"Ihasre is Dagon's lair." Armitage reminded calmly, "There are countless hybrid sea monsters and deep divers living there. The strongest ones should be around Sequence 6, and it is not impossible that there are even Sequence 7."

"The main reason is that Dagon is here, right?" Chen Bofu's expression became heavier, "The half-fish man you call a false god..."

"Yes." Armitage nodded, "Not only is it here, maybe even Tekili is here. You have seen it. It can easily split the sea octopus with a wave of its tentacles."

Chen Bofu was silent, lit a cigarette again, and said nothing.


The risk is too great.

Don't go.

Wouldn't it be a waste of time...

Thinking of this, Chen Bofu became more and more entangled in his heart. He always felt that neither choice was suitable. He was afraid of the risk if he went, but he was unwilling to go back.

"Professor." Chen Jing seemed to have noticed something from Armitage's face, so he was not as entangled as the old man, but smiled, "Do you have any ideas?"

"If you have any ideas, just say it!" Chen Bofu heard his grandson's words and glared at Armitage without hesitation, "If you help him this time, our grudges will be wiped out."

"It's not an idea."

Armitage smiled and raised his hand to support the frame on his nose.

"If you want to go to Ihasre, it might be useful to ask the natives for help."

"Are you talking about those people in the Dagon Cult?" Chen Bofu was stunned, and then asked suspiciously, "Those guys worship Dagon very much. When they heard that we were going to raid Dagon's hometown, would they be willing?"

"Why not put it another way?" Armitage smiled, "Just say that you are the investigators I found, and you want to assist the Dagon Cult in investigating Ihasre, so as to get clues about the third ancient god..."

As soon as the voice fell, Armitage took out a pipe from his arms.

"Since hearing about my hypothesis of the three ancient gods, the priests of the Dagon Esoteric Cult have been very interested..."

Chapter 593 The Priests of the Dagon Esoteric Cult (Part 2)

It must be said that Chen Jing and his friends were very lucky.

On the day they arrived in Inboga, the second priest of the Dagon Esoteric Cult, "Shagong", was going to visit Professor Armitage at night. According to the professor, the priest came to improve a ritual of the Esoteric Cult...

Although Chen Bofu was quite wary of the followers of the Dagon Esoteric Cult, seeing that Armitage was confident, he could only bear it even if he was worried. After all, this was the only way with low risk and high return.

"You are outsiders, so the priest Shagong will definitely doubt you, but don't show any nervousness. I will let him feel at ease. You only need to remember two points."

During dinner, Professor Armitage was still tirelessly instructing Chen Jing and his grandson.

"First, you must not reveal your identity, especially Jingjing. Deep space revivers are hostile to Dagon Esoteric Cult. Although they have not joined the anti-deep space alliance of Hanging Night, they are very resistant to deep space revivification in their hearts, because in the ancient legends... deep space is above all the old kings, and they can't stand your appearance, understand?"


"Second, never let the Shagong priest feel your disgust or contempt for this sea area... Especially you, old madman, don't do those things, it's good for your grandson to give him some face."

"I know!"

Chen Bofu was holding back a ball of nameless anger in his stomach, and felt that there was nothing more aggrieved than this. Obviously, his strength was enough. If it weren't for the great influence of the Old Sea, he had no doubt that he could easily lead his grandson to pass the level, so why would he need to find someone from Dagon Esoteric Cult...

For him.

Those fanatics of Dagon Esoteric Cult are much more disgusting than the natives.

Whether it was the insidious and cunning work style or certain characteristics of biological morphology, they made him feel sick just thinking about it.

But there was nothing he could do about it.

The situation was stronger than the person.

Sometimes it was like this when you asked someone to do something for you. People had to bow their heads under the eaves.

"I think you guys eat well here..." Chen Jing peeled the lobster shells slowly, his eyes shining as he ate, "Lobsters and crabs... and so many seafoods..."

"Try eating this for a while." The pigherd looked at the delicious delicacies in front of him without any appetite. He was full after eating two crab legs casually. "These things tasted bad after eating too much!"

"Really?" Chen Jing gnawed on the lobster claws, "I think it's delicious. I plan to bring more seafood back to the Western Continent this time."

Chen Bofu didn't want to eat either. He smoked silently without saying a word. The floor at his feet was full of cigarette butts thrown by him.

"The identity I forged for you is almost like this..." Armitage was still patiently explaining to Chen Bofu, reminding him of every key point, "You are my old classmate, he is your grandson, you are both experts in the study of old history..."

"Is this considered forgery?" Chen Bofu frowned and said, "We were classmates, and he was my grandson!"

"Classmate?" Chen Jing blinked and looked at the old man curiously, because he really didn't remember the old man saying "school", and he had never even associated the word "school" with the old man.

But think about it.

It seems normal for an old man to go to school, after all, he was young, didn't he go to school in Yongye City?

"Well, we used to be classmates, as well as Randolph, Hassard..." Armitage looked at Chen Jing with a smile, "Didn't your grandfather tell you?"

"No." Chen Jing shook his head.

"We were classmates at Miskatonic University. That school... seems to be gone now. It is in a swamp in the southwest of the wasteland." Armitage sighed as he spoke, looking a little disappointed, " Later, the school was destroyed due to a pollution riot, and almost all the teachers and students were killed.”

This topic was a bit heavy, and Armitage didn't want to talk any more, so he started gossiping with Chen Jing.

"Do you know how bad your grandfather's grades were back then?"


"If the school hadn't been afraid of irritating him by expelling him, your grandfather probably wouldn't have been able to complete the first year of school."

"...Really or not?" Chen Jing looked at the old man dubiously, but the other man turned his head and sneered, neither admitting nor denying.

at the same time.

Bai En, who had been standing by the window in a daze, suddenly turned around. The huge eyeball on his neck slowly moved, and his pupils continued to shrink from the dilated state.

"Professor, Chagong is about to land on the island."

After hearing Bai En's words, everyone began to clean up the mess on the table.

Although Chen Jing wasn't full, he couldn't care less and hurriedly got up to help.

He was biting a crab leg in his mouth, and while helping Xu Ye and the others to move the plates and put away the dishes, he was thinking about Bai En's power...

He is supposed to be similar to the Eye Elder of the monastery.

That huge eyeball is the embodiment of his power.

"Is your eyesight still so bad?" Chen Bofu was lying on the sofa with no intention of helping to clear the table. "I didn't even notice anyone landing on the island, but you saw it first?"

"Skills have specializations. Your strengths lie in other areas." Bai En's answer was very modest, and it was very useful to the old man.

About twenty minutes or so.

That night, I took a mop and mopped the floor again, and the doorbell hanging on the fence outside the courtyard also rang gently.

Armitage gave Chen Jing and others a look, telling them to shut up and stop talking nonsense, and then led them out of the house to greet the "distinguished guests".

There was a man standing outside the yard.

It seemed like this was the only one who came.

He stood outside the courtyard wearing a red robe as delicate as silk. His slightly bloated body was like a three-meter-tall scarlet sculpture thanks to his height. He remained unmoved despite the wind and rain in Inboga. .

A veil of gold threads covered his face.

So Chen Jing couldn't see his face at a glance, so he could only move his eyes upward to look at the most eye-catching decoration...

It should be a religious headdress.

It seems to be cast from gold containing impurities. The color is a bit dull and the overall shape is irregular. When worn on the head, it looks a bit crooked. There are many relief decorations of unknown meaning on the surface.

Not pretty but beautiful.

This was Chen Jing's first impression of it.

Because that thing can be described as crudely made, but it also allows people to intuitively feel the impactful "beauty" without understanding the aesthetics of the Old Sea... It is both exquisite and noble, but also weird and strange. , so "beautiful" that people can't help but hold their breath.

"Priest Chagong, please come in quickly!"

Seeing Armitage coming out to greet him with so many people, Priest Chagong couldn't help but smile. When Armitage opened the courtyard door for him enthusiastically, he slowly followed in.

"Today's weather in Inboga is not good." Priest Chagun chatted quietly with Armitage as he walked. There seemed to be many soft tentacles similar to brachiopods growing under his robes, and they walked slowly. It made a sticky and weird sound.

"It's certainly not a good day," Armitage laughed.

"Professor, it seems you have a guest here..."

Priest Chagong calmly turned his head and looked at Chen Jing and his grandson at the rear of the team with a faint look.

"He is actually a guest in a foreign land."

Chapter 594: The Second Priest, Chagong (Part 1)

Before the Chagong priests landed on the island, Armitage had talked with Chen Jing and his grandsons about the current internal situation of the Dagon Secret Cult. Although their management of these indigenous believers was a bit chaotic, they were also strict in hierarchy.

Not to mention the low ones.

What really interests Chen Jing and the others is the high-end combat power of the Dagon Secret Cult, that is, the few "priests" who stand above the many believers.

There are three priests in the Dagon Esoteric Cult.

The first priest "Notoa" is not only the helmsman of the Dagon Secret Cult, but also the only madman who does not show his face in public, but only likes to hide under the deep sea and devote himself to pursuing the "Way of Dagon".

The second priest is the Chagong who landed on the small island of Inboga. He is mainly responsible for revising the history of the Old Sea and developing various "original rituals". He is considered a similar person to Armitage. Not only is he top-notch in strength A high-ranking descendant, he is also a scholar with a thirst for "knowledge".

The third priest of the Dagon Secret Cult is also the weakest priest. His name is "Gambalo". He usually lives in the secret sect stronghold in the north of the Old Sea. It is the end of the world with Chen Jing and the others in Yinbojia. The straight-line distance spans The entire world continent.

"He's that kind of careerist."

Armitage couldn't help but shake his head when talking about the third priest, and there was a vague feeling of "looking down on him" in his words.

"He always believed that the beliefs in the inland were heresy, and only the beliefs that originated from the sea were holy and pure, so he always wanted to develop the Dagon Esoteric Sect inland. As a result, he was beaten up by the Great Buddha Mother Temple a few years ago. Now he has learned to keep a low profile."

Been beaten up by the temple?

When Chen Jing heard this, he couldn't help but be a little stunned. He thought that in that far north, the temple was a standard big brother. If you go to preach under their noses, isn't that asking for trouble?

"Anyway, Gambaro is a lunatic." Armitage shook his head, "His ideal is actually very simple, that is, he wants to preach non-stop until everyone in the world becomes seafood."

Chen Bofu obviously didn't know as much about the information inside the Dagon Esoteric Sect as Armitage, so at the end of the conversation, he also asked the question he was most concerned about...

How strong are they?

"The first priest is Sequence Seven, the second priest is also Sequence Seven, only the third priest is slightly weaker, probably around Sequence Six..." Armitage gave a clear answer.

Get this answer.

Chen Bofu was not surprised, but Chen Jing was a little surprised. After all, in his eyes, Dagon Esoteric Cult was a low-class sect, full of ignorant and arrogant natives... There are actually two descendants of Sequence Seven? Isn't this a joke?

For example, the [Moonlight Hermitage], which has been passed down for countless years, has only one Sequence Seven descendant, the Pope... In other words, this secret cult organization that is so low-key that it has no sense of existence in the other world, actually has two descendants who can match the old man?

"In fact, the foundation of Dagon Esoteric Cult is much deeper than outsiders imagine." When Armitage was explaining Chen Jing's doubts, his tone became serious, as if he was intentionally reminding him, "Although the land seems very large to you, the vastness of the sea is beyond the reach of the land."

As he said this, Armitage suddenly paused.

"The hybridization project between humans and Dagon's family actually started many years ago, even before the emergence of Dagon's cult... So I have no doubt that there are hundreds or thousands of sequence 7 creatures hidden under this endless dark ocean."

"So I don't think it's strange that Dagon's cult has two sequence 7 priests. It's even less... You are new here, so you don't know much about this sect, but I still want to remind you not to underestimate them."


Amitage's instructions are still lingering in his ears.

Chen Jing and Chen Bofu sat in the corner of the living room without saying a word.

They looked at the two figures sitting at the table and talking, and their minds were more or less complicated... Especially Chen Bofu.

"I didn't expect that after so many years, I could still be so frustrated in the Old Sea." Chen Bofu crossed his arms and looked impatient. If it weren't for Chen Jing's big things, he would have given these natives a warning as early as when the second priest landed on the island.

I haven't even finished my meal yet, and I have to put down my chopsticks when I hear you're here. Who do you think you are?

Not to mention that he has to accompany him now.

I watched them chatting happily over there, while I was ignored like an air person...

"It will take some time to come up with a specific plan."

I waited until late at night.

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