"It doesn't want to take any risks. Let this guy come to force me to death. Even if I don't die, I will be seriously injured and difficult to recover..." Chen Jing sighed deeply in his heart. The examination light screen was always bright in front of his eyes. From the score ranking list Judging from the list, all the candidates in Hanging City should be dead... No, it can't be said to be dead.

At least there is one alive.

That was a person Turing couldn't bear to part with.

Li Mobai.

"Forcibly taking Gehro into deep space, my chance of death must be more than 80%. I can't gamble with them..."

Chen Jing turned around with difficulty and looked at the planet protected by deep space energy. His deep gaze seemed to be able to pass through thousands of barriers and he saw at a glance the Sentinel Ridge where he grew up...

He is not a hero.

But he's not a wimp either.

To save those who want to be saved.

He can do anything.

Even if it means death.

"You...what are you doing..."

Gehro's action of biting Chen Jing suddenly stopped, because it could sense very clearly that something seemed to be disconnected in Chen Jing's body...

As an ancient god with many dependents.

Gehro soon realized... Chen Jing was erasing the connection between himself and his family!

"The Yellow King left me too many inherited powers, and only a few of them are truly practical. But there is one kind of power that is very special. It was a retreat that he deliberately left for me, perhaps to make up for some regrets..."

Chen Jing's remnant body was tightly bitten in Gehro's mouth. It was like a plastic bag suspended in the vacuum universe. The translucent body was floating freely and was unable to make other movements.

"You... why do you want to erase the connection between those dependents and you..." Gehro asked in confusion, with a faint sense of crisis in his heart.

"You are stupid, but you are really stupid. You don't even understand why the family members will pay with their lives if the master dies..." Chen Jing smiled hoarsely, "There is no victory or defeat between us, only life and death..."

"Wait a minute..." Gehro suddenly felt a chill, and there was unconcealable fear in his one eye, "You seemed to have said before... that you wanted to find your mother to kill me... who is your mother?!"

Hearing this, Chen Jing couldn't help laughing even louder.

at this moment.

The deep space energy that built the barrier for the planet began to gradually dissipate, and the blue and green colors came into Chen Jing's eyes again.

"I really want to go back and visit, go to the other world again, and say goodbye to the old man properly, but unfortunately I don't have the chance... I don't have the chance."

Chen Jing's vision gradually became blurred, and his consciousness began to fade away.

"You can't kill me!! You can't have the power to kill me!!!"

Although Gehro didn't know where the sense of crisis came from, it still struggled instinctively at this moment. The moonlight that annihilated everything almost instantly caused Chen Jing's remains to begin to burn, but soon it realized... The struggle was Useless.

It was like a living target fixed at this coordinate point. No matter how hard it struggled, it could not move anywhere else, let alone distance itself from Chen Jing.

When the dimensional crack that was enough to swallow the entire material universe appeared, Ghero finally understood who the "mother" in Chen Jing's mouth was.

"You go find another child..."

Chen Jing wanted to reach out and touch the deep space again, but unfortunately he only had one head left, floating alone under the dimensional crack.

"Find someone who is more promising than me..."

Shen Kong responded silently to Chen Jing. The extremely anthropomorphic emotion only made Chen Jing feel a kind of sadness similar to that of an elder when facing the departure of a younger generation. He even heard Shen Kong's sad sobs...


Gehro struggled hard to escape, but the crack leading to deep space was like a black hole in the universe, dragging it in no matter how hard it struggled.

"I surrender!!!"

"Please let me go!!!"

"I promise that I will never be an enemy of deep space again!!!"

"I can even be your Familiar!!!"

"I really know I was wrong!!!"

The moonlight on Gehro's body is burning like a fire. It already knows what Chen Jing's last trump card is, so it knows very well that it can only admit defeat and can only pray that Chen Jing has a little "compassion" and is willing to give it a way to survive. .

So it's begging.

He was begging Chen Jing for mercy with an extremely humble attitude.

"You didn't know you were wrong...you just knew you were going to die..."

Chen Jing breathed his last breath with difficulty, and the blurry halo in his vision was completely swallowed by darkness.


"Let me go..."

Chapter 680: That is the highest will of the universe (Part 1)

In the endless darkness.

Chen Jing felt that his body was constantly floating in nothingness, like a lonely boat in a violent storm that could only drift with the current. It seemed as if it had drifted far away in an instant... and it seemed that it had always stayed in the same place without moving.

He enjoyed this weird feeling very much.

Even if it is a sign of death.

It was as if all the annoying thoughts were left behind. The extremely empty state of his brain made him extremely relaxed. He no longer felt pain in his limbs and torso after being devoured by Gehro... Yes, it felt like he had been staying up for a long time. At night, I can finally sleep contentedly without getting up early.

Compared to Chen Jing, who could accept the reality with ease, Gehro was completely desperate.

It still wants to live.

It doesn't want to die.

The reason why it cooperated with Turing and tried every means to come to the surface world to get rid of Chen Jing was that it wanted to live.

Gehro knew what the rise of Deep Space meant, and he also knew how badly he had offended the Resurrectionist.

It was no exaggeration.

This was already a deadly feud.

Gehro had killed Chen Jing at the beginning, and he was just a little bit lucky to keep them all in Evernight City.

If it weren't for the appearance of "him" from another time and space, I'm afraid Chen Jing in this world would repeat the same mistake, and even if he survived by chance, he would have the same fate as "him".

Although Gehro didn't know about the changes, he knew very well that attacking the Resurrectionist meant making enemies with Deep Space, and it was a great feud that would never end!

There was no retreat.

There was only a real life-and-death struggle.

Because of this, after confirming the details of the plan with Turing, Gehro always remained in an excited state, especially when it successfully crossed to the surface world and conducted a deep scan of the planet in front of it...


The most powerful creature on this planet is the Resuscitator.

And me?

I am much stronger than the Resuscitator.

"I will be the first ancient god in history to end deep space!"

When this thought flashed through Gehro's mind, he was so excited that he almost drooled. He wanted to sacrifice those "exam candidates" to repair his body in an instant, and then directly grab the Resuscitator and chew him alive...

But in the end, he still held back.

After all, that was the trump card Turing left for it.

It was completely used to save his life.

Because no one knows what will happen in this world.

And in addition to the Resuscitator, even Turing cannot confirm whether there are other threats... After all, Gehro's idea is not only to kill Chen Jing, but also to get rid of the human civilization of the surface world to calm the so-called "wrath of God".

Chen Jing's death is one thing.

If all humans in the surface world are killed, that is another matter.

The biological leap test will end in an instant.

And what will happen after the end...

Turing did not mention this to Gehro, but just told him to be more careful when he came to the surface world, and be careful of those high "creators".

Gehro is a fool.

But this does not mean that he knows nothing about danger.

His intuition is usually very effective.

The first time he came to the surface world, Gehro noticed those eyes hidden in the dark. Although he knew that those beings would not attack him at will, he still felt an inexplicable threat.

So... Gehro kept a hand.

Because of this, he did not sacrifice those candidates at first, but kept it until the end.

It turned out that this was useless.

Even if Gehro repaired his body to full state, he still could not return to the realm of Sequence Eight, so when facing deep space, he could do nothing but struggle.

The cracked dimensional mark not far away was the entrance to deep space, and Gehro finally had the honor of witnessing the arrival of deep space after billions of years.

The last time it managed to get into deep space, it was chased out like a dog. At that time, King Huang was still in power.

This time...

It can let the person in power in deep space die with it, which is quite glorious from a certain perspective.


Gehro changed color the moment he came into contact with deep space, and the pale moon rock began to dissolve into colorful substances at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Logically speaking, deep space would not devour Gehro so quickly, after all, this guy was once an ancient god of sequence eight, but at this moment, it was simply trying to eat Gehro alive in a voracious manner.

As Chen Jing had guessed a long time ago.

Deep space is conscious.

It's just that it hardly reveals its emotions and thoughts.

Until Chen Jing completed his transformation and embarked on a different path from King Huang, until Chen Jing became its "offspring" in a sense... the nameless deep space was willing to take a closer look at him, and look at him with the eyes of looking at "one of its own".

Just like the "Supreme One" who is high above.

Shenkong also feels lonely.

Although Huang Wang has been with it for many years as its "master", there is still some distance between the two, that is, there is a lack of direct connection between blood, but Chen Jing is not like that...

The blood flowing in his body is Shenkong's blood.

To Shenkong, Chen Jing is its offspring and also its relative.

It is no exaggeration to say.

This day.

Shenkong has waited for billions of years.

But the reality is so cruel. It finally met a creature with whom it had a deep connection, but the child didn't live long before being killed by this unknown hybrid celestial body...

"Don't think you can kill me so easily!!! I'm warning you for the last time!!! If you don't let me go!!! I'm going to detonate the core!!!"

Chen Jing couldn't hear Gehro's threat, because at this stage he was already in a semi-dead state. When this body completely dissipated, his remaining consciousness would also return to nothingness... But, Deep Space could hear that Gehro's threat was like adding fuel to the fire for it.

In an instant.

Deep Space then accelerated the speed of swallowing Gehro, and precisely because this operation was somewhat forced, in the process of swallowing Gehro, the space inside Deep Space was also rapidly disintegrating, and those places that had already been completely repaired by Chen Jing gradually began to collapse uncontrollably.

Deep Space could not save its own children.

But it could choose to eat the murderer who killed its own children alive.

Even if this would cause considerable damage to itself, it still chose to do so...It hated Gehro, hated it!

"Then let's die together!!!"

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