But Turing has always held an attitude of "not supporting" these remarks of "Huai Jing Zhen Jun".

However, since some time ago, Turing's tone seems to have changed a little, and there is always a hint between the lines of "Huai Jing Zhen Jun".

It seems... very supportive of him doing this?

From the timeline.

Turing's attitude changed just after he got the body of Moonlight Pope.

So Chen Jing played a full set for them, directly following Turing's hint and the original intention of "Huai Jing Zhen Jun", and continued to play forward.

In fact, this is not difficult.

Just quietly perform what a fanatic should look like.

That's all.

Because of this, Chen Jing doesn't need to be low-key after taking over the body. It is the best solution to gradually become high-profile according to the original rhythm.

Only in this way can he be more like "Huai Jing Zhen Jun".

Only in this way can he win the first place in the "Daoyuan Selection" in the near future.

The president and vice president have already shown signs of resigning.

And what Chen Jing wants happens to be their position.

The higher the status in the research institute, the more information you can get, and the greater the authority you hold... If you want to get close to the dimensional core hidden under Turing Tower, your current authority is not enough.

So you can only do it step by step.

Take it slowly.

Killing Xie Shanke is just the first step.

Not only do you want to make the long-silent Weiyang Palace reappear in the eyes of the public, but you also want to make your fellow disciples look good, and you can also take this opportunity to improve your "reputation value".

After all, if you want to become a powerful figure like the president, it is not enough to be good at fighting. A forgotten transparent person cannot convince the public even if he is personally elected by Turing.

Chen Jing has already integrated the memory of "Huai Jing Zhenjun", so he knows very well how much Turing thinks of this disciple. In the final analysis, he is just going with the flow. Killing Xie Shanke can get these benefits, which is simply a business that makes a lot of money...

"Chi'er, do you still remember the 'Dao Zhenjie' that your master told you?"

Hearing Turing's words, Chen Jing nodded subconsciously.

"When the world was in chaos, three thousand great ways emerged, and the great ways our research institute is pursuing are two of them... One is the true illusion, and the other is the way of longevity. If you want to see through the true illusion, you must first have longevity as the foundation."

"What is the way of longevity?" Turing asked again, with a meaningful tone.

"The way of longevity lies in function, in computing power, and in transformation... If you don't shed this mortal body, no one can escape the five decays of heaven and man." Chen Jing replied.

"But now you have cut off his way of longevity." Turing sighed, as if he was particularly sorry for Xie Shanke's departure, "It took him hundreds of years to get to this point, but you cut it off."

"Please punish me, Tianzun." Chen Jing bowed his head and said respectfully.

At this moment, Turing did not speak, but slowly turned his eyes to look at his disciples.

They did not make a sound from beginning to end, hanging in the sky like wandering souls at midnight.

Feeling Turing's gaze, everyone hesitated for a moment, and finally the eldest brother spoke.

"Tianzun, Junior Brother Huaijing also did a bad thing with good intentions."

The old Taoist is not only Li Mobai's master, but also the most experienced Taoist among this generation of disciples. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a veteran who has worked hard with Turing. So when he saw Turing's eyes, he knew that he should express his position.

"I don't think it's Junior Brother's fault. This matter is indeed..."

"What is it?" The Taoist priest on the side stood up. Although the tone sounded like he was refuting the old Taoist's words, anyone could see that they were playing a rivalry in order to give Turing a way out. "If you ask me, Junior Brother Huaijing should be punished even if he did a bad thing with good intentions, and he should pay some compensation to [White Tiger Palace]!"


The senior and junior sisters on the side wanted to laugh when they heard this.

From the beginning, he had to kill people to pay for his life, and now he has to pay some compensation to [White Tiger Palace]. It has only been a few minutes?

"Actually... Junior Brother Huai Jing is really amazing." The third sister looked at the thin figure with interest, and couldn't help sighing, "I definitely don't have the ability to kill Xie Shanke without any damage."

"Junior Brother Huai Jing, what realm are you at now?" Someone couldn't help but ask.

"Same as all the brothers and sisters." Chen Jing replied calmly, "Still at Sequence Six, one step away from the Heavenly Man."

"We are all Sequence Six..." the man said hesitantly, "You killed him so easily?"

"If we talk about the physical level of boxing and kicking, I am on par with Xie Shanke, but if we only talk about 'fighting', ten of him are not as good as me." Chen Jing's answer was neither humble nor arrogant, just like the stubborn donkey temper of his original body, "He is far behind me in casting spells, casting scrolls, and performing rituals."

After hearing what Chen Jing said, the Taoist priests were silent, and most of them were secretly comparing in their hearts... If they were Xie Shanke, and met this stubborn donkey who wanted to fight with them, what would their chances of winning be?

Junior brothers and sisters who are younger than Chen Jing almost all think that they don't have even a 10% chance of winning, while those senior brothers and sisters think... a little bit.

That's right.

A little bit is enough.

If you can't win, you can't win. What's shameful about that?

After all, this guy's mentality is different from that of ordinary people. Isn't this kind of stubborn donkey the most suitable for the alchemist who cultivates supernatural powers?

Among his peers, he is the best in supernatural powers.

This evaluation from Tianzun is no joke.

"You should suspend your duties and reflect on yourself first."

Hearing Turing's words, Chen Jing subconsciously raised his head, only to see that Turing also had an embarrassed expression.

"You... will be suspended for 30 days for reflection, and the funeral of Xie Shanke will be entirely borne by Weiyang Palace. The commercial revenue of Weiyang Palace in the past three months will all be sentenced to [White Tiger Palace] as compensation."

Although Turing "set" the tone of his speech to be a reprimand, Chen Jing could also hear the hint of relief hidden between the lines of the other party's words, which was enough to show that he had followed Turing's wishes and embarked on the path that he most wanted to see.

"Remember to reflect well when you go back, and don't make similar mistakes in the future. Learn more about how to take care of the friendship of fellow disciples."

Chen Jing bowed to Turing and then responded respectfully.

"I will obey the master's order."

Chapter 745 The foreshadowing left by Li Mobai (Part 1)

According to Turing's instructions, the funeral ceremonies of Xie Shanke were all presided over by Chen Jing, and all the expenses in the process were also paid by [Weiyang Palace].

In addition to the business revenue of the past three months used as compensation, it can be said that [Weiyang Palace] has spent a lot of money this time, but that's all. The alchemists, staff and even the cleaning ladies in the whole palace are very happy.

Especially Chen Jing's only apprentice, the medium Ah Qi.

Since Xie Shanke, the master of [White Tiger Palace], died at the hands of Chen Jing, Ah Qi has been a man with his chest held high. When he travels around the Hanging City to do things, he no longer keeps a low profile. The thing of swallowing anger no longer exists.

Of course, this child is smart. He didn't learn to be arrogant and domineering. He just knew how to put on airs for Weiyang Palace when he should.

Seven days after Xie Shanke's death, after helping his fellow apprentice to complete the last day of funeral rituals, Chen Jing left [White Tiger Palace] and returned to [Weiyang Palace] to live a life of a otaku.

For Chen Jing, the most important task at present is to find the core of the dimension, but with his current status, it is really too difficult to get in touch with this thing, so he is not in a hurry... Just wait for the "opportunity" to come soon, and everything will come naturally.


In the alchemy room of [Weiyang Palace], Chen Jing sat cross-legged on the cushion in a white robe, and the holographic statue of Ling Tianzun behind him emitted a faint light, illuminating most of the dim alchemy room.

"Master, this 'inner elixir' is really a good thing!"

The medium Ah Qi walked down from the operating table. Because the child had just regained consciousness and his head was still a little groggy, it was difficult to control the balance of the body when walking, and he almost staggered with every step.

"I feel like it has merged with my Dantian furnace! This Yang Fire is burning more and more vigorously!"

"We have thirty-six techniques in Weiyang Palace. You are best at using the planchette to invite gods. This inner elixir can introduce you to the 'Dao of Dan'. The stability of the gods' descent will be much higher than before, and basically there will be no more embarrassing things like packet loss and lag."

"Thank you, Master! I will definitely study the 'Dao of Dan' hard! I will definitely not embarrass you again in the future!"

Hearing this, Chen Jing also smiled softly.

"You go first, the master is going to 'travel'..."

Compared to other brothers who like to "toughen the body", Master Huaijing has always been keen on "traveling", uploading his consciousness to the virtual network, and wandering in the endless sea of ​​data.

Or use computing power to cultivate magical powers and continuously consolidate the foundation of the "Dao of Dan".

Or hunt down those "monsters and demons" that crawl out of the data abyss.

Ownerless AI is his primary goal.

He would kill almost anyone he didn't like, directly track all the data of the target, delete and clear it once and for all, and completely wipe out all traces of the other party in the virtual network, even the real storage backups.

If he was lucky enough to be favored by him, he would also capture it alive, send it to the alchemy furnace to be refined into a "guardian god" to give to his disciples, or send it to the "Guardian storage device" to be cultivated into a vicious spirit.

Just when Chen Jing was about to learn to practice like the True Lord Huai Jing, the holographic Turing statue behind him suddenly flashed frequently, and the intense flashing neon halo illuminated the alchemy room like daylight... Chen Jing knew that this was a sign of Turing's decline.


Chen Jing slowly stood up and turned around to salute the Turing statue.

At this time, the Turing statue had turned into the familiar pixel head, and it was looking at Chen Jing with a complicated look, and it seemed to feel sorry for this "wronged" good disciple.

"Huai Jing, I really wronged you to preside over the funeral ceremony of Xie Shanke..."

"I don't feel wronged." Chen Jing shook his head. "I did something wrong this time, so I am reflecting on it."

In fact, paying money is a small matter, but presiding over the funeral ceremony is a big matter.

In the Hanging City.

For any Taoist priest, killing someone and presiding over the full set of funeral ceremonies is like slapping yourself in the face, which is a very embarrassing thing, but Chen Jing, an outsider, doesn't think so.

His thoughts are in line with the thinking of modern young people.

"I will pay you a little money at most after killing you, and then help you ring the bells and chant scriptures for a few days. What's so shameful about this?" Chen Jing thought so.

What's more, presiding over the funeral ceremony is to go to the [White Tiger Palace] to preside over it.

In other words... Is it shameful for a murderer to come to the victim's home to preside over the funeral? Shouldn't the people of the [White Tiger Palace] feel ashamed?

Of course, Chen Jing would not say these inner thoughts. After all, he now plays the role of True Lord Huai Jing, and Turing has always felt that he has wronged his apprentice, so committing suicide is naturally Chen Jing's best choice.

"After some time, the research association will be reorganized." Turing said softly, but he was extremely patient with this apprentice who had the characteristics of a "fanatic believer." "What do you think of this matter?"

"Everyone listens to Master." Chen Jing replied without hesitation.

"President and Vice-President, these two vacant positions must be selected among you second-generation disciples..." Turing said calmly, "You have a good chance of being selected."

"Everyone listens to Master." Chen Jing repeated his answer. In fact, he also had many doubts in his heart. For example, where were the "President" and "Vice President" who resigned voluntarily? Their disappearance was so sudden that even Huai Jing There is no corresponding information in Zhenjun's memory.

"Huai Jing, don't you have any ideas about these two positions?" Turing asked coldly, as if he was going to get straight to the point.


Chen Jing said truthfully and had no intention of being secretive. After all, the former Zhenjun Huaijing was not that hypocritical.

"If I can become the president, the more opportunities I will get, and the closer I will be to the 'high road' I pursue."

"Well... that's good if you have this idea." Turing seemed to be relieved, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face composed of countless pixel squares. He was very satisfied with Chen Jing's answer, "After all these years, you have never changed your original intention. , Master sees it, so this is your chance."

Before Chen Jing could say anything else, Turing suddenly changed the subject.

"You should have nothing to do during your suspension, so go do Master a favor."

"You...what can I do to help you?" Chen Jing looked at Turing in surprise. This reaction was not an act, because he really didn't expect Turing to suddenly make such a request.

As an ancient god, Turing still needs the help of a Sequence Six disciple?

Doesn't this sound outrageous?

"Of course you can help me." Turing smiled, "And I can only rest assured if I leave this matter to you."

As he spoke, Turing's head suddenly floated down from the altar.

"Huai Jing, do you still remember that third-generation disciple Li Mobai?"

Chapter 746 The foreshadowing left by Li Mobai (Part 2)

The Hanging City after dark is the real Hanging City.

This is a local slang term.

This is also the consensus of many Hanging City residents.

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