Chapter 573 The black star will eventually rise as usual (Part 2)

The interior of the temple is decorated in a completely different style than the exterior.

Not so many sharp and pointy structures.

On the contrary, it is so soft that it makes people feel inexplicably weird.


Except for the frame of the flower window and the main lines of the interior of the temple.

There is no "straight line" here.

Not even a "corner".

I heard Hassad say before that this is the key point of decoration that Qiao Youning emphatically mentioned in the design drawing, because to the master of deep space, all dimensional spaces are melting irregular objects, or trembling and curved "pianos". string".

"There are no angles smaller than 120 degrees inside the temple, and there are very few vertical lines... Oh, you don't know how troublesome it is to make it. It has to be completely symmetrical to achieve the ultimate in geometric aesthetics, and it also has to pay attention to these messy things. I have to rework them all. Several times!”

"Grandpa Hassad, thank you for your hard work..." Chen Jing said gratefully.

"What's so hard about this...Actually, I'm just tired, but I'm still happy. After all, I've also been to the temple's flower window!" Hassad said excitedly, "As long as you don't stumble and continue to live, I can be considered one of the legends. Yes, this temple still has my signature!”

"Hey, let me ask you something..." Chen Bofu suddenly raised his foot and touched Hassad's shoes, then looked back at the two rows of blank flower windows with no content, "I see that these windows are empty. They are preparing to Will you put up stickers later?”

"That's right." Hassad nodded, "The legend continues, and no one knows what will happen next... By the way, A Jing! Tell your friend later! There is a design for the next flower window. Just get me one!"

Chen Jinggang nodded and said yes, and Jaegertos came over from the side.

"Wang, you go up and sit down and try it. If you feel uncomfortable, we will find someone to fine-tune it..."


When Chen Jing slowly walked up the steps with the support of Yegetos, the people who were playing could not help but quiet down.

I don’t know if it’s because the flower window plays well with light and shadow.

Or does this temple really have some resonance with deep space.

Chen Jing was obviously wearing casual clothes instead of yellow robes.

But as Chen Jing walked up the steps, his figure became increasingly blurry in everyone's eyes.

In the golden halo of blur.

He seemed to have silently put on the yellow robe that symbolized the supremacy of deep space.

The thin and noble back became a little unreal.

Every step feels like stepping between endless dimensions and the deep sea of ​​stars.

Until Chen Jing sat down.

Sitting on the deep space throne that belongs to him alone.

at this moment.

Even Chen Boxu could hardly see his face clearly.

Only those eyes could be seen through the golden mist.

His eyes may have changed, or they may not have changed.

But in the eyes of outsiders.

The past softness and tenderness in his eyes had completely disappeared, and what remained was only the symbol of absolute rules and order, standing at the top of the biological chain and defying all things...the majesty of the King of Kings.

That thin figure.

There is no room for blasphemy or questioning.

No matter how clearly his eyes are visible to everyone, people can't help but look away if they look at them even a little.

Because those eyes seem to be connected to the deep space... Under the gaze of others, those black and white eyes will become unreal, as if they have turned into an endless deep space that can swallow billions of dimensions, and it also spans time and space. The boundary of space is the terrifying abyss that hides all the vast secrets in history.

at this time.

When everyone looked at the figure on the throne, they felt strange. Along with a strange and irresistible "piety", the same thought appeared in the hearts of everyone present.

Kneel down.

Offer your devotion.

The great deep space will protect you kindly.

Until death.


Until the end of time...

The strong desire to kneel down to the throne appeared in everyone's heart at this moment, even Chen Boxu was no exception... even though he knew that the person sitting on the throne was his grandson, an old descendant far below his own rank. .

But...what does it matter?

The one on the throne is an indescribably great god.

It is an existence that transcends the kings of history.

How can I not kneel down?

Don’t kneel.

That’s disrespectful!

Kneeling down would be fair and just!

"What are you doing..."

When this voice suddenly sounded, Chen Bofu suddenly woke up, only to find that his legs were still shaking, as if he was still resisting the strong desire to kneel down before, and the situation of others was even worse. Unbearable...

Hassad's knees were already touching the ground.

Yan Que and Wei Nan's knees were half-bent, their faces full of confusion.

As for Yegetos and Baiage... let alone these two, they are extremely standard bastards. They knelt down faster than anyone else before Chen Jing, and now they were worshiping Chen Jing on the throne with their whole bodies prostrated.

"Oops! Why did you stand up!" Jegertos looked sideways at the people behind him, his tone was both angry and aggrieved, "What's wrong with kowtowing to my king! You locals are so rude!"

"What the hell?" Hassad was about to kneel on the ground in a second. The moment he came to his senses, he stood up sideways with a silky posture, "You have to kowtow before the New Year? ?”

"?" Yan Que didn't say a word. He stood up with a confused look on his face and scratched his head to express his confusion.

Wei Nan didn't react so calmly. Seeing the golden mist covering the throne dissipate, she rushed up without saying a word, hanging on Chen Jing like a koala, shaking the shoulders of the "King of Kings" crazily.

"How dare you let the boss kneel down to you?! Do you know that I almost knelt on the ground and kowtowed to you? Woohoo... Red envelope! Give it to me now!"


Chen Jing, who looked confused, didn't know what happened, and could only let Wei Nan shake him...

"It's a pity that Xizi is not here." Chen Bofu sighed, a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes, "If he was here, I'm really curious whether he would kneel down."

"Yes." Hassad stepped back to Chen Bofu's side, as if he wanted to distance himself from Chen Jing on the throne. , "That guy is also a hidden lackey, so loyal to your grandson."

"If Ryan and the others were here, they would probably kneel even faster." Yan Que said suddenly, with a hint of bad taste between the lines, "It's a pity that those little guys all ran to prepare the dinner... Otherwise, with A Jing's personality, he would probably be embarrassed to death."

"In fact, Kakosha is still missing something."

Chen Jing put his arm around Wei Nan's shoulders, patting her shoulders gently to comfort her like coaxing a child, and quickly changed the subject when she was not prepared.

"What's missing?" Wei Nan asked curiously.

"It's missing this star that belongs to Kakosha."

As he said, Chen Jing flicked his finger, and a black light instantly surged from his fingertips, piercing through the dome of the temple and quickly flew over the western continent.

"Even if it is billions of years later."

"Black Star."

"It will eventually rise in Kakosha as usual."

Chapter 574 Deep Space Family Cultivation Manual (Part 1)

The dinner to welcome Chen Jing was held in the square outside the Kakosha Temple. It was not grand or luxurious, with only piles of towering bonfires and the smell of barbecue in the air.

All these meat ingredients were bought by Chen Jing and Qiao Youning on the day they went shopping. They came from the Polar Day Capital, not from the rich Western Continent... This place has a rich variety of plants, but as long as they are alive and breathing, they are almost all polluted species except for the residents of Kakosha.

Although the meat of polluted species can be eaten, it is too limited after all. Not to mention that ordinary people will be directly poisoned by the meat of polluted species, even the old descendants who transcend mortals and have lower sequence levels cannot resist the pollution source carried in the meat.

It is no exaggeration to say.

As for the people currently living in Kakosha, almost 90% do not meet the conditions for eating polluted species, so the food materials they consumed during this period were all fished out from outside...either they went to some wanderers gathering places outside the Western Continent for trading, or they were found from farther away.

"Xi arranged three space folding rituals outside Kakosha, each of which can lead to the edge of the Western Continent, so it is much easier for us to transport materials with the help of rituals..."

"That's good."

"Recently, many candidates have been discussing you on the forum."

Tsukano Kushiro sat next to Chen Jing, holding a glass of fruity drink with alcohol in his hand. Although it was still the kind of "small workshop product" popular in the wasteland and was not healthy, they had become old descendants, so they didn't care about health or not. It was better than the drinks filled with engine oil in the fortress.

"Why discuss me?" Chen Jing held a skewer of barbecue in his hand and ate slowly.

"The news that you escaped from Turing has spread all over the forum. For now, you are the only one who has faced the ancient god and survived."

Tsukano Kushiro said this, and his eyes could not help but glance into the distance.

The ancient god Xi was sitting in the place farthest from the crowd.

"But those candidates know too little. You are much stronger than they imagined. They can't imagine that you have already faced another ancient god before Turing."

Hearing this, Chen Jing just smiled and said nothing.

"Some people say that you are hiding in the West Continent." Tsukano Kushiro threw the wooden stick in his hand into the bonfire, and the remaining oil was crackled by the fire.

"Who said that?" Chen Jing asked, looking around.

The people sitting around the bonfire were all candidates, and the seats were arranged by Tsukano Kushiro, so when Chen Jing looked over, everyone subconsciously shook their heads or waved their hands, indicating that it was definitely not them.

"It's not what they said, nor is it what I said." Tsukano Kushiro whispered, "It seems that the search for you in Hanging City has achieved results, but they only know that you are in the Western Continent, and don't know your specific location."

Tsukano Kushiro did not deliberately shield the candidates present, because the reality is like this. No matter how much some people want to dig out Chen Jing's information from them, no one will let go.

The reason is also very simple.

Chen Jing is too special among the candidates.

Whether it is the identity of a deep space resuscitator, or the strength he showed in front of people, or his background in the inner world... All of this is not difficult to see that Chen Jing is definitely the best among the candidates, and there is no one who can even compare with him.


As long as there is a chance to hold this thigh, who would be blind enough to sell him out?

What's more, there is Tsukano Kushiro watching secretly. In some ways, this guy is much more difficult to deal with than Chen Jing. Don't look at him usually lazy and have no ambition... The so-called "chivalrous way" in his heart can kill people.

For him.

Chen Jing is not only a strong man worth following, but also a person who may end the "Biological Leap Examination".

If there is only one person who can save the current chaotic world.

Then this person must be Chen Jing.

Tsukano Kushiro firmly believes this.

So his purpose of following Chen Jing is different from others. It is not to let himself live a carefree life, nor to ask for soup when Chen Jing eats meat... He just wants to help Chen Jing to the best of his ability, even if it is just to help him get rid of some unnecessary troubles.

Because this is his chivalrous way.

He must protect this person who can save two worlds.

"I am watching these people in the city, so there will be no trouble, but many people have proposed to me and want me to ask you..." Tsukano Kushiro looked back at Chen Jing, and the smile on his slightly immature face was still warm and gentle, "Many candidates want to come to you, do you want to accept them?"

Chen Jing looked at the bonfire that was getting more and more intense in front of him and was a little dazed. It was not until Tsukano Kushiro asked the second time that he reacted.

"Okay." Chen Jing smiled.

Seeing Chen Jing agreed so straightforwardly, Tsukano Kushiro couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

"Although what I said was a bit provocative, I still can't help but ask you... Aren't you afraid that they will hurt you?"

"What are you afraid of?" Chen Jing hugged his knees and looked at the blazing bonfire, "Are you afraid that they will lead Tuling Taijun?"

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