"Far from it." Turing sighed, "Our sequence is based on the ultimate evolution of living things, so the deep laws of many dimensional spaces...even I can only have a partial understanding of."

Having said this, Turing couldn't help but shook his head.

"It's a pity that I am not the deep space resuscitator. If it were him, it should be easy to control this world hub, at least much easier than me."

Chapter 794: Master, thank you (Part 2)

When Chen Jing heard Turing's praise for the "deep space resuscitator", his heart was filled with mixed emotions and was indescribably complicated.

How should I put it... still a little happy?

Didn't you expect that this old guy would still feel inadequate?

"Master, is deep space really that powerful?" Chen Jing asked calmly, "Is that resuscitator really capable of controlling things that you can't even handle?"

"Everyone is good at different things, and the direction of sequence development is also different. The deep laws he has mastered with the help of deep space power are beyond the reach of you and me..."

"The rules he mastered?" Chen Jing pretended not to know what he meant.

"The deep laws of the operation of billions of spaces, the supreme order that has existed since the birth of the dimension. These are the laws he has understood, and they are also the ultimate weapons that he will master sooner or later."

Turing sighed helplessly, and it was rare for him to talk about his plan to outsiders.

"So we must seize the time. After I come out of seclusion, I can make him completely disappear from this world. Even if he hides in deep space, I can still kill the deep space to exterminate all races..."

Hearing these calm but murderous words, Chen Jing's heart couldn't help but jump a few times.

It seems that Turing has really found the threshold for promotion to sequence nine.

How on earth did this guy do it?

Equation solved?

Or... is it because of Li Mobai?

"Okay, here it is."

While Chen Jing was still thinking hard about these issues, Turing suspended in front of him had stopped.

Only now did Chen Jing realize that they had reached the end.

There is no road ahead.

There was only a piece of translucent crystal that looked like a patchwork of broken glass.

Before Chen Jing could ask more questions, Turing slowly floated in, as silently as a ghost, and instantly blended into the crystal, and Chen Jing hurriedly followed... When he crossed this layer of crystal, he I also paid attention to feel it carefully, but found that there was no special feeling.

It's like passing through a layer of air.

But there will be the sound of the ice breaking in my ears.

"This is the hub of the world..."

When Chen Jing passed through the crystal, he first saw the altar in front of him.

It was a sacrificial building based on dark gray metal square bricks. The overall shape was very similar to the altar used for praying in the Nine Palaces and Eighteenth Hall. A blue beam of light about fifty centimeters in diameter lit up the table covered with talismans.

The hub of the world is suspended in that beam of light.

to be honest.

This thing is different from what Chen Jing imagined.

Logically speaking, the core of a world should be very large. Even if it is not very large... at least it should look spectacular!

But this is not the case.

It is only the size of an adult's fist, and is in the shape of an irregular polygon. The shiny surface is densely packed with many particle cubes...the size and volume of these cubes are all the same, and they float and sink regularly, like a chain. A wave visible to the naked eye swept across the surface.

"In order to preserve this hub of the world, you don't know how much effort I spent as my teacher. It took almost all my life's learning to imprison it here." Turing led Chen Jing forward and stopped in front of the altar. Come down.

"Master, this thing doesn't look like anything special..." Chen Jing suppressed the excitement in his heart and pretended to be puzzled, "Can it really help me advance to the rank?"

"Don't underestimate it." Turing said with a smile. He felt that his apprentice was still very ignorant and could not see the wonders of this world hub. "It is deeply bound to our world. If I desperately want to If we destroy it, our world will also be destroyed..."

"So powerful?!" Chen Jing pretended to be surprised, and then asked curiously, "Why don't you use this thing to deal with the deep space resuscitator? Maybe you can kill him!"

"I can destroy the world, but I can't destroy deep space."

When Turing said this, he couldn't help but sigh, with a strong sense of frustration in his tone.

"If he gives up resistance and directly takes his family members to flee into deep space, I can't do anything to them. What's more, when the world hub is destroyed, the Hanging City will also be buried with him...killing one thousand enemies and damaging eight hundred, this kind of It doesn’t work out, let alone killing a thousand enemies!”

Hearing this, Chen Jing couldn't help but sigh that Turing was quite sane, because his analysis was completely logical. If he really encountered that situation, Chen Jing would do what he analyzed... He would take all his family members and flee directly to the deep. Sora, wait until you are sure and then take revenge.

"You have no idea how cunning that guy is." Turing seemed to get interested when he talked about the "Deep Space Resuscitator" and couldn't help but complain to his apprentice, "Run if you can, hide if you can, He didn’t even dare to appear in front of me if he wasn’t sure of victory!”

Chen Jing smacked his lips and thought to himself, you old guy is really good at bragging. Last time I came, didn't you just run away with the body of the Moonlight Pope? It sounds like you are so awesome!

"Master, the disciple now only hates his own lack of strength..." Chen Jing said through gritted teeth, as if he had an unforgettable hatred for the "deep space resuscitator", "But I believe that the deviant guy will eventually die in our sky In the hands of the city!”

"Of course." Turing couldn't help laughing, as if his apprentice had poked him in the place that made him most proud. "That guy can't make any progress now. It's impossible to advance to the rank at the weird speed before. It's a matter of course, so when I finish this retreat... his death will come!"

"Master, how do you know he can't advance even an inch?" Chen Jing asked knowingly, pretending to be curious, "I remember that his promotion speed was very fast, surpassing all the old descendants we know, including you... …It seems you told us this!”

"You don't have to worry about this."

Turing does not want to explain too clearly at the moment. After all, the things about the Creator have not been disclosed by it yet. At present, except for him and Li Mobai, no one in the Hanging City knows the truth...

"My dear disciple, hurry up and reach out your hand."


Chen Jing stretched out his hand without much hesitation.

Although the "dimensional core" in front of him has a weird shape and is not something that can be touched casually, he also knows very well that Turing will not harm him now, but will do his best to help him...

"After being promoted, help Master well and help me keep an eye on the Hanging City!"

"Don't worry, Master, as long as I'm here, nothing will go wrong!"

The moment Chen Jing touched the "Dimension Core", some long-awaited information suddenly appeared in his mind - that was the divine revelation of Sequence Eight!

For a while.

Chen Jing couldn't help but look back at Turing. The gratitude in his heart was not fake, it was real...

"Master, thank you."

Chapter 795: The Divine Revelation of Sequence Eight (Part 1)

Hearing his apprentice thanking him in this way, Turing could only shake his head and said, you kid is too polite. I am your master. What happened to helping you advance to the rank?


What's wrong?

"Master, you really don't have anything to say to me. What does it mean to be a teacher once and always a father? This is it!"

Chen Jing breathed a sigh of relief, his prosthetic eyes kept flashing, and the text messages that only he could see were scrolling crazily on the light screen.

Promotion tips:

Candidate No. 0’s awakening sequence is “Deep Space”.

Candidate No. 0’s current sequence level is “Sequence 7·Conqueror of Dimension”.

If the candidate is willing to be promoted to a Sequence 8 "god", he must first meet the following two conditions.

1: Ensure that you are connected to the deep space, and that the deep space is in a state of gradual completion. The degree of defect cannot be greater than 10%, and ensure that you have a "god kingdom" that serves as an anchor point - [Progress : Completed]——[The Kingdom of God: Kakosa]

2: Find the dimensional core and incorporate it into deep space, and then use the power of the original source to cleanse the impurities in the core.

Eventually, it will become the brightest jewel at the top of your scepter.

It is the supreme symbol of your supreme divine power, the door key and door lock of this ancient dimension, and the only ladder leading to the deep space star sea. The whole world will become your "anchor", and you will never Like those nameless ancient gods, inexplicably lost in endless time——[Progress: In progress]

Chen Jing knew that he was just unlucky.

As divinely inspired said.

If he wants to be promoted to Sequence Eight, he must complete two tasks.

Not to mention the latter one.

Just talk about the previous one...

The first easier task.

It is necessary to ensure that the degree of damage in deep space does not exceed 10%, and to have a "Kingdom of God" that can serve as an "anchor".

This task looks simple, right?


After all, it was completed as soon as I received it.

But if you think about it from another angle, Chen Jing feels that it is purely a coincidence. He can only say that he is too lucky... If he were more passive, lazy, and not so diligent, he probably would not be able to complete this task.

At least at this stage, when he first received this task, he would definitely not be able to complete it. Even if he desperately grabbed the "Dimension Core", he would still have to go back and slowly complete this task.

To put it bluntly, this task is not difficult at all, but it does take a certain amount of time to complete. It is not difficult to establish the "Kingdom of God", which is also the "family settlement". It is time-consuming to complete the deep space and cure the stubborn diseases in the deep space. The big head!

"It seems that being diligent has its benefits..."

Chen Jing silently praised himself in his heart, and felt that his efforts were not in vain. Although he used to fill in the deep space with the mentality of passing time and kill the time by repairing the wounds left over hundreds of millions of years, but Looking back now...this is the benefit of hard work!

But back to business.

How to do the second task?

Pushing this thing into deep space in front of Turing?

"At this distance, if I only teleport the dimensional core away, then this body will definitely not be saved. There is at least an 80% chance that Turing will kill it directly...unless I go with it."

Thinking of this, Chen Jing read the contents of Shenqi carefully again.


He noticed another change.

"If the candidate is willing to be promoted to a Sequence 8 'god', he must first meet the following two conditions..."

This sentence seems normal at first glance, and it seems to have appeared in the previous sequence level promotion divine revelations, but if you look closely, you will find something different.

In the previous promotion divine revelations, they all asked whether they were willing to be promoted to the "old descendants" of sequence X.

But this time - the old descendants became gods.

That's right.

Even in the strength classification of the examination system, sequence eight is a "god" beyond the boundaries of mortals, and below sequence eight, even the level where old man Chen Bofu is, can be summarized as "old descendants".

"How do you feel now?" Turing suddenly asked.

"No feeling..." Chen Jing answered truthfully, his palm tightly attached to the "dimensional core", "This thing is cold and keeps moving. It feels a bit like metal..."

"Don't worry, this is normal. As long as there is no obvious rejection reaction, it's fine." Turing breathed a sigh of relief and laughed heartily, "The master will now perform the initiation method for you, and help you complete the missing torso..."

When Chen Jing heard this, he didn't have time to say anything, only to find that there was a cold feeling coming from the spiritual orifice behind his neck, as if an ice cube fell into the spiritual orifice port, and then began to slide down along the cervical spine...

This should be the power of Turing's origin.

As it said.

It uses the dimensional core as a medium for guidance, and constantly uses this great power from the source of the sequence to help Chen Jing reshape his body.

This process is not long.

From the beginning to the end.

I'm afraid it's less than five minutes.

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