By the time Chen Bofu arrived at the Deep Sky Temple, there were already people around Yegetos, and everyone was discussing the source of the moonlight.

"Anyway, that's the situation." Yegetos was sitting cross-legged outside the gate of the temple, patiently waiting for Chen Jing to come back. Someone asked, and he answered with Chen Jing's original words, "Those moonlights should be Turing's work." Come out, Wang has already rushed to the old site of Xuankong City, let us wait patiently. "

"He went alone?" Chen Bofu walked over with a cigarette in his mouth, his brows furrowed and a solemn expression on his face, "You don't want to follow him? What if there's an accident?"

"The king said he doesn't want us to follow him. At this stage, he can escape even if he encounters Turing. There is nothing the ancient god can do to him." Jegertos shook his head and said helplessly, "He asked us to wait patiently."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jegertos added another sentence.

"Wang said that he didn't go to fight, he just went to have a look. If he really wanted to have a head-on fight with Turing, he would definitely call us."

"That's it..." Chen Boxu walked over and gave Jaegertos a look, and the other party immediately got up and made room for the old man, "Then it's right that we don't go, otherwise we'll drag the whole family with us and run away. It’s not easy to run.”

"It seems that the disappeared Eternal Night City was indeed taken away by Turing. Turing may have made something different based on the moonlight sequence of Eternal Night." Professor Armitage took out his pipe and smoked it slowly. "Judging from this situation, I'm afraid a full-scale war is not far away from us."

"Those moonlights are very strange." Yanque always raised his head and stared at the electronic moonlight in the sky in a daze. "It has an aura similar to Gehro, but there are many more things that I don't recognize."

Yanque was once the death bird of the Moonlight Hermitage and a member of the orthodox moonlight sequence, so she was very familiar with these white lights and could almost instantly tell that the moonlight was "polluted" by some kind of foreign substance. "Yes.

"It's Turing's power." Hassad sighed.

"Turing?" Yanque was startled and asked in confusion, "Why are their powers fused together? Is it borrowed from something external like rituals?"


Hassad looked up at the electronic moonlight in the sky, and the red light in his biosynthetic eyes kept flashing.

"When I was working hard in the Hanging City, I heard about some highly confidential special projects." Hassad held the lit cigar in his hand without smoking, with a very ugly expression on his face. "One of the projects was also It’s still in the demonstration stage, I just have a hypothesis, I feel... that project may be related to these moonlights.”

"What project?" Everyone looked over.

"Use the power of Turing to transform physical creatures, and use the power of Turing to digitize physical creatures..." Hassad said while raising his hand to gesture, "Whether it is an ordinary creature or a serial descendant, or Even high-dimensional creatures like King Huang, who can travel across dimensions at will, can use Turing's power and the computing power of the switchboard to perform transformations."

"Can this thing be converted?" Chen Bofu looked at Hassad in confusion.

"I don't know. There was no evidence to prove the authenticity of this hypothesis at the time, but I do know the general conversion method."

Hassad picked up the cigar and took a puff slowly, recalling it as he spoke.

"First, use the power of Turing to completely dismantle the entity. During this process, you need to ensure the activity of the entity. Then send it to the host for deconstruction analysis. Finally, these disassembled materials are converted into a string of separated units."

When Hassad said this, he raised his hand and drew several connected symbols on the ground.

"These separated units are represented by 0s and 1s in the computer. Turing will eventually reassemble these data and physically recast them in the digital space. Only then will the conversion be completed."

"Just a simple change of form?" Armitage knew a lot about the Hanging City, so he could understand the general meaning of Hassad's words. "After digitalization, in addition to the transformation of life forms, there are also Any other changes?"

"Of course, the changes are not small." Hassad smiled, "After the conversion is completed, the sequence of the original body can be guaranteed to remain unchanged, and then there will be an additional Turing sequence... In other words, this kind of forced Digitally converted creatures can have two sequences at the same time.”

"Having two promotion sequences at the same time?!"

Everyone showed a surprised expression in unison, because the strange change that Hassad mentioned had never appeared even in myths and legends.

Old descendants...can they really have two sequences?

"So, this is the power of science." Hassad shook his head, "But at that time, this hypothesis remained on paper. By the time I left the Hanging City, the project had not been started. I thought this project was all scrapped..."

"Did Gehro be converted?" Su Ye on the side said thoughtfully.

"Impossible." Hassad said with a smile, trying to comfort everyone, "It is clearly mentioned in this project that the sequence level of creatures that can be digitally converted must be lower than Turing."

"Is this conversion method free of charge?" Armitage asked calmly, "Is it better than ritual?"

"Of course there is a price..." Hasard slowly exhaled a puff of smoke, "No matter whether the creature being converted is an old descendant or an ordinary creature, no matter whether the target is sequence one or sequence seven, each conversion requires a lot of Turing's mental and computing power, and there will even be other side effects... But the project book didn't make it clear. After all, in that era, this project was still similar to a scientific hypothesis."

"My grandson should have arrived at the Hanging City, right?"

Chen Bofu suddenly spoke, frowning and looking worried.

"I don't know what the situation is over there..."

"If what I said is in line with reality, and that hypothesis is indeed true, then your grandson will definitely see something that will make him stunned when he goes to the Hanging City."


At the same time.

On the outskirts of the original site of the Hanging City, Chen Jing had already thrown himself into the gap between deep space and the real world, ready to run away at any time.

Looking at the body composed of endless electronic moonlight, no matter how calm his mentality was, he couldn't help but show a surprised expression at this moment.

Because from a certain perspective, what he saw was beyond his imagination, and even overturned some of his stereotypes about the "sequence descendants".

"Is this the Pope?"

Chen Jing stared at the behemoth in amazement. It was not difficult to judge from its complex energy aura...

"This guy didn't use rituals or other external objects... He actually merged the two sequences together?!"

Chapter 717: Exile You in the Name of Deep Space (Part 1)

Chen Jing is no longer the sequence rookie he was at the beginning.

After accepting the inheritance of King Huang and listening to the "Deep Space Language", he knows more about these sequences that have been born since ancient times than ordinary candidates.

Even "natives" like Chen Bofu can hardly be compared with him, and the amount of knowledge stored in their brains is not at the same level.

Because of this.

Chen Jing can't understand what he sees in front of him.

If it is just a simple fusion of two organisms into one, and to ensure the natural activity of this fusion product... To be honest, Chen Jing can do it, and many kings of the old days can do it too.

But if you want to merge the two sequences into one...

Chen Jing has never even heard of such a thing.

Different sequences represent different laws of the universe.

Since the day they were born, they can only exist independently, always repelling each other and absolutely no reason to merge.

At this moment.

The behemoth in front of Chen Jing has begun to take human form. Although it is composed of countless tiny electronic data like particles, it looks like a whole with the naked eye, except that there are countless electronic streamers flashing on the surface.

That's right.

This fusion product is the Pope.

In the last battle with everyone in Evernight City, Chen Jing saw the Pope's body with his own eyes, so he recognized it at a glance...This weird creature is a distortion of the Moonlight Pope.

It wears the clothes of the [Moonlight Hermitage] Pope, and is about several thousand meters tall. The body originally made of dark moon rock has now completed the data conversion, showing a weird translucent state, with countless "0 and 1" flowing in its body, like a barrage of bullets that keep passing by at a fast speed.

On top of this white digital body is a distorted and weird head. The original face of the Pope can no longer be seen. The head seems to be made of some white metal, which is somewhat different from the digital body.

The part above the lips has become the shape of a totem.

Chen Jing can see it.

That strange totem is also a product of fusion. It is a new totem that has mutated from the fusion of Turing and Gehlo's totems.

So its head looks very strange, as if someone smashed this metal totem into its head and embedded it directly. Only the part below the nasal cavity still has some human characteristics.

Of course.

There are human characteristics, but not many.

For example, the mouth torn to the ear roots is very similar to Gehlo's mocking and weird smile. The layers of teeth are as sharp as steel needles, extending from the gums to the depths of the mouth...

"Turing, I have to admire you until now."

The yellow robe Chen Jing wore was rustling in the whistling wind. His limbs and torso had completed the energy transformation under the robe, and only the head still maintained the human form.

Although he promised Yegetos that he would never take the initiative to launch a war against the Hanging City, even if he had to fight desperately, he would call everyone to start a full-scale war, but now... Chen Jing couldn't wait.

He could sense that this behemoth was "perfecting", like an hourglass with continuous sand flowing.

The sand on the top was flowing away rapidly, gradually accumulating in the hourglass below.

Chen Jing didn't know where this feeling came from.

But he believed in his intuition.

Because this wonderful sensory feedback was extremely real, as if there was a powerful descendant in front of him who was in the process of self-healing. The feeling of constantly completing the incomplete body to perfection made him unable to wait any longer.

"I guess Gehlo will die with regret... He was used by you to the point that he couldn't even save his life... In the end, even his family was "borrowed" by you..."

When Chen Jing said this, the digital body wrapped in electronic moonlight had already lowered its head and looked at its opponent silently.

Chen Jing didn't know if it had self-awareness.

But he can feel it.

The hostility that cannot be observed by the naked eye is getting stronger and stronger, burning blazingly in its body like an unquenchable karmic fire.


Chen Jing heard a familiar voice.

That's Turing.

"I didn't expect that I would call you here..." Turing sighed, using the body of the Moonlight Pope to speak human words in a physical way, "I thought you would come later..."

"Is this your new body?" Chen Jing heard Turing's voice and instantly understood what this guy wanted to do.

"Yeah..." Turing smiled. The electronically synthesized human voice merged with the voice of Pope Moonlight, which sounded particularly weird. "After all, my body is busy doing other things, so I just I can use the 'external body' to beat you..."

"Hit me?" Chen Jing sneered.

"Are you really not considering my proposal?" Turing advised earnestly, "The emperor in red has become your examiner. If you want to complete this exam, you have no choice but to kill him. After all, you are not ruthless." Come to destroy this world, so you have no choice..."

"Are you not confident in me, or are you too confident in yourself?" Chen Jing couldn't help but ask, "I have been promoted to Sequence Seven now. If you and I cooperate, it should be easy for me to be promoted to Sequence Eight. …”

"I heard them from above say that your opportunity to advance to Sequence Eight is in the Hanging City." Turing said calmly, "There are countless pairs of eyes staring at the Hanging City now, and it is impossible for you to enter."

"I want to try."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Jing slowly raised his hand, and his loose long sleeve slipped silently, revealing his right arm that was as bright as thick fog and as bright as a nebula.

Only for a moment.

A golden ray of light flashed past his fingers, like the laser weapon of the Hanging City, shooting straight into the sky.

"Pope Moonlight once offended me, and now he wants to use your hands to offend me again. This is new and old grudges..."

As Chen Jing sighed softly, the golden beam of light that shot into the sky exploded instantly, turning into countless golden holy lights that circled rapidly in the air, building a "golden city" above 10,000 meters in the air at a speed visible to the naked eye. ".

"New power?" Turing controlled the Pope's body and slowly raised his head to look at the translucent golden city. "It seems that after you were promoted to Sequence Seven, your strength span is not small. Old descendants of the same level should Not your opponent."

Chen Jing did not answer Turing's words, but directly jumped to the sky above the "Golden City" in a deep space jump.

This is Kakosa's projection.

It is also Chen Jing's own power based on the inheritance of the Yellow King and the "Language of Deep Space".

"When I take another step forward, you will not be my opponent."

Chen Jing stood on the deep sky temple of the "Golden City", slowly raised his palm and aimed at the suspended Turing, and a huge deep space totem appeared directly below the "Golden City".

At this moment, the power of deep space that spread out from Chen Jing's body and was guided by him to the inside of the "Golden City" has reached an extremely terrifying level. Even he can hardly suppress the influence of this "Golden City" on the surrounding space. Impact, along with sounds like breaking glass, cracks leading to other dimensions appeared.

Turing looked up at this dreamlike "golden city", and a smile appeared on the face that originally belonged to the Moonlight Pope.

"I didn't expect the power of Deep Space Sequence Seven to be so terrifying... It's a pity... it's not enough to kill me... After all, there are 'them' standing behind me..."

Chapter 718: Exile you in the name of deep space (Part 2)

When Chen Jing summoned the "Golden City" outside the old site of Hanging City, Kakosha in the Western Continent also encountered changes.

The black star hanging high above Kakosha seemed to "hear" the call.

It can sense the power of deep space surging within its owner.


It is responding to its owner's "call" in its own way.

This kind of response is special.

It is no exaggeration to say that Chen Bofu and the others were frightened to the point of being uneasy.

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