"It's such a big fuss..."

Chen Jing's biological prosthetic eyes were flashing continuously, and he found that the forum within the research association had been filled with posts related to [Qinglong Palace].


[Qinglong Palace] has indeed embarked on the path of "keeping the mourning secret". The internal management chose to handle this matter in a low-key manner. All members of [Qinglong Palace] are not allowed to talk about this matter and can only follow the opinions of their superiors. Hold criminals accountable...or rather, hunt them down.

So these posts on the forum were actually exposed by other alchemists from the Nine Palaces and Eighteen Palaces. After all, this matter caused quite a stir. It would be normal to say that ordinary people don't know about it, but those alchemists are all in the same circle. , it would be a bit false to say that I don’t know any information.

"Many people are speculating on who the madman is who raided [Qinglong Palace] this time, and they are also curious about why [Qinglong Palace] is so low-key..."

While Chen Jing was leisurely scrolling through posts, he was broadcasting in real time with Li Mobai who was "self-dividing".

"Hey, there are still smart people. They know that the raid on [Qinglong Palace] is considered negative news, and it can easily influence the leader of [Qinglong Palace] to run for president..."

"How is the situation now?" Li Mobai's voice came from the direction of the alchemy furnace.

"No clue, no clue."

Chen Jing casually closed the forum page and turned to look at the "Alchemy Furnace".

"They are like a group of headless flies eager to eat. They can't find their target. I guess this matter will go to nothing."

"But it's possible that the investigation will continue."

Li Mobai's voice gradually became clearer, and the blood mist spreading from the "Alchemy Furnace" became thinner and dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"In the past thirty years, the Nine Palaces and Eighteen Palaces have suffered many attacks, but this was the only one that was successful... The patrolman who looked after the home and the courtyard was slaughtered, and the warehouse where rare treasures were stored was opened. And that 'Nine Thousand Years Old' is also dead!"

"It's not my fault!" Chen Jing shrugged, "That thing was killed by Turing. Who made it have no control over its mouth and wanted to say everything..."

"Will it tell you if you don't ask?" Li Mobai said helplessly.

At the same time as Li Mobai's words fell, the blood mist that filled the air completely dissipated. It was seen that the translucent liquid in the "Alchemy Furnace" had become increasingly turbid, and the original lone flesh ball... now also It became two.

"Contact Turing."

Li Mobai's voice revealed a hint of exhaustion. The magical power "One Qi Transforms Three Purities" he used previously had already consumed a lot of his energy.

"Since we want to speed up the progress, we should hurry up and stuff this certificate of nomination directly into the mouth of the guy before he can react!"

"Okay, I'll contact it now."

Chen Jing looked away from the "Alchemy Furnace" with a somewhat malicious smile on his face.

"If Turing knew that you were behind the scenes, he would probably be furious..."

Chapter 769 It’s Li Mobai (Part 1)

When Chen Jing walked out of the shack alone, he was holding a linen bag stained with blood. Even from a distance of more than thirty meters, Canary and the others could smell the smell of blood. .

This unique smell of blood is very rare in Hanging City, because it is too fresh and pure, and does not have any strange smell mixed with engine oil...

"What's in your bag?" Canary came over with Tuoke Mad Dog, her face full of curiosity, "Looking at the blood, you and the 'True Immortal' killed someone in there?"

"What are you thinking about..." Chen Jing looked at her dumbfounded, feeling that this girl's brain circuit was too violent, "I just chatted with the 'True Immortal' alone for a while, and by the way, I brought all your rewards. Out."

Hearing the key word "reward", Canary's eyes lit up immediately. Although they followed the "true immortal" for their faith, what they always longed for in their hearts while working hard was the reward.


It's normal to be realistic.

If Li Mobai keeps talking and painting pie, no one will follow him over time. Not to mention Li Mobai, even among the ancient gods in the old days, which one started his career by painting pie?

Although the dependents under them are loyal and extremely fanatical about their beliefs, if there really are no "rewards" at all, they will only feel that "gods" don't care about them, and their hearts will slowly disperse, and in the end they will only have that A bunch of overzealous lunatics continue to follow...

Back to business.

Therefore, Li Mobai will not be sloppy at the critical moment. He will talk three times and draw big cakes three times, and finally give a surprising reward. This is his strategy for treating his subordinates, and it is also a strategy that Chen Jing despises... …

"You are so damn embarrassed!" This is what Chen Jingyuan said, with extreme contempt for Li Mobai in every word, "It seems like I can draw the pie three times at most, but you still do it six times!"

"Oh, my Hanging City has its own national conditions here, what do you, a foreigner, know!"

This is how Li Mobai explained it. When responding to Chen Jing's contempt, he seemed to be plausible and stood on the moral high ground.

"The people here are used to being oppressed. If you suddenly treat them too well, they will think you are a super idiot. So... you just need to be better than the companies in Hanging City and better than the research association. This enough."

Chen Jing sneered at Li Mobai's explanation, but from a certain perspective, Li Mobai did know how to control people better than him, and he also knew how to make reasonable use of every resource... These are Chen Jing's Jing can't do it.

"this is for you."

Chen Jing stood in front of Canary and the others, bent down and took out a bloody arm from the sack, and then handed it to Canary.

"This is the 'Stealing Immortal Bone' refined by the 'True Immortal'. It can be regarded as a combat-oriented prosthetic body. The firewall installed inside has been optimized by me, and I have also installed some useful firmware. You can try it later." ”

"I just lack a prosthetic body for actual combat!"

Canary excitedly took the arm from Chen Jing's hand. Although the thing looked bloody, as if it had just been cut off from someone else, Canary knew it was a good thing.

It is not difficult to see from the nerve pipeline in the cross section of the arm that the precision of this thing is no different from the high-end products from the research institute. If nothing else, this should be what the "True Immortal" once mentioned, and it will definitely not lose. The "special gift" of the research association.

"Hakuryu! Thank you!"

Canary excitedly hugged the bloody artificial prosthetic body and kept rubbing it with her white face. She was not afraid of the blood stains from the prosthetic body sticking to her face, and her smile was bright and dazzling.

"With this thing, it will be much easier for me to go on missions in the future!"

"Where's mine! Mine, mine!" Mad Dog hurriedly squeezed over and looked at Chen Jing with a sneer on his face, "Brother Bai Long, don't forget me."

"Here, this is yours."

Chen Jing took out a handful of "optical fiber"-like cables from his linen pocket, almost as thick as a hair. Like the artificial arm, these cables stacked in circles were also bloody.

"Fuck..." Mad Dog looked at Chen Jing in disbelief, and his heart suddenly went cold. "Brother Bai Long, are you playing with me?"

Chen Jing couldn't help but be stunned for a moment when he heard this, and asked with a confused look on his face.

"Why should I play with you?"

"Brother Bai Long...are you sure that the thing in your hand is the reward given to me by the 'True Immortal'?" Mad Dog asked cautiously.

"What else?" Chen Jing was immediately amused, "You kid's vision is quite low. This is the neural pipeline 'Wandering Dragon' refined by the 'True Immortal'. It is much better than ordinary prosthetics. You With this thing, the overall performance can be upgraded to a higher level. ”

"Really?!" Mad Dog took the neural pipeline handed over by Chen Jing. He felt light and weightless in his hand, and then looked at Chen Jing with suspicion, "Brother Bai Long, you should You won’t bear any grudge against me...are you trying to trick me?”

"Forget it if you don't believe me, bring it!" Chen Jing reached out angrily, but Mad Dog reacted faster and took a step aside to avoid it.

"Hehe, I'm kidding..." Mad Dog sneered. At this moment, he also realized that Bailong really didn't seem to be such a stingy person, and looking at these bloody neural pipelines... well, although they do look nothing like industrial waste. Both are different, but after all, it was made from the hands of a "true immortal", so it must not be a mortal thing!

The more Mad Dog thinks about it, the more he realizes that this is the case, and he also happens to lack a useful neural pipeline at this stage. After all, the compatibility of the prosthetics he installed is too poor. If he doesn't find ways to improve the compatibility as soon as possible, he may not be able to do it one day. While alive, some fatal accidents may occur.

"this is for you."

Chen Jing took out the last "reward" from his linen pocket. It was a brain-computer chip the size of a thumb. It was in the shape of translucent frosted glass. There were many dense dents on the surface. In addition to blood stains, there were also Some unknown black liquid stuck to it, like a dirty circuit board.

"The function of your prosthetic body is sufficient. It only needs a brain-computer chip with stable power." Chen Jing smiled and handed the chip to Tuoke. "This thing can help you a lot. At least you won't be exposed to high temperatures." Overloaded."

"Thank you!" Tuoke said with a smile.

"The martial arts prosthetic body, the overclocked neural pipeline, and this chip... they have all been modified by me with magical firmware. I also helped you make a better firewall, which contains the magical powers I left behind. Restricted, ordinary hackers can’t get in.”

Hearing Chen Jing's words, Canary and the others immediately burst into tears of gratitude, especially Mad Dog, who likes to think blindly. At this moment, he felt extremely guilty, only regretting that he had not seen the wrong person for a long time.

"Brother Bailong, I don't even know how to thank you..." Mad Dog sighed with a guilty look on his face, as if he was already used to calling him "brother".

"Thank you for being one of my own." Chen Jing said with a smile.

"By the way, what's your reward?" Canary asked curiously.

"It's just some hardware used to increase computing power, nothing special."

Chen Jing smiled and tied the linen bag casually.

"Let's go, find a place to have a late-night snack first, I have to go on a mission later."

Chapter 770 It’s Li Mobai (Part 2)

Canary and the others all felt that Chen Jing was perfunctory, because he was the leader in this operation. Without his contribution, Canary and the others would not have been able to break into the warehouse of [Qinglong Palace] even if they risked their lives.

But since "White Dragon" doesn't want to say it, there's no need to ask further.

"Come on, let's go."

On the commercial street where the slums meet the city, Chen Jing and the others randomly found a small restaurant...the food was average, the drinks were average, nothing special anyway, but it was cheap.

"Celebrate the successful completion of this operation." Chen Jing still didn't like drinking. He took a can of fruity soda and clinked glasses with Canary and the others. "Your tasks will be separate from mine in the future. Let's continue to cooperate if there is a chance."

"What the hell?!" Mad Dog was stunned and seemed a little anxious. "Brother Bailong! You can take us with you on the mission! It's no problem for us to help you!"

"It's not that I don't want you. The task assigned to me by the 'True Immortal' is to invade the network system of the research institute. It's all about fighting on the Internet. It's useless to call you." Chen Jing shook his head helplessly.

Upon hearing this, Canary and the others looked at each other in disbelief.

"Invade the network system of the research institute?" Canary asked tentatively, "Are you talking about the headquarters of the research institute or..."

"Not the Nine Palaces and Eighteen Palaces, but the headquarters." Chen Jing raised his chin and motioned for everyone to look out the window.

Chen Jing chose to eat here because this restaurant is located at the highest point, and there are no obstacles blocking the view in front. Except for the fact that it is close to the industrial park and the smell of chemicals, there seems to be no disadvantage.

Sitting at the table by the window.

Everyone can see the real landmark building in the suspended city, Turing Tower, from afar through the neon lights reflected on the haze.

"This... this is a bit sudden..." Mad Dog swallowed his saliva, and his voice began to tremble. "It's okay to fight with the Nine Palaces and Eighteen Palaces, why bother with Turing... that's a fucking 'God'!"

"What are you afraid of? 'True Immortal' is also a 'God'." Chen Jing smiled, "The task he gave me is not complicated. He just asked me to hack into the main system of the research institute and find something called 'Nerodan' in the database."

"The risk may be a bit high."

Tuke wanted to say a few more words in depth, but then he thought that he was also a follower of the "True Immortal", so some words were destined to be difficult to say, and he could only remind him indirectly.

"The network system of the research institute headquarters is managed by 'Turing' himself, and it is completely different from the Nine Palaces and Eighteen Palaces. If you really hack into it, you might meet..."

"It's not that difficult." Chen Jing interrupted Tuoke and stopped him in time to prevent him from accidentally saying something disrespectful. "I'm not fighting alone. 'True Immortal' said he would help me, and he would help me personally."

"Since you said so, let's do it." Tuoke shook his head, suppressing his worries, "I hope everything goes well for you, and don't fall into Turing's hands for no reason."

"We may not be able to help you this time..." Canary sighed.

"We can help."

Chen Jing put down the fork in his hand and glanced at the electronic clock on the wall of the restaurant.

"I just need your help."

"Just tell me." Tuoke smiled, "We are all family, we will definitely help if we can."

"Actually, this was originally my mission, but I am not familiar with the slum area, so I can only ask you." Chen Jing pretended to be helpless and sighed, "The risk of invading the mainframe of the research institute this time is very high, so the 'True Immortal' asked me to evacuate the people in advance. With the shack as the center point, all civilians within a kilometer radius need to be evacuated."

"Fuck! Such a big noise?!" Mad Dog looked at Chen Jing in surprise, "Are you going to go to war with the research institute in the shack?!"

"Of course not." Chen Jing took a sip of the soda and said slowly, "I'm just afraid of some other accidents."

"For example?" Canary blinked.

"The 'processor' in the shack has a power limit. If you want to hack into the research institute's database, you must overclock it. At that time, the 'processor' will generate a lot of heat and will be very dangerous..."

"I understand." Canary nodded, "When will the people be evacuated?"


Chen Jing glanced at the electronic clock on the wall again and said calmly.

"This time, the 'True Immortal' is a bit urgent. I wanted to take a vacation..."

"One hour, almost done." Canary took a tissue to wipe his mouth, and then stood up with Mad Dog and the others.

"By the way... Actually, I have always wanted to ask you a question." Chen Jing looked deeply at Canary and the others, "You don't have to answer, I'm just a little curious."

"You say." Canary didn't think much about it, and gestured for Chen Jing to ask casually.

"Do you still remember why you followed the 'True Immortal'?" Chen Jing's question seemed a bit abrupt.

"Is this a test of our loyalty or something?" Canary asked back curiously.

"Don't worry, it's not the 'True Immortal' who asked me to ask. I'm just curious. If it's inconvenient to answer, you don't have to say it." Chen Jing smiled.

"I'm for 'freedom'. He said he could give me real 'freedom' and I wouldn't have to be oppressed by this city anymore." This is how Canary answered.

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