When Chen Bofu finished saying these words, he immediately came to the side of Old John with a look of astonishment on his face.

One second ago.

The old fish man was still angry because of the two grandsons' ignorance, and was about to take the initiative to teach each other a lesson, but now... when he realized that Chen Bofu's outstretched right hand came to him without any warning, everything It's already too late.

"Is the information almost complete?"


"Then grandpa won't give him face..."

Chen Bofu smiled with satisfaction, and then gently put his skinny right hand on Old John's face. With a little force, his five fingers dug into the opponent's flesh, and he raised his hand and tore it apart!


"What's your name? Didn't I tell you that I won't give you face anymore?"

Amidst Old John's shrill screams, a complete and ugly face was torn off by Chen Bofu in an understatement.

at the same time.

Chen Jing also casually walked out of the cabin. The moment he opened the door, he raised his hand to stop the deformed mantis shrimp that was coming towards him.

In this process.

Chen Jing could only hear the sounds of beatings and curses coming and going in the cabin.

"After all these years, this is the first time I've been ripped off. Damn, I want so much reward just for opening my mouth... Are you going to die?!"

Chapter 582: An old friend emerging from the fog (Part 1)

The route from Bruna to Inboga is not safe. At least in Chen Jing's opinion, this place is even more outrageous than the wasteland. Starting half an hour after leaving the coast, the polluting species lurking under the sea began to harass them endlessly. attack...

For Chen Jing and his grandson, this situation was not considered dangerous. It just allowed them to see the diversity of species.

It is different from the polluted species in the wasteland.

Most of these polluted species living in the sea have about 40% human characteristics, such as those Pipi shrimps that use human arms as their legs, or the anglerfish that uses human heads hanging upside down as bait...

By the way, there are also those black crabs that haunt the deep sea. Although the series of eyeballs squeezed out of their bodies look like moles, which looks a bit disgusting, but if you put aside these human characteristics... They are indeed quite delicious.

In fact, Chen Jing had no idea of ​​tasting these old sea delicacies at first, because these things looked like the products of nuclear radiation, and besides being weird, they were also disgusting.

But after Chen Bofu carefully enlightened him...

Chen Jing suddenly opened the door to a new world.

He unexpectedly discovered that the animal parts of these contaminated species were all normal. Not only did they not show any weird distortions, they even tasted much more delicious than the seafood he had tasted in the outside world before.

So on the way to Inboga, Chen Jing lived an extremely nourishing life and did not treat himself badly in terms of food.

"Damn it, I won't be able to see Inboga again tomorrow, I have to skin you!"

In the cabin, Chen Bofu was sitting behind Captain John Old with a cigarette in his mouth, cursing and urging him to drive faster, while rubbing his stomach to suppress the desire to vomit.

Although more than ten hours of continuous sailing at sea had alleviated his seasickness a lot and made him more or less accustomed to it, it was still uncomfortable, especially after eating a full meal, and his stomach turned violently...

"I'll be there tomorrow!"

The old John who spoke no longer had the arrogance he had yesterday.

But to be precise, his face was gone.

Ever since his face was torn off by Chen Bofu, Old John has maintained this posture of directly exposing his bones without any skin cover.

It's not that he wants it, it's just that it has to be this way.

All descendants of the sequence have the ability to self-heal. The higher the sequence level, the stronger the self-healing ability. Old John is no exception, but this time...he has no choice but to heal himself.

The face torn off by Chen Bofu could not be regenerated, and the broken bones always remained broken, as if the self-healing power had completely disappeared. This was the first time that Old John had encountered such an incredible phenomenon.


John Sr. soon realized he had made a big mistake.

This old man wearing a mask is not a Sequence Six creature at all. Although he cannot sense the other party's true aura, judging from the situation of being unilaterally suppressed by the other party, he has definitely been promoted to the Sequence Seven level...

Oh shit!

Could it be that the old descendants of the inland Sequence Seven are already gone like dogs? !

What was he doing in a remote place like this? !

Old John couldn't understand, and he just hated himself for being so unlucky. As long as the opponent was a lower level, even if it was Sequence Six, Old John would be absolutely sure to escape from the opponent, just like the player he met last time. The crazy woman in chains...

"What the hell are you mumbling about?"

Chen Bofu spat out the melon seed skins in his mouth with a loud sound, and hit Old John on the head accurately.

"If you want to scold me, just say so. I'm mumbling...are you tired of living?"

After being insulted like this, Old John did not show any anger. To be precise, he did not dare to be angry. After all, the old descendants of Sequence Seven were placed on the Old Sea, and only the high priest of the Dagon Secret Cult could reach such a state.

"My dear grandson! There are still no polluted seeds showing up?!" Seeing that Old John remained silent, Chen Bofu immediately lost interest in bullying him. He turned to Chen Jing outside the cabin and shouted, "How about you stand on the edge of the deck? Go ahead and seduce him a few more times, and see if someone with no eyes comes back to die!"

Hearing the old man's words, Chen Jing felt helpless, thinking that the old man had nothing to do but was addicted to killing or something...


Chen Jing stood on the edge of the deck, with an endless gray sea in front of him.

"The polluted species in the sea have stopped moving. Maybe they were afraid of being killed before!"

Chen Jing and the others had not slept once this night. They had always used shifts to deal with the polluting species that rushed onto the deck. Every half an hour or so, a group of fearless ones would rush up to die. This is also a rare entertainment activity for both their grandfather and grandson.

But just after the last batch of contaminated seeds died.

The sea area suddenly became quiet.

Five hours.

No contaminating species appeared.

The aberrant creatures in the sea seemed to have heard the news, and no one dared to carry out sneak attacks rashly. The moment of silence made Chen Jing feel a little strange.

at the same time.

The examination system's light curtain suddenly popped up in front of Chen Jing's eyes.

[Tsukano Koshiro]: Well, Lawrence has returned. According to your instructions, we have suspended all plans to purchase supplies. No one will leave the Western Continent in a short time.

[Chen Jing]: Xi hasn’t come out yet?

[Tsukano Koshiro]: No, since he last said he was going to practice in a certain space underground, he hasn’t come back yet... But don’t worry, he left a medium for us, so we can call him at the critical moment. , and he also arranged rituals on the edge of the continent, and people from Hanging Yongye will react when they come.

[Chen Jing]: Please be careful when the temple sends supplies.

[Tsukano Koshiro]: Mr. Hassad will come out to entertain them. If there are any abnormalities, I will notify you in time.

【Chen Jing】:Okay.

[Tsukano Koshiro]: To be honest, Xi has been silent, so I’m still a little worried. When you come back this time, remember to go and see him.

Seeing the message sent by Tsukano Kushiro, Chen Jing couldn't help but feel a little worried. He thought that Xizi was really good at stretching his crotch. He had obviously received a "turnaround" from his ancestors in the arsenal, but the result was still there until now. Not fully digested.

"We have been in seclusion since we went to Jizhou Capital, but there is no sign of it coming out yet. Why does this guy always slip up at critical moments..." Chen Jing sighed, and then closed the light curtain.

Although the situation in the Western Continent is relatively stable, the materials for the temple are about to be delivered. In addition, the outside world knows the news of the alliance between the temple and Deep Sky. The results of the investigation of the Hanging City have also locked the Western Continent. This guy I really can’t pick a time to retreat.


There was a glimmer of light on the rough sea.

That was in front and right of Chen Jing.

The bright blue light dispelled the haze of the old sea almost instantly, and hundreds of light spots as big as millstones gradually floated from the deep sea to the surface...

Another polluting species?

Chen Jing was not afraid, but looked around curiously. Although he had no intention of continuing to eat for the time being, he still had the mentality of not rejecting these specialties from the Old Sea that were delivered to his door.

It would be good to just kill them all and throw them into the deep space, and then take them back to Wei Nan and the others to try them out.

And just when Chen Jing was concentrating on observing the spot of light, he heard an extremely harsh scream suddenly coming from the front...

The sound was indescribably strange.

It sounded like the neighing sound of some broken musical instrument, but also a bit like a human scream.

"Is that...Dagon's Siren?"

Chapter 583: An old friend emerging from the fog (Part 2)

"This sound should be right...I have seen these things before..."

Chen Jing turned around and saw that the old man was already standing by the mast silently. He didn't know when he walked out of the cabin. He didn't make any sound at all, and even Chen Jing didn't notice it.

"Grandpa, why are you so mysterious..."

"Have it?"

Chen Bofu smiled, then jumped onto the mast, hanging on the top like a monkey.

"Those blue light spots are the crystals on the back of the sea monster... It's really strange... These murderous and aggressive mixed-blood bastards have no interest in us... I remember that they love to eat foreign ancient descendants..."

According to the old man, this group of polluted species called "Sirens" are considered the rarest souvenirs on this side of the Old Sea.

From a certain perspective.

They can all be regarded as Dagon's descendants.

Because the blood of Dagon flows in these sea monsters...

"In the Dagon Esoteric Cult on the coast, there is a very special ritual that requires the use of pregnant women of old descent as a medium to perform it. The blood of Dagon is injected into the bodies of pregnant women of old descent. After that... the children born by the women will become Become a siren."

When Chen Bofu said this, the blue light spots under the sea gradually emerged from the water. However, due to the distance and the thick fog, Chen Jing could only vaguely see human-like figures emerging from the water. Emerging from the water.


This is Chen Jing's only impression of those sea monsters.

The skinny figure also doesn’t tell the difference between gender.

There is an obvious blue light spot at the lower part of the cervical spine, which should be the crystal the old man mentioned.

When these figures were gradually engulfed by the fog, Chen Jing withdrew his gaze, turned around and walked towards the cabin.

"What's going on?" Chen Jing was still smiling when talking to Old John. He didn't like to lose his temper like Chen Boxu. "What's going on with those sea monsters?"

"I...I don't know either..." Old John said blankly, his tone full of confusion, as if he really didn't know what was going on.

At the same time, Chen Bofu also opened the door and walked in. The expression on his face was obviously on the verge of getting angry.

"To these polluted species in the sea, you natives are not enemies...especially the brained sea monsters. I remember that you can communicate with the sea monsters, right?"

"Huh?" Old John didn't respond.

"You're not sending a signal to the sea monsters, are you?" Chen Bofu asked calmly, his eyes gradually becoming dangerous, "I can tell you, in this sea, what I hate most are the sea monsters. If you summon them, don’t blame me for crushing your head to pieces.”

"No!" Old John hurriedly denied, "You promised to let me go when we get to Inboga! There is no need for me to risk playing dirty tricks with you!"

"Maybe you don't believe us..." Chen Bofu sneered.

"I believe it! I really believe it!" Old John slapped the steering wheel and said excitedly, "And look! The group of sea monsters went in another direction! Isn't this enough to prove my innocence!"

Chen Boxu and Chen Jing looked at each other for a while, and finally relaxed helplessly.

"That's true..."

"You inland people just think too badly of me... Since we have already discussed it, we will definitely not change our minds..." Old John muttered, feeling relieved in his heart. Fortunately, he got through it!

In fact, Old John didn't lie either.

These sea monsters were indeed not summoned by him.

Because sea monsters are different from other polluted species, if you want to contact them, you must go through the esoteric rituals, but unfortunately there are no conditions for arranging rituals now.

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