"It's really strange..."

After listening to Chen Jing's story, Armitage's expression became more and more confused.

"How can the divine revelation of the deep space sequence be related to them..."

"Who are you talking about?" Chen Jing looked curious.

"The three ancient gods of the Old Sea..."

Armitage frowned and corrected himself halfway through.

"But to be more precise, it should be one ancient god and two false gods."

Chapter 591 The legendary Ihasre (Part 2)

"Let's talk about the conclusion first."

Armitage is also a man of swift action. When talking about business with Chen Jing, he seems very rigorous. The temperament of an old scholar comes up all of a sudden. It's completely impossible to tell that he and the old man were still pulling each other's hair before.

"The deep sea singularity, I know where it is, but I don't know if it really exists."

"What do you mean?" Chen Bofu frowned and asked, not liking Armitage's way of answering in suspense.

"That thing has only appeared in the legend of the Old Sea. Who can tell whether it is true or not..." Armitage sighed, "But it appeared in your divine revelation, so it is very likely to be true."

According to Armitage.

The deep sea singularity is not actually an ancient relic, but a kind of space folding ritual that has appeared in the old days. Like a conventional portal, it is a door to another space.

In the secret legends passed down from generation to generation in the Old Sea, the deep sea singularity is the "eye of the sea" of the entire Old Sea, and it is also the only passage to the "Kingdom of God".

It can help all creatures get rid of the shackles of the flesh.

Let all things in the world pass through the gap between time and space.

Reach the other side of the shore shrouded in miracles and glory...

"Luo Yan City."

When Professor Armitage slowly uttered this name, Chen Jing knew that he had found the right person, because except for him, no one knew about Luo Yan City before, including the immortal species living in the old days like Yegotos...

In theory.

Judging from the content of the divine revelation, the Yellow King should have had an intersection with the creatures of Luoyan City, otherwise there would not be such a banquet.

The Yellow King’s old friend.

The absent Ancient God’s Banquet.

It is not difficult to judge the connection between Luoyan City and the Yellow King from this information, so the performance of Yegetos and others made Chen Jing really confused.

I don’t know anything.

I have never heard of anything.

Not only the deep sea singularity or Luoyan City, but even the old friend of the Yellow King who lived in seclusion in the deep sea has not been heard of. This is obviously unreasonable.

But the most unreasonable thing is... the memory that the Yellow King synchronized to Chen Jing in the armory.


In that memory that can be called terrifyingly detailed, Chen Jing could not find any information related to the old Luoyan City, let alone any Ancient God’s Banquet to be held in the sea...

But the divine revelation clearly said that the Yellow King was absent.

So this series of information conflicts made Chen Jing a little confused.

"What kind of place is Luoyan City?" Chen Jing couldn't help asking.

"The land on the other side."

Amitage said, taking out a pen and paper from under the coffee table, and drew three parallel circles on the white paper with a fountain pen.

"This first circle represents Luoyan City. In fact, not many people know about this place, and even most of the natives of the Old Sea have never known about it. Only the internal ancient books of the Dagon Esoteric Cult have very few records about it..."

"It is said that it is a city shrouded in miracles and glory. It exists in the gap between time and space. It was built by the original servants of the ancient gods with some rare stones lost in the dimensional turbulence. The whole city is like a dark green gem emitting a holy light. Magnificent statues and gorgeous stone carvings are everywhere. It is an eternal mansion that is not eroded by time. It is the only residence of the ancient gods..."

Amitage moved the pen away again and pointed to the second circle on the white paper.

"This second circle represents the deep sea singularity. As your divine revelation said, it is the only passage to Luoyan City. If you want to go to Luoyan City, you must first find the deep sea singularity..."

"Then you only need to draw two." Chen Bofu frowned, "My grandson's divine revelation is to find the singularity before going to Luoyan City. Why did you draw three?"

"The last circle represents your starting point."

Amitage ignored the old man and spoke to himself.

"This is Ihaslei."

"Ihaslei?" Xu Ye on the side was surprised, as if he knew the place Armitage was talking about, "Does that ghost place really exist? Isn't it a legend?"

"The deep sea singularity and Luoyan City are also legends." Armitage sighed, "At least they used to be."

If Chen Jing hadn't received the exact divine revelation.

I'm afraid Armitage wouldn't take these legends of the Dagon Esoteric Cult seriously.

After all, he has lived here for so many years and has had a lot of dealings with the Dagon Esoteric Cult. The two sides are considered to have a "friendship" and know each other well, so he knows very well... Even those devout believers cannot confirm the authenticity of these secret places, let alone an outsider like him?

He has always regarded these as myths and legends.

Until today.

"Old bastard, is this Ihaslei you are talking about related to the deep-sea singularity we are looking for?" Chen Bofu lit a cigarette.

"According to the legend of the Dagon Esoteric Cult, the deep-sea singularity you are looking for should be in Ihaslei."

Armitage looked at Chen Jing and said with interest.

"And your grandson also said that he has a relic that is related to the singularity of the deep sea... It is a horn, right? Let you play it on the altar of Dagon Cave to open the way to the singularity of the deep sea?"

Chen Jingding nodded.

"That's right, Dagon's Cave is Ihasrei, and the altar where the trumpets are played is right there... But it's probably not easy for you to go there."

Armitage frowned again, already anticipating the difficulties Chen Jing and the others would face.

"Your grandfather should have told you about the things I studied... the ruins of the Old Sea and the three ancient gods..."

"Yes, I did."

"Well... after my research over the years, I found that there is something wrong with the conclusion I came to before." Armitage said frankly, "There is actually only one ancient god here, and the other two... can only be regarded as false gods. , at least their strength is far inferior to that of the real ancient god."

"Who is the real ancient god?" Chen Jing asked curiously, "Is it the fish-man Dagon? Or is it the big octopus Tekili that my grandfather saw?"

"None of them." Armitage shook his head, "Your grandfather should have told you that the conclusion of my research was that there were three ancient gods in the Old Sea, two of them had clear names, but one was nameless. …”

Hear Armitage say this.

What the old man said a few days ago flashed through Chen Jing's mind.

"Armitage was only sure that there were two ancient gods in the sea, but he was not sure that there was a third one, because there are no sighting records of the third ancient god from ancient times to the present, and even the name has not been circulated. He just felt... Probably."

"Because judging from the brief descriptions in the ruins, Dagon and Teqili are both servants of a certain supreme old king. They both serve that unspeakable ancient existence in the deep sea..."

"The nameless ancient god is not only the real ancient god, but also the master served by Dagon and Tekili..."

Armitage clenched the pen in his hand and looked at Chen Jing with fiery eyes. He could not help but get excited when talking about things related to his research project.

"I have seen its name in countless books of the Dagon Esoteric Cult. Although it is just a few words left on some decayed pages, I can be sure that is its name!"

"It is the king hidden in the decaying history, the eternal sleeper beyond time, the source of billions of ancient rituals, and the great existence that cannot be named... The only master of Luoyan City, Ketur special."

Chapter 592: Priests of the Dagon Esoteric Cult (Part 1)

All the time.

The four words "Kturt" have always been hidden in the stone murals of some ancient ruins, or in the corners of ancient books within the Dagon Esoteric Cult. There are so few records about it that Armitage They all believe that "it" may be an imaginary ancient god, unlike Dagon, who is real.

Even before Chen Jing came to Yinbojia, he was not sure whether this ancient god really existed. He just had such a hypothesis, a hypothesis that he believed in but could not confirm.

Until now.

Chen Jing is here.

He also truthfully stated the divine revelation he had received.

It was also from this point that Armitage was able to confirm the existence of "Kturt"... Because Kturt is the master of Luoyan City. If Chen Jingzhen wants to go there to attend a banquet of the ancient gods, then the person holding the banquet will Humans can only be Keturt, not the other two false gods.

"Professor, this Keturt you are talking about...is it stronger than Dagon Tejili?" Chen Jing asked tentatively, "About how much stronger?"

Armitage didn't seem to expect that Chen Jing would ask this question. He frowned and thought for a while, and finally gave an uncertain answer.

"There are too few records about Ketu, and I can't accurately infer its strength based on those records, but I can be sure that it is stronger than Dagon Tejili, because according to some records, Ketu Walter is their master..."

Chen Bofu, who was sitting next to him, couldn't help but become interested when he heard this.

"What does it look like?" Chen Boxu asked curiously, "Is it also a half-fish man? Or is it similar to an octopus?"

"I don't know." Armitage shook his head. "There are too few records about it. I can't restore its appearance and characteristics at all. Even the priests of the Dagon Secret Cult don't understand it. What do you expect?" How much can I know?"

Chen Bofu snorted dissatisfied, and smoked slowly with a cigarette in his mouth. His cloudy eyes flickered slightly, staring at the white paper with three circles drawn on the coffee table, not knowing what he was thinking.

"If you want to go to Luoyan City, then this is the only way..."

Armitage pointed to three parallel circles on the white paper and said slowly.

"Go to Yihasrei first, then open the entrance to the Deep Sea Singularity, and then go to Luoyan City through the Deep Sea Singularity..."

With that said, Armitage glanced at Chen Jing again.

"Do you know the specific content of that banquet?"

"I don't know." Chen Jing shook his head.

"Do you know what the ancient god's attitude is towards you?" Armitage asked again.

Chen Jing thought for a while and shook his head.

"have no idea."


Chen Jingzhen knew nothing about that blank history.

There was no corresponding information record even in the memory passed down to him by King Huang, so he couldn't figure out the truth behind it no matter how hard he tried to think about it.

"Then we won't think about that." Armitage smiled, changed the subject and continued to point at the circle on the white paper, "If you want to attend the banquet, you must first find Ihasrei."

"Do you know where it is?" Chen Bofu glanced at him and added, "We need specific coordinates, don't just draw an area for us to find it ourselves."

Armitage touched the white beard on his chin, and his eyes under the lenses flashed with excitement, as if he was trying to figure out how to tell everyone.

"I know that place, but the problem is... even if you know where it is, how do you get there?"

"Who are you looking down on?" Chen Bofu slowly frowned, obviously a little unhappy, thinking that the old man looked down on him, "As long as you give me the coordinates, I will take my grandson to check in now!"

"That place is far away from us, and it takes about ten days to sail by ship, and the most troublesome thing is..." Armitage looked at the old man with a playful look, and there was provocation between the lines, "That place is at the bottom of the deep sea. Do you think you have the ability to take your grandson to get there safely?"

Chen Bofu was about to curse back with an ugly curse, but after thinking about it, he kept silent.

Because he realized that Armitage was not joking.

If that place is really under the deep sea...

"Damn, it's so troublesome." Chen Bofu cursed while biting his cigarette holder.

This trip to the Old Sea is completely different from his visit to the Old Sea many years ago.

In the past, it was just that the energy flowed too fast, so they couldn't fight or fly freely in the sea area, but this time... the old sea can already affect the use of their power. Although he is a descendant of Sequence 7, he can barely minimize these effects, but the problem is that his grandson is only Sequence 5!

Moreover, it was under the deep sea, not fighting on the sea surface or in shallow water...

When Chen Bofu thought of this, he couldn't help but ask himself, is he really sure that he can take his grandson to dive into the deep sea to find Ihasrei?

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