That mouth was like an abyss torn open on the surface of the moon, filled with sharp and dense teeth that seemed to be made of dark moon rocks. Whenever this mouth made any movement, those densely stacked teeth would begin to wriggle constantly, which was simply the natural enemy of people with trypophobia.

"I thought Turing would keep these candidates for himself... I didn't expect it would be given to you..."

Hearing Chen Jing's muttering, Ge He Luo couldn't help but laugh sarcastically.

"Turing asked me to use them as a sacrifice, saying that it could help me recover quickly, but I really couldn't bear to do it at first... This method can be regarded as my second life, but now I can't bear to do it."

"Are you so sure that you can kill me?" Chen Jing asked faintly.

"Will you run away?" Ge He Luo asked back, "Turing said it analyzed your information, and you value your family and friends very much, so I think you will definitely not run away, right?"

"That's hard to say." Chen Jing said coldly.

"It doesn't matter if you run away. The worst that can happen is that many people will die for you. If you come to us for revenge in the future, we won't feel that we will suffer any loss if you kill us. After all..." Gehlo laughed more and more sarcastically, "I feel quite happy that your relatives and friends accompany us to die."

"At the beginning, I thought Raphael was a scumbag. I didn't expect that this was inherited from my ancestors..." Chen Jing had stabilized his body again. Strands of "strange colors" with faint light slowly flowed out from under his yellow robe and began to diffuse in the vacuum universe at a very fast speed.

"Turing told me that deep space is a disaster for the material universe, but I don't think you are. I am the real disaster of this universe..."

"I may not survive today."

Chen Jing slowly raised his hands and made a hugging gesture. His gradually cold voice was full of murderous intent.

"But I won't survive today either."

"Where do you get the confidence to say such things?" Gehlo asked back with a smile, but Chen Jing's answer soon stopped him from laughing.

"I suddenly thought of a way to kill you."

The "strange colors" that flowed out from Chen Jing's yellow sleeves have filled tens of thousands of square kilometers of the vacuum universe, and this trend of spreading like a virus is still spreading, as if it will not stop until it completely devours the entire universe.

"I advise you not to brag... Although I haven't jumped back to my original sequence level now... But it's easy to kill you..." Ge He Luo stopped laughing and his tone became alert.

"Big talk?"

Chen Jing smiled and shook his head, and the yellow robe covering his body suddenly swelled up, as if something was wriggling violently under the robe.

"Truth is not big talk."

"Ghe Luo."

"I'm going to let my mother kill you."

Chapter 678 In the deep space, everything returns to one (Part 1)

From a certain perspective.

Chen Jing is worthy of being the king of the deep space.

His simple words stunned the ancient god Ge He Luo.

"Your mother?" Ge He Luo asked subconsciously.

"Your mother!" Chen Jing cursed impatiently, "You are still an ancient god like this! You really have no manners at all!"


Gehro's single eye blinked twice in confusion, and the surface of the moon rock was wriggling like volcanic magma that was about to solidify.

It was not as smart as Turing.

So it was a little confused by what Chen Jing said.

Let your mother kill me?

What's your mother's surname?

Besides... From the information given by Turing, Chen Jing has no relatives except his grandfather in the inner and outer worlds. He is just like a stone. Where does his mother come from?

Just when Gehro was puzzled.

Chen Jing came to its side in a flash, and directly embraced Gehro in a warm embrace. He let the moonlight that could annihilate everything penetrate this nebula body, and he was not ready to let go of his hands.

In this process.

Gehro did not resist.

Because it felt that Chen Jing was looking for death.

"Stupid." Gehlo even laughed sarcastically, his huge one-eyed eye slowly turning, looking at Chen Jing like a fool, "Don't you know what my strongest power is?"

"Isn't it just these damn moonlights..."

Chen Jing didn't care about his body that had already become riddled with holes. Even if the pain of being corroded by the moonlight penetrated deep into his soul, he still held Gehlo tightly, using the power of deep space to create a barrier as much as possible to block the moonlight and not affect the outside world.

"You are far worse than the Yellow King back then." Gehlo said bluntly, as if he wanted to take this opportunity to humiliate Chen Jing. After all, he and Turing had lived too aggrievedly in the inner world before, and they were as depressed as they could be!

If it weren't for the fact that there were other people behind Chen Jing, if it weren't for the fact that there was an ancient god in the Western Continent... Gehlo would have been unable to resist taking action a long time ago, even at the risk of serious injury, to kill Chen Jing!

"The gap between you and King Huang is like the gap between a mortal and me..."

"It's not that exaggerated." Chen Jing hugged Gehlo tightly and was unwilling to let go. The deep sea of ​​stars in his eyes slowly turned, as if there were two independent universes hidden in his slightly empty eyes. "There is a gap between me and King Huang, but there is no gap between me and you."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Jing slowly increased the strength of his arms, and in an instant, he crushed the moon rock on the surface of Gehro into pieces...

In just a few seconds.

Chen Jing artificially created a circle of equator on Gehro's "body surface".

The concave part was like an abyss.

It was gradually eroded by the nebula-like deep space energy.

"You should know that this can't kill me." Gehro sneered. Although from a certain perspective, it was indeed eroded by the deep space energy, but this kind of damage was like a mosquito bite to it.

It looked scary.

In fact, it didn't work.

"I want to try..."

Chen Jing responded calmly. His huge body was already riddled with holes like a honeycomb. His body was in a state of collapse, so he couldn't continue to suppress the energy gathered in his body... Those energies were like nebulae emitting faint light, slowly dispersing from the holes on his body until they merged with the deep space brilliance that was spreading wantonly.

"I have seen many ancient gods..." Chen Jing was so gentle that he seemed to be holding his dream lover in his arms. His gentle laughter made Gehlo shudder. "But you are the weakest among them..."

"You lied!!!" Gehlo was instantly furious, and his angry roar almost broke Chen Jing's eardrums...if he still had any.

"No, no, no...I didn't lie..." Chen Jing whispered, "You are just a thief who stole the power of Algoa...even the title of Moon God was stolen by you..."

Gehlo laughed in anger and was ready to break free from Chen Jing's restraints. But just when it began to call the moonlight in its body, it found that this body seemed a little disobedient. No matter how it urged with its mind, the moonlight always stayed in the "core"...

"Using deep space energy to erode my body...trying to suppress it and paralyze me for a short time...what a cheap method..." Gehlo smiled grimly, not feeling the slightest threat.

Because it could see.

Chen Jing was already at the end of his strength.

Gehero knew where Chen Jing's power came from, so he also knew that this kind of power borrowed through ritual secrets would eventually have its limits... The longer it lasts, the greater the side effects.

At this moment, it could see that when Chen Jing began to suppress the moonlight in its body at all costs, Chen Jing's vitality was also accelerating the loss rate, and it was afraid that he would not be able to hold on for long.

"You are so different from other ancient gods... No wonder you didn't even have the courage to show up in the old days..."

As Chen Jing spoke, his body was on the verge of collapse. At first it looked like a nebula, but now it was just a translucent colored film.

"All the ancient gods I have seen... Which one of them did not master part of the laws of the universe... or life and death... or time and space... Even the ancient god in the West Continent who was as low-key as you... He used the way of the alchemy cauldron to understand the principle of longevity..."

"You are a bastard who can only be sneaky... What else do you have besides this stolen moonlight?"

Chen Jing spoke in a light voice.

But every word sounded particularly harsh to Gehlo.

It was the same reason.

Insulting someone is one thing.

Stabbing someone in the heart is another.

If Chen Jing compared Gehlo with Huang Wang, saying that he was inferior or scolding him for being incompetent, Gehlo would just laugh it off and ignore it completely.

But the examples Chen Jing cited were too lethal.

Lies don't hurt people, the truth is the sharpest knife.

The "ancient god mentality" that Gehlo had been trying to maintain was directly shattered by Chen Jing at this moment, and even the fig leaf was torn to pieces.

"You hid like a bug in the old days... until all the old kings died... You are such a waste that you dare to show your head... You even call yourself an ancient god... I don't know where you got the nerve..."

"Shut up!!!"

Geh Luo finally couldn't stand Chen Jing's personal attack anymore. He gave up resistance and let the deep space energy erode him. He also twisted his body and bit Chen Jing.

"So, how can you compare with those ancient gods and old kings..."

Chen Jing laughed crazily as he watched half of his arm being torn off by Geh Luo. The intense pain only made him feel inexplicably excited.

"You are just a low-class beast!"

Chapter 679 In the deep space, everything returns to one (Part 2)


When Chen Jing saw Geh Luo's body reunited and saw it completely get rid of the embarrassing state of the planetary ring belt...At that time, he knew that Geh Luo was not his opponent.

Even if the séance of the gods is used, which kills one thousand enemies and injures eight hundred of its own, it is impossible to narrow the gap between the two.

After all, it is an ancient god. Even if it falls from Sequence Eight, it still has power that Sequence Seven Old Descendants cannot reach.

So Chen Jing thought of another way.

A way that can destroy Gehro and maybe also destroy himself.

"Just pull it into deep space... Even if it can't be killed, it can be trapped for life..." Chen Jing's idea is so simple, but the difficulty of implementation is like climbing to the sky.

There are two difficulties.

First, although Gehro and he are both in Sequence Seven, they are just at different levels. According to the rules of deep space, forcibly pulling it in will not be a big problem.

But the difficulty is that Gehro was once a creature of sequence eight, and the aura of the ancient god still exists in it. Deep Space determines that it is of a higher sequence than Chen Jing, so it cannot be easily brought into deep space.

Second, Gehro is not a dead thing. Once it detects any clues, it will naturally struggle desperately... In fact, let alone it, if the old man like the old man wants to struggle desperately, Chen Jing will not be able to do it. They take them into deep space.

Therefore, Chen Jing could only risk his life.

He wanted to bring himself as close as possible to Gehro, and then implant some deep space anchors on it to offset part of its resistance struggle.

At this moment, Chen Jing was like a piece of meat on the chopping board.

There is no ability to resist at all.

He could only let the mad dog-like Gehro tear into his body wantonly.

"I'm so fucking unlucky... I have to die with a bastard like you..." Chen Jing looked at his body that was constantly breaking apart, and he couldn't help complaining in his heart, "King Huang is probably going to curse me to death... Give it to him To disgrace such a big person..."

When Chen Jing's arms were torn off by Gehro and chewed to pieces, the next thing that suffered was his chest...

Geheluo was already crazy and was driven crazy by Chen Jing.

It has really turned into a mad dog now, and it wants to twitch and skin Chen Jing... Oh no, it is doing that.

"How dare you slander me..." The huge abyss mouth on the surface of Gehro kept chewing, and the teeth made of moon rocks were layered and covered with body fragments torn from Chen Jing's body, "Offend the gods!! The crime is unforgivable! The crime must be punished!”

"No wonder Turing sent you here..." Chen Jing was still laughing maniacally. If possible, he would have burst into tears. "That guy is using you as a pawn... He knows that I will risk my life with you." ...So even if it kills it, it won't come..."

Gehro couldn't listen to Chen Jing's words and still tore at his remains frantically.

"That guy is too's a pity that I don't have a chance to kill him..."

Most of Chen Jing's body has been swallowed by Gehro, but his consciousness is extremely clear. The pain of his limbs being torn apart is not torture, but it makes him feel like "I am still alive." , some inexplicable enjoyment.

Turing knew everything.

Turing also guessed everything.

It knows that traveling to the surface world will lead to a fall.

It also knows that the descendants of the Deep Space Sequence still have some cards to play.

It knows that if it pushes itself too hard, it will risk its life...

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