Li Mobai also imitated Chen Jing and began to meditate. Although judging from his familiarity with the digital space, he did not need to follow such a ritualized process, but he still did so, just like he always thought about it when he was studying. It doesn't matter if you hang out with your brothers, even if it means being silly together.

"Stop talking nonsense and let's go!"

It's a familiar feeling again.

The brain computer gradually increased its operating power. In this false warmth, the consciousness and body were completely stripped away, as if the "three souls and seven souls" were shattered by the impact of endless electronic information, and all of them fell into the virtual world in an instant. The sea of ​​data on the Internet...

In fact, for those alchemists who are good at "spirit wandering", the real body is not that important. As long as the "Three Souls and Seven Souls" are still there, they can find a useful body anytime and anywhere, let alone on the Internet.

In this place.

Even the most unsophisticated hacker can recreate an electronic body.

"It's no wonder so many people are addicted to the Internet..."

Chen Jing's visual system is being reconstructed, and he enjoys this strange feeling of being saturated with information.

"Every 'fugue' can speed up the secretion of dopamine... I'm afraid it will become addictive after a long time..."

"Are you still addicted to this kind of thing?"

Hearing Li Mobai's voice, Chen Jing looked back and saw that he was now back to his original least the size and proportion of his body had been restored, but he still looked blurry, like a glowing figure.

"Let's go, I'll take you to node jump." Li Mobai put his hand on Chen Jing's shoulder, his laughter was very hearty, and it didn't look like he was going to die. "Those hackers have already taken action, we are just in time to go there." superior……"

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Jing felt that the scene in front of him began to change rapidly.

"What is your current strength?" Chen Jing asked curiously, "Is this clone much different from the original body?"

"This clone is similar to yours, both are Sequence 6, but my main body should be Sequence 7..."

Li Mobai spoke in a very arrogant tone, and his words contained the kind of pride that he couldn't help but reveal.

"Anyway, except for the president, I can't do it. No one else is my opponent, including the original owner of your body. Killing them will just take some effort."

When Li Mobai said this, the destination of their trip had also arrived.

"Let's do it."

Li Mobai looked at the "Turing Tower" composed of countless binary characters not far away, and his tone gradually became serious, because he knew what he was going to face next...

Is there anything good that can come out of being captured alive in Turing's hands?

Judging from Turing's extremely cautious character, severe torture was definitely unavoidable.

But to Li Mobai, these are indifferent things. Even if Turing is killed directly, it doesn't matter, as long as they can win in the end... After all, their only goal is to win, no matter how much they pay in the early stage, they can accepted.

"No one has dared to attack the research association in the past hundred years, so we have given Turing a hard job!"

Chapter 773: The First Hero (Part 1)

"let's start."

Chen Jing took Li Mobai to the "Turing Tower" and looked at this behemoth composed of countless information data and binary characters. He couldn't help but sigh for a moment... From a certain perspective, Turing has left behind Too far away from other ancient gods.

Take this hanging city as an example.

What it did was not to rule a bunch of ignorant people with high pressure, but to create a new technological civilization with its own abilities, and it also opened up an abnormal dimensional space that is very similar to "deep space".

Here, even the most ordinary human beings can use Turing's technology to travel between the two worlds, which is something Chen Jing cannot do.

Let an ordinary person have the power to travel through different dimensions at will, and still separate the other party's consciousness and recast his body in another dimension...

"I actually admire it."

Chen Jing raised his hand and placed it on the door of "Turing Tower", and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"It's a pity that our positions are different, and in the end we have to fight to the death..."

This "Turing Tower" is a reflection projected by the research association's server. If you want to enter the research association's host database, you must break in from here first... This door leading to the interior is a "deliberately left" by the research association. "Back door", without the electronic certificate issued by the research association, trying to break in is almost like courting death.

Not to mention private hackers outside the research association, even the internal alchemists of the research association would not dare to break in when the certificate expires, otherwise the ban imposed by Turing himself will be activated...

It was not a reverse virus attack, nor was it a counterattack like an electronic bomb.

It is a simpler and more efficient countermeasure.

to be honest.

The operating principle of this ban imposed by Turing is actually very simple. When an illegal intrusion is detected, the firewall program will instantly capture the physical IP address of the other party, and then forcibly implement the "Initiation Method"... In other words, it is forced to go Send something into the opponent's brain.

Those are some things that may seem inconsequential, but can actually kill you.


That's all data.

Uncountable amounts of data.

Or a Hanging City commercial.

It could also be a message someone left on a chat app with a friend.

These things don't seem to be harmful to people, but as long as they reach a certain dangerous level, they are like turning into data bombs... and can burn your brain almost instantly.

You can imagine that your mind is filled with hundreds of millions of commercials, and thousands of "anchors or celebrities" are urging you to place an order. Their slogans of "three, two, one, link up" are not uniform. Uniform, but absolutely guaranteed that you can hear it...

Turing found this countermeasure interesting.

Because in its view, Turing Tower is not only the spiritual symbol of this hanging city, but also the foundation for this city to stand in the inner world. Therefore, any illegal person who dares to invade Turing Tower should be sanctioned by the entire hanging city. .

In other words.

It was not Turing who killed the fanatics, but the city. It was the residents of this city who "worked together" to kill the fanatics who invaded Turing Tower...

"When killing, there is no distinction between poverty, highness, or rank. This is also a kind of fairness..." Chen Jing's palm was tightly attached to the door, and at the same time, Li Mobai's voice also sounded in his mind. .

"Those losers didn't break through. They seemed to be blocked by the peripheral restrictions of Turing Tower."

"It's a good thing we didn't break in." Chen Jing replied calmly, "They will die if they come. Turing will not let them go."

"It's just the two of us who feel that the show is not real enough..." Li Mobai was still a little worried.

"It's enough." Chen Jing thought for a moment and added a few words, "Now that you ask them to go back, it's best to reveal your disappointment in them when sending them information, so that Turing's investigation won't reveal it later. Flaw... It's reasonable, after all, you have the kind of temper that hates trash."

"Damn why do I always feel like you are scolding me?"

Li Mobai muttered unhappily, but still did as Chen Jing said.

"Okay, I've already told them...but then again, why hasn't Turing shown up yet??"

"It has been staring at us." Chen Jing said calmly, "It should be observing now."

As he said that, Chen Jing's palm resting on the gate of Turing Tower suddenly trembled. Although Li Mobai couldn't see many details, he knew without thinking that this must be Turing's restriction at work.

Those massive amounts of data and information are turning into a "torrent" that cannot be observed by the naked eye and pouring into Chen Jing's real body...

"How are you going to break through this restriction?" Li Mobai couldn't help but worry.

"Actually, it's not difficult to break through this layer of restrictions, as long as you find the right method..."

Chen Jing's tone of voice was still shockingly calm. Even though his "body" brain computer had entered a high-temperature overload state, he was still confident.

"I exchanged my physical IP address with servers of several companies, and used my own simulated network nodes to bridge the gap, so that it is less likely to be detected... So these data cannot burn me to death, but can they be burned to death? It’s hard to say what those companies’ hosts are.”

Facts have proved that Chen Jing's operation is feasible, but in the eyes of outsiders, it is indeed impossible. After all, the hosts of those companies are protected by Turing-certified firewalls. Even the alchemists of the research association have difficulty. Invading it... Of course, this is leaving aside the alchemist at Chen Jing's stage.

This body of his comes from the Lord of Weiyang Palace. Figures like "Zhenjun Huaijing" are also absolute leaders among Turing's second-generation disciples, so those are only firewalls that have been "certified and blessed". How could it be possible to stop him?

So when Chen Jing transferred these massive data.

The outside world... is also in chaos!

"What the hell?"

Mad Dog and the others had just walked out of the subway station when they saw thick smoke billowing from the computer room of a large company in the distance, followed by earth-shaking explosions and flames shooting into the sky.

"Hey! That stupid X company's computer room caught fire!" Mad Dog gloated and clapped his hands, "It's beautifully burned! None of these corporate dogs are good! It would be best if they were all burned to death!"

Compared to Mad Dog's excitement, Tuoke and Canary looked at each other with confused expressions.

"Strange..." Canary murmured, "The server room is usually the most strictly guarded place in the entire company... How could there be a fire..."

"Is there any outsider intrusion?" Tuoke asked.

"Yes! Maybe it was an attack!" Mad Dog nodded, agreeing with Tuoke's analysis.

Chapter 774: The First Hero (Part 2)

As a "passer-by" who just walked out of the subway station, Canary didn't know why the company's computer room caught fire inexplicably.

Maybe Tuoke is right?

Maybe he encountered a commercial attack planned by his colleagues? it a sign of another corporate war?

But it doesn't matter.

After all, this episode has nothing to do with their mission. They have more important things to do, which are orders from the "true immortal"...

"Let's go, I don't have time to watch the fun now, otherwise I won't be able to catch up."

"Yes, yes! Mad dog, stop looking! Hurry up and follow!"


When Canary and the others rushed to the target location, they only thought that the explosion in the company's computer room was an exception. Maybe they were attacked or for other reasons. Anyway, this kind of thing is not common in Hanging City, but it is not rare either. …

But they soon realized something was wrong.

Because the company's computer room was not the only one that exploded.

Almost at the same time.

A total of 32 companies in Hanging City had server rooms exploded.

No matter whether they were big companies or small companies that had just emerged, they all became Chen Jing's "scapegoats". The massive amount of data that Chen Jing had transferred directly to them had overwhelmed the servers.

This kind of thing had never happened in the history of Hanging City. Even during the "corporate war" period in Hanging City, there had never been such a big mess at once.

So... what happened? ?

Not only was there an uproar among the people, but even the research institute began to inquire about the news everywhere. The alchemists were quickly exchanging information with each other, trying to analyze the most accurate answer to this abnormal incident.

But in the end.

They didn't know what the answer was.

Because shortly after this accident that covered the entire city, the management of the Nine Palaces and Eighteen Palaces issued a "gag order", and all the alchemists registered in the research institute were not allowed to talk about related topics. Violators would be severely punished.

The alchemists did not understand why the management issued this order, but the rules of the research institute were rules, which were stricter than the laws of the Hanging City known to the public, so after receiving the instructions from the upper level, they could only keep silent.

At the same time.

Chen Jing's fellow apprentices also started chatting privately.

Turing's second-generation disciple, the master of the Nine Palaces and Eighteen Halls.

They established a secret channel in the intranet of the [Turing Research Institute].

"Has Tianzun encountered trouble?"

"I don't know."

"Brother, I found that the mainframe of the research institute was blocked, and that piece of digital space was cleared by Tianzun with great power... Can you contact Tianzun?"

"I can't contact him for the time being, but Tianzun left me a message in advance. He said he would do something big and asked us to stabilize the situation and not panic."

"Those companies have called us to complain, saying that there is a problem with the network maintenance we did for the company, and now they are considering asking us to pay compensation..."

"Looking for death."

"Yes! I think they are looking for death too! Asking our research institute to pay money? How shameless are they?"

"Record all the companies and enterprises that are asking for compensation, and we will slowly deal with them later. Now listen to Tianzun's instructions. Stabilizing the situation is our first priority, and the second is to eliminate the panic among the people..."

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