Not only that.

The "strange smell" on the Chagong priest's body also disappeared.

It was replaced by a hazy aroma.

Like some kind of sweet floral fragrance.

From this series of changes, it is not difficult to see that Priest Chagong is ready to go to Luoyan City. It seems that for him, being able to make a pilgrimage to that lost ancient city is probably one of the most important things in his life, so It’s worth dressing up.

"The conditions of these two people don't seem to be very good..." Priest Chagong turned back to look at Chen Jing and Chen Boxu, his concerned tone was not pretending, "How about we find a place to rest for a while before going to Yiha?" Slay?"

"No need." Chen Boxu waved his hand and said in a weak voice, "Just go directly. I'm just a little seasick. I'll be fine after a few minutes."

"Are you really okay?" Priest Chagong asked kindly, "If you are feeling unwell, we don't have to force ourselves and just take a rest first..."

"I said it's okay! Hurry up! Let's go!" Chen Bofu was already feeling so uncomfortable that he wanted to vomit, but when he heard Priest Chagong's nagging, he suddenly became upset and almost couldn't hold back the curse words.

However, Priest Chagong didn't care that the old man's tone was a little rude. He was actually happier than anyone else when he heard that the other party was so eager to go to Yihasrei.

"You really have to seize the time..."

Priest Chagong nodded to everyone to follow him, then turned around and led everyone towards the jungle of Pohnpei Island.

"If we don't want to be discovered by the other two priests... we have to go faster..."

Chen Jing could see that Priest Chagong was afraid that someone would sabotage this operation. His ambition to make great achievements was obvious... In Armitage's words, Chagong was a standard careerist. He really wanted to leave his name in history and leave his own colorful "legend".


Some achievements are destined not to be shared with others.

The first priest "Notoa" and the third priest "Gambalo" are both his competitors.

If someone asks in the future who found the lost holy city.


Chagun hoped there was only one answer.

"It was the priest Chagong who found Luoyan City!"

Chapter 603: The huge stone pillar leading to the deep sea (Part 2)

Compared with the "weird scenery" in other places in the Old Sea, Pohnpei is definitely unique.

Here you can find the leisure and tranquility of a small island in the south. The wind is beautiful and the sun is clear, the sky is clear, the blue sea looks extremely clear, and even the salty sea breeze becomes much fresher.

For a while.

Chen Jing almost forgot that he was in the deepest part of the Sea of ​​the Past...

"We have three days." Priest Chagong led the way in front of everyone. Although he had expressed concern for Chen Jing and his grandson who were seasick before, his pace was not slow at all, and was even getting faster and faster. There was a feeling that he didn't care whether the people behind him lived or died, "In three days, Notoya should receive the news that I let outsiders land on Pohnpei Island."

"Then hurry up and get down to business. Otherwise, if he finds out... you may be in trouble!" Armitage knew the seriousness of this matter. Despite the relaxed tone of Chagun's words, he could guess it with his toes. Chagun was so anxious that he almost peed his pants.

As everyone knows.

Nothoa is a madman who is passionate about pursuing the way of Dagon. It is said that he has lived under the deep sea for many years, and cruises around like some fish, looking for the "sacred relics" left by Dagon.

From a certain perspective, he is Dagon's true fanatical believer. The kind of fanaticism that evolved from piety is even beyond the reach of Chagon.

He was the most ardent follower of Dagon.

He was the most loyal follower of Dagon.


He would not allow any evil to happen that might blaspheme Dagon.

Not to mention far away.

For example, Chen Jing and the others landed on the small island of Pohnpei.

This is unacceptable in Notoya's eyes.

Even Armitage, who had a deep friendship with the Dagon Secret Cult, did not dare to let Notoya know when he first landed on the island. Moreover, he only dared to stay in Pohnpei for one day at most.

"Based on what I know about Notoa...if he knows that you have boarded Pohnpei...I'm afraid he will lose control and go crazy..." Chagun walked in front and said softly, every word revealing. "So we must do things quickly and try not to leave any traces."

Although Cha Gong said this, everyone present knew that there was actually another layer of meaning hidden in his words.

Precisely because Notoya is a fanatical believer.

Therefore, he would never allow anyone to be more "devout" to Dagon than himself.

How to tell if you are religious?

Very simple.

Look how much you have contributed to Dagon.

This alone is enough to decide.

Just like this "big thing" that everyone is about to do, find the Luoyan City lost in history, bring that city shrouded in miracles and glory to the world, and let the Dagon Esoteric Cult have another more sacred one This is the contribution made to Dagon...

without any exaggeration.

Judging from Armitage's analysis.

If Notoya knew that Chagon wanted to secretly go to Luoyan City, the consequences might be very terrifying, and he might even kill Chagon, because Chagon broke the rules and didn't understand the "Second Order". "What should the two priests do and what should they not do..."

"Then why don't we go to Notoya to cooperate?" Chen Jing also asked Armitage before.

The answer given by Armitage is also easy to understand.

"Although Shagong is not the highest-ranking priest in the esoteric religion, he is indeed the only priest who can communicate normally. The remaining two are all crazy. When they go crazy, they have no scruples at all. They may just tie you up..."

Let's get back to the point.

After jogging in this primitive jungle for about ten minutes, Chen Jing and his companions were taken to the deepest part of the jungle by the Shagong priest...

At this moment, in front of Chen Jing and his companions is a pond.

It is a regular circle.

The diameter is about 100 meters.

Maybe it can be considered a lake.

The water is clear and has a hint of blue, which is very similar to the sea water outside the island.

Maybe it is because the surrounding jungle is dense and somewhat blocked by the wind, the pond seems lifeless and does not have any waves.

In the center of the pond.

There stands a huge square stone pillar.

Maybe it can be considered a stone tablet?

That is not a natural product. From the exquisite and exaggerated reliefs on its surface and the Dagon totems all over the stone pillars, it looks like a monument praising the ancient god Dagon.

"Are we going to Ihasre from here?"

Chen Bofu walked to the edge of the pool and looked into the water, only to find that he could not see the bottom at a glance... Although the water here is extremely clear, visibility is ultimately limited. The water in the deep pool has been completely swallowed by darkness, and it is impossible to tell how deep it is with the naked eye.

"This leads directly to the seabed."

Shagong took off the golden veil on his face, and then took off the hood of his scarlet robe.

"Armitage, after we go down, you and these children must leave Pohnpei as soon as possible."

Hearing what Shagong said, everyone was a little surprised, because Armitage's plan to escape was not announced to outsiders.

"Don't we need to meet here?" Armitage asked calmly.

"No need." Priest Shagon shook his head. "If everything goes well, I will send them back to Inboga. If not, or if Notoya suddenly comes, you will die if you stay here. I won't be able to save you in time."

"Okay." Armitage nodded. "Then let's follow the old rules. I will go back from the second port... But then again, why do I feel that the whirlpool in Pohnpei is getting bigger and bigger? It used to cover only a hundred kilometers of the surrounding sea area, but now it is almost two or three hundred kilometers."

"The Old Sea has been a little abnormal recently." Shagon shook his head and did not explain more on this topic. "You retreat, I will summon the descendants of Dagon..."

As soon as the voice fell.

Shagon suddenly raised his hands, his ugly face was full of piety, and his mouth uttered a dull and high hoarse cry... It was an unbearable sound, like chanting some evil ancient spell. Every syllable he uttered seemed to arouse the "disgust and fear" in the deepest part of human genes.

The language used by Shagong at this moment was as old as the common language of the old days, but it was much more obscure than the common language. Even Chen Jing could not recognize the meaning of the spells he chanted.

In an instant.

Two huge black shadows jumped out of the pool.

There was no sign of their appearance, nor did they cause splashes like ordinary things. They just left a few faint ripples on the quiet water surface, that's all...

See "them" coming.

The voice of Shagong chanting the spell became more and more passionate, and every syllable would spew out of that ugly mouth with saliva.

As Shagong shouted the last spell hoarsely, the two behemoths also climbed up the huge stone pillar in the center of the pool with four legs.

"This is the descendant of Dagon..."

"The Deep Diver..."

Chapter 604: Ihasrei Surrounded by Deep Divers (Part 1)

The "descendants of Dagon" summoned by the Shagon priests can be regarded as the largest creatures of the Old Sea that Chen Jing and his team have ever seen.

Using the giant stone pillar as a reference for comparison.

The two "descendants of Dagon" are at least 60 meters long. They are very similar to the image of Dagon in the legend, and even more like Dagon than those sea monster hybrids...

The human-like body and webbed fingers, wide and thick lips, and the dead fish eyes that most of the natives of the Old Sea have, lifeless and dull eyes, protruding as if they will fall out of the eye sockets at any time.

Although they are the mixed-race descendants of Dagon like the sea monsters, they are very different from the sea monsters in terms of appearance or "background".

Sea monsters

It is a mixture of Dagon's blood and human pregnant women.

So the hybrid sirens are very similar to humans. They are both gregarious and intelligent. They are good at hunting prey or fighting against foreign enemies in a team.

These characteristics are not possessed by the "deep diver".

They are not the fusion product of Dagon and humans, but the hybrid offspring of Dagon and deep-sea pollutants... That's right, Dagon, pollutants, an ancient god, and a degenerate and brainless low-level creature can be mixed together.

Until now.

The Dagon Cult has not figured out who the "mother" of these guys is.

But one thing is certain.

Although their characteristics and habits are completely opposite to those of sirens, not only do they hate gregarious life and have little intelligence, their strength is extremely terrifying. It is no exaggeration to say that they are much stronger than hybrid sirens.

"These are the half-brothers and half-sisters of those sea monsters..." Chen Jing muttered in disbelief.

In his impression.

The mixed-blood sea monsters are all creatures that are as thin as dried corpses. The kind of thin body that can fall down with a gust of wind is just like the kind of skinny and sick old man.

So Chen Jing really couldn't imagine.

The huge monsters in front of him turned out to be their "brothers and sisters"? !

The terrifying length is 60 meters.

In addition, the muscle contours are clear and exaggerated like those in comics.

To be honest.

Chen Jing has no doubt that this thing can kill a group of sea monsters with one punch.

"The deep divers, also known as the deep divers, are the most powerful race in this old sea. Although their number is not as large as that of the mixed-blood sea monsters, their overall strength is terrifyingly strong. If you meet them in the sea, creatures below sequence seven have almost no chance of escape..."

Chen Jing looked at the two huge monsters silently, only feeling that the strength of the old sea far exceeded his imagination.

Let’s not talk about whether the Old Sea and Dagon Esoteric Cult can compete with the “Hanging City” together, at least the Evernight City is definitely no match for them.

At this time.

The two huge deep divers have climbed to the top of the giant stone pillar like a relief and stopped there steadily.

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