The entire ancient city seemed to have turned into a pool of soft and thick green asphalt.

When they first entered this weird state, the shapes they squirmed and transformed were at least geometrical bodies that could be understood by humans. But as the more obscure spells blurted out from Dagon's mouth, the shapes they transformed were also It became increasingly difficult to understand, and even Chen Jing didn't know how to describe the bizarre phenomena that appeared in this ancient city.

"The blood of Dagon in my body is burning..." Priest Chagong suddenly said.

He had always maintained a humble silence before, especially during the conversation between Chen Jing and Dagon. He just listened but did not dare to speak, did not express any opinions, and did not dare to raise any questions.

He is not a madman like Notoya.

Not even a careerist like Gambaro.

So Chagun knew what he should do and what he shouldn't do.

"You feel it too?" Chen Boxu asked curiously. He admired Chagong's display of knowledge, so at this moment he didn't have much hostility towards the fish-man priest. Instead, he regarded him as a "reservist of his own." .

"It seems that Armitage's research is in the right direction..." Chagong saw the old man taking the initiative to talk to him. After knowing the other person's true identity, he naturally did not dare to neglect, and immediately replied, "We, Dagon's dependents... ...The source of its power is not Dagon...but the supreme being served by the ancient god Dagon..."

"So the source of your sequence should be Kturt in Luoyan City?" Chen Bofu asked with a smile.

"That should be the case." Priest Chagong nodded cautiously, "I can feel that this city is reviving, and the extremely ancient existence sleeping deep in this city is about to wake up."

Just when Priest Chagong wanted to describe his feelings in detail, Dagon suddenly stopped slapping the "water tank" with his hand, and Tekili, who had been lying in the "water tank" from beginning to end, also appeared at this moment real body……

Only then did Chen Jing and the others realize that Tekili was not some kind of brachiopod creature similar to an octopus... To be precise, they were not sure whether it was a kind of creature because it was similar to the "Special Colors in the Deep Sky" Very similar, it is a life form beyond ordinary people's understanding.

If you look at it with the naked eye.

Then it is a group of amorphous black matter, which spurts out from the mouth of the "water tank" like asphalt, and then begins to spread wantonly in the sky, "flowing" freely...

It is the sky and the earth of Luoyan City.

It is also the violent wind and rain in Luoyan City.

Chen Jing and the others witnessed the whole process of the integration of Tejili and Luoyan City.

Tekili first used its own constantly proliferating characteristics to occupy the entire sky with its torso. Then, following the howling wind, it split off part of its body and turned into tiny raindrops and fell to the earth.

At this moment, the sky and the earth are connected by countless sticky "silk threads", like disconnected lotus joints, they are constantly squirming towards each other and pulling closer... No, to be precise, it's Teji. Li is pressing the sky against the earth, or pulling the earth towards the sky!

"Why do I feel like I'm going to be crushed to death..." Chen Boxu looked at the sky that kept falling to the ground. Even though he knew that Dagon would not harm them, he still felt a little creepy. "I remember when I was young, once Being accidentally pushed into a hydraulic press… Damn, that’s what it feels like!”

"don’t worry."

Dagon no longer recited those obscure ancient spells at this moment. It had done everything it should do, so like everyone else, it looked up at the sky that was rapidly approaching the ground.

"We will meet soon in the master's palace..."

Although they were comforted by Dagon, everyone was obviously still a little worried. Even Priest Chagong, a devout follower of Dagon, couldn't help but show unconcealed fear in his eyes.


The speed of the sky falling to the ground accelerated again.

Chen Jing looked back at the old man and nodded to tell him not to worry. Before the old man could respond, the sky made of Tekili suddenly pressed down...

In an instant.

Chen Jing and the others all lost consciousness as soon as their vision went dark.

And it was just a moment.

Chen Jing's consciousness and even his visual system were restored.

"What is this place……"

Chen Jing subconsciously looked around, only to find that he was in a strange building, and the old man and the priest Chagong were completely missing. Dagon didn't seem to be here either. Tejili... it was still there, but it was It's in heaven.

Just when Chen Jing was looking around for the old man in confusion.

He heard a faint breathing behind him.

Before he could even turn around.

He only felt the person behind him suddenly raise his hand and put it on his shoulder.

That hand is a human hand.

The skin is so pale that you can almost see the veins.

But in terms of touch...

It doesn't look like a human hand.

Because of the bitingly cold yet "soft" touch, it is really difficult to associate it with the palm of a normal human being.

"Old friend..."

"You made it easy for me to wait..."

"You have been absent from this banquet for hundreds of millions of years..."

Hearing this slightly hoarse voice, Chen Jing couldn't help but turn around and saw a tall and thin stranger standing behind him.

Judging from appearance.

The other party meets all the elements related to human beings.

The European facial features and the short curly black hair, coupled with the classic suits loved by old-school gentlemen, all make "him" look like a "fellow countryman" who traveled from the last century.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ketuert...?"

Chen Jing didn't know how to address this ancient god for a moment, because he really looked like a human in the surface world, and he didn't feel the breath of an ancient god at all.

"The Yellow King can't come."

"I can only attend your banquet on his behalf..."

Hearing this, the pale and thin Ketuert smiled and slowly took back his right hand on Chen Jing's shoulder.

"It doesn't matter, you or him, it's the same."

Chapter 614 I am outside of time and space (Part 1)

In Chen Jing's puzzled eyes, Ketuert smiled and raised his hand and snapped his fingers lightly.

The next second.

Chen Jing found himself being taken to another strange place by him.

Not in any building.

But in a translucent dark green crystal.

"Please sit down." Ketuart helped Chen Jing pull out a chair from under the table, and then he slowly walked to sit opposite Chen Jing, with an extremely friendly smile on his face, as if he really regarded Chen Jing as his former close friend Huang Wang.

"Where are we?"

Chen Jing was not afraid that Ketuart would harm him. After all, judging from the information revealed by Dagon, the friendship between Ketuart and Huang Wang was definitely deep. Otherwise, he would not have waited for Huang Wang here for billions of years.

"Beyond time and space."

Ketuart was like a real old-fashioned gentleman, with a kind of old-fashioned elegance in his every move, and a gentle smile on his face. He had absolutely enough patience to treat Chen Jing, the "old friend".

"Just like the place where you communicated with Huang Wang in the armory, I can only meet you here, and some things can only be discussed here..."

As he said, Ketuart curled his lips.

"If nothing unexpected happens, those damned creators should have been watching you all the time. If I show up rashly and get seen by them, I might be in big trouble..."

According to Keturt, these billions of years have not been easy.

Although he originally planned to spend this boring time in deep sleep, and Dagon and the others also thought so, the reality is...

"Can you believe it? I actually have insomnia!"

I don't know since when, Keturt has a pot of wine with a rich fruity aroma in his hand. He just snapped his fingers lightly, and two green crystal glasses appeared on the table out of thin air.

This really feels like a family dinner to Chen Jing.

It's like two old friends reuniting after a long separation.

One is constantly complaining about the difficulties of these years, and the other is listening patiently.

"I slept for about 1,600 years..." Ketuart complained bitterly while pouring wine for Chen Jing, "Then I woke up, and I couldn't fall asleep again. I kept going like this... until you came."

"Didn't you think of going out to take a look?" Chen Jing asked tentatively.

"I thought about it more than once, but to be honest, I'm still afraid of those creators, and it's easy to go out, but it's hard to come back..." Ketuart said helplessly.

As soon as the voice fell, Ketuart put down the gilded wine pot and warmly invited Chen Jing to taste it quickly. This was a local specialty from Luoyan City that was famous all over the world in the old days...

"It tastes good just by smelling it." Chen Jing picked up the wine glass. I don't know if it was because of the color of the cup or the green color of the wine. It looked a bit strange... but it smelled really good.

With curiosity.

Chen Jing took a sip from the wine glass, and then his pupils dilated and he held his breath. It took him almost half a minute to recover.

"The taste of this wine is really... rare." Chen Jing resisted the urge to curse and smiled politely to Ketuert.

Can this be considered wine?

Damn it!

It can only be considered to smell like wine, okay!

There is no fruity aroma at all when I drink it into my mouth, only the disgusting fishy smell, like rotten snail meat and stinky dead fish. The moment it enters the mouth, it exudes a disgusting sticky feeling, and then goes down the throat...


It's like drinking a whole cup of mucus from a dead fish!

"You really deserve to be the descendant of King Huang!" Ketuert said in surprise, "King Huang's reaction was the same as yours. Although he wanted to shove this wine pot into my ass, he still held his temper and was polite to me out of etiquette!"

"..." Chen Jing suspected that this guy had the ability to read minds.

"This is the specialty of Luoyan City, the Ebon wine. It smells good but tastes bad. No one in Luoyan City likes to drink it. It's used to play tricks on outsiders!"

Kturt was like a child who had played a successful prank. He laughed without any "ancient god burden" and his words were full of pride and pride.

"You know, this wine was invented by me, and the first person to be tricked was Huang Wang!"

"...Hehe." Chen Jing laughed dryly, and his eyes twitched slightly.

"In fact, I thought he was going to kill me..." Kturt put his hand on his mouth and made a gesture of secretly saying bad things about someone, "You also know how petty Huang Wang is, right? So it's really not easy for me to survive!"

"It's really not easy..."

"Right! You can understand it, right?" Ketuart pulled out a dark green silk scarf from the pocket of his classic suit and pretended to wipe his non-existent tears. "I have known him for many years, and I have been oppressed by him for many years. Just because I played a trick on him, I even lost Luoyan City in the end..."

When he said this, Ketuart's voice gradually became low, and his green eyes gradually became cold.

This significant change in his eyes made Chen Jing a little uneasy, because he sensed a hint of danger in Ketuart's eyes.

"In the old days, I was the only one who could compete with him. He conquered the land first, and then I conquered the ocean... We both didn't want to stay in this world and waste our time, so he chose the outer dimension as the battlefield, and I traveled in the timelines of various parallel worlds."

"I challenged him more than once, but each time ended in failure until the Creator came... As you know, he lost and I won, but my victory was not glorious at all. I just survived by luck. I just lived longer than him... Is this considered a win?"

Listening to Cturt's slightly neurotic muttering, Chen Jing couldn't help but worry whether he could survive this "dinner" safely, because Cturt looked at him as if he wanted to kill someone.

"In the end, I can only hide in this ghost place to avoid being hunted by the Creator... Do you see those things?"


"Those lines."

Hearing what Ketuert said, Chen Jing turned around and looked at the "lights" that were scattered in the infinite void outside this layer of crystals that was like a barrier.

From beginning to end.

Chen Jing and Ketuert stayed in this "sphere restaurant" with a diameter of only ten meters, and outside the sphere was like deep space, a special environment similar to the vacuum universe, where all the matter visible to the naked eye was floating, including those colorful "lights" that looked like vines.

The smallest of them is only as thick as a hair, while the most exaggerated one is as thick as a water tank. They seem to be constantly winding and rotating around the "restaurant" according to some rules...

"What are these lines?"

"The unshakable and unique dimensional axis, the world lines of billions of parallel spaces, and all the known timelines that I have successfully captured, and... Damn! The stinky umbilical cord of deep space!"

When Ketuart cursed the last swear word, he couldn't help but hold his hair tightly with his hands, and his expression became particularly painful.

"I'm sorry... My emotions are a little out of control now... These billions of years are indeed a torture for an ancient god who is conscious and has lost his freedom... I hope you can understand..."

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