"A Jing..." Li Mobai's voice suddenly became softer, as if he was deliberately lowering his volume. Even if no one else could hear him, he still felt that these words were a bit unlucky, "You have to live well."

"You're so fucking sad!" Chen Jing couldn't help but cursed and laughed so angry, "Can you please stop saying such unlucky things!"

"Don't worry, I'm talking too much! I've given you the coordinates! Let's run!"

at the same time.

In the inner world plane.

Mr. Mu and Mr. Wu have followed Chen Jing's instructions and started to move this plane constantly to change its position to ensure that the world is the farthest away from the battlefield at all times.

"He started running..."

Mu and Mr. Wu stood side by side in front of Li Mobai, looking at the flashing red dots on the metal screen. They seemed to be able to tell that the situation was gradually becoming difficult.

"In the deep space environment, Chen Jing's body moves almost instantaneously. It cannot be measured in time units. The time it takes to go from one end of the universe to the other, or from one meter away to two meters away, is consistent……"

Mu knew Chen Jing's methods very well, so looking at the flashing light spots on the screen, he could easily tell Chen Jing's current state.

"But with this ritual covering tens of millions of light-years, his moving speed has slowed down. No...it's not slowing down, but the speed is uncertain. The time required for each long-distance jump is different."

After hearing this, Professor Armitage couldn't help but ask questions. He didn't show much hostility towards these two "creators" and was considered very sensible compared to others.

"The moving speed is variable. Is this a bad sign?" Armitage asked.

"I don't know either." Mu shook his head, "But judging from the feeling, this phenomenon can only mean that Chen Jing cannot control this ritual. After all, the energy required to run this ritual...even I can't control it." Don’t live.”

"It's like a moving explosive bag." Mr. Wu suddenly said, seeming to have seen the clues, "If you want to ensure the stability of the ritual track while ensuring the speed during the long-distance jump... This is simply not possible. It’s just impossible.”

Mr. Wu can see that this ritual is very dangerous, and is even on the verge of collapse all the time, because the energy required to run the ritual itself is an extremely terrifying number... like a giant energy reaction. The furnace will explode if you are not careful.

Once Chen Jing's operation goes wrong, the ritual will fall apart in an instant, and the energy running in it will spread rapidly to the outside world in a radial pattern... It is no exaggeration to say that Mr. Wu estimates that this energy can destroy half of deep space.

Therefore, Chen Jing did not dare to pursue speed blindly. He could only increase the speed as much as possible to the limit threshold that the ritual rail could adapt to while ensuring the stability of the ritual rail first...

“The Most High is watching.”


Hearing what Mu suddenly said, everyone looked confused, even Mr. Wu was confused.

"The Most High is in deep space?"

"He is everywhere." Mu slowly raised his head and looked at the gradually blurring starry sky above his head. "I can feel that the Supreme Being can't wait any longer. His so-called rules and constraints have become empty talk... He only wants to see the winner. Birth, the sooner the better.”

While Mu was talking about the "Supreme One", the flashing red dot on the metal screen suddenly reacted with a long-distance jump, and then a large scarlet light dot visible to the naked eye appeared, quickly rushing to the deep southeast. null.

"You see, the King in Red is starting to do whatever it takes."

Chapter 876: Tsunami Swallowing the Universe (Part 2)

Under the constraints of the "Supreme One" rules, the red king never dared to be too obvious in his actions against Chen Jing.

Even if it is known to everyone that he is Sima Zhaozhi, everyone knows that his target is Chen Jing, and everything he does is to kill Chen Jing, but what he shows can only be... in the promotion sequence. In the process, Chen Jing was accidentally "accidentally injured".

That's all.

Therefore, he did not dare to use many of the key methods that could determine victory or defeat, for fear of being directly destroyed by the "Supreme One".

but now……

After constantly trying to touch the bottom line, the King in Red has determined that the "Supreme One" will let it go, so he naturally has no scruples.

"A Jing!! Mu asked me to bring you a message!!!"


"She said that the 'Supreme One' is no longer interfering in the death battle between you and the Red King!!! Now the Red King has begun to teleport long distances to hunt you down!! Run quickly!!!"

"I know……"

Chen Jing's figure had become blurry at this moment, like a halo of misty golden light. In the process of continuously leaping long distances with this giant ritual, he also discovered the strange movements of the red king.

That's right.

An idea as simple as before... can no longer come true.

The King in Red didn't intend to play hide-and-seek with him. He never got too far away from him from beginning to end, because the guy had already kept a close eye on Chen Jing, and even used breath feedback to position himself, and he was always jumping through space. way to track him down...

Everywhere Chen Jing and the others went, within two seconds at most, they could see the overwhelming scarlet light coming from the distant star field.

Take another closer look.

Those red lights are emitted by the red king's body.

It was like a body made of liquid energy that was wantonly sweeping and devouring the star field. From Chen Jing and his team's perspective, it was a blood-red tsunami, and the smallest wave was even larger than a star.

"Old Li, you continue to optimize the path and try to keep our next jump coordinates as far away from that guy as possible. I will try my best to ensure the stability of the ritual..."

Although Chen Jing did not get too accurate data, he was the master of deep space after all. A slight estimate would tell him how much completion he had achieved at this stage.

"I should have restored about 24% of deep space... It's not too far from the goal of 50%... There's still a chance!"

"I know!! I'm calculating!!! You must be alive!!!"


In the plane of the inner world.

Mu and Mr. Wu were no longer talking, silently looking at the metal screen that was constantly emitting steaming heat.

"Damn it!!! Damn it!!!" Li Mobai's curses almost resounded throughout the ruins of Kakosha, and his gritting teeth was mixed with a trace of panic, "How could that guy use the means of space jump!!! Could he be completely immune to the repulsion of deep space?!!"

"Not completely immune." Mu said softly, "If he is completely immune, then Chen Jing and the others won't even have a chance to escape."

"Mu, what's going on?" Mr. Wu couldn't help but ask with a puzzled look on his face, "If there is no rule constraint of the 'Supreme One', the Red King only needs to separate a body to completely destroy the deep space, but he is now..."

"This is why the 'Supreme One' gave up the constraint." Mu calmly looked at the red dot that kept flashing on the screen, "He wanted to keep the situation fair from beginning to end, and wanted to ensure that the winning rate of both sides was about 50%, so... He did it, and gave up the next constraint."

The analysis made by Mu is reality, and even before she found the clues, Chen Jing realized that something was wrong.

"Is it fair?"

Chen Jing's body became increasingly blurred, and violent energy fluctuations continued to emanate from his body and spread to various star regions in deep space.

The Supreme One would not watch him die, so he knew very well that the reason why there was no restraint now was because the situation had been completely stabilized, just as the "Supreme One" expected... the chance of winning was fifty-fifty.

That's right.

Even if the Red King could use all his means, he could only have a fifty-fifty chance of winning in front of Chen Jing, because space jump was already his last resort...

If he could still use powers such as "extra-body", Chen Jing concluded that the "Supreme One" would not let it go.

So...is this the final stage now?

Chen Jing murmured in his heart.

Judging from the current situation, the side effect of the Red King's expansion to the limit should be that he can no longer transform his body into a clone and withdraw it. In the process of chasing people, the Red King should not be able to use other means, after all, the repulsion of deep space always exists...

On the one hand, he resists the repulsion of the entire deep space, and on the other hand, he devours the material space along the way... On the basis of the coexistence of these two, he must continue to use the means of space jump to track Chen Jing and others.

In this regard, Chen Jing still admires the Red King very much. In terms of strength, He is indeed the first person under the "Supreme One", and he deserves it!

"Getting closer and closer..."

Chen Jing looked at the scarlet tsunami chasing not far away, and once again used the power of deep space jump, and ran directly with the ritual to tens of millions of light years away.

So far, Chen Jing has already shown some signs of exhaustion, because it is really troublesome to jump long distances with this set of rituals. It is necessary to ensure the stability of the rituals so that they will not collapse and explode, and to increase the jump distance as much as possible.

"What the hell is this guy made of... This fucking ghost is still lingering..."

Chen Jing had just completed this long-distance jump, and saw that the scarlet tsunami appeared again, and it was closer to the ritual than the last time, perhaps not even ten light years away...

At this moment, Chen Jing did not dare to hesitate. He seized the moment when the "second hand" had just completed a circle and directly led the old man and others to jump to tens of millions of light years away.

"This time it should be..."

Before Chen Jing recovered from the state of exhaustion, just when he reached the target point, he sensed that the ritual was hit by a strong external force, and then he heard the shrill roars of Cturt and Dagon.

That was the despair that sounded in his mind, transmitted by the clan.

"Chen Jing!!! The ritual is going to break!!!"

Amid Cturt's desperate roar, the "gas giant" he transformed into was instantly pierced by a red beam of light. Before Chen Jing could react, the beam of light turned around again, turning out an incredible sharp angle in an absolutely smooth way, and pierced through the "gas giant" transformed by Dagon in succession...

The consecutive loss of two important "hubs" symbolized the clock of the doomsday countdown...

Finally it stopped.

Chapter 877 Where is the war of the immortals (Part 1)

When the "gas giant" transformed by Cturt and Dagon was pierced by the red beam of light, the ritual also fell into a "BUG" state in an instant, as if the vertical cantilever spanning the entire material universe also froze at this moment...

The "second hand" pointing to the end of the world stopped moving, and Chen Jing's ears were filled with the shrill roars of Cturt and Dagon.

We...are going to lose?

When this thought appeared in Chen Jing's mind, the harsh noise of electric current also exploded suddenly. It was a sign that the "channel" of the clan's connection was affected by the violent energy fluctuation.

For a moment, Chen Jing could not hear the voices of Li Mobai and others.

He stared at the two fireballs transformed by Cturt and Dagon. Through the deep space energy that quickly dissipated from the surface, he could almost see the two familiar figures being torn apart.

In front of the Red King, what ancient gods of the old days, what supreme rulers of the old sea... Whether it was Cturt or Dagon, they were like lambs to be slaughtered in front of that red beam of light, without any chance of resistance.

"Come back to life!!!"

Chen Jing mobilized almost all the deep space energy that could be mobilized. In the process of leaping with a full set of rituals and full distances, he directly let Cturt and Dagon enter the resurrection process of the immortal species.

It is no exaggeration to say that when they jumped to the new coordinates, Cturt and Dagon were already alive. This efficiency was no different from a miracle to others.

Just like when facing the large-scale invasion of the Red King's derivatives before, it took a certain amount of time for Yegetos and others to be reborn after death, unlike now when they were alive in an instant...

"A Jing!!! How is the situation over there!!!"

After arriving at the new coordinates, Li Mobai's voice suddenly rang in Chen Jing's mind, and the previous electric current noise also completely disappeared.

"I just saw the light of two 'hubs' disappear!! Judging from the array order, it is Cturt and Dagon!!!"

"What about now?" Chen Jing asked.

"Now... it's fine." Li Mobai was stunned for a moment, but he was not a fool after all. He knew what happened after a little thought, "Did they die just now???"

"Yeah..." Chen Jing sighed, his voice was very weak, "Fortunately, I reacted in time and let them live..."

"What is the status of the ritual now?" Li Mobai was concerned about this, and asked anxiously, "After the hub was down for a short time, can you calm down the energy turbulence inside?"

"It's done." Chen Jing replied.

"You...really got it done?" Li Mobai was a little unbelievable, because he knew very well the operating principle of this ritual. To put it bluntly, it was like a powerful energy reactor. Once a key "hub" was down, the only outcome was to explode directly on the spot.

Although the positions of Keturt and Dagon were not important, the energy turbulence inside the ritual was extremely terrifying when their two "hubs" were down at the same time. It was definitely not an easy task to calm down these turbulent energies.

It was like turning a turbulent sea into a dead water without any waves. The difficulty was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

"I have done it, don't worry about it." After Chen Jing finished this sentence, he couldn't help but look down at his gradually transparent body, "Continue to refresh the coordinates for me, we still have a chance..."

"I have sent you the next coordinate point, you hurry up and take people there!!!" Li Mobai urged urgently.

"No hurry."

Chen Jing looked back at the vast black universe, waiting for the scarlet tsunami to appear again.

"The Red King can now space jump, and his efficiency in swallowing deep space has become higher, so he can't be allowed to eat at ease, he must be amused... let him follow us."

At this moment.

The scarlet blood-red substance appeared in Chen Jing's sight again.

And Chen Jing no longer hesitated, and ran directly with the ritual that the second hand had just completed a circle, rushing to the next coordinate point at the maximum speed.


"His decision is very wise."

In the inner world, Mu still stood in front of Li Mobai, carefully observing the red light spots flashing on the metal screen, and said in a serious tone.

"The Red King can jump long distances, which only means that He is no longer restricted by the "Supreme One" and can play all his cards... The speed of eroding deep space is also accelerating. If we don't tease Him to run, Chen Jing and others may not be able to beat Him in speed."

"But this is not a solution now!" Mr. Shu hugged his head in pain, his face was so ugly that he almost cried, "The attack just now is definitely not an exception! There may be more next time!"

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