Speaking of this, Turing couldn't help but complain.

"I'm not a psychopathic lunatic, how could I have such a nasty hobby?"

Upon hearing what Turing said, Chen Jing couldn't help but complain in his heart.

Is it unusual for you to have such a nasty hobby?

I think it's quite normal.

Judging from the memory of "Zhenjun Huaijing", when the second generation of disciples killed each other, you, the Heavenly Lord, were very happy. The more disciples who died, the happier you were. You kept saying that the disciples of this generation were very happy. Vibrant, promising and so on...

"After all these years, you are the only one who has not wavered in your belief. Even the Taoist priest is not as good as you in this regard, so I am willing to let you be the president. Before, the Taoist priest went to help you win votes..."

"Is this what you ordered, Master?" Chen Jing asked curiously, and couldn't help interrupting Turing, "Why did you do this?! Even if I don't have the votes, I can kill that deviant waste Tan San Zhi! Who? Anyone who dares to stop me from following your footsteps will die!"

Although these words sounded like the disciple was complaining about the master, and seemed to be lacking in etiquette, Turing found it very pleasant to listen to.

"Silly apprentice." Turing said with a smile, "If you really do that, even if you can win the position of president, you will never be sure of it. They are too close to your strength. If they hate you in their hearts , you will be in a lot of trouble in the future.”

"Then kill them all." Chen Jing said impatiently.

"You are still so stubborn!" Turing looked at Chen Jing helplessly, "Isn't it good to become the president smoothly? Do you have to shout and kill? What's more, they are still useful to us in a short period of time. "

Chapter 792 Turing’s Instructions (Part 2)

According to Turing, it needs to be in retreat for about a month this time. If there is a deviation in the time, it will only be delayed rather than advanced, but it will only be a month and a half at most... It will definitely be promoted to Sequence Nine. And out.

"During this period, you should not take too many actions to rectify the research association. Try to keep the Hanging City in a stable state. If there are any troubles that cannot be solved, you can wait until I come out of seclusion." Turing patiently asked.

"There won't be any trouble." Chen Jing wanted to make a promise by patting his chest, but unfortunately he couldn't do such difficult movements now, and his mutilated hands couldn't be born out of thin air. "Master, don't worry, who dares Anyone who makes trouble during this time will be killed by me!”

Hearing this outrageous and reckless assurance, Turing couldn't help but smile helplessly, thinking that this stubborn donkey really didn't have any brains, he just wanted to shout to kill...

But then again, his character has always been like this.

Turing, as the master of "Zhenjun Huaijing", knows very well what his disciple is like in front of outsiders and what he is like in front of himself. Perhaps this is the most real side of him... He can do it without talking nonsense. Trouble that can be solved by killing the target is no trouble to him.

Not many people can see this. After all, "Zhenjun Huaijing" is always taciturn in front of outsiders.

"Actually, I originally planned to vote for you." Turing abruptly changed the topic, "This way you can be successfully elected as the president, but the vice president is Tan Sanshi... In the process of thinking, I analyzed There were tens of thousands of possibilities, but in the end I still felt it was inappropriate.”

Chen Jing nodded silently and did not ask why it was inappropriate.

"You don't want to know why?" Turing smiled.

"I know Master will not harm me. Any decision Master makes must be based on the premise of benefiting me... So I will not think about why, I will only think about what I have not done well enough. Afraid of disappointing Master!"

Oh shit.

Turing really wanted to curse out this curse word loudly, because he hadn't heard such a touching "praise" in many years. Among all the disciples, who else could understand me as a master better than Huai Jing? !

I didn't see the wrong person!

Absolutely not!

"Huai Jing, I'm really pleased that you have such an idea." Turing coughed twice, suppressed the smile at the corner of his mouth, and tried to pretend to be calm, "Let's talk first. Let’s get down to business.”

"Master, please give your orders." Chen Jing nodded.

"During my period of seclusion, you first ask your senior brother to help you calm people's hearts. The outside world can do anything, but there must be no trouble within our seminar. Even if there are some people who you don't like, you can't do it at this time. Move them." Turing ordered patiently.

Chen Jing nodded and said that he understood and would definitely handle it according to Master's wishes.

"Another thing...do you know why I want to keep you here?"

"To tell me these words?" Chen Jing asked tentatively.

"If it's just to give you instructions, wouldn't it be better if I sent you a message directly?" Turing asked helplessly.

Without waiting for the stupid apprentice to say something stupid again, Turing got straight to the point.

"I want to help you advance to the rank."

"Hmm...huh??" Chen Jing was stunned for a moment and looked at Turing strangely, "Master, how do you want to help me advance to the rank?"

"Help you with my own hands." Turing smiled.

"But didn't you say before that promotion to the rank requires one's own efforts, and you can't directly help us dependents..." Chen Jing answered according to the memory of "Zhenjun Huaijing".

"I'm afraid that you guys will slack off." Turing sighed, "Actually, I can do this. All family members below sequence eight can be promoted with my help. I'm just afraid that you will become inert because of this..."

"Master! I'd better practice on my own! I want to rely on myself!" Chen Jing gave an "insincere" answer, feeling that he was hypocritical to death, but this was the answer that "Huai Jing Zhenjun" would give.

"You don't understand! Everything is critical during my retreat!" Turing whispered, "I need an absolutely stable suspended city. You have to help me guard the barrier. You must not let anyone in or out of the suspended city, otherwise I will be in big trouble!"

Hearing this important information, Chen Jing couldn't help but be stunned for a moment...

You can't let anyone in or out of the suspended city?

What does this have to do with its retreat?

"Master, don't worry, I will never let anyone in and out at will..."

"Call me Master."

Turing interrupted Chen Jing and said earnestly.

"As the saying goes, a teacher is a father for life. In the end, I can only trust you, my child..."

As Turing said, the concepts of master and teacher are different. The former is more inclined to a serious hierarchy, while the latter has a little more warmth.

"When I come out of retreat, I will take you to the ultimate of the evolutionary path, where you can continue to complete your own 'Tao'. In the future, the master may leave the Hanging City. On that day... I will entrust this city to you."

"Master, you clearly know that I am not interested in this. Whoever wants to manage this city can manage it. I just want to continue practicing Taoism!"

Chen Jing gave an answer that Turing could be completely relieved without thinking. This was also Turing's last test of him.

"Let's not talk about these things for now. Let's talk about it later." Turing smiled, "Go with the master first, let the master help you to advance the sequence. By then, your defective body will be reshaped and will be stronger than the previous presidents!"

"I still want to practice slowly by myself, so that I can get more solid..."

"You don't even listen to the master's words?"

"...I will obey the master's orders."

After getting this satisfactory answer, Turing smiled with relief, and then took Chen Jing to "sink" rapidly. Like an invisible ghost, they quickly passed through every floor of the [Turing Tower].


The deepest part of the ground.

"Master, how are you going to help me advance to the next level?" Chen Jing looked at the metal gate in front of him, his heartbeat uncontrollably quickened, and a possibility that made him tremble with excitement came to his mind.

"I will use the 'World Hub' as an auxiliary guiding medium, and then perform the initiation method for you!"

Turing's floating head kept floating forward, and Chen Jing followed closely behind, not daring to slow down his pace at all.

"World Hub..." Chen Jing suppressed his excitement and tried to make himself look calmer, "This name sounds a bit familiar... I think you mentioned it before!"

Turing had already led him to the metal gate at this moment, and did not hide anything in front of this good disciple.

"That's right, it's the treasure that can control the birth and death of a plane!"

Chapter 793 Master, thank you (Part 1)

The reason why I worked so hard to sneak into the Hanging City, and the reason why I tried so hard to play Turing's good disciple...isn't it for this? !

World Hub, Dimension Core

If you want to advance to Sequence Eight and break through to the same realm as those ancient gods, you must find this thing!

Now... I found it.

It's behind that huge metal door.

Now he is only one door away from the dimensional core he has always dreamed of!

"Okay, okay... Turing, you are playing like this, right..." Chen Jing suppressed his excitement and didn't dare to show it at all. He knew that he was lucky.

Originally, he thought he needed to continue to lurk for a while, but looking at this situation, maybe he will be able to slap Turing in the face in a while.

But thinking about it from another angle, Chen Jing felt sad for Turing. This old guy finally waited for a reliable person to entrust, but it turned out to be a despicable foreigner who played Infernal Affairs. Now he is still treating him with all his heart... miserable!

It was so miserable that Chen Jing couldn't hold it back.

When he thought of the loss he had suffered at the hands of Turing, and then thought of the scene of taking off his disguise and slapping it in the face, every pore of Chen Jing's body was shouting "cool".

"Master, how did you find this thing?"

While following Turing towards the metal gate, Chen Jing also took the time to ask about something that interested him.

Dimension cores are not easy to find. If they were really that easy to find, the candidates who were put into the inner world would have definitely found some clues long ago.

"It was a coincidence that I could find it."

Turing hovered outside the metal gate, his eyes flickering, and a dull sound came from behind the door.

"In order to test the stability of the digital space, I directly detonated a large-yield decay bomb in the deepest part of the digital space. It was a destructive experiment... It turns out that the digital space is very stable, and those bombs only left a few scars that decayed continuously."

"Scars?" Chen Jing became more and more curious. After all, the characteristics of the digital space are different from all the spaces he has come into contact with. Whether it is the inner and outer worlds, deep space, or the worlds of other dimensions, their laws and rules are completely different from those of the digital space.

So Chen Jing was also very curious about what the "scars" Turing was talking about were.

According to its previous statement, those "scars" were caused by space decay. Could they be the "space cracks or gaps" in the conventional sense?

"The scar is the source of the garbled code in the program." Turing's explanation made Chen Jing even more confused. "In fact, it is just an entrance. The interior is very similar to the space tunnel. The end is the deepest part of the data abyss. There are many "linear energies" around to maintain the stability of the space. From a distance, it looks like a huge spider web."

"Is the world hub in there?" Chen Jing couldn't help asking.

"Yes." Turing nodded, and his tone was a little puzzled. He seemed to be very confused about this matter. "When the digital space was built, I went to that abyss, but there was nothing in it except endless data characters."

According to Turing, the world hub was not in the abyss at first. As for why it appeared there later, Turing also spent a long time to find the answer.

"The world hub is always moving. It will only keep folding on the line that constructs the space dimension. It will jump over a long distance every three days or so. It is really a coincidence that I can encounter it..."

When Turing's voice fell, the metal door had slowly opened, and the scene inside also appeared in Chen Jing's eyes.

At first, Chen Jing thought this was a treasure house or a warehouse, but the bizarre scene he saw was contrary to his imagination.

This is a place where the rules of dimensional space are completely disrupted. The "points and lines" that construct the space are already in a disordered and chaotic state here.

If I use a more vivid description...

This space is like a ball of wool that has been scratched by a cat?

It looks a bit like a doodle made by a child unconsciously.

It is no exaggeration to say that even Chen Jing, the "King of Deep Space", can't figure out the "rules" here.

"Follow me."

"Yes, Master."

If it were under normal circumstances, Chen Jing would definitely not set foot in this special space with chaotic "rules". Even if he wanted to go in, he would first sort out the "rules" here, otherwise... it would be too dangerous!

This is not a conclusion drawn from the perspective of "Huai Jing Zhenjun", but from the perspective of Chen Jing's original strength of Sequence 7, because such a disordered and chaotic dimensional space is transforming into a deeper distortion every minute and every second.

In other words, it is like a constantly changing maze, which is always undergoing disordered and complete reorganization, so it is very dangerous... For the creatures in it, this random reorganization is fatal, and it is likely to be dragged into endless distortion.

You may become the "point" of its construction of space, or you may be forcibly pulled into a "line" by it.

In short.

This complex space law that cannot be more complex really makes Chen Jing a little frightened. Although he used to rely on the power of deep space to play with many dimensional spaces at will, that definitely does not include this one in front of him...

"Only creatures of sequence eight are qualified to set foot here, otherwise they will be killed by this distorted and distorted space at any time, so you have to follow me closely and always keep a distance of less than one meter from me..." Turing's voice sounded in Chen Jing's ears.

"Understood." Chen Jing nodded hurriedly and followed Turing closely.

At this time, he found that Turing was not walking in a straight line, but kept turning left and right to change direction, as if walking according to some planned route.

"It seems that Turing is still much stronger than me..." Chen Jing followed Turing silently, analyzing in his mind, "This chaotic and disordered space... In its eyes, there must be some kind of rules to follow..."

"In fact, I can't completely control that world hub."


Hearing Turing's sudden words, Chen Jing couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

"Master, that world hub is already in your pocket, isn't this considered complete control?"

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