But it's different now.

The situation does not allow it.

Therefore, Chen Bofu could only regain the skills he had developed in his youth. Within three minutes, he cordially greeted the Red King, his tribe, and even his parents and ancestors using foul language that made people want to cover their ears. …

Everyone was a little worried at first, but after seeing the reaction of the red king, they immediately calmed down and were convinced that Li Mobai was telling the truth.

This guy really doesn’t dare to do anything!

"It's no use scolding me." The smile on the red king's face did not diminish, as if he didn't take Chen Bofu's words seriously at all, "Your grandson deserves to die, and so do you... No one will survive, death That’s the only ending.”

"Are you farting?" Wei Nan quickly ran to Chen Boxu's side, glared at the red king fiercely and cursed, "This is deep space! Even if your whole family dies, we won't die!"

"Deep space undead species?" The red king couldn't help laughing, "Do you really take the attributes of this creature seriously?"

It has to be said that the King in Red has mastered the essence of disgusting people. No matter how insulted Chen Boxu and Wei Nan were, he said it didn't matter. Instead, he patiently told everyone the secret of the undead species in deep space.

"When King Huang faced us, the Creators, he also relied on the characteristics of the undead species of his family members, and they were not afraid of death during the war. But from a certain perspective... King Huang's failure was you. Caused by these undead species."

Hear what the Red King said.

The first ones who couldn't accept it were Jagerthos and Baiage.

"What the hell are you talking about..." Yegetos clenched the Deep Space Holy Sword in his hand. Even if he understood how big the strength gap between himself and the Red King was, he still couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart at this moment. Angry, "King Huang was obviously forced to death by you!!!"

"Us?" The red king's smile became brighter, and he shook his head repeatedly to deny Jegertos's statement, "We didn't have that ability. At that time, the yellow king relied on his own talent and foundation, and he was really almost... almost able to do it. Make your way!"

"We have all experienced that war. Who are you trying to deceive by what you are saying now?" Although Baiaji has compressed his body and returned to normal size, his bloody mouth full of sharp teeth is still frightening to look at.

"I don't want to deceive anyone, I just tell you the truth. This is what King Huang is unwilling to tell you until his death..."

The king in red said calmly with a smile on his face.

"You weak and ignorant creatures, relying on the protection of deep space, are so brave that you are not afraid of death... you are constantly reborn and die, and as a result, the original power of deep space has been exhausted by you! "

Speaking of this, the king in red took a step forward to close the distance between himself and Yagertos Baiage.

"Do you really think that King Huang can't break through Sequence Nine?"

Every word spoken by the King in Red was like a poison-quenched steel needle piercing the hearts of Yegthos and Baiage. In just a few words, they were riddled with holes. The so-called fight to the death and loyalty had all changed. It became a huge joke.

"The deep space at that time was no longer able to support him to continue to break through. The recovery speed of the deep space origin cannot match the speed of your waste. You are the culprits who killed King Huang... If you ask me, you should all go to Huang It’s only right to be buried with the king.”

"You're lying!!!" Bai Aji was like a cat with explosive fur, his shrill roar almost shattered everyone's eardrums, "If that's really the case!! Why didn't King Huang say it!!!"

"Because he didn't realize it at the time." The Red King spread his hands, "By the time he figured out the principle of rebirth of the undead species, it was already too late. That pretentious Yellow King couldn't save himself, nor you, let alone you. The miserable people He wants to protect from the beginning to the end..."

When the king in red said this, he raised his hand and pointed at everyone present.

"You will eventually fall into that ending... no, it should be even worse than what they were before!"

Everyone thought that Baiaji would be the first to be unable to bear it. After all, it has more or less animalistic nature, and it is not difficult to understand that it would lose control of its emotions after being strongly stimulated.

But everyone never expected...

The one who loses control of his emotions will be Jagerthos.

"How dare you insult the late king!!!"

Yegetos' roar of grief and anger was filled with endless killing intent. He raised his hand and struck at the Red King with a sword.

This sword condensed all the deep space energy that Yagetos can mobilize. The seemingly inconspicuous golden sword light has the terrifying power to annihilate all things, whether it hits the red king, Kakosa or not. Destruction has become almost inevitable.

And right at this moment.

At this moment when the red king smiled and opened his mind to the sword light.

A thick curtain of water as black as ink appeared out of thin air, directly blocking the deep space holy sword in Yegetos' hand.

"Damn it!" Chen Bofu grabbed the long sword of Yegetos with his bare hands and slapped the guy hard on the face with his backhand, knocking him awake, "Are you trying to hold back your king? Do you know what it means to do something to this guy?"

"Old man..." Yegetos also calmed down at this moment, his tone was extremely guilty, and he was so ashamed, "I'm sorry...I was impulsive...I shouldn't..."

"What do you believe in what this guy says! Are you all fucking stupid?!" Chen Boxu couldn't help but cursed, then turned back to look at the King in Red, glaring at this aloof creator leader with lustful eyes, "Why are you telling us this?"

"What?" The red-clothed king was stunned.

"Why did you say this important information?" Chen Boxu stared at him intently, "If you don't say a word and let them continue to be reborn, my grandson will be dragged down..."

"Oh... this." The red king smiled, "Because your grandson noticed it from the beginning, so even if I didn't say anything, he would stop you from doing these wasteful things."

at this time.

Everyone only felt a familiar energy tide coming from the depths of the starry sky above their heads. It was Chen Jing's large-scale use of deep space energy... It could even be said to be squeezing deep space.

When the energy from the source of deep space was rapidly extracted by him, Kakosa, a golden city derived from deep space belief, also began to tremble violently. Strange sounds like the clash of gold and iron were emitted from beneath the surface, and helping Chen Qiao Youning, who had transformed the energy from the scene, also turned pale, and her aura deteriorated horribly in an instant...

"Did you hear that?"

The king in red raised his foot and put it down again, lightly stepping on the muddy rainwater on the ground.

"This is the tragedy of your deep space and the requiem for your entire civilization..."

Chapter 855 The Lullaby of Ancient Deep Space (Part 1)

When Chen Jing moved the battlefield to the edge of deep space, the "derivative" he brought with him also began to resist. It seemed to possess an energy very similar to that of deep space, and could not only resist long-distance jumps The space turbulence caused can also resist Chen Jing's constant attempts to erase it.

In the deserted area at the edge of deep space, Chen Jing raised his hand and teleported the "derivatives" into the airspace ahead. There were no stars within fifty light years here. No matter how loud the fight was, it would not have any impact on the deep space. It is a perfect battlefield to cause impact in the air.

"Chen Jing...can you hear my voice..."


The voice from "Mu" sounded in Chen Jing's mind. Although it sounded a little blurry and mixed with some noise similar to electricity, the content could probably be heard.

"Those derivatives from the Red King have disappeared. We killed half of them and the other half...their aura is gone, and it seems that they can't be traced."

"Don't worry about them."

Chen Jing replied softly, staring intently at the behemoth in front of him.

"Those guys have already come to me. You and Mr. Wu stay away. The Red King is still in the inner world. He has been pulling the main body to come accurately. If you don't go back, you will be safe."

"What about you?" Mu's tone became solemn, and she seemed to have noticed something. Even though the two sides were separated from each other on the other side of the universe, she could still sense the increasingly stronger aura fluctuations, "Are those guys very... Difficult to handle?”

"What else?" Chen Jing said helplessly, "You can't kill them or destroy them. Every time you kill them, they will be reborn in a new form. It's not like you don't know..."

"We're here to help you." Mu said without hesitation.

"No." Chen Jing refused hastily, thinking that this guy is too naive, "If even I can't handle it, you will be a drag if you come here. Find a good place to hide. If you can pass this level, pass it. If we can’t make it through... I guess everyone will die together.”

After hearing this, Mu immediately calmed down a lot.

she knows.

Chen Jing is not the kind of pessimistic person.

For him to be able to say this now is enough to prove that the situation has become serious to a certain extent. It is not even an exaggeration to say... this may be a desperate situation where we can only fight for survival.

"Is the derivative you are facing a product of fusion? What is its approximate level of strength?" Mu asked calmly.

"About me."

Chen Jing answered truthfully, neither exaggerating nor belittling. His calm tone made Mu feel a little relieved, as if everything was under Chen Jing's control...


The next second, what Chen Jing said made Mu feel relieved again.

"But it seems to be immune to many powers in deep space. I don't know what kind of method it uses. In actual combat... it's very troublesome."

Based on previous observations, Chen Jing has almost determined that these "derivatives" have a learning instinct. Each of their rebirths means evolution. They can not only learn some of the enemy's fighting methods, but also clone those mysterious and mysterious powers.

Not to mention after fusion.

The increase in their combat power brought by the jump in sequence level is extremely terrifying, especially after aggregating all the "derivatives" in deep space...the product of their fusion into one has surpassed the creator in the conventional sense.

"Take care."

Mu only said these words in the end, and then she lost her voice. Following Chen Jing's instructions, she and Mr. Fog began to quickly escape from the center of the deep space, in the opposite direction to where the Red King's body was.

"so troublesome."

Chen Jing gently shook the yellow robe on his body. This body, which seemed to be no different from a normal human being, was also becoming transparent at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Until the end.

Chen Jing has turned into a translucent humanoid creature. Under the crystal-clear shell like glass, there seem to be countless stars shining with strange brilliance.

From time to time there was a faint flash of light.

That is the splendor coming from the other side of deep space...

Although Yegetos and the others are the Familia who have followed Chen Jing for the longest time, it is undeniable that the splendor of the deep sky and a certain black star are the Familia that took off directly as Chen Jing was promoted in the sequence.

Because from a certain perspective, they have become part of Chen Jing's body. The black star is like one of Chen Jing's organs, and the deep space splendor is the "meridian" dedicated to the circulation of deep space energy.

This is also the trump card that Chen Jing "organized" after returning to Kakosa.

During the last deadly battle with Turing, the Black Star and the Deep Space Color were in a state that was difficult to separate. During the process of Chen Jing's promotion to Sequence Eight, they were directly integrated with his body. This is some kind of... complication?

all in all.

The first time he returned to Kakosa, Chen Jing peeled them off.

In fact, when he heard that Yegetos had not broken through to Sequence Eight, Chen Jing was a little afraid to speak, because some words could easily hurt that glass heart...


Except for the old man.

Both Deep Sky Brilliance and Black Star have broken through to Sequence 8.

Especially the Black Star... this weapon that Chen Jing once regarded as a "weapon" also has biological properties after coming back to life, and it continues to become stronger as Chen Jing's sequence is promoted.

Previously restrained by Chen Jing in the temple, Black Star had been complaining to him about his dissatisfaction.

"Father...just leave these low-level creatures to me...let me destroy them..."

"You will be more useful if you stay with me, so... don't worry."

Chen Jing refused because he knew that as long as he detached part of his energy to build a clone, it would be easy to help Yegetos and the others solve their troubles. The real trump cards cannot be used casually... and now is the time to use them.

Although judging from the current situation, Black Star and Deep Sky Color are just sequence eight creatures, not even comparable to Mr. Wu and Mu, but don’t forget their identities... they are part of Chen Jing’s body , is also part of the origin of deep space.

"Mr. Shu and the others used all the counterattack rituals before, including the death ring that I involved in breaking up the Black Star, but you are all immune...even the derivatives of sequence three are immune. This is a bit unreasonable."

Looking at the scarlet figure that was constantly compressing itself and starting to change its form, Chen Jing couldn't help but complain.

"I always thought that I cheated hard enough, but I didn't expect you guys to be more cruel than me. It's so damn unreasonable for GM to end up..."

Chen Jing clapped his hands gently, and the extraordinary splendor hidden in his body came out along the cuffs of his yellow clothes.

"Come on, let me see what you derivatives are capable of."

Chapter 856 The Lullaby of Ancient Deep Space (Part 2)

"Derivatives" with a higher degree of integration seem to have higher IQs. This may be the benefit of continuous rebirth and evolution... For example, the behemoth in front of Chen Jing, when it realized that it was forcibly teleported by Chen Jing, it suddenly When it couldn't get rid of it, its first reaction was not to attack Chen Jing.


This kind of murderous monster would actually choose to face Chen Jing in a defensive posture. If Wei Nan and the others saw this, they would probably think that they were hallucinating.

You must know that those "derivatives" before were truly unafraid of death. Those in the second sequence dared to challenge Kturt, and even after being killed and reborn, they still dared to fight again.

"Deep Sky...Chen Jing..."

From the moment it left the other world, this "derivative" body expanded uncontrollably. Until it was dragged to this battlefield by Chen Jing, its body was almost the size of a star... like a star. The scarlet humanoid planet was suspended in the vacuum universe in front of Chen Jing.

But when it sensed fluctuations in the energy in Chen Jing's body, this "derivative" quickly compressed its size and transformed into an ordinary human form at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Yes, ordinary people in the literal sense.

He is similar in height to Chen Jing.

Even the body shapes are very similar.

It's just that one is wearing a yellow robe that represents deep space, and the other is wearing the clothes of the red king.

Along with the size of the "derivative", the almost endless energy in its body is also compressed.

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