"I just want to become stronger..." Mad Dog muttered.

"He said that he can let everyone live the life they want, and no longer live like a machine..." Tuoke shrugged.

Hearing this, Chen Jing didn't say anything more, just nodded silently.

"Are you okay? Then let's go! I'll send you a message after evacuating the crowd!"

"Okay! Thank you for your hard work!"


So what kind of person is Li Mobai?

He gave everyone the feeling that he wanted to save the city. No, to be precise, he wanted to save those miserable people. Whether it was the inner world or the outer world, that guy planned to do so...

But such a person with extremely lofty ideals, who was completely free from vulgar tastes, had some unscrupulous plans in his mind.

"Since we have come to this point, let's give Turing a hard job. Let's raise the authenticity and blow up the slums directly, right?"

This is what Li Mobai said to Chen Jing half an hour ago. His calm tone did not show any sympathy for the miserable people.

"If no one dies, Turing will not be able to justify it. Maybe it will think too much... Do you understand what I mean?"

The memories end here.

Chen Jing looked at the "Turing Tower" in the center of the city through the window of the restaurant. The neon halos reflected in the haze were distorted beyond recognition, which looked like a manifestation of the city's bizarreness.

"It seems that his brain is not normal anymore... There is obviously a better solution..."

Chen Jing sighed, then switched to the channel connected with "Turing", and simply edited a message and sent it.

"Tianzun, I saw the true body of the 'True Immortal'."

In less than a second, "Turing" replied. Through those cold characters, he could feel "Turing's" excitement.

"What on earth is that guy?! Where is its true body?"

"It... is Li Mobai."

Chapter 771 The first collaboration between master and apprentice (Part 1)

When Chen Jing told the "truth", Turing fell silent and did not respond for a long time.

This reaction was not surprising.

Chen Jing expressed his understanding.

So he still sat patiently at the dining table, eating authentic synthetic meat burritos while looking at the "Turing Tower" that condensed billions of efforts of the Hanging City.

After a while.

Turing's reply came.

"Kill." Turing said only these two words in a concise manner, but soon changed his words and hurriedly sent a sentence, "No, I want to live!"

Chen Jing was not in a hurry to agree to Turing's request, because he knew that Turing was in an extremely contradictory state now.

It is no exaggeration to say.

Turing was almost scared to the point of peeing his pants.

Because it had always believed that Li Mobai was under its control, but what was the reality?

In addition to Li Mobai who was imprisoned in the digital space, there was actually another Li Mobai in the real world outside!

Before this, although the [Da Dao Men] organization was specifically targeted by Turing for elimination, in Turing's eyes, it was still just a miniature garbage dump composed of traitors and villains. It might bring it some minor troubles, but those troubles were definitely within the tolerable range.

And now?

In Turing's view, this organization is no longer a garbage dump, but a time bomb that threatens it at all times.

It was afraid.

Because it didn't know what Li Mobai was going to do.

"If you can capture him alive, you can bring him back." The message sent by Turing was calm between the lines, but Chen Jing knew that its mood at the moment must be very complicated, and it could even be said to be panic.

"I understand." Chen Jing's answer was also concise and to the point, without asking any more questions, just like that qualified stubborn donkey disciple, with only pure "loyalty" in his heart.

"No... I'll come in person..." Turing was still worried, "I'll come in person to capture him alive, this is the safest way!"

"Not necessarily." Chen Jing replied calmly, "According to my observation, it is refining some kind of alien creature in a 'alchemy furnace' with a honeycomb structure. It seems to be able to constantly switch its consciousness and freely go back and forth between the alien creature and its main body. The alien creature has a similar ability to space folding. If you come, it may also run away."

These words were taught to Chen Jing by Li Mobai. If he said them according to this meaning, Turing would naturally change his mind.

Facts have proved that the reality is indeed the case.

Turing seems to know what the "honeycomb alchemy furnace" is, and can also associate it with the role of the so-called "alien creature".

"Yes, you are right!" Turing's reply was full of urgency, wanting to get more information from Chen Jing, the "witness". "What is his current strength? How sure are you that you can help me take him down?"

"My undercover mission is going very smoothly. He hasn't discovered my true identity yet. He just thinks I am an underground hacker who doesn't show his true identity. So if I were to attack him by surprise... about 50%." Chen Jing replied.

In a moment.

Turing fell into silence again.

After about half a minute, Turing asked back in disbelief.

"You... you are only 50% sure?! Or a sneak attack?!"

"Yes, only 50%."

Chen Jing could fully imagine Turing's shock. After all, "Huai Jing Zhen Jun" was one of Turing's most proud second-generation disciples. With the strength of Sequence 6 and those endless "magical powers", it would definitely not be a problem to deal with a younger generation disciple like Li Mobai.

Moreover, Li Mobai's real body was still imprisoned in the digital space, and the one left in the outside world was most likely a clone...

"Are you sure it's only 50%?" Turing asked again.

"Yes, he gives me a very strange feeling, as if he is between a physical creature and a digital life. Judging from the aura he exudes, his sequence level should be similar to mine, but I really don't understand his methods."

What Chen Jing said were all "truths", so Turing couldn't hear any falsehood at all.

"I dare not tell you too much, so I can only be conservative... The chance of winning is about 50%."

After receiving this accurate answer, Turing fell silent again for a while.

But soon.

Chen Jing took the initiative to interrupt its silence and brought it good news.

"But now there is an opportunity." Chen Jing sent the message calmly, "If Master can help me, then I have a 90% chance of capturing Li Mobai alive."

"What opportunity?!" Turing replied immediately.

"He is going to invade the main system of the research institute and wants to find a pill called 'Nerodan' in the database." Chen Jing continued to reveal key information to Turing step by step according to the plan, "I searched in the database, and it seems to be a bioactive agent used to stabilize the downward state of certain digital life."

"So what you mean is..."

This time, Turing no longer talked to Chen Jing with text messages, but directly invaded his sound pickup device. The sound of its speech almost sounded in Chen Jing's mind.

"He has joined forces with many underground hackers to help. Those hackers invaded the research institute system in stages at different locations to cover, and I will join hands with him to carry out the main attack..."

Chen Jing was not surprised to hear Turing's voice, but felt that it appeared a little late.

"Master, I would like to trouble you to guard the firewall. After he enters the state of 'wandering', try to severely injure his 'three souls and seven spirits', and I will get out of the 'wandering' state as soon as possible and directly control his physical body."

"Okay, okay!" Turing said excitedly, as if he had breathed a sigh of relief, "This is indeed a good opportunity! You must seize it!"

"I will." Chen Jing smiled.

"Once we seize this opportunity, the success rate of capturing him alive will be almost 100%." ​​Turing seemed a little impatient, "It's a pity that my main consciousness is still in 'Lihentian', and I am temporarily held back by some trivial matters. Otherwise, I will definitely come to help you with my real body!"

"It doesn't matter, Master, it's enough for you to help me with this little favor." Chen Jing said so, but his mind had already begun to analyze.

Holded back by a trivial matter?

This is unbelievable.

What can hold back Turing's body...it can't be a trivial matter no matter how you think about it.

But now Chen Jing has no clue, after all, Turing's confidentiality work is still in place.

"When will the action start?" Turing asked impatiently.


Chen Jing retracted his gaze from the "Turing Tower" in the distance, and then waved to the restaurant owner to pay the bill.

"Li Mobai is still preparing, but it should be soon. He wants to take advantage of the chaos in [Qinglong Palace] to play a trick under the lamp..."

"This guy is smart." Turing sighed.

Chapter 772 The first joint effort between master and apprentice (Part 2)

It must be said that Canary and his team are still very efficient. When Chen Jing just paid the bill and rushed back to the slums, they had already evacuated the people in the designated area.

"It's all done!"

Canary and his team stood outside the shack and greeted Chen Jing when they saw him coming.

"I wish you all the best!"

Looking at Canary's right hand stretched out in front of him, Chen Jing was slightly startled, and his thoughts were temporarily withdrawn from the subsequent plans.

"Thank you." Chen Jing shook hands with her, with a sincere smile on his face.

"Brother Bailong! Remember to take us with you next time you have a job!" Mad Dog still did not forget to ask, and he wanted to cling to this thigh.

"It must be!" Chen Jing smiled and nodded.

"Brother, take care of yourself."

Tuoke knew how difficult this mission was. Hacking into the mainframe system of the research institute was not a joke. To put it bluntly, it was seeking death, but now he had no way to persuade him, so he could only try his best to ask Chen Jing to be more careful.

"Just now, the 'True Immortal' also assigned us a new task, asking us to go to the 'Snow Industrial Park' to check the location."

Mad Dog muttered, with a headache on his face.

"To be honest, that place is a bit far, and we have to rush there as soon as possible. Taking the subway is not in time..."

Hearing this, Chen Jing could not easily guess Li Mobai's intention.

Li Mobai wanted to send all these "innocents" away and let them go as far as possible, so that they would not be affected by the chaos afterwards... Although this was not in line with Li Mobai's original plan, the arrangement was like this, which was enough to show that Chen Jing controlled Li Mobai, which made him change his mind and not sacrifice these people to act with him in vain.

"That place is indeed quite far away." Chen Jing smiled and patted Tuoke on the shoulder, indicating that he didn't need to worry, "Go quickly if there is a task, finish it early and come back early, maybe the 'True Immortal' will give you another reward!"

"What's the reward..." Mad Dog lowered his voice and said softly, "I feel like this time it's just running errands!"

"'True Immortal' asked you to run errands because he thinks highly of you. Don't be ungrateful." Tuoke put his arm around Mad Dog's shoulders and signaled him with his eyes to be more careful with his words. After all, the "True Immortal" was in the shack. "Bai Long, we'll leave first!"

"Okay, you guys go and get busy. Contact me later if you have anything!"

"Take care!"

"Take care."


When Chen Jing returned to the shack, he saw that the holographic figure was already pacing back and forth in front of the shrine, looking very impatient.

"Why are you wasting time talking to them?" Li Mobai urged, "Let's get down to business!"

"There's still time, why are you in such a hurry?" Chen Jing sighed helplessly, thinking that this bastard was getting more and more impatient. "Although I was an undercover agent in your [Da Dao Men] this time, and it was an accident that I met Canary and the others, but these guys are quite interesting, and I probably won't have a chance to see them again in the future, so I chatted with them for a while..."

"What can I talk to them about!" Li Mobai said unhappily, "We are brothers! How long have we not seen each other! Why don't you talk to me more!"

Chen Jing rolled his eyes at him and was too lazy to say anything.

"Let's start 'wandering' now!" Li Mobai urged, "The hackers I contacted are all ready and can 'cover' us at any time."

"Have you taken care of your consciousness backup?" Chen Jing asked worriedly.

"It's already been done!" Li Mobai nodded, "I'll listen to you and leave a way out for myself. Although it's a bit troublesome to operate, it's safer to keep a backup."

"Then let's get started."

Chen Jing jumped onto the altar and sat cross-legged next to the "shrine".

"Hehe... This is our first time to "travel in spirit" together!"

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