Chapter 765: The Nine Evils: The Song of Earth and Fire (Part 1)

On the way to the warehouse, Canary and his companions did not encounter any obstacles. Not only did the hundreds of "sea patrollers" in the [Qinglong Palace] disappear, but even the fist-sized monitoring robots were down...

After leaving the floating state, they were like large silver iron lumps, lying on the ground motionless, with the red light of the fault alarm constantly on, and occasionally a buzzer sounded to indicate an error in the underlying code.

It was too smooth.

It was so smooth that Canary and his companions all felt an inexplicable fear.

Except for the two sea patrollers they encountered at the beginning, they did not encounter any accidents on the way to the warehouse. The entire [Qinglong Palace] fell into a strange silence, as if all living things had disappeared and all defense machines were paralyzed...

Soon they arrived outside the warehouse.

Looking at the empty warehouse without any guards around, the three of them looked at each other for a while, and they all felt as if they were dreaming.

"This is too smooth..." Mad Dog couldn't help but mutter, with a hint of fear in his tone, "It's so smooth that I feel a little dangerous."

"Me too." Tuoke nodded, his expression a little dazed, "The whole [Qinglong Palace] is like an empty city, and those defense facilities seem to be completely ineffective... Is that guy so capable!"

Canary remained silent, looking at the nearby warehouse, his eyes became a little dazed.

They thought that this operation would have countless risks and accidents, and they even had unlucky fantasies - such as dying here and being torn to pieces by those [Qinglong Palace] members.

But what is the reality?

The whole journey was smooth and there were no accidents.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is like returning home.

"Bailong, are you there?"


Hearing the voice in the cochlea, Canary was silent for a while, and then asked: "We have arrived at the warehouse, the defense system here..."

"I see you." Chen Jing interrupted Canary and said with a smile, "I have taken over the defense system here, and I will open the door for you now."

The moment Chen Jing's voice fell.

The warehouse, which looked like a dark green iron coffin, issued an electronic buzzer.

When the warning light on the door flashed for the third time, the door that needed to pass several verifications to open was opened so lightly.

"You...what did you get from the 'True Immortal'...I feel like [Qinglong Palace] is almost becoming your toy..." Canary looked at the narrow corridor in the warehouse and was stunned for a moment, "This mission is too unreal...It's as easy as going back to your own home to get something..."

"I'm a little busy now."

When Chen Jing said this, the sound transmission system in Canary's cochlea seemed to be interfered by some signal, and a faint electric current noise appeared.

"The communication channel needs to be changed. I will change you to a private channel now. The previous channel will soon be unsafe."

The moment Chen Jing's voice fell.

The sound transmission system in Canary's cochlea entered silent mode.

After about three seconds, Chen Jing's voice reappeared.

"Get the things and leave [Qinglong Palace] as quickly as possible. You don't have to come back to pick me up... I know the way to the shack. Let's meet at the shack."

"Are you in trouble?" Canary seemed to have heard something and asked worriedly, "Do you need support?"

"No need to help, it's just a little episode."

Chen Jing smiled, his tone still relaxed.

"Remember what model the 'True Immortal' wants, don't take the wrong one. I just glanced at the storage list of the warehouse. There are probably hundreds of similar goods. The one we want is in Room W21 of the warehouse, the blue bottle is it."


Hearing what Chen Jing said, Canary stopped asking questions and quietly ran into the warehouse with Mad Dog and Tuoke.

At the same time.

The first stage of Chen Jing's competition with "Nine Thousand Years Old" also ended.

"You are such a weird guy..."

In the digital space, Chen Jing was still in the main hall of the [Qinglong Palace]. Looking at the "strange beast" in front of him that was constantly expanding and deforming, his curiosity became more and more intense.

Even if he had all the memories of "Huai Jing Zhenjun", he couldn't understand how this thing was made, because it had already gone beyond the scope of "intelligent AI" in the conventional sense, and was more like a real creature... a creature that could swim freely between virtual and reality!

"I can't capture any useful information...even the data of network node jumps can't be traced back..."

Chen Jing was amazed in his heart, but no matter how much he thought, the master of the [Qinglong Palace] couldn't have such ability, even "Huai Jing Zhenjun" himself couldn't do it...In other words, the only person in the Hanging City who had the ability to refine this "abnormal AI" was probably Turing.

"Are you the 'spiritual beast' refined by Turing Tianzun?"

Chen Jing couldn't help but ask curiously, but at this moment "Nine Thousand Years Old" did not answer him, but kept making hoarse roars, like a beast whose life was threatened, and the nine beast heads showed angry and vigilant expressions.

The brief fight in the first stage before.

It seemed to end in a draw.

But in the eyes of "Nine Thousand Years Old", it was completely at a disadvantage.

At the moment of the fight, the tens of thousands of virus backups stored in its database were thrown to Chen Jing, and Chen Jing neither dodged nor retreated, but just accepted this deadly virus gift package straightly...

In an instant.

All the viruses from "Nine Thousand Years Old" were implanted.

Chen Jing's counterattack also began from here.

He allowed these viruses to run rampant in the storage medium of the brain computer, and neither used antivirus software to detect and kill them, nor mobilized the firewall for reverse stripping, but used the most basic "computing power".

That's right.

He used the basic computing power of the brain computer to directly analyze the underlying code of these virus backups, and then threw these viruses back with a little modification.

When receiving this "gift package", "Nine Thousand Years Old" felt a little uncomfortable, but still used the firewall and antivirus software in time to detect and kill all these mutated viruses.

At this point, the first stage of the competition officially ended.

Both sides had a vague idea of ​​each other's strength.

Chen Jing felt that this nine-headed turtle was indeed extraordinary, and was the most powerful intelligent AI in his memory.

And "Jiu Qiansui" felt that... this illegal intruder was simply fucking unfathomable!

Not only could he easily hack into the [Qinglong Palace] server, but he could also complete the counterattack in an instant during the battle with it, and at the same time he could distract himself to control the [Qinglong Palace] defense system...

Is this the strength that an ordinary hacker can have?

Even the alchemists who are good at fighting within the research institute would never be able to do all this so easily.

"Who are you..." Jiu Qiansui gritted his teeth, and his seemingly angry tone revealed a hint of fear, "You don't have the certification mark of the research institute... You should not be a member of the research institute... Which organization are you from?!"

"Don't worry about who I am now."

Chen Jing suddenly laughed out loud, as if he had discovered some big secret.

"I finally found your source code..."

Chapter 766: Nine Evils·Song of Earth and Fire (Part 2)

From beginning to end.

Chen Jing never gave up digging out the true identity information of "Nine Thousand Years Old".

During the first stage of the fight.

He had quietly broken through thousands of invisible protection protocols and tore apart the disguise code layer by layer in the body of "Prime Minister Turtle"...Until this moment, he finally got the answer he wanted.

"So you are not the Prime Minister of Dragon Nine Sons Turtle, Nine Evils is your real name!"

Hearing this, "Nine Thousand Years Old" was stunned, and then the nine huge beast heads showed a look of panic in their eyes, and even a trace of fear that was difficult to conceal...Because it couldn't imagine that besides the "Great Father", there was actually someone who could see through its disguise!

Even the Lord of [Qinglong Palace] couldn't see its true identity, and only thought it was a "spiritual beast" refined by himself!

"Who are you..." Jiu Qian Sui asked tremblingly, obviously fear prevailed, no longer having the aggressive feeling before, "How do you know my name..."

"It's written on your source code." Chen Jing smiled, looking as if he hadn't expected it, "I also saw Turing's signature, you were indeed made by it!"

When Chen Jing's voice fell, the palace simulated by the digital code began to wriggle, like a real picture seen through the heat of the flames, the invisible waves made the entire space constantly distorted, and finally completely decomposed into basic binary code.

Walls, floor tiles, domes.

Everything in sight was constantly disintegrating.

They turned into basic characters that intersected "0 and 1", rising into the sky like a torrent of data.

"I remember that the Lord of [Qinglong Palace] is not the kind of person who likes to brag." Chen Jing looked at Jiuqiansui with a smile, "He said that you were refined by him, that must be the truth, at least the truth he understands... So, the reality is that you lied to him, right?"


"Why is there a mark of Tianzun?" Chen Jing asked, "Does Tianzun know these things?"


"You didn't sneak out without telling Tianzun?"


Seeing that Jiuqiansui was unwilling to answer, Chen Jing couldn't help but change the way of asking questions.

"Although this method is the first time I use it, I think it's the most suitable to use it to "serve" you."

Chen Jing smiled and folded his hands and pinched his fingers.

"Tianzun is immeasurable, summoning all directions, spirits, monsters, and evil spirits, as if hearing the truth..."

When Chen Jing began to chant the spell, Jiuqiansui only felt that this set of spells was somewhat familiar, but he couldn't remember where it came from for a while.

Just as it was about to look for the answer in the database, the data torrents formed by the collapse of the palace suddenly gathered, and the digital information in the sky formed a scarlet flame visible to the naked eye, which enveloped the body of "Nine Thousand Years Old" in a lightning speed.

The extreme pain made "Nine Thousand Years Old" couldn't help but wail, and the nine huge beast heads twisted in pain.

Chen Jing didn't stop.

He continued.

He continued to chant the spell in the form of singing.

Every word he uttered followed a rigid and subtle tone, and seemed to be in line with some ancient melody, like a long song from the old times.

"If the five turbidities and evil obstacles are not transformed, the black gold will be burned out, the earth fire will be impermanent, billions of storage media will be like flying ashes, and the physical IP will no longer enter the three realms and six paths, etc., and there will be differences in the division of karma and cause and effect... Fusheng Turing Tianzun!"

The moment Chen Jing uttered the last word, the "karma fire" composed of digital information in the sky became more and more intense, and countless flames began to drill into the seven orifices of the nine beast heads like conscious creatures.

The extreme pain of this consciousness being gradually erased made Jiu Qiansui suddenly remember an important thing.

That's right.

Although it is different from ordinary creatures, it will die.

After death, there is nothingness.

It will never exist again.

All traces will disappear without a trace...

"Earth Fire Song?!"

Jiu Qiansui roared, his tone becoming more and more terrified.

"It's actually the Earth Fire Song of the Heavenly Venerable?! How did you cultivate this magical power?! Who are you?!"

"You're still not being honest." Chen Jing smiled, raised his hand and waved it, and the fire in the sky suddenly increased its intensity. "Now I'm asking you questions, you don't understand such a simple truth?"

"I say!" Jiu Qiansui was in severe pain and suddenly became much more sober. "I was indeed refined by Turing Heavenly Venerable!! What else do you want to know besides this!! I'll tell you!! As long as you don't kill me!!!"

"Did you sneak out?" Chen Jing asked with interest. Although he already had the answer in his heart, he had to ask some questions because of the eyes hidden in the dark. "You are obviously the property of the Heavenly Venerable, why did you come to [Qinglong Palace]?"


Jiu Qiansui was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't know how to answer this question. Even if he knew the answer, could he really say those answers casually?

"You're still not being honest." Chen Jing sighed, slowly raised his hand, and prepared to continue to increase the intensity of the "fire".

Seeing this, Jiu Qiansui had no time to hesitate.

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