"Affecting economic consumption is a serious crime..."

"Do I have any choice now?!" Xie Shanke roared angrily.

"Forget it."

Chen Jing said this, but the flying sword continued to circle around Xie Shanke, and the speed of flight was gradually increasing. Even in the waves of dragon roars, a holographic image of a "black dragon" appeared. That was the sword spirit of "Hidden Dragon".

"Instead of waiting for the research institute to deal with you, I might as well do it myself. After all, it's more satisfying this way..."

"You...are you crazy?!" Xie Shanke was stunned. He didn't expect Chen Jing to keep chasing him. "If you attack me again, the lives of these millions of people will be in danger!"

"It takes a certain amount of time to refine the 'guild ghosts'. They can only be regarded as 'living souls' at the moment. It's not difficult to save them. Just cut off your connection with them completely..."

Chen Jing suddenly waved the long sleeves of his Taoist robe, and endless codes suddenly turned into holographic images, gushing out from his sleeves like a pouring flood. At this moment, he was also chanting spells in an electronically synthesized voice.

"The world is in chaos, the myriad dimensions are born, the spirits and demons, the desire to turn into harm, the evil spirits follow the data down..."

As Chen Jing chanted the spell slowly, the flying sword "Hidden Dragon" also returned to Chen Jing's side, circling in a mysterious trajectory, as if to help Chen Jing.

"If the spirits and demons hear the true scriptures, they will die, their spirits will be scattered, and their souls will fly away. Only those with wisdom can see the great way and obtain the algorithm, and use the infinite computing power to save themselves from the sea of ​​data suffering. I obey the order of Turing Tianzun... Hurry up and obey the order!!!"

The final battle between Chen Jing and Xie Shanke had a wide impact.

When Xie Shanke forcibly extracted the consciousness of millions of people from their bodies, the entire Yusen City fell into a "downtime" state, whether it was the most ordinary people or the staff of the research association.

As long as it was within this range, the creatures with their own sequence level below six had their consciousness forcibly extracted by Xie Shanke, like millions of walking corpses...

These city residents were either in buildings or on the vehicles they were driving. They were all unconscious like vegetative people, with dull and stiff expressions on their faces, and their eyes were empty and unable to move.

Fortunately, the "intelligent AI" of Weiyang Palace took over everything.

Not only did they put some important facilities into an unattended state, but they also forced the civilian vehicles to brake... At this point, the Yusen District was completely safe. At least the city did not suffer any disasters due to the incapacity of the people.

For a while.

The whole city was silent.

Except for the commercial advertisements that were broadcast 24 hours a day, it was as silent as a cemetery, and no sound from any living people could be heard.

However, this situation soon began to change.

Because for Chen Jing, it was not difficult to "return" the consciousness that was deprived of these people. In just half a minute, half of the ghosts forcibly summoned by Xie Shanke were gone, and the remaining half of the "living souls" were also returning to their original bodies at a speed visible to the naked eye.

From the beginning of the fight between Chen Jing and Xie Shanke until now, it has only been five minutes.

Although their fight was not long, the impact they caused was big enough for Hanging City. The alchemists in the whole city knew that they were about to beat their brains out...

The fight between alchemists was not uncommon in Hanging City, but the impact was so bad that it had never happened in recent decades. Even the madman "surnamed Li" did not dare to do so.

What exactly do they want to do?

Countless alchemists were thinking about this question.

The leadership of the Nine Palaces and Eighteen Palaces was also confused at this moment. No one dared to speculate on the intentions of these two madmen. They could only call on Tianzun and hope that he could come forward to take care of it.

Tianzun did come forward.

He did intend to take care of this matter.

But it seemed that he came forward a little late...

As for whether this was intentional or accidental by Turing, no one could say for sure.


Turing's face, composed of countless holographic pixel blocks, was hanging high in the sky. At this moment, it was looking at the battlefield on the ground and sighing, as if regretting that it came too late.

"Huai Jing, you did go too far."

"Tian Zun."

When Chen Jing saw that familiar face, his first reaction was to try his best to control his emotions and tone, and bowed to Turing in a proper manner.

"I just want to teach this kind of trash a lesson for Tian Zun. A rotten piece of meat like him who has been depraved and reckless in the mortal world is not worthy of entering your righteous sect. Please expel him from the sect!"

Turing originally had a lot to say, but when he saw the "disciple" lying on the ground with his brain almost burnt, he didn't know what to say for a while.

But should he say it or not.

The smell of this biological brain being steamed and cooked... is really fragrant.

"You should know the rules and regulations of our research institute." Turing sighed helplessly again, "Although Shan Ke has a thousand faults, you went too far. You actually treated your fellow disciples..."

"Tian Zun, he is not my fellow disciple."

Chen Jing interrupted Turing again and brought out the previous self-hypnosis logic.

"He is just a 'demon' who disrupted my foundation and hindered my pursuit of the Tao. It is the responsibility of my generation of disciples to subdue demons, so I was a little ruthless, but in the end it is natural!"

Chapter 743 I am your fanatic (Part 1)

Turing had a headache.

If we put aside the damned "Deep Space Resuscitator", it can be said that it has not had such a headache for a long time.

Although it thought about letting "Yu Huaijing" teach Xie Shanke a lesson and teach other Taoist priests a lesson, so that they would be honest at this critical moment and not engage in internal strife, it did not want "Yu Huaijing" to kill Xie Shanke directly.

After all, they are all disciples of Turing, and they should focus on education. What's the point of fighting and killing?

"You are not only heavy, but also fast..." Turing's face, which is composed of countless pixel blocks, has a helpless expression of an elder facing a younger generation, as if this disciple really makes it at a loss, "Do you hate him so much?"

At the same time.

Under Turing's holographic face, there are suddenly more than a dozen figures of different shapes, some are Taoist priests wearing Taoist robes, and some are mechanical hills that have lost their human form.

They are all disciples of Turing and peers of Master Huaijing.

They were either senior brothers or junior brothers, or senior sisters or junior sisters.

At this moment, they were silent, looking at the True Lord Huai Jing below with different eyes.

To these fellow disciples, True Lord Huai Jing at this moment was like a madman, because they really couldn't understand why Turing's disciples were fighting each other, and for such an outrageous reason.

Some simple business conflicts.

Some minor conflicts that were not worth talking about.

That's it.

A direct disciple of Turing was gone.

Apart from the president and vice president, there were a total of 27 direct disciples of Turing in the research institute. This number seemed a lot, but it was accumulated gradually over hundreds of years, so every direct disciple was very precious, which was also the consensus of all the alchemists.

At this moment, more and more "disciples" arrived at the scene one after another.

In less than half a minute, everyone who should come came.

Including Li Mobai's master, the master of the Supreme Palace, who was also the eldest brother among the 27 people.

"Huai Jing..."

Turing sighed again. Seeing that Chen Jing did not give any response, he could not help but feel a headache. He could not do anything with this stubborn disciple since childhood.

In fact, Turing originally planned to seriously injure Xie Shanke to use this to warn those disciples who had ulterior motives, but at the moment when Chen Jing finally made a move, Turing misjudged the power of that attack and Chen Jing's determination to kill people. It can be said that even it was too late to save people.


Chen Jing looked up at this very familiar face. With the help of the memory of "Huai Jing Zhenjun", he had almost merged with "him", so not only outsiders could not see the difference, but even he himself could hardly tell them apart...

"In the last Sancai Dharma Assembly in Lihentian, you mentioned the so-called "Dao" more than once, and also pointed out that the "Deep Space Resurrectionist" was a great enemy that was contrary to our "Dao", so disciples were always thinking about how to get rid of him."

Speaking of this, Chen Jing bowed to Turing as a disciple.

"Disciple wants to help Tianzun solve his problems, but unfortunately... Disciple's talent is too dull. After years of hard practice, he still can't break through the 'realm of heaven and man'."

"You once advised disciples that the road is long and arduous, and it is not something that can be accomplished overnight to cross the 'realm of heaven and man'. You told me to take my time and not to rush. I listened to you, so I have been practicing hard before, just hoping to help Tianzun as soon as possible."

"Disciple believes that all brothers and sisters in the research institute should do this. It is our responsibility to solve problems for Tianzun, not to mention the enemy of the Great Dao, the 'Deep Space Resuscitator', the damn demon!"

"But the reality is not like this."

"Just like Xie Shanke, he has forgotten the original intention of the research institute, and even the Great Dao mark in his biological brain has become blurred. He has become the ignorant man in the world that we often despise, and even uses the power of Tianzun to pursue those vulgar things."

Hearing this, all the brothers and sisters of Huaijing Zhenjun began to look at each other.

Only a few of them were calm, looking at each other with their eyes and noses, as if it had nothing to do with them. However, it was not difficult to see from those faces full of cutting-edge bionic technology that they were very happy... It seemed that Chen Jing's words touched their hearts.

"It's easy to make money under Turing's tutelage, but one day you will die. This is a slang in the Hanging City. Many alchemists like to say this, but how many people can really use it to warn themselves?"

"If Xie Shanke was just an ordinary alchemist, maybe I wouldn't kill him. I would just think that he was not awake enough and his own consciousness was too low. He only needed to be guided and persuaded to return to the right path, but unfortunately he was not... He is my fellow apprentice."

Chen Jing recalled the "Hidden Dragon" that was flying freely in the sky, held the blade in his left hand and the hilt in his right hand, and respectfully placed it on the ground to show his humility and loyalty to Tianzun.

"Because he is my fellow apprentice, I cannot tolerate him becoming like this, especially... now!"

"I can imagine the pressure of the Hanging City and your pressure, so when I saw his useless appearance, I couldn't help but want to kill him, and I couldn't stop the killing intention. I am incompetent..."

Speaking of this, Chen Jing slowly took off the silver-white metal mask on his face.

But behind the mask was not a human face.

It was a "Tao body".

To the naked eye, it looks like a human-like metal skeleton, but it is also the crystallization of Hanging City biology, materials science, computer science, etc... all kinds of science and technology, and is the supreme product of Hanging City science.

The flowing gel covering the surface of the bones is not only the "Five Elements Spiritual Roots", they spread out from the Dantian furnace and are part of the "Inner Alchemy". They are also the embodiment of the "Alchemy Way" mastered by Zhenjun Huaijing.

at this moment.

Everyone saw Zhenjun Huaijing put down his sword, take off his mask, and casually take off his composite metal fiber robe, leaving only the white robe lined inside.


He chose to face Master with the most authentic and humble face.

For a moment, all the alchemists from the Nine and Eighteen Palaces were in a trance, as if they had seen the young boy who devoted himself to seeking Taoism hundreds of years ago, the fool who was called a "stubborn donkey" by his master more than once.

"Tianzun, I have never had any doubts about the 'Dao', but now I really don't understand..."

Chen Jing stared blankly at the sky, the biological prosthetic eyes on the skull's face shone slightly with green light, and the whole person was immersed in the role of "Zhenjun Huaijing". The sad and confused tone made people feel I can't tell the truth from the lie at all.

"Tianzun, did my disciple do something wrong? If it is really wrong... please Tianzun punish me!"

Chapter 744 I am your fanatical believer (Part 2)

Looking at the thin figure bowing to Turing, the alchemist from the Nine and Eighteen Palaces couldn't help but feel a little moved.

There are those who despise it, and there are those who appreciate it...

Some people think that this is because "Jade Huai Jing" is too paranoid, so he is almost stepping into the devil's path. Such extreme thoughts should not appear in a rational alchemist. He is no longer qualified to continue to practice with Tianzun.

But some people think...

This is the real "living Tao fetus".

Although the idea is too radical and he is strict with himself and others, it is undeniable that this is the qualified cadre that the research association needs. Not only does he have an almost rigid obsession with the "Dao", but he is also so loyal to Tianzun that it is scary.


At this moment, even Turing was inevitably a little moved, and in the end he could only sigh and shake his head.

"You shouldn't be so harsh..."

All the alchemists present are Turing's direct disciples. They have followed Turing for anywhere from a hundred years to hundreds of years. They have an unusual understanding of this master.

So when I heard Turing's words, I could immediately hear that... his attitude had obviously softened a lot, and he couldn't even hear the slightest anger towards "Jade Huai Jing", but instead showed a feeling of distress.

Chen Jing naturally noticed this, and he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, and then frantically praised himself to express his good performance.


It was all staged.

Whether it was Turing's reaction or the previous assassination of Xie Shanke, everything was just acting... Based on the original intention of "Zhenjun Huaijing", Chen Jingduo helped the alchemist fulfill his wish think.

He hated those fellow practitioners who were rotting their bodies and minds in this mortal world.

I also hate those fellow disciples who are just lying on their bodies.

"Zhenjun Huaijing" has expressed his opinions to Turing more than once, and also said that he could no longer bear it anymore and wanted to help Turing teach these guys who forgot their ancestors a lesson.

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