Chapter 676 Disasters of the Material Universe (Part 1)

After Gehlo reassembled his body.

The first thing to be impacted was the planet that Chen Jing was protecting behind him.

The bright and holy white moonlight almost penetrated the barrier created by Chen Jing.

But fortunately, Chen Jing was alive. He could continuously supply deep space energy to the barrier to keep it stable...but there were still slight effects.

For example.

Earthquakes and tsunamis.

When a tsunami hundreds of meters high swept towards the coastal cities of Meijing, the entire city was on the verge of collapse. Even before the tsunami came, the city was about to become a ruin...

The constantly cracking earth swallowed up modern high-rise buildings. The so-called steel forest was actually not that strong and solid. Instead, it seemed to be trapped in a swamp. In the deafening roar, it sank under the surface one after another.

"Save people!"

Tsukano Kushiro knew that the outside had become a hellish scene, so he stood up and took the candidates in the conference room to help.

Coming out of the headquarters, he looked.

Only then did he realize that the candidates summoned by Chen Jing had disappeared.

Until he opened the candidate forum.

He saw the posts requesting support...

"I'll take you to save people."

Hearing this sudden voice, Tsukano Kushiro and the others instinctively looked up and saw Baiaji carrying Yegetos hovering at an altitude of about a thousand meters above the ground.

"Did you send those candidates back?" Tsukano Kushiro asked tentatively. Although Yegetos and Baiaji were not mentioned in the forum, judging from the fact that those candidates were able to return to various parts of the world so quickly, only Baiaji had this ability.

"Yes." Yegetos replied calmly, "According to Miss Qiao Youning's suggestion, we have sent the candidates to the divided responsibility areas according to their different strength levels. More people go to places with serious disasters..."

"Where are we responsible for?" Tsukano Kushiro asked.

"It's in the sub-realm." Yegetos replied, "The secondary disaster is very serious, and many people need you."

During the conversation, Tsukano Kushiro had already led everyone to jump up to Bai Aji's back.

"Where is Sister Qiao?" Tsukano Kushiro asked, "What is she responsible for?"

"She's busy with other things. Bai Aji and I need to go over to help. You can only save people by yourselves." Yegetos' tone was still indifferent, and he didn't have much sympathy for the suffering of this world. After all, he was a deep space family living in the old days, and he had seen more miserable and desperate scenes than this.

"What is she busy with?" Tsukano Kushiro didn't question, but was a little puzzled. After all, he still knew Qiao Youning's character. Since she didn't go to help save people now, she must have more important things to do.

"She wants all these disasters to stop."

Yegetos patted the mane on Bai Aji's back, and then sent these candidates over according to the responsibility area divided by Qiao Youning.

"What is she going to do?" Tsukano Kushiro asked, "Does she need our help?"

"No." Yegetos replied, "You are too weak, and you can't help even if you go. It's better to save time and save a few more people..."


In the eastern waters of Asia.

Qiao Youning followed the instructions of the Buddha Mother and quickly found an excellent "entry point" in the continental shelf.

"Since he is fighting on the front line, we will naturally take care of the rear of the front line..."


Qiao Youning looked at the stormy waves on the sea, and the smile on her face was still so warm and soft.

"It's good to help him."

At the same time, Yegetos and Bai Aji also rushed over quickly.

Although Qiao Youning is not a member of the deep space family, Bai Aji and others cannot get the shared location coordinates, but with the unique breath of the life sequence alone, they can easily find her location.

"They've all been delivered."

Yegtos jumped to Qiao Youning's side and floated in the air with her above the sea, while Bai Aji entered alert at this moment and began to hover in the sky.

"The candidates arrived in time. Although many people died, the majority of them were saved." Yegettos said calmly.

"That's good." Qiao Youning nodded, "But this is just the beginning. If we want to save more people, we can only stop these natural disasters completely."

"So what are you going to do?" Yegettos looked at Qiao Youning with interest.

Hearing this, Qiao Youning did not answer, but gently raised her left hand slowly, and then gently scratched it with the index finger of her right hand, and a scarlet wound appeared on her wrist as white and warm as a snowflake.

The blood exuding the residual warmth of the human body.

Just like that, it slowly dripped into the endless ocean below.

Although Yegetos was not familiar with the life sequence, he could see that Qiao Youning was performing some kind of ritual secret technique... From the appearance of the wound to the healing of the wound, the whole process lasted about nine seconds, and there were a total of nine drops of blood falling into the sea.

Each drop of blood contained a seemingly endless breath of life.

Looking carefully from Yegetos's perspective, he could still vaguely see the ancient totems faintly emerging on those blood beads.

When the wound on Qiao Youning's wrist healed, the turbulent sea suddenly calmed down, as if at this moment even the whistling wind suddenly stopped, and everything was silent and no sound could be heard.


The calm sea surged again.

But this time the surge was irregular, as if something huge was squirming under the sea, and many scarlet "cottons" could be vaguely seen swimming in the sea...

About ten seconds passed.

The seawater began to gradually turn as red as blood, as if infected by the blood drops that had fallen into the sea before, and the blue was probably changing color at a speed visible to the naked eye...

"Actually, I can control this ritual myself, but in order to preserve my strength, I can only let you help me first. After all, no one knows what will happen next..."

"Understood." Yegetos nodded and had no intention of resisting Qiao Youning's appeal, because he knew very well how his master treated her.


The surging water stopped.

And a life totem with complex structure also emerged.

It seems to be made up of countless translucent rhombus crystals, and it feels very hard, like a hollow red crystal about a thousand meters in diameter.

Qiao Youning gave a few brief reminders, and Yegetos understood what his mission was. Without hesitation, he grasped the cross sword tightly, aimed at the sunken part in the middle of the life totem, and stabbed it.

The moment the cross sword sank into it, the deep space energy in Yegetos' body also poured into the totem along the sword body.

Start here.

Large-scale earthquakes all over the world have finally subsided...

Chapter 677 Disasters in the Material Universe (Part 2)

Yegetos was also quite shocked by the method Qiao Youning used with the help of the ritual, because it was difficult for him to understand how this ritual affected the world...

Judging from the conclusions of his observations.

The coverage area of ​​this ritual is only about a kilometer.

In other words, this ritual should only affect things within a kilometer range, but now... Yegetos can feel that the crazy world is gradually calming down!

Earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions.

These natural disasters, which had no impact on Yegetos, disappeared one after another after the ritual was started.

They can't hurt Jagerthos.

But Jagerthos couldn't make them stop either.


How is this done?

Jagerthos couldn't figure it out and was very curious about how this ritual worked.

"Be careful yourself, don't let the sword blade break away from the formation, let alone let the sword spin..." Qiao You exhaled a long breath, with a hint of fatigue between her brows.

As soon as the words fell, Qiao Youning's hands quickly began to twist some kind of magic spell, and Yegetos felt huge pressure on the hilt of the sword, as if he was trying to twist the blade in another direction.

"What is the working principle of this ritual?" Jegertos asked curiously while resisting the power coming from the sword hilt.

"Pour the power of the life sequence into the core of the world, and use it to control some...'organs' of this planet." Qiao Youning clasped her hands behind her back, her innocent smile showing a hint of ignorance, as if she didn't know what she was doing. How shocking it is to say, "Yegetos, you should know that planets are also some kind of life, right?"

"...Miss Qiao Youning."

Yegetos held the hilt of the sword tightly and looked at Qiao Youning with a cautious look.

"I seemed to underestimate you before."

"No." Qiao Youning smiled and shook her head, "Actually, I have always been quite weak. I am not good at fighting, let alone fighting. I can't compare with A Jing."

Yegetos didn't believe Qiao Youning's words.


To be precise, I barely believed half of it.

Because he could tell from Qiao Youning's ease in performing this ritual. Perhaps this seemingly gentle and soft woman was no match for Chen Jing, but if she wanted to clean up the old descendants who stayed on this planet except Chen Jing... it didn't seem to be difficult. .

Just like Jagerthos himself.

His instincts told him.

This silly-looking woman is simply terrifyingly powerful. Compared to the "King", I'm afraid the gap is not too big...

"Aren't you going to help?" Yegetos asked tentatively. In his opinion, Qiao Youning has such strength that even if he goes to help, it won't hinder him.

"Did you overestimate me?" Qiao Youning asked helplessly, "If I was sure that I wouldn't hold you back, could I still stand here chatting with you?"

Hearing this, Yegetos thought about it and found that this was indeed the truth.

Although Qiao Youning does not live in Kakosha like other family members, judging from Chen Jing's trust in her and what she has experienced before, Qiao Youning is definitely not the kind of timid person.

As she said.

If she was really sure, she would have gone to help long ago.

"What I'm good at is not fighting..."

Qiao Youning looked up at the ever-distorting sky. She could see that this was a sign that the energy in deep space was about to become unbalanced. The nebulae that spread when Chen Jing revealed his true form were now distorted into bright and colorful stars. swirl.

"I might be able to help him, but not now."

In the cosmic battlefield outside the atmosphere.

Looking at Gehro who had returned to his true form, Chen Jing could no longer remain calm.

The gift Turing gave to Gehro was too heavy.

It was so heavy that Chen Jing could hardly breathe.

"Turing is really insidious..."

Chen Jing calmed down the violent deep space energy in his body as quickly as possible, subconsciously glanced at the nebula body pierced by countless moonlight, and gradually felt powerless.

"It knows the approximate limit of my strength... and knows that I am sure to escape from the hands of the ancient gods... so this is a dead end that has been designed long ago... It not only blocks my retreat... but also ensures that I will never be able to defeat you..."

At this moment.

Gehro, who has restored his original form, is suspended not far from Chen Jing.

It is the same as what he saw in the Evernight City.

No nose.

No ears.

Only a terrifying one-eye.

Oh, and there is also the mouth that almost crosses the entire equator of the moon.

"I don't know so much..." Gehro grinned and laughed non-stop, with a smile that was both resentful and sarcastic on his face, making Chen Jing want to tear its mouth apart.

A long time ago... That was in the Evernight, Chen Jing felt that the smile of this hybrid celestial body was very sarcastic.

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