Chapter 632: You block the path of the Tantric Cult (Part 2)

Nothoa's power comes from the Old Sea. This is different from the Chagon priests who are good at using ritual techniques. He does not seem to be interested in sidelines such as rituals. What he likes is hand-to-hand combat... Since he is passionate about It can be seen from facing the old man directly that he almost loves this exciting way of fighting.

He can manipulate the ocean.

You can also control ancient creatures living in the sea.

Those powers that came from the source of the sequence also gave him the biggest trump card... Yes, it was the kind of self-healing power that made Chen Bofu want to curse.

Notoya's previous injuries had been fatal.

If we change the angle and let Chen Bofu suffer the same amount of damage, then even if he doesn't die, he will lose half his life, and he will definitely not be able to recover in a short time, let alone someone like Notoya, who can recover in just a few seconds. Restore to full state.

This is simply impossible in the eyes of the old man!

But Notoya did it.

And did it more than once.

Therefore, Chen Bofu and the others had previously thought of retreating. After all, there was no point in continuing to fight against such an immortal monster. At worst, they would have abandoned the secret sect as a potential helper and just run away with the Chagong priests.

But don’t run if you can.

At least it is a good thing to try your best to get rid of Notoya if you are sure, and many potential troubles will disappear...

With this thought.

Previously, Chen Jing had been trying his best to find flaws in Notoya.

It’s true that hard work pays off.

He found it.

Found through careful observation from millions of perspectives.

"You really deserve to die..." Chen Bofu was entangled in Notoya's body, and he laughed angrily for a moment. He pressed his palms together to activate the power of disaster in his body, trying to inflict damage through contact erosion. Notoya a lesson.

The Chagong priest holding Notoa also began to recite incantations, seeming to be preparing to activate another set of ritual techniques.

Under the constant erosion of the power of disaster, many black spots appeared on Notoa's blue body.

"You want to kill are too young..." Notoya sneered. Even though his body had been eroded and began to "wither", the severe pain still made him extremely excited, "I can't die in the Old Sea. of……"

At the same time, Priest Chagong also completed the guidance of the ritual, and the six-sided giant drum that had been suspended beside him shattered with a deafening sound.

The loud noise almost formed a shock wave visible to the naked eye, which directly dispersed the incoming tsunami, and also blasted Notoa's body to only two-thirds.

Chen Bofu seized this opportunity to break away from Notoya's entanglement, twisted his body suddenly and inserted his hands into Notoya's torso.

Although his body still looked hazy and foggy, his face and facial features were much clearer, and anyone could see his crazy smile.

"You are the first person who dares to say that I am too young..."

When Chen Bofu finished his words, suffocating energy fluctuations instantly burst out from his seemingly thin body, and Notoya was torn in half at this moment.

Notoya was still smiling.

Laugh at their overestimation.

Laugh at their whims.

Do you want to kill me just by using this method? Have you really forgotten that this is above the Old Sea? As long as I'm next to this sea, I won't...


The moment Chen Jing appeared, Notoya stopped laughing.

at this time.

Chen Jing's state was slightly different from before.

Although he still has the dazzling nebula body, there seems to be some more flowing... colors in it?

"I can't kill you, and it's hard for me to break your defense." Chen Jing turned himself into a mass of amorphous substance similar to an amoeba, and directly swallowed the two parts of Notoya's body into it, "So I need to They help, and only in this way can they kill you..."

Chagong had known Chen Jing for a short time, so even if he noticed some changes in Chen Jing's state, he couldn't tell what was wrong. Only Chen Boxu, his own grandfather, could tell at a glance.

"Did you summon the splendor from deep space?"

"Well, although it failed to break through the Sequence level I am at, it is enough to deal with a seriously injured Sequence Seven old descendant..."

The strange light and splendor flowing in Chen Jing's body is one of his most loyal family members. It is the nameless haze in the deep sky that comes from the other side of the universe.

It has the ability to devour everything.

This is exactly what Chen Jing needs.

"I said you can't kill me..." Although Notoya felt something was wrong, he remained as tough as ever, "Although I don't know what these weird colors are... but I can feel it eating me. ...I tell you it's useless..."

"Your power to constantly heal yourself and refresh your state comes from the old sea. It is the endless energy in the sea that repaired your body." Chen Jing said calmly, "I can see them flowing in the air, so I know this is you The gate of life.”

Hearing this, Notoya fell silent immediately. Although he stopped talking, it was not difficult to feel his emotions... Chen Jingneng could see from his eyes that this guy was already a little panicked.

"Those blue light particles are constantly gathering towards you to repair your body. I have confirmed this... So, do you feel anything special now?"


"Do you feel that the healing speed has slowed down a lot?" Chen Jing's laughter sounded beside Notoya's ear, "It will get slower and slower until it stops completely."

"What did you do..." Notoya asked with gritted teeth.

"I just used a little trick to play with the laws of space and made a maze full of dead ends next to you. They can get in but can't get out, and can't touch your body at all."


At this moment, Notoya felt a pair of hands on his shoulders.

"In fact, you are much weaker than the priest of Shagong. The rituals he is proficient in are no worse than your power. Compared with you, he just loses because his life is not as strong as yours, that's all... Now think about it, I suddenly think you are quite easy to kill."

When Chen Jing said the last words, Notoya could already see him... It was a human face slowly emerging in the strangely colored nebula, and the yellow robe like a robe was draped over him, slowly breaking free from the nebula.

"You have been seriously injured, and your body is still being corroded by the power of disaster. In addition, the deep space color has been eating you... How long do you think you can live?"

Notoya did not answer Chen Jing's question. He struggled with all his strength, trying to escape from Chen Jing's body.

But when he completely lost his proud self-healing ability, his struggle seemed futile and even ridiculous.

"Notoya, I didn't lie to you."

Priest Shagong looked down at Notoya who was struggling to death. He had never dared to think that this madman would be so embarrassed.

"We really went to Luoyan City and met the supreme being."

"He just watched you kill me?!" Notoya didn't bother to analyze the truth of Shagong's words, and couldn't help but roar hysterically.

"Yes, he just watched us kill you."

Priest Shagong sighed, turned his head and looked away from Notoya, unable to bear to watch the madman who roamed the old sea gradually decay.

"Why..." Notoya still didn't understand.

And Shagon also gave him the answer at the last moment.

"Because you blocked the way of the cult."

Chapter 633 The New Master of Dagon's Cult (Part 1)

Notoya didn't give in before he died. Just from this point of view, Chen Jing actually admired him very much. He felt that this guy was already a tough guy in the old group.

From beginning to end, Notoya never begged for mercy, and he didn't even show the slightest desire to "negotiate peace". Although he also exposed his fear in the face of deep space, it was just an instinctive fear, which did not mean that he had no courage to resist...

In those eyes that stretched out like crustaceans, in addition to the murderous intent that wanted to eat Chen Jing and others alive, the rest was only confusion... Because he couldn't understand why Dagon and other ancient gods would give up on him.

In the Dagon Cult, he was definitely one of the most pious followers.

There is no doubt about his loyalty to the cult, and everything he did was for the cult... Of course, this is just his own one-sided view, because almost all the decisions he made for the cult over the years were wrong, and every mess was handled by the priest Shagong and Gambaro.

"I wanted to win him over." Chen Jing looked at Notoya, who was gradually turning into powder, and felt a little sorry, "But this person is just like what you said, you can see at a glance... He is not the kind of person who can negotiate."

"He is the tyrant of the cult." Shagong said helplessly, "Over the years, as long as he made a choice, he would insist on his own way, whether it was right or wrong, and no one could persuade him. He said that it was all for the good of the cult, but in fact... He is too selfish."

During the conversation between the priest Shagong and Chen Jing, Notoya's body had completely disintegrated, and most of it turned into powder that was blown away by the wind, and only a small part of something like fish skin fell off.

"Finally killed this bastard..." Chen Bofu also returned to normal at this moment, and the disaster area he created also completely dissipated, leaving only traces of corrosion.

"Grandpa, are you okay?" Chen Jing asked with some concern. He could already feel that the old man's breath was gradually becoming weak.

"I almost couldn't hold on." Chen Bofu did not boast, shook his head and said, "Fortunately you solved him, otherwise we really would have to run away."

A moment later.

Ponape Island once again restored its previous sunny scene. Although the island has been split into two parts, the soil on the island has been completely eroded by Chen Bofu's disaster power. It is estimated that no plants will grow here within a hundred years... But overall, it is still good.

At least Chen Jing and his men still remembered the instructions of the owner of Luoyan City. During the battle, they tried their best to pay attention to the severity of the attack, so as not to let the battlefield spread to the sea, and did not affect Ihaslei hidden deep under the sea.

On the beach of the East Peninsula of Pohnpei, Chen Bofu sat cross-legged, leaning against a rotten coconut tree, taking deep breaths to adjust his state.

The same was true for the Shagong priest beside him. Even though he had returned to his normal form, his breathing was still heavy and he looked listless.

"Are you so tired..."

Chen Jing was like a translucent jellyfish or a mutated amoeba, floating on the beach with a body as bright as a nebula. His huge body made him look far away from the word "human".

"Tired." Priest Shagong nodded, his voice became weak, "You don't know how difficult that guy is to deal with. The two rituals I used at the end are the highest manifestation of my power. Although the cost of using the rituals is exempted, the consumption is still too high..."

"That guy is indeed not simple." Chen Bofu rarely praised others, and his slightly cautious tone did not sound exaggerated. "In the sea area outside Pohnpei Island, there has always been a strange energy aura surging. I suspect that it is a sign of the activation of a ritual..."

"Why didn't I notice it?" Chen Jing was stunned.

"That aura is too secretive. I can only barely sense it. What's more, your attention was focused on Pohnpei Island before, and you didn't observe the outside world so carefully."

"That's right..." Chen Jing nodded.

"Your suspicion is correct." After hearing what the old man said, the Shagong priest kept staring at him. "Although Notoya is not an old descendant who is good at using rituals, he does master the three highest-level rituals within the esoteric religion, and one of the rituals is used for fighting..."

"What is the function of the ritual you mentioned?" Chen Bofu asked curiously.

"I don't know either." The Shagong priest replied, "I am not qualified to access that set of rituals, so I only know some information... It should be regarded as the most powerful original ritual in the esoteric religion. I heard that it has the ability to distort reality."

"Is there a precedent for using it?" Chen Bofu took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it, smoking with a tired face.


There was a trace of memory in the eyes of the Shagong priest, as if it was a long time ago.

"That was when I first joined the esoteric cult. I heard that Notoa had used it once in the east of the Old Sea. All matter within a radius of 300 kilometers was distorted... Whether it was seawater, living things, or plants growing on the seabed, within this range, all matter was mixed together and turned into a mass of rotten meat floating on the sea."

According to the priest Shagong, at the moment the ritual was activated, a circular hole with a diameter of 300 kilometers appeared directly in that sea area.

It was as if an ancient god had dug away that "sea area" casually... Everything in the hole disappeared, leaving only the chilling darkness.

Those disappeared substances.

Reappeared about a minute later.

At that time, the hole had been filled with seawater from the surrounding area, so the strange meat mountain fell directly on the sea surface and drifted freely with the salty and humid sea breeze.

"The mass of rotten meat is said to be as big as a mountain. It seems to be made up of many unformed pieces of meat. It is green in color and oozes pus, but it smells like a strange fragrance..."

The meat mountain did not exist for long.

It drifted for only about three hours before it was completely devoured by creatures in the sea.

"At first I thought the meat mountain was made up of creatures in the sea, but later I heard from Notoya that there were other things in it... Within the range of the ritual, even the sea water will be 'distorted' into 'living meat'."

As soon as the words fell, the Shagong priest turned his head to look at Chen Bofu and said with a fearful tone.

"There are five sequence seven creatures in that meat mountain. They all come from the wasteland inland... In your words, they should be considered polluted species, and they are polluted species that are not rejected by the Old Sea."

Chapter 634 The New Master of the Dagon Esoteric Cult (Part 2)

"With the disgusting thing of the Old Sea Restriction, it may not be useful even if they have the strength of Sequence Seven." Chen Bofu smiled noncommittally.

"No, they evaded the restriction of the Old Sea, so they chose to go out to sea. I told you before that they were not rejected by the Old Sea..."

The Shagong priest shook his head and said in a serious tone.

"In other words, they are five sequence seven creatures in a normal state, and Notoya only took a moment to deal with them..."

"Stop." Chen Bofu raised his hand to call the Shagong priest, and asked with a puzzled look, "Why are they immune to the influence of the Old Sea Restriction?"

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