"That thing has been shaking continuously for more than two minutes."

"I'm watching."

"Are you really sure that's not a bad sign?"

"I have no idea."

Except for some people who were still maintaining order outside the city of Kakosa, continuing to record files for the newcomers and guiding them to their residences, the rest were almost all concentrated outside the Deep Space Temple.

At this moment, their movements were uniform, and they all looked up at the black star high in the sky.

Two minutes ago.

The black star began to tremble at an extremely high frequency. The chains that tied the black star as a "death ring ritual" were buzzing due to its tremors, and many materials similar to metal debris fell from the sky. It was like a blizzard that smelled like rust.

"Could something have happened to my grandson..." Chen Boxu bit the cigarette tightly in his mouth. If Chen Jing hadn't told him in advance, he might have had to rush to the Southeast Hanging City to take a look. .

"Don't worry, nothing will happen."

In fact, Yegetos was a little worried at the moment, but he did not dare to show it in front of everyone. After all, Chen Jing had told him that he wanted him to help "stabilize the morale of the troops" in the rear area, and he also patted his chest and promised that nothing would happen.

But is it really so?

The more Yegetos thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong, because he knew very well what the relationship was between Black Star and Chen Jing... Ever since Chen Jing was promoted to Sequence Seven, his relationship with Black Star had become even more "close".

From a certain perspective, even if Black Star is not Chen Jing's direct dependent family, its relationship with Chen Jing is far closer than that of the dependent family.

In Chen Jing's words, Black Star is a part of his body, and there is a connection between them that even he himself is difficult to explain.

"How is the situation outside the city?" Chen Boxu suddenly asked.

"Everything is normal." Hassad sat on the steps aside, his biological prosthetic eyes kept flashing, and he carefully observed the black star at a multiple zoom, "The newcomers were frightened by the moonlight in the sky at first. But after seeing those moonlights bypassing Kakosa, most of them quickly calmed down, and only a small number of them seemed a little uneasy... Anyway, it seemed normal to me. "

What Hassad said was true. Those candidates were indeed frightened by the overwhelming moonlight at first. After all, they had just witnessed the terror of Gehro in the surface world not long ago, and they also knew about the irresolvable conflict between Yongye City and Chen Jing. .

So when they saw the moonlight, their instinctive reaction was that Yongye City was about to fight. Some candidates who couldn't calm down even posted messages on the forum asking... is the war going to start in advance? ?

Tsukano Koshiro and other "aboriginals" of Kakosa quickly posted posts on the forum to refute the rumors, and also pointed out how clear the current situation was.

In short, it's just one sentence.

If Yongye City dared to attack, Chen Jing would dare to let them all die in the Western Continent.

After all, this is Chen Jing's home field, and it is also the settlement of the Deep Sky Clan, and there is an ancient god named "Xi" sitting behind him... Although Xi cannot leave the Western Continent at this stage, this does not mean that his home field Fighting will be a disadvantage.

Under these various explanations, the anxious mood of the candidates was finally calmed down. In addition, Chen Jing had a record of killing Gehro alone, so aside from the initial panic, everyone calmed down quite quickly.

But this calm state did not last long, and was soon broken by the trembling black stars in the sky.

In fact, not to mention these newcomers who have just arrived in Kakosa, even aborigines like Hassad will still feel an inexplicable sense of oppression when they see the Black Star. As for now... the sense of oppression is more intuitive.

After the black star began to tremble at high frequency, the deep space energy inside it also fell into a state of riot. Like a surging tsunami, the energy seeped out of the surface of the star and continued to spread outward, even forming circles of "ripples", even the surrounding The space then fell into distortion...

"I'll go up and have a look." Jegertos was still not at ease, so he stood up and was about to fly towards the trembling black star.

And just then.

Black Star suddenly stopped trembling, and the buzzing sound from the chain also stopped.

"Is...is everything okay?" Chen Boxu asked tentatively.

At this moment, everyone also looked confused, and so did Yegetos, but even he didn't understand the situation, and still comforted everyone.

"It should be fine! I just said that Wang will definitely not..."

Before Yegetos finished speaking, everyone saw that the surface of the Black Star suddenly began to squirm violently, accompanied by a sound similar to the cracking of metal. Everyone who witnessed the further "mutations" of the Black Star instantly felt shuddering.

Only tentacles that were as dark as molten iron were seen breaking through the surface of the earth and extending continuously from the interior of the star.

For a moment, Black Star was like an octopus thrown ashore. These terrifying arm-footed tentacles kept waving, colliding with tentacles that were close to each other, making sounds like metal clashing.

In the eyes of everyone in disbelief, at the center of the Black Star's surface, the only area where no arm-footed tentacles grew...an organ that was very similar to a human mouth appeared, and even let out a sharp and twisted cry.

Black Star seemed to be shouting something.

But old descendants like Chen Bofu couldn't understand it.

Only Yegthos, Baiage, and the ancient god Xi and other creatures who have experienced the old times can understand.

"What is it saying?!" Chen Bofu grabbed Yegetos's arm. He could see that Yegetos understood.

"It said 'Father' is calling it..."

Before everyone could figure out the situation, Black Star's tentacles suddenly broke free from the chains that bound it, and cut off the medium connection with the "Death Ring Ritual" by itself. Then, at an extremely terrifying speed, it disappeared from the sky above Kakosha as if it was teleported.

At the same time.

At the moment when Black Star broke free from the chains and left the Western Continent, Chen Jing also put down his right hand that was raised high, and directly smashed down this "Golden City" of the same size as Kakosha.


"I now declare in the name of deep space that your body will be completely exiled from all dimensions..."

Chapter 719 Turing forced into a desperate situation (Part 1)

After Chen Jing was promoted to Sequence 7, he had a preliminary understanding of the laws and rules contained in the deep space sequence. Although he had not yet crossed the biological barrier of Sequence 8, he could indeed use the power of deep space to manipulate the laws of the universe in a clever way.

When this "golden city" projected with Kakosha as the blueprint fell, the space along the way fell into an uncontrollable distortion state, like a "virus" spreading wantonly in the dimensional space, and all the coordinates leading to other spaces and even dimensions were temporarily blocked.

In other words.

Turing had no choice but to face the battle head-on.

It was unlikely to avoid this battle.

What's more, Chen Jing had almost analyzed its trump card...but it seemed impossible to completely kill Turing here.

Among the creatures of Sequence 8, Turing was the most difficult one to deal with.

Although it is not a thing like the deep space immortal species that can live over and over again, Chen Jing at this stage really cannot kill it completely.

Because to completely eliminate Turing, it is necessary to eliminate the "backup" it leaves in all dimensional spaces. Only in this way can its existence be completely erased. Otherwise, even if one of its bodies is killed, the second body can come back to life with the help of the backup consciousness.

Of course, at this stage, Chen Jing does not dare to dream of getting rid of Turing.

At this time, he can see that Turing only uses this "refined" body as a tool to carry consciousness. Its body is still in the suspended city, so... it is enough to erase this body at present.

What does Turing refine this body for?

Chen Jing is too lazy to think about it. Anyway, it is not a good thing.

It would be best if this body could be destroyed. After all, from a certain perspective, if Turing is not doing well, it means that Chen Jing is doing well. It would be best to cause trouble for it.

"What bad luck."

Turing sighed helplessly. The body it controlled seemed to have not yet completed synchronization, and its movements were very stiff.

It actually never thought of fighting Chen Jing head-on from the beginning, and even this body was not used for fighting. If possible, it would rather hide this body in the suspended city.

Let Chen Jing know its existence... Isn't this asking for trouble?

But unfortunately, there are some things it can't control.

Forcibly merge the creatures of sequence seven with the Turing sequence, and deeply digitize this body...The consequence of this series of operations is that this body was actively "kicked" out by the suspended city.

Only after Turing's consciousness has completely descended and completely synchronized with this body can it be placed in the suspended city.

This is part of the law.

It is also something Turing cannot control.

So from the beginning, Turing was praying, hoping that Chen Jing and the others would not rush over at this critical moment, otherwise this matter would be troublesome...

It would be best if they did not react and then completed the synchronization by themselves, so that this body could be directly teleported back to the Hanging City, and there would be no need to worry about outsiders knowing about this.

"According to my analysis of you, there is only a 20% chance that you will rush over to take a look, and the other 50% possibility... is that you dare not act rashly during this period of time, and can only observe everything happening here beyond the visual range through certain means."

"This adds up to 70%." Chen Jing smiled, "What is the remaining 30%?"

"There are various reasons." Turing sighed, "The least likely possibility is that you come to me for peace talks and agree to my proposal, and the second is to attack me directly. It seems that I underestimated your confidence in yourself..."

"Have you completed the synchronization?" Chen Jing asked suddenly.

Turing was stunned for a moment, not expecting Chen Jing to ask this suddenly.

"Before, I was curious about what was missing from this body. It always gave me a feeling that it was being completed. Then you came, and this feeling became stronger and stronger. You should be downloading your consciousness into this body for synchronization, right?"

As soon as the voice fell, Chen Jing asked another question.

"Is the synchronization completed now?"


"It seems that the synchronization is completed, because that feeling has disappeared." Chen Jing calmly watched the body that was constantly being crushed by the "Golden City". From the moonlight that kept flashing on the surface of the body, it can be seen that this guy is always struggling to escape.

Chen Jing was very curious why Turing had no desire to fight?

From beginning to end.

This body has no offensive or defensive performance. It has been using those electronic moonlights to impact the distorted space and constantly reorganize and repair those disturbed laws.


Turing wants to escape.

But Chen Jing didn't know why it did this, because if he only judged from the aura, the strength of this body was definitely not weaker than his own, and it was even close to Sequence Eight... It was similar to Gehlo who had traveled to the surface world.

But even in this situation where his strength was not weak at all, Turing didn't even have the idea of ​​fighting?

Is this a joke?

Judging from Turing's series of designs, it was determined to kill Chen Jing, so would it be soft at the critical moment?

Absolutely not.

So... Chen Jing understood in an instant that Turing must be planning something again, and this body transformed from the Moonlight Pope was an indispensable part of its plan.

"If you don't want to fight, then I will fight you. At worst, I will fight to the death and go back to deep space to recover..." Thinking of this, Chen Jing couldn't help but speed up the descent of the "Golden City".

In fact, the "Golden City" is like a hydraulic press. Its real power does not lie in hitting the target at high speed, but in gradually increasing the pressure in an extremely slow way until the target is physically reduced in dimension.

According to the previous encounter with Turing, the so-called digital space should be a higher-level dimension, so the attack method of reverse dimensionality reduction must be effective, just like now...

After completing the synchronization, Turing has been struggling hard to repair the distorted space as soon as possible and escape back to the suspended city, but no matter how hard it tries, the speed of space distortion is much faster than it can repair.

From this point, it can be seen that the "cosmic laws" mastered by Chen Jing are completely different from those mastered by Turing. This is what it means to say that different trades are like different mountains.

If it is about playing some kind of digital space mechanical deification, then Chen Jing is really not good at this kind of thing, but if it is a competition of mastery of dimensions and space, ten Turings may not be better than one Chen Jing.

Unless Turing can suppress with an absolute sequence level, which is more than two levels higher than Chen Jing, then it will be another situation now.


The descending "Golden City" touched the top of the body, and in an instant, the touched parts "disappeared" at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Just like a pencil sketch on a white paper being erased by an eraser, it disappeared silently without leaving any trace, and even Turing's consciousness could not perceive where these disappeared parts went.

At this moment, the "Golden City" was still slowly descending, and Turing's tone of voice also revealed a hint of anger, as if he was really driven crazy by Chen Jing.

"It seems that you really want to fight me to the death..."

Chapter 720 Turing forced into a desperate situation (Part 2)

From a certain perspective.

This "Golden City" constructed by the power of deep space is similar to a causal weapon.

As long as Chen Jing is given a certain amount of time to prepare and lock the target, then this almost translucent "Golden City" will accurately press on the opponent's head and continuously reduce the opponent's dimension until it is completely wiped out.

In short... if you are locked, you will definitely die.

This move was created by Chen Jing himself, and even King Huang had not mastered it, because many of the rules in it were taught by the "Deep Space Language".

That existence, like a "father or mother", treated Chen Jing, the only heir, without any selfishness.

Compared with King Huang.

Perhaps he was more or less tricked by the Deep Space's hidden selfishness.

"Below Sequence Eight, I have no opponent." Chen Jing calmly watched the Turing body being erased, and his eyes, as bright as nebulae under the hood, were glowing faintly.

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