This strange giant stone pillar seemed to have some kind of strange "traction" on them. Even if they let go of their hands, they could still stick their bodies tightly to it, and they would not fall down no matter how dangerous the action was.

In the surprised eyes of everyone.

The deep diver began to wave his muscular arms wildly, constantly using his hands as hammers and the stone pillars as drums, beating strange and indescribable rhythms like a madman.

This monotonous and boring "drum beat" should come from some kind of music in ancient times.

It seems to have a magic that can make people instinctively feel "disgusted"... Listening to this lifeless "drum sound", everyone present except Sha Gong felt like vomiting.

As the drum sounded.

Sha Gong raised his hands again and began to chant the spell in that ancient accent.

It was not until this moment that Chen Jing heard it.

The drum sound is the rhythm, and the spell is the lyrics.

They are combined into a ballad from ancient times.


A huge whirlpool appeared in the pool.

The giant stone pillar is located in the center of the vortex.

Suddenly, Sha Gong stopped chanting and looked back at Chen Jing and Chen Bofu.

"Are you ready?"

"Almost..." Chen Bofu took a deep breath. Compared with Chen Jing, he was more nervous because he knew he was his grandson's only support. "Are we going to jump in from here?"

"I'll take you in." Sha Gong nodded.

At the same time, Armitage and others also came up to say a brief farewell to Chen Jing and his grandson. This scene only made the old man feel a little unlucky, and inexplicably reminded him of the farewell ceremony at the funeral.

"Be careful." Armitage's farewell words were very brief, "We'll go back first, I hope everything goes well for you."

Hearing Armitage say this.

Chen Jing and the others knew that these guys were ready to run away.

"Let's go, hurry up and go down." Chen Bofu stood at the edge of the pool, looking at the hole under the giant stone pillar due to the whirlpool, and felt a little nervous in his heart, "How are you going to take us down?"

"Give me your hand." Sha Gong said, and then motioned Chen Jing and the others to stand on both sides of him.

Soon their formation was ready.

Chen Jing stood on the left, and the old man stood on the right.

As the main power source for leading people to dive deep into the sea, Sha Gong stood in the middle and held Chen Jing and the others' arms on the left and right.

"Let's go."

Sha Gong finally left only these two words, and then took Chen Jing and his grandson and jumped directly from the shore into the hole in the whirlpool.

At the moment when the three of them disappeared.

The whirlpool in the pool also began to stagnate at a speed visible to the naked eye, until it completely dissipated and turned into ripples.

And the two behemoths climbing on the giant stone pillar also jumped into the pool silently, without even causing any waves.

Looking at the dead pool in front of them.

Everyone felt that everything they had seen before was like an illusion, with a very unreal and vague feeling...

"Let's go." Armitage whispered, then turned around and walked back the way he came, his pace gradually quickening, "If we don't leave now, we won't be able to leave if something unexpected happens."

Hearing this, everyone did not dare to hesitate any longer and hurriedly followed the old man's footsteps.

"Professor, the grandfather and grandson should be fine, right?"

"Who knows..."

Armitage sighed helplessly, and his words still showed his concern for Chen Jing and his grandson.

"Luoyan City just sounds good. No one can tell how risky it is to rush in. If there is really an ancient god sleeping there..."

Seeing that Armitage suddenly lost his voice, Xu Ye on the side also hurriedly asked.

"What if there is really an ancient god sleeping there?"

"Then pray."

Armitage smiled bitterly, with even more worry in his eyes.

"Pray that the ancient god has a better temper, and pray that they won't accidentally wake him up, otherwise... it will be a big trouble!"

Chapter 605: Ihasrei surrounded by deep divers (Part 2)

Chen Jing also had experience in swimming in the surface world, and of course diving, but that was limited to swimming pools or the freshwater area near Sentinel Ridge, and the water depth was within a safe range.

He once thought that the feeling of swimming in the sea should be no different from freshwater.

It's just a little deeper at most.

But when he really jumped into this bottomless sea, it was not until then that he understood... how terrible the ocean is for someone like him who doesn't go into the water often.

The sea water is clear.

But the bottom of the sea is silted and black.

It's not that the sea water has become turbid or stained by something else.

It's just that the water depth is too terrifying.

The sunlight outside can't reach this depth at all. The light becomes weaker and the vision becomes dimmer as you go down.

Although Chen Jing did not have a fear of the deep sea, he could not help but feel a little nervous when he felt that he was sinking uncontrollably.

"It will take about thirty minutes to get to Ihaslei from this place."


Hearing the clear voice of the Shagong priest, Chen Jing's first reaction was that he was hallucinating.

"I have activated the ritual engraved in my blood. This barrier with a diameter of five meters can ensure that we can reach Ihaslei safely..."

It was only at this moment that Chen Jing and the others realized that they did not seem to have directly touched the sea water. They were always in an environment filled with air. As the priest Chagong said...

This barrier is like a spherical bubble with a diameter of five meters.

And they are in this bubble.

"I quite admire you." Chen Bofu suddenly laughed. He didn't touch the cold and biting sea water, which made him relax a little. "This should be the unique power of your Dagon clan, right?"

"Yes." Priest Chagong nodded.

Logically speaking.

This "bubble" filled with air should not be able to dive deep into the sea. Even with the weight of Chen Bofu and the three of them, it will float up uncontrollably, and it is impossible to sprint to the bottom of the sea at such a terrifying speed...

And in the process.

Priest Chagong did not swim. He always maintained a still posture, staying in the bubble as securely as a sculpture, holding Chen Jing's and the others' arms tightly and not daring to let go.

"Ihasrei is the holy land of our Dagon Esoteric Cult. Not to mention strangers like you, even believers within the Esoteric Cult are not allowed to set foot here at will..."

"So we're quite honored?"


As the depth of everyone's dive continues to increase, the surrounding light has become darker and darker. However, fortunately, Chen Jing and the others are all old descendants, and their basic abilities such as night vision are still in a normal state and have not been affected by the old people. Influenced by the sea...

Therefore, Chen Jing and the others saw clearly from beginning to end.

They were first taken deep into the pool by the Chagong priests and entered a vertical underwater passage... After about a few hundred meters, the passage turned curved again, and they turned left and right before reaching this moment. In this deep sea.

Chen Jing was observing silently along the way. He wanted to see how many dangerous things were hidden under the old sea.

But except for the two "deep divers" who were always following behind, Chen Jing saw no other creatures.

This weird phenomenon left Chen Jing puzzled, because he had always felt that there were too many weird creatures hidden in this sea area, and their number was definitely more terrifying than the wasteland on land... But what he saw now But there was an empty dead silence, as if everything had disappeared in this old sea of ​​silence.

Since there was no reference, and Chen Jing and the others had never been into the sea, they couldn't figure out how far they had dived.

Maybe another ten minutes or so?

In short, the time is counted silently, which may be somewhat inaccurate.

At this time, Chen Jing and the others could no longer see the light.

No matter how fierce and hot the sunlight from the outside is, they can never penetrate the sea water to reach this terrifying depth.

Look up.

There is only a faint spot of light.

But the fingernails are big.

The rest of the place was filled with darkness, and the overwhelming depression made Chen Jingdu feel like his scalp was numb.

I dived for an unknown number of meters again.

Chen Jing and the others finally saw a reference.

That's another deep one.

It is located directly below Chen Jing and others. From their perspective, the deep diver is only the size of a palm... But as the depth of the dive increases, Chen Jing and the others are getting closer and closer to the deep diver. close.

Wait until the two sides are within a short distance of each other.

Chen Jing could already feel a chill on his back.

Because the size of this deep diver is too big!

When Priest Chagong led them past the deep diver, Chen Jing subconsciously used himself as a reference for comparison, only to find that the eyeballs of this deep diver seemed to be two circles larger than his own!

It is like a giant floating in the deep sea.

like a statue.

It was so quiet that one just felt oppressive.

And its scaly and dark green skin was covered with many barnacle-like things, densely packed like parasites attached to the surface of the human body, which made Chen Jing feel nauseous.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion.

Chen Jing felt that the protruding eyeball of the deep diver was always looking at him, and that look that seemed dull and a little too empty only made him believe that there was no goodwill in it...

The more you continue to dive.

The more "deep divers" Chen Jing can see.

Facts have proved that Priest Chagong’s estimate of time was correct. In about thirty minutes, he took Chen Jing and his grandson to the bottom of the sea. The number of deep divers floating around like corpses also increased dramatically. To the thousands.

"Your secret sect actually has so many deep divers?!" Chen Bofu could not calm down at this moment, because the picture he saw in front of him made him unbelievable, "There are very few sequence seven, a few sequence six, and the rest are all He's from Sequence Five... Damn it, why don't you go inland and try your luck if you have such strength?"

"It's not necessary." Priest Chagong smiled, "We haven't even explored our hometown of Old Sea yet, so let's forget about the inland."

Say it.

The priest Chagong took the two of them to swim to the "cave" not far away.

The shape of the cave is very similar to a human eye.

It's like an eye opening under the sea.

But there are no eyeballs...

Is this an undersea cave or a tunnel?

Chen Jing couldn't tell the difference for a moment.

He only felt that he had been taken a long way by the Chagong priest.

Until a green light spot appeared in front of him.


"Welcome to the holy place of our Dagon Esoteric Cult... Ihasrei, shrouded in miracles and glory!"

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