"I don't know." Priest Shagong spread his hands helplessly, "Although I am the second priest of the cult, I don't know the answer to this question. Even if you ask Notoya, I'm afraid he can't explain it."

"It's the influence of Luoyan City."

Chen Jing's body was wriggling on the beach like a jellyfish. His voice was clear, but no one knew where his vocal organs were.

"Don't think that Ketuart said it lightly, as if he didn't care about these clans at all and let them fend for themselves... The Old Sea Restriction should be created by him, in order to protect his clans and make life easier."

Speaking, Chen Jing's voice paused slightly.

"As for why some creatures are not affected, I suspect it has nothing to do with the strength of the creatures. It's like a filter... Creatures that meet certain standards can be immune to the constraints of the Old Sea, just like me and those polluting species."

"According to what you said, Notoya's strength should not be bad..." Chen Bofu frowned, "Fighting five sequence seven polluting species at once... If I were to deal with them... I guess I would have a headache..."

"Their individual strength is definitely weaker than Notoya, and should be about the same as mine, or perhaps not as good as you, but they are powerful when they join hands, and killed many deep divers who went to stop them... But it's also their bad luck."

The Shagong priest smiled and shook his head, seeming to feel sorry for the five polluting species.

"When they met Notoya, Notoya was in a state of injury, so Notoya didn't want to go crazy with them, and directly solved them with rituals..."

Hearing this, Chen Bofu couldn't help but feel a little scared, and looked back at the jellyfish-like Chen Jing.

"My dear grandson, if that guy had used the ritual from the beginning, wouldn't we have suffered a great loss?"

"It's useless." Chen Jing replied with a smile, "At the moment the ritual is activated, I will take you to hide in the deep space. When the influence of the ritual is eliminated, we will come out to deal with him... the same."

Hearing this, Chen Bofu nodded with satisfaction, and then looked at the Shagong priest with a proud look.

"Did you hear that? My grandson is here! Notoya is nothing..."

"Priest Shagong." Chen Jing interrupted the old man and asked patiently, "What are your plans next?"

"Go back." Priest Shagong answered without hesitation, as if he had thought of the next plan before, "Notoya's death cannot be exposed, at least not in a short time. I have to find a way to trick Gambaro back first..."

"So, the third priest of your secret religion is going to be unlucky?" Chen Bofu couldn't help laughing, with a playful look on his face, "Brother Shagong, I didn't realize you are so cruel."

"What else?" Priest Shagong asked helplessly, "Although he is not as crazy as Notoya, he is also really stupid. He wants to promote the faith of the secret religion with his ambition. How many believers died for this? How many times did I wipe his ass for him?"

Although Priest Shagong said so, Chen Jing could also hear that he also had his own ambitions. He also wanted to control the Dagon Secret Religion and realize his own ideals and ambitions.

Chen Jing also expressed his understanding of this. After all, in this world, 99% of the old descendants are ambitious, including himself...

"Do you need help?" Chen Jing asked kindly.

"No." The Shagong priest shook his head, "Gambaro's strength is much weaker than mine. He is just an ambitious man who is good at talking. Compared with Notoya, it can be said that there is no difficulty in dealing with him."

"Then we are relieved." Chen Jing smiled, and then dragged his slightly heavy body and slowly floated in front of the Shagong priest. The translucent nebula body like a jellyfish kept wriggling, and finally barely condensed a human-shaped arm, "I hope our cooperation will go smoothly in the future."

The Shagong priest hesitated for a moment, and finally held Chen Jing's hand.

Of course, he didn't have any objection to "cooperation", but simply felt that Chen Jing's form was a bit scary.

"What are you afraid of?" Chen Jing sensed the cautiousness of the Shagong priest through his slightly trembling palm. "The spatial distortion is controllable. It won't happen if it touches me. My grandfather was holding me up before..."

"I will take down the secret sect as soon as possible." The Shagong priest said in a deep voice, "After I deal with Gambaro and have almost reorganized the secret sect, I will go to see you... You are in the Western Continent, right?"

"Yes." Chen Jing nodded, "Don't expose our cooperation for now. When you are done here, just go to Kakosha to find me."

"So are you preparing to return to the Western Continent now?" The Shagong priest asked curiously.

"What the hell." Chen Bofu wanted to curse when he talked about this, especially when he thought of those grandsons who ran away faster than anyone else. "Let's go find those cowards who ran away first, and then take them back to the Western Continent."

"Are you talking about... Armitage and the others?"

"Nonsense, who else could it be except them!" Chen Bofu pouted, extinguished the cigarette butt in his hand, threw it on the ground and stepped on it, "We just sent us to Pohnpei, and they all ran away one by one..."

"Let's go, Grandpa."

Seeing that the old man had rested for a while, Chen Jing slowly reached out and gently held the old man's right arm.

"I have found the coordinates of Bruna Fishing Town. We can just use deep space to jump there. They should be staying in a village near the fishing town..."

Chen Bofu nodded, and then waved to the Shagong priest.

"We'll leave first. You can worry about the esoteric religion. If you can't handle those rubbish..."

"Go to you for help?" Priest Shagong asked cautiously.

"Bullshit!" Chen Bofu sneered, "If you can't handle them, we'll handle you!"


After a brief farewell, Chen Jing took the old man away from Pohnpei, and only Priest Shagong was left on this island corroded by disasters.

"I didn't expect there would be such a day..."

Shagong looked at the vast sea outside the island, and a slightly uneasy look appeared on his ugly and ferocious face.

"Esoteric religion... deep space... the will of Luoyan City should not mislead us devout believers... so the future of the esoteric religion... seems to be really linked to deep space... risks and opportunities coexist... it should be fine..."

While Shagong was muttering to himself, a graceful and luxurious priest robe grew out from between the scales on his body.

This priest robe was made by someone Shagong many years ago.

Different from the one he wears everyday.

The embroidery on the back of this robe is more complex and more delicate, symbolizing both the highest power within the cult and another priesthood that has been missing in the cult for many years...


Chapter 635 Reunion in the Mountain Village

"The two grandfathers and grandsons should not be dead..."

"I don't know."

"What did Professor Armitage say?"

"He said that we should observe for a while. If there is still no news about Chen Jing and the others, then we will just run away. He has prepared several hiding places deep in the wasteland."

"Isn't it a bit unethical to do this? After all, we all came from the place of Eternal Night..."

"Can you defeat Notoya or the cult behind him?"

"I can't defeat either..."

"Then why are you saying all this? Since revenge is unrealistic, just run away. It's better than dying in vain..."

About 65 kilometers away from Bruna Fishing Town, there is a long-abandoned village hidden in the mountains of the wasteland.

This village has no name.

The ruins are broken, desolate and dilapidated.

Even wanderers look down on it.

But for Armitage and his group, this place is enough to be used as a temporary place to stay. After all, they will not live here permanently...

"What are you talking about?"

When the three swineherds squatted at the entrance of the village to chat, Xu Ye had already brought Armitage over. They had just visited the port before, but still did not get any clues about the two grandfathers and grandsons.


Seeing Xu Ye coming back, the swineherd Yu Kui and others stood up.

Although the parliament of Evernight City has disappeared, they still abide by certain rules... This may be a way for them to seek a sense of belonging.

"I told you not to call me the general. The parliament is gone, but you still call me the general..." Xu Ye said with a smile, and then handed over two handbags, "I just bought fish in Bruna Fishing Town, you can grill it yourself."

"Is there any news about the old madman?" The swineherd asked expectantly.


The person who answered the swineherd's question was Professor Armitage, who was walking behind.

At this moment, he still had a sad look on his face. Since the day he learned that Notoya was going to Ihasre, the old man had always had this expression, which showed how depressed he was.

Although Armitage had great confidence in Chen Bofu and his grandson, he even felt that the rise of the "Deep Space Resurrectionist" was inevitable, just like what the alchemists in the Hanging City said, "Heaven's destiny is in the body"... so they should be very smooth.


But there is always a gap between beautiful imagination and cruel reality.

When Armitage learned that Notoya suddenly ended his retreat and went to Pohnpei, he knew that this matter might be troublesome...

In addition, there has been no news from Chen Bofu and others during this period, and the secret sect has been organizing its followers and believers to go to Pohnpei in the past few days, as if to completely block that sea area... In summary, this series of reasons directly led to Armitage always subconsciously thinking in the worst direction.

"Wait two more days."

Amitage took a puff of his pipe, looking at the boundless Old Sea in the distance, and his mood became heavier.

"If there is no news from them, we will just run away to the Eastern Wasteland..."

"You have no other skills except running away?"

Hearing this teasing sneer, Armitage's right hand holding the pipe trembled, and the pig herder and others beside him were also at a loss, because the voice came too suddenly, as if it sounded out of thin air in his ears...

Did I hear it wrong?

"You old bastard are born timid, so I won't say anything about you, but you guys... after all, you have been trained in Evernight City, either sheriffs or sheriffs, what are you afraid of?"

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice.

I saw a familiar figure sitting under a dead tree at the entrance of the village, searching for a lighter in his pocket to light a cigarette, with an expression of "shame to be with" on his face.

"You... when did you come..." Armitage said hesitantly.

"Just now."

Chen Bofu lit up a cigarette and took a puff, glancing impatiently at the cowardly old man.

"You said I'll come in two days, damn, do you not believe in us, grandfather and grandson, or what? I'll die if I wait a few more days..."

"Chen! Old! Master!"

It must be said that the swineherd has developed the ability to read people's expressions.

The moment he saw Chen Bofu, he was like a model opera actor, calling out the old man's name with great emotion and running towards Chen Bofu.

If you didn't know.

Seeing the swineherd's tearful look, you might have thought he was Chen Bofu's grandson.

"Get out of the way." Chen Bofu stopped the swineherd with a glare, and cursed, "You have also been led astray by this old bastard, each one is more timid than the other!"

"Old Chen, since you are back... does that mean you have already done it?" Armitage's focus was on another place. He didn't ask Chen Bofu if everything went well. Instead, he was full of interest in a certain ancient city. "Did you really go to Luoyan City?"

"Yes." Chen Bofu nodded.

"Did you really go through Ihasrei?" Armitage's eyes became brighter and brighter.

"What else? Pass through your ass?" Chen Bofu curled his lips.

"Is the hypothesis of three ancient gods true?" Armitage could no longer hold back his excitement and walked quickly to Chen Bofu's side.

"There are indeed three ancient gods. We stayed together for a while, especially the Lord of Luoyan City named Ketuerte. That guy is too enthusiastic..." Chen Bofu boasted shamelessly, completely putting himself in the picture, as if the lies had become the truth, "As soon as we met in Luoyan City, he wanted to treat me and my grandson to dinner. You haven't seen how enthusiastic he is... Tsk tsk."

Since Xuye and the others didn't know Chen Bofu's nature of bragging, they believed it as soon as they heard him say it, and they all had an "oh oh" expression on their faces.

Especially Bai En, who had just joined the group and dealt with the Chen family, was so surprised that his eyes were about to pop out.


Armitage knew Chen Bofu's character very well. In some matters, he could only believe half of his words, or even only one-third...

"Is it true?" Armitage looked skeptical.

"How can I lie to you? My grandson can testify!" Chen Bofu said calmly, and glared at Armitage. He thought that the old man was ignorant. What's wrong with letting me brag a few words?

"Yes, I can testify."

Hearing this familiar voice, everyone looked up.

A hundred meters above the deserted mountain village, a translucent substance similar to jellyfish was floating silently. When it gradually solidified and became no longer transparent, these jellyfish-like substances turned into a dazzling nebula.

"This... This is..."


Chen Bofu lowered his head helplessly, looking frustrated.

"My grandson."

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