"I say!!!"

Jiu Qiansui almost shouted at the top of his lungs, obviously afraid of the karmic fire that was gradually erasing his "three souls and seven spirits".

"I didn't sneak out!! I was following..."

Before Jiu Qiansui could finish his words, a colorful and dazzling neon light column suddenly fell from the sky, without any signs or sound, and in an instant it pierced through the karmic fire and the huge tortoise shell that wrapped Jiu Qiansui.

In an instant.

Jiu Qiansui was silent.

The body composed of electronic code began to disintegrate and dissipate, as if it was about to dissolve into the endless data torrent.

"What's going on..."

Chen Jing subconsciously looked up, he recognized that this was Turing's work, after all, the Turing aura contained in the light column was so strong that he didn't even need to analyze it to know who was coming.

"Tianzun? Why are you here?"

"Huai Jing, you don't have much time left, leave the [Qinglong Palace] internal network quickly, otherwise you will be tracked down by them..."

Turing's face, composed of countless pixel blocks, is now hanging high in the data torrent in the sky.

There is no sadness or joy on his face.

It is hard to tell what he is thinking.

But Chen Jing is not stupid, he knows that this is Turing killing people to silence them.

"Master, how dare you personally do such a small thing!" Chen Jing pretended to be polite, and his expression on his face was also very ashamed, and then he politely bowed to Turing, "I think this guy has a mark left by you in his body... Did he sneak out from 'Lihentian'?"


Turing didn't dare to say too much, so he could only perfunctorily say a sentence, and there was a sense of urging between the lines, but it was not obvious.

"Since you have got the things, hurry back and report. I will handle this and won't leave you any trouble."

"Understood! I will report now!"

Seeing Turing urging him to go quickly, Chen Jing couldn't help but sneer in his heart, but he still bowed to Turing again and said goodbye calmly. After all, he was the master of this body, and the proper etiquette must be in place.

"Then I'll trouble you here, Master!"

Chapter 767: One Qi Transforms into Three Pure Ones (Part 1)

After leaving the "wandering" state, Chen Jing woke up in the hotel.

He first went to the bathroom to take a hot shower, and then had a buffet at the hotel. Under the contemptuous eyes of the waiter, he packed a bag of ice cream and took it away. He went out to stand on the road opposite [Qinglong Palace] for two minutes, and finally took a taxi and left.

On the commercial street next to the slum, Chen Jing got off the car with a bag of ice cream and drove "Route 11" to the shack with his legs.

By the time he met Canary and the others at the agreed location, it was already past eleven o'clock in the evening.

"Fuck, why did you come just now!"

When Mad Dog saw Chen Jing walking slowly from the alley, he immediately put out the cigarette in his mouth and ran over to greet him.

"I packed some ice cream for you." Chen Jing smiled and handed over the plastic bag in his hand, "Try it, it's so sweet!"

"Thank you." Mad Dog said.

"Why thank me for just a few ice creams..." Chen Jing shook his head.

"I'm talking about what happened during the day." Although Mad Dog's mouth was dirty and he would occasionally say a few dirty words, his attitude towards Chen Jing had indeed changed a lot, "I am convinced by you, really!"

Hearing this, Chen Jing just smiled and nodded. Although he thought Mad Dog was always stupid, he didn't hate him because of some quarrels. After all, this guy has always had a bad temper. It's a miracle that he can survive in the Hanging City until today.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time." Tuoke, holding a cigar in his mouth, hurried to Chen Jing and handed over the metal password box in his hand. "I guess the 'True Immortal' is waiting impatiently. You should take us in and report it!"

"I thought you all gave it to the 'True Immortal'..." When Chen Jing took the password box, he was stunned for a moment, "It doesn't matter who reports it."

"You are the first to do this operation." Jin Si Canary put out the lady's cigarette in her hand and said to Chen Jing with a smile, "If you don't come, we won't have the face to go in."

"So exaggerated?" Chen Jing asked with a smile.

"Please, don't treat us as fools, okay." Mad Dog sighed helplessly, as if he was really convinced by "White Dragon", "With your means, you don't need us. You can just find a few guys to get into [Qinglong Palace], and we are just following you to benefit from it..."

Mad Dog's words are not exaggerated, the reality is like this.

No matter how arrogant and self-righteous these mercenaries were, they could not deny this fact... This operation was too easy. Apart from the initial shock, they did not encounter any more troubles.

From sneaking into the [Qinglong Palace] to completing the mission and returning to the shack.

This process was ridiculously easy, and even gave them an unrealistic, dreamlike psychedelic feeling.

It is no exaggeration to say that since the day they joined the [Daodao Sect] and followed the "True Immortal", they have never had such an easy mission, as if it was a joke...

"Let's go, great hero!" Canary jumped to Chen Jing and patted him on the shoulder, "Thank you for today! Otherwise, with the defense of the [Qinglong Palace], we would not be able to get in even if we lost our heads!"

Hearing this, Chen Jing just smiled modestly, then carried the password box and led the three of them into the shack.

"Finally back!"

The "True Immortal" on the shrine was still sitting cross-legged in meditation a second ago. Seeing the four of them carrying the box, he immediately stood up and wanted to greet them... Although three of them were just his lackeys and didn't need to give such a big face, the man who came in with the box was his real brother!

He had to give face.

Otherwise, he would be beaten up later.

"Oh! You really touched me!" The holographic figure hurriedly walked out of the shrine, saying something that flattered Canary and the others, "It must be very hard to go to such a dangerous place! This time, I will..."

Before Li Mobai finished speaking, he saw Chen Jing gave him a look, indicating that he should send these mercenaries out first.

"You go out first, Bailong stays."

Li Mobai listened to Chen Jing's words. Although this sudden disappearance of enthusiasm seemed very abrupt to others, he didn't care so much.

Seeing the "True Immortal" speak, Jin Si Canary and the others didn't dare to ask more questions. Although they were a little confused, they turned around and left the shack.


Only Chen Jing and Li Mobai were left in this simple shack.

"The interference ban has been activated. If you have anything to say, just say it. No one can hear it."

"Well... the reality is more troublesome than I thought." Chen Jing put the password box on the ground, looked around for a while but didn't see a suitable chair. Finally, he turned over and sat on the altar. "Turing is much smarter than we thought. Not only does it not trust anyone, it also has its own "spies" in the Nine Palaces and Eighteen Palaces."

"What did you find?" Li Mobai jumped onto the altar and sat beside Chen Jing, his two short legs swinging back and forth.

"During the operation, I encountered a little accident... You should have heard of the 'divine beast' that guards the server of [Qinglong Palace]?"

"Nine thousand years old?" Li Mobai was stunned, "It shouldn't be your opponent, right?"

"Of course not."

Chen Jing shook his head and said with a smile.

"After all, my body belongs to 'Huai Jing Zhenjun'. The virus backups in the storage alone are enough for it to drink a pot, not to mention those 'magic powers'..."

The reality is indeed as Chen Jing said. It is not difficult to deal with the evil that calls itself "Nine Thousand Years Old". Just sing a song of earth and fire, and those binary fires will burn it to ashes.

"So that guy is Turing's spy..." Li Mobai murmured, and couldn't help asking, "Who is your spy in Weiyang Palace? Do you have any clues now?"

"I don't know, but this matter must not be delayed."

Chen Jing sighed, his expression became extremely helpless.

"Although I have the help of 'Mr. Fog' to block Turing's monitoring of my brain, and simulate some false memories in real time to transmit to it, this is not a long-term solution after all..."

Li Mobai did not say a word, listened quietly, and roughly guessed what Chen Jing would say next.

"The longer it takes, the greater the risk of exposure. I must give Turing a reassurance..."

"Is it my turn?" Li Mobai asked.

"Originally, I planned to take it slowly, but I didn't expect... Turing's trust in his disciples would be so low." Chen Jing sighed, "It can't be delayed any longer, we have to speed up the progress."

Chapter 768: One Qi Transforms into Three Pure Ones (Part 2)

This shack, which looks simple and seems to collapse at any time, seems to have lost its basic function of sheltering from wind and rain, but apart from Li Mobai, only Chen Jing knows... This place is actually a different world.

Under the altar where the shrine is placed, there is a mechanism against the wall.

It is a semi-mechanical switch.

It does not touch the technology of the suspended city at all, let alone the Internet.

When the switch is touched, the floor tiles behind the altar will instantly sink inwards. Climbing down along the narrow passage, you will come to an underground space about 20 meters above the ground.

This is the "alchemy room" that Li Mobai built for himself, and it is also the paradise where he refines the "immortal fetus".

In the dim environment, Chen Jing can't see anything else. There is only an "alchemy furnace" emitting a neon halo still running.

Of course.

That thing is called an "alchemy furnace", but it is actually closer to a triangular-shaped culture dish, filled with a lot of turbid liquid, and the meatball I saw before is soaked in it...

"You know I'm not afraid of death." Li Mobai muttered, "But I think what you said makes sense. No matter when, you should leave yourself a way out."


Chen Jing raised his hand and pointed to his head, smiling helplessly.

"I still don't know what's going on with Turing, and I don't know how likely it is that our story will be exposed, so let's be careful... If Turing really notices it, you can come back to deep space with me and stay there as long as you want."

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Li Mobai sighed, looking at the "Immortal Fetus" that he had finally refined in the "Alchemy Furnace", his tone revealed a hint of unwillingness, "You don't know how much effort I spent on refining this thing, I never thought it would not work in the end..."

"Cut it off." Chen Jing comforted, "Let's talk about it after we pass this level first. If this thing succeeds, you won't need this thing in the future."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Jing turned back to look at Li Mobai.

"Just use what you told me last time, the 'supernatural power' that you learned with the help of the 'equation'..."


Li Mobai let out a long sigh as if he was resigned to his fate.

"One Qi transforms three pure things."

In the alleyway outside the shack.

Canary and the others were squatting on a stone ridge chatting.

"Damn it! Bailong is paying for it! It's definitely a big deal!" Mad Dog analyzed with interest, "You can see the attitude of 'True Immortal' towards him just now! 'True Immortal' seems to be very Look after him!"

"With ability and ability, it's not surprising that we value him." Canary smiled and shrugged unsurprisingly, "After all, our organization is still developing, and we lack talents at this stage, many of them."

"Hey! What do you think the 'True Immortal' will reward us this time?" Tuoke asked expectantly.

"I hope it's a prosthetic body." Mad Dog bit the cigarette in his mouth, his eyes shining with excitement, "It would be great if it was the kind of prosthetic body that has both functionality and compatibility!"

"Me too." Canary nodded, "I want some fighting-type prosthetics that are more practical for combat, otherwise it would be really boring to assign me the task of being a thief every time."

"Speaking of which... don't you two think [Qinglong Palace]'s reaction is strange?" Mad Dog lit a cigarette for himself and said in a low voice, "Although we didn't go head-to-head with [Qinglong Palace] today, But the two patrolmen were indeed dead, and the warehouse was opened, so they shouldn’t have reacted!”

The reality is exactly what Mad Dog said.

After they left [Qinglong Palace], until now, [Qinglong Palace] has maintained a very strange "silence", as if nothing happened. It neither announced retaliation or revenge in a big way, nor made any announcements on the matter. The internet condemned the intruders and urged them to surrender.

"It's so quiet." Mad Dog shook the ashes from his cigarette and looked back at the shack, "It's like the calm before the storm..."

"No matter how heavy the rain is, the 'True Immortal' has the ability to calm it down." Canary comforted softly, seeming to be full of confidence in the "True Immortal", "We only need to do what we should do, and we shouldn't do the rest. It’s useless to worry about it and think about it so much.”


Tuoke smiled and patted Mad Dog on the shoulder.

"We'd better look forward to the reward!"

In Li Mobai's "Alchemy Room".

The pungent stench filled the air uncontrollably.

Bloody mist surged outward from the petri dish.

Like waves of scarlet blood.

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