From Chen Jing's perspective, this guy just became smaller in size, and it seems that there is not such a strong sense of oppression, but the degree of danger is rising sharply. The energy compressed by it is like the "Danhuo" in the reactor of the Xuankong City alchemist...

"Are you imitating me?"

Chen Jing looked at the guy and couldn't help but complain, because no matter how he looked at it, the body shape of this "derivative" was very similar to his own, and even the posture of standing in the air was exactly the same.

But it doesn't matter.

Even if it can simulate part of the power of deep space, but the following can't simulate it.

"Father, you are finally willing to let me fight."

When Black Star's voice sounded, the deep space colors that came out of Chen Jing's sleeves had already spread in the vacuum universe. They were like a torrent of colors, and like a huge beam of light...

At a glance.

Isn't that a colorful and strange galaxy?

And Black Star is also in it.

But compared to the deep space, its appearance is much more low-key, and its huge body is also compressed to the size of a palm during the promotion process, like a black sphere shining with metallic luster.

Just as Chen Jing was staring at this artificial galaxy, the "derivative" that had been in a static state finally moved. It kept repeating Chen Jing's name and the word deep space, and then its body suddenly became illusory.

Chen Jing is best at playing with the laws of dimensions, so it moved like this...

"Want to run?" Chen Jing looked at it unexpectedly, then raised his right hand and gently shook his fingers, his posture was elegant and calm, just like stroking the strings of a guitar.

Of course, from a certain perspective, he was indeed stroking the strings.

It's just that this is the string of the universe.

In his eyes, material space is nothing more than a structure of points and lines, so manipulating the corresponding laws and rules only requires gently plucking those long lines...

At the same time.

The long-distance jump of the "derivative" also began.

Chen Jing could vaguely perceive the target it locked... Yes, it was the planet where the inner world plane was located.

This guy seemed to want to avoid the battle and run back directly.

Although he didn't know what its purpose was, Chen Jing obviously wouldn't agree.

Accompanied by a series of sounds similar to glass breaking, the channel for the long-distance space jump of "Derivative" was directly shattered.

The material universe in front of it turned into countless irregular geometric fragments, like broken glass floating in the dark river, and the silted black river water allowed it to sense the existence of threats... It was a dimension lower than zero dimension, an absolutely chaotic void.

"Deep space!!!!"

When the "Derivative" roared enough to be transmitted in the vacuum universe, its second long-distance jump also began... It began to mobilize all the energy in its body and rushed forward desperately, just wanting to avoid this deadly battle and return to the planet where the inner world plane was located.

But unfortunately it didn't work at all.

Those dimensional fragments that looked like geometric patterns were like living things. When they noticed that the "Derivative" started to jump again, they rushed up and hit it directly. Their speed was so fast that they didn't give the "Derivative" any chance to react.

These fragments were like portals.

"Derivative" rushed into Gate A without knowing what was happening, and was directly teleported to Point B. Before it could react, Gate C on the side came up again, directly hitting it and sending it away.

Chen Jing took a look and saw that there were more than billions of fragments. They kept crowding around "Derivative", forming a giant sphere suspended in the chaotic void.

That was the cage that Chen Jing made for "Derivative". Although it was impossible to trap it like this all the time, it was enough to delay it for a while.

"A thousand light years in radius... this range should be the limit..."

Chen Jing did not focus all his attention on "Derivative". His eyes were always fixed on the deep space colors that were flowing silently. This "galaxy" made by him was part of the ritual.

Even if "Derivative" was immune to those rituals in the conventional sense, it would definitely not be immune to this set, because Chen Jing didn't know whether it was a ritual... or a more advanced deep space power?

Under Chen Jing's gaze, the Deep Space Color has simulated all the veins of the ritual. The "shell" that runs through the north and south like the Milky Way also spreads out suddenly, turning into a spider web that covers the sky.

From beginning to end.

The black star is suspended in the center of the Deep Space Color, constantly rotating to help this ritual gather the required energy.

"It's started..."

When this sentence appeared in Chen Jing's mind, he suddenly heard a strange sound beside his ear... It was the sharp sound of the dimensional law being distorted, but it didn't sound harsh. Instead, it sounded like a soft violin performance. The soothing melody gradually calmed his anxious mood.

What exactly does Chen Jing want to do?

No one knows except him.

His idea is not complicated.

He just wants to push the material space of a thousand light years back to the primitive era, let this area that is constantly falling be abandoned by the deep space, and let all the matter and even the laws and rules within a thousand light years become distorted "carbuncle".

This is the ritual that Chen Jing has kept in his box.

It is an attack method that far exceeds the "zero singularity".

When the colorful spider webs in the deep sky began to twist and sink, Chen Jing understood that this ritual had started normally. The energy gathered by the black stars was running along the veins in an orderly manner, and the material space also began to decay visible to the naked eye.

Dimensionality falls.

Space is distorted.

Even laws and regulations will become blurred in chaos.

Chen Jing silently listened to the "lullaby" played in the deep space, quietly started the space jump and escaped into the distance.

"The distortion has begun..."

Chapter 857 Mu and the Red King (Part 1)

The black star played the lullaby of deep space, and everything was distorted by it in an instant until it continued to degrade.

Laws and regulations, material space.

Everything is turning into chaos at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It was a strange scene before the birth of the universe, a bizarre scene before the birth of deep space.

Time and space exist in disorder in this chaos, and everything is constantly regressing as the black star rotates.

The same is true for Chen Jing.

Although this ritual was performed by him, he will also be affected by it, but he can control this influence within a safe range, unlike the "derivative" wearing a red robe. .

"Deep space!!!!"

In a burst of shrill howling, the "derivative" finally broke through the restriction imposed by Chen Jingbu, and when it left the cage, it was greeted by the splendor of the deep sky transformed into the power of ritual.

For a moment, it was like the Milky Way was hanging upside down.

The color that transcends the cognition of all living things forms a torrent, and when it falls from the sky, the "derivatives" are submerged in it.

But soon.

It’s not just “derivatives” that have been submerged.

All matter covered by this ritual within a thousand light-year radius, including Chen Jing, was submerged.

Because Chen Jing was the one who performed the ritual, what he felt at this moment was not pain, but a kind of confusion and shock from the heart... The pictures that appeared in his mind all came from within a thousand light years. All matter.

He could see how these substances were born and how they died.

For example... this "derivative" created by the Red King.

It really seems to be part of the Red King.

Through the influence of the power of ritual, Chen Jing can also use it as a medium to get a glimpse of some memories of the Red King...

Judging from the memory images, the time when the Red King was born was probably 600,000 years after the "Supreme One" appeared. At that time, the material universe was not what everyone was familiar with, and that was the scene of desolation and loneliness. synonym.

The Red King was born into a group that was very similar to human civilization.

However, judging from their development route, it seems that they are still in the primitive tribal era, and there are also priests who are similar to wizards, and the father of the Red King is one of the "big wizards".

That ethnic group is very ordinary.

Even compared to the other world, they are too ordinary. They are very similar to human civilization. They have no superpowers or ancient powers. Fighting with cold weapons is the most common on the continent.

Of course, their tribe also has a different characteristic from humans. This is not a difference in appearance, but a basic biological attribute... They have a very long lifespan, and it is extremely difficult to reproduce. Every member of the Red King's tribe has a lifespan of at least All around three hundred years old.

The longest-lived clan leader also lived for six hundred years.

The King in Red himself had a lot of waste. When he lived to be 150 years old, he almost died due to a sudden serious illness.

However, it was precisely because of this serious illness that the Red King gained some supernatural power.

That is similar to the power of the old descendants.

Although it is not complicated, it is just that you can move objects with your thoughts, but for those tribesmen in the primitive era, this is the "power of God". It was the "god" who chose the Red King to lead this ethnic group to prosperity. …

The red robe of the Red King is actually not a costume. This is the answer Chen Jing got from those undetailed memory images.

That scarlet shirt is actually the skin tissue of the Red King. The serious illness that caused the Red King's skin and flesh to separate and turn into a monster. If he hadn't obtained that kind of supernatural power, he would have been sent to the stake by his tribe long ago. Burned.

The Red King lived a long time.

With the help of his extraordinary talent, he also developed this ability to move objects with his mind to the extreme, and even developed different branches, and the scarlet shirt has existed with the Red King for thousands of years...

Until the "Most High" appears.

It was at the heaven-sacrifice ceremony when the Red King was about to die.

The King in Red felt that his life was about to end, so he called on his tribe to hold a ceremony to offer sacrifices to the heavens that only happened every ten years... There were only two reasons why he did this.

One is to pray for the ethnic group, hoping that they can go further and further without their own protection.

The second is to gather the elders of the clan and prepare to select a new clan leader to replace him.

The "Most High" came at the moment when the bonfire was lit.

At that time, the people of the Red King's tribe didn't know what the "Supreme One" was, and even the Red King himself didn't know... They thought he was a legendary god, but he was somewhat different from a god.

Those eyes that were very similar to those of their tribe were hanging high in the sky, and no one could tell what kind of eyes they looked like.

"You are the first creature in the known dimension to touch the laws and regulations. Although you have only touched on some superficial aspects, it is a pity to die."

The voice of the Supreme came down from the sky, and everyone could hear it very clearly, including the Red King. No one understood what He was saying... What is the known dimension? What is the law?

I don't understand.

But "It's a pity to die", this sentence is clear to me.

"Can you save me?" The Red King was already on the sickbed at that time, like an old man who was about to die, and his voice was weak, but he still mustered up his last strength and raised his hand to the eyes in the sky, "I still want to live, I don't want to die."

"Why do you want to live?" The Supreme asked back.


The Red King stared blankly at the eyes of the Supreme, feeling that there were thousands of reasons stuck in his heart, but when the words came to his mouth, they became three.

"I don't know."


He didn't know why he still wanted to live.

Familiar relatives and friends had long disappeared silently in time.

Now those who stayed by his side were all those unfamiliar faces.

As for the desire to lead the tribe to prosperity... this didn't seem to be the main reason for him to want to live.

He didn't know why he wanted to live either.

"Don't know?"

In the sky, the eyes of the "Supreme One" flickered slightly, which was different from the "Supreme One" in Chen Jing's memory... Perhaps He was still in the "youth" stage at that time?

"Since you don't know now, I will give you endless life, so that you can figure this out... After you figure it out, give me the answer."

Hearing this, the Red King subconsciously wanted to thank him, but he didn't expect the "Supreme One" to suddenly add another sentence.

"Don't thank me, you earned it yourself."

The Red King didn't understand what this sentence meant at the time, but in the next second, he saw the tribesmen turned into smoke and dissipated, and his aging and decayed body was also shedding its morbidity at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this moment, he finally understood.

This is a deal.

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