?" Chen Bofu was stunned.

"Nonsense! Didn't you read the blueprint? That thing can be built in any number of phases!" Hassad cursed, making Ten Thousand Angry. "When it is finally completed, almost the entire Western Continent will be yours." It’s my grandson’s territory!”

"Oh, that's not bad." Chen Bofu smiled with satisfaction.

Hassad's mouth twitched and he wanted to curse a few words, but after thinking about Chen Bofu's bad temper, he finally endured it.

"The main buildings we built in the first phase are considered the real core of Kakosa, and the ones you see... are actually not finished yet. Many details are not perfect. Only the Deep Space Temple has a relatively high degree of completion."

"Actually, I don't understand..." Chen Jing looked at the huge statue of a god that was almost a thousand meters high not far away, with a depressed face. "What is going on with this statue? I remember that there is no such thing on the blueprint. ah!"

Upon hearing this, Hassad turned his eyes away and looked at Jegertos, who was silent at the side.

I don’t know if it’s because Kakosa is about to reappear in the world, but the two Deep Space Familia, Yagethos and Baiaji, have undergone considerable changes, especially when the Deep Space Temple is nearing completion...

There was some strange and eerie halo on Baiage's body, and the most significant change on Yegetos' body was that the scarlet armor had lost its original color as if it was rusty, revealing a little dark gold color.

"Look...look what I'm doing!" Jegertos took two steps to the side as if he had been stepped on, and said in a panic, "I just think it's so empty and unsightly. If you can put my king The majestic appearance that shocks billions of dimensions is placed there, and it must be very good..."

Before Jagertos could show off the flattery behind him, Chen Jing slapped him in the face with a glare.

But it's okay.

Facts have proved that Jagertos was right in his flattery.

Because it can be seen from Chen Jing's slightly raised mouth that the basic ability of expression management has failed, and he can only try his best to control his face from being so proud.

"Is it really so majestic?" Chen Jing asked, but he was afraid that everyone would think too much, so he could only mutter and add, "But it feels weird to make myself into a statue, and such a big statue..."

"It's extremely majestic! Don't you think so!" Yegetos said while threatening everyone present with his eyes (except Chen Bofu).

Hearing everyone say "yes" in unison, Chen Jing put on a reluctant look.

"That's fine... This place is really not good-looking when it's empty... You have some aesthetic level... But what's the matter with the face of the statue?"

Chen Jing raised his hand and touched his face, his face full of depression.

"Why do you need to install a whiteboard on my statue?"

"When you put on the hat, outsiders can't see your face..." Wei Nan stood aside and pushed him with his arm, "This is called realism, understand? You are not allowed to doubt my art!"

"You have no art."

Yan Que was still a man of few words, but when he saw Chen Jing coming back, he was obviously much more excited, at least he talked more, unlike the previous period when he was a taciturn person.

"The face of the statue was like that when it just left the factory. You wiped the dust with a rag while it was installed. Do you have the nerve to call it artistic processing?"

"Stinky bird man, I will kill you!!!"

Chapter 572 The Black Star will rise as usual (middle)

The Deep Space Temple is located in the center of Kakosha.

It is far away from the man-made Harry Lake and Kakosha Cathedral.

In the words of Yegetos, it is a palace that belongs only to Chen Jing, and it is the habitat of the King of Deep Space in the secular world.

When he came to the outside of the temple.

Chen Jing found that this huge building was very similar to the palace he had seen in the courtyard of King Huang.

But it's just similar.

The main building of this palace is about 150 meters high, while the towering spires on the left and right sides are nearly 500 meters high. The thin shape makes people feel an inexplicable coldness and sharpness, just like two golden holy swords about to be unsheathed.

The light, slender and slightly twisted flying buttresses are like the tentacles of the ancient god that the old man had seen in the old sea. They tightly wrap around the main body of the building from bottom to top. The ferocious and sharp pointed arches are engraved with countless totems symbolizing the deep space...

Compared to the palace in the Yellow King's courtyard.

The temple where Chen Jing and his companions were located gave people a stronger sense of religion. Even Chen Jing himself felt the oppressive feeling when he stood outside the temple, as if the huge building standing in front of him was not a dead building, but a solemn and living ancient god...

Led by Hasad, Chen Jing followed the others through the pointed arch of the temple. He felt like he had stepped into the mouth of an ancient beast, and was faced with a suffocating sense of oppression.

"Although this deep space temple is the most completed main building, the time is still too tight, and many details have not been perfected in time..."

"You can see it."

Chen Jing looked at this temple that belonged to him, and felt that it was empty everywhere. Without some specific "soft furnishings", this place looked like an indoor square.

Inside the temple.

There was only a lonely throne standing in the deepest part of the hall.

The shape of the bottom of the throne seems to stand on an irregular boulder, while the main body of the throne is covered with thorns and deformed and twisted dead branches, and a totem unique to the deep space is engraved on the top...

It must be said that although the throne and the temple seem to be made of pure gold, the unique shape of the throne always gives Chen Jing a feeling that it is made of thorns and dead branches. The hideous and brutal style is full of tension.

"The stained glass window is really thoughtful."

Suddenly, Chen Jing only heard the old man sighing like this, and followed the old man's gaze to see that the French stained glass windows on the left and right sides of the temple were full of "his" figure.

Outside the temple is the golden holy light that permeates the entire Kakosha.

And when those holy lights are projected through the stained glass windows, the light inevitably becomes soft and gentle.

The halo reflected by the colored glass has a strange color tone and is full of a sense of nothingness, just like the illusory and unreal colors that humans have seen in a hazy dream...

All the temple stained glass windows that can be seen are made of broken glass full of geometric beauty.

Because they are all light gold as the main color, when those golden spots are reflected on the ground, they are just like the holy light that Chen Jing attracted with his gestures during the battle.

From the entrance corridor to the depths of the hall.

The light transmittance of the stained glass windows seems to have been deliberately adjusted to give a gradual feeling.

The first few stained glass windows are darker and duller than the ones behind.

The closer to the throne, the higher the brightness.

So at first, when Chen Jing looked at the throne from the entrance, it seemed that the throne was shrouded in a golden mist...

The light transmittance of the stained glass windows, the main color and the auxiliary color.

All of this is based on the content of the stained glass windows.

Those "paintings" made of geometric shapes are the theme of the stained glass windows.

The first stained glass window at the entrance.

The content is a black star hanging high above Kakosa.

The second stained glass window.

Countless people were reveling in Kakosha, as if celebrating the black star approaching the earth.

The third stained glass window.

A thin figure appeared on the magnified black star, wearing a yellow robe as delicate as silk.

The fourth stained glass window...

"Whose idea was it?" Chen Jing asked curiously, because he found that the content of the first half of the stained glass windows was a bit "vague", all of which were based on the theme of the high-hanging black star accompanied by a yellow-clothed figure reigning in Kakosha, while the remaining half clearly depicted his rise.

For example, the stained glass window that Chen Jing stopped to watch.

The content on the stained glass window was...

A handsome young man stood on a dark long street, looking up at the living star hanging high in the sky, and staring at the living star's single eye silently without fear...

The next stained glass window.

A young man stood on an open space and played a whistle, calling a strange-looking "horse" from the distant sky.

The next stained glass window…

“It’s your friend.” Hasad whispered, “Before you went to the temple, she found me privately and gave me a stained glass window design she drew by herself.”

Hasad paused for a moment.

“Your friend said that Kakosha needs a real god, just like the Yellow King, so your story is worth recording… After all, this is a true miracle!”

“It’s her…” Chen Jing suddenly realized.

It’s true that, except for Qiao Youning, almost no one knows how he got here…People in the inner world can’t say that, and Qiao Youning is the only friend in the outer world.

“She knows you well…” Chen Bofu was also walking and watching. Although he also accompanied Chen Jing all the way, it is undeniable that this feeling of watching the past from a third-person perspective is very wonderful, especially when the old man found his own figure on some of the stained glass windows.

It feels like he has become part of the legend.


This generation of deep space resurrectors will surely become the legend of this world.

Maybe many years later.

When others listen to the stories of their grandsons, they will feel the same as when they listened to the stories of some old kings... they feel that they are illusory and exaggerated, and they are all foolish myths.

"She is a friend I have known for many years, of course she knows me." Chen Jing couldn't help but smile.

It was afternoon at this moment, and the sun was the strongest.

The scorching sun and golden holy light projected from the stained glass windows of the temple, and the mottled and fragmented light and shadow only dyed the golden ground into a different color.

Although this temple is a replica, it is undeniable that in the hazy halo that enveloped the hall, even Chen Jing could feel the graceful elegance that seemed to have been deposited for billions of years.

In this blend of light and shadow, it seemed as if he had really returned to the time when King Huang was in charge of Kakosha...

Walking past the last blank stained glass window.

Chen Jing stopped silently and looked up at his throne.

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