"Can you please stop saying such unlucky things?" Mr. Wu couldn't help but scolded Mr. Shu, and said cursingly, "Then maybe this is a special case! It's just that Chen Jing was careless! That's why..."

Before Mr. Wu could finish speaking, the light spots on the metal screen changed again.

I saw that the two light spots representing "Tejili" and "Deep Sky Spectacular" suddenly went out, but they lit up again almost instantly, and judging from the feedback of the coordinate data, Chen Jing and the others had already jumped to the third level. coordinate points.

"Damn it!!! Died again?!" Li Mobai hurriedly contacted Chen Jing, his tone of voice was no longer panic, but completely scared, "You made them come alive again?!"

"Hmm." Chen Jing's voice became softer and softer, with an obvious morbidity, as if he no longer had the energy to explain, "The red king struck too fast, trying to tease him like a dog. Running... is really risky.”

The call between Li Mobai and Chen Jing was encrypted. Except for the two parties concerned, the rest of the Deep Space Familia could not hear it, let alone non-Family people like Mu and Mr. Wu.

But they can guess.

"Resurrected from the dead again..." Mr. Wu's brows were full of worry, but he still reassured everyone, "Chen Jing is quite good at this... The undead are so damn powerful... This is really immortal. !”

"False." Mu did not hesitate, nor did he intend to cooperate with Mr. Fog. He exposed the truth straightforwardly, "Every time the undead species is reborn, it must consume energy from the source of deep space. The stronger the resurrected creature, the stronger the resurrected creature. The more energy is consumed..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Mu briefly estimated the time, and under the heavy gazes of everyone, decided to tell the not-so-good analysis result.

"If every jump is accompanied by the death of two 'hubs', then Chen Jing can survive for at most two minutes... Beyond this time, Chen Jing will undoubtedly die."

Chapter 878 How can there be a war without the dead (Part 2)

Mu's words did not ward off anyone.

A heavy and desperate atmosphere quickly spread over the ruins.

Those who were qualified to approach Li Mobai and the others to observe the battle were almost all the first batch of family members who followed Chen Jing, as well as those who had a closer relationship with Chen Jing among the candidates.

So their reactions at this moment are particularly real, especially the two girls Wei Nan and Yan Que, and the little family member Ryan... Although they have also experienced life-threatening dangers with Chen Jing, they are so desperate like now The situation has indeed never been the case.

"Why are you crying?" Mu suddenly turned around and looked at Ryan, who was squatting on the ground covering his face and sobbing, "Your king is fighting on the front line, and you family members will only hide behind and cry?"

Looking at the faces that were either angry or sad, Mu felt as if he had returned to hundreds of millions of years ago in an instant... That was when the Yellow King fell, and his dependents at that time also reacted in the same way.

"This is war!" Mu said through gritted teeth, "The battlefield is constantly changing! No one can win for sure! Crying is of no use!"

"Then what can you do?" Hassad asked suddenly, and he gradually calmed down after despair, "We also want Ajing to win, but we can't even help now..."

"Yes! If you have a way, just say it!" Wei Nan clenched his fists, "We have never been afraid of anyone in terms of risking their lives! What we are afraid of is that we can't help!"

"Oh, don't make any noise, don't make any noise..."

It was also the first time in many years that Mr. Wu saw Mu "angry". Hearing her furious tone, Mr. Wu felt a little trembling in his heart.

"Maybe there is a way. Look, that kid can always regenerate the 'hub'!"

"Rebirth consumes the source of deep space."

Professor Armitage sighed helplessly. At this moment, he also understood how desperate this situation was.

"There is only so much energy from the source of deep space. It is impossible to produce more energy in a short period of time, and the consumption rate is too fast... There are only two results if this continues. Either the ritual will be scrapped directly without energy support. This is An empty shell."

After saying that, Armitage paused, and the look in his eyes became heavier.

"Either that kid would inject his own energy into the ritual and risk his own life in exchange for a glimmer of hope for the ritual... But even so, the ritual will eventually be scrapped. Without the control of the King of Deep Space, that thing might It just exploded."

"Oh, let's find a way quickly!" Mr. Wu also had a terrible headache. He grabbed his hair hard and said through gritted teeth, "We can't just watch here and wait to die!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Mr. Wu stepped forward suddenly, as if he wanted to come up with an "optimal solution" with his limited brain capacity.

"I think there must be a glimmer of hope... Otherwise the 'Supreme One' wouldn't let the King in Red do whatever he wants... Doesn't he want to pursue a 50% winning rate..."

Mr. Fog was almost glued to the metal screen, staring at the constantly changing coordinate data, racking his brains to solve this problem for everyone.

Of course, there is no need to mention whether she overestimated herself or not, but at this moment when she was concentrating on thinking of a solution, she did relax her vigilance... completely unaware that Mu was walking towards her quietly.

"Mmm! Come here and take a look at the Red King's jump route! I feel there must be some pattern in it! Maybe it's..."

Mr. Wu didn't finish what he said because Mu didn't give her this chance.


When Mr. Wu felt the heartbreaking pain coming from her chest, she did not fight back or cry out. She just lowered her head and glanced blankly, then followed the arm that penetrated her chest... and finally looked at Mu.


In Mr. Wu's confused gaze, Mu was still the gentle and strong senior, and the smile she hadn't seen for many years reappeared on her face.

"It's so beautiful..."

Mr. Wu thought so in his heart, and then he saw Mu slowly pull out her arm from the wound, and her heart was held tightly by Mu, and he was taken out quietly.

Accompanied by a dull sound.

Mr. Wu suddenly lost his breath and fell to the ground, and everyone present was also confused by this sudden situation.

Damn it?

What the hell is going on? ? ?

Creators killing each other? ? ?

Aren't they two friends? ? ?

"Why did you kill her..." Li Mobai's tone couldn't help but become wary, and he couldn't understand what Mu was doing.

"I didn't kill her." Mu sighed, "I just let her sleep for a while."

In Mu's palm, Mr. Wu's "heart" is still beating. It is a blue crystal as bright as a gem. It is the source of energy for Mr. Wu's body and the home of her soul...

"Take it."

Without any hesitation, Mu directly threw Mr. Wu's heart to Yan Que who was standing aside.

The moment he received the crystal heart, Yan Que's face was still blank.

"What are you doing for me..."

"If we succeed, you put the heart back to its original place, and Xiaowu will be able to wake up naturally. If we lose...you put it back too, and let her wake up and run away on her own."

"Why give it to me?" Yanque asked puzzledly.

"Among the family members who have followed Chen Jing the longest, you are the most mature one, and you are calmer than the others at critical moments, and you are pleasing to the eye...so I can only give it to you." Mu looked at Yan Que, and then at He glanced at Wei Nan and said, "Please help me keep an eye on her, okay?"

Saying that, Mu slowly squatted down and helped Mr. Wu up.

"This little guy knows me too well. To be honest, I feel a little guilty doing these things without telling her..."

Seeing that Mu was about to help Mr. Wu over, Yan Que and Wei Nan hurriedly stepped forward to help her.

"What on earth are you going to do?" Yan Que asked with a frown.

"Let's increase Chen Jing's winning rate." Mu smiled.

"Making her unconscious also increases A Jing's winning rate?" Wei Nan asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"Yes." Mu seemed to have never smiled like this for a long time. She had a beautiful smile on her face from beginning to end, "If this little guy is awake, she will definitely not agree with what I am doing, and she will stop me at her own risk... …”

At this moment, Mu suddenly found that Ryan, whom he had scolded, was still sitting on the ground, with crystal tears on his face, as if he didn't know what was about to happen.

"Kid, you have to remember, this is war."

Mu didn't know why he had to explain this sentence, but after saying it, he suddenly felt a lot more enlightened, and the depression in his heart suddenly dissipated without a trace.

"There is no war without death..."

Mu raised his hand and touched Ryan's head gently, and then looked at Jegertos who was standing aside.

"You, Bai Aji... you two come with me."

"Going to help my king?" Jegertos asked excitedly.

"That's right, but to be more specific... I'm taking you to your death."

Mu glanced at Mr. Wu who was lying on the ground protected by Yanque and the others. It seemed that he still had a lot to say, but there was no time for that now.

"Death?" Jegertos didn't have the slightest fear, he just looked at Mu in confusion, hoping that she could explain it clearly.

"That's right, die."

Mu nodded and reluctantly looked away from Mr. Wu's face.

"To put it simply, it means taking the lives of the three of us to give Chen Jing and the others a chance of survival."

Chapter 879: Glory Belongs to Deep Space (Part 1)

Mu did not explain much to everyone present, and she even felt that there was no need to explain, because the current time was very precious, and every second wasted for Chen Jing and the others, the risk would increase by one point.

"Come with me."

When the words fell, Yegetos and Baiaji had already caught up with Mu's pace, and were directly taken into the universe by Mu through space jump.

In the process, Mu also told them the plan truthfully, but instead of explaining it verbally, he directly transferred the information and data into their brains to save them time in understanding the plan.

In fact, this plan was also thought up by Mu Gang.

After briefly observing the Red King's pursuit of Chen Jing for a period of time, Mu found that the Red King's current state was very strange, and he didn't know if he had swallowed up too much material space, causing his body to mutate...

Put it this way.

The King in Red is no longer able to control his own body. Every time he reaches a new coordinate point, his entire body will be pulled by the material space. Only by swallowing up all the material space within reach can he return again. Jump long distances to chase Chen Jing and the others.

You can't move to the next coordinate point unless you eat it all.

This is the opportunity Mu saw.

"For the Red King, the more complex the structure of the material, the more time-consuming and laborious it is to swallow it. Just like the material spaces he is eating now, the structure inside deep space is completely different from the outside world, so his current moving speed... It’s actually quite slow.”

"What we need to do is to make it a little more difficult for Him, so that He can only chew slowly and give Chen Jing some time."

"In short, we are feeding Him with the three of us. Do you understand?"

The IQ of Yegetos and Baiaji is no different from that of ordinary people, so after they learned about Mu's overall plan, they understood it after a little thought.

"No problem for me." Yegetos said so.

"Hey, we are immortals, can we feed Him over and over again?" Baiaji suddenly asked this question with an idea.

"No chance."

Mu did not hide the truth and gave a straightforward explanation.

"The strength of the Red King's body is far beyond your imagination, not to mention the strange devouring power He is showing now... After being eaten, you will not be reborn, and there is no chance to be reborn. We will all die."

At this moment, Mu has brought Yegetos and others to the 63rd coordinate point, which is also the place where Chen Jing and others must pass next.

"We will all die?" Yegetos stood behind Mu, repeating Mu's words in a murmur, with not much emotion in his calm tone.

"Will we really die?"

Biaji has now revealed its original appearance, with its huge body extending continuously in the deep space, and its elegant wings slowly covering the stars that emit strange colors...

"Yes, we will all die."

M looked back calmly, and saw that Baiaji, who was gradually surrounded by deep space energy, had returned to his posture billions of years ago. That was exactly what the Yellow King said, the most perfect creature in the deep space star sea...

"I will set up a ritual at the Red King's 'landing point' to allow us to merge with the material space within a million light years, and then use the power of the Creator to disrupt the dimensional law of deep space. Then... the chaotic deep space is a tough nut to crack."

"Disrupt the deep space?" Yegetos asked thoughtfully, "Can the king do it?"

"He can't do it." Mu shook his head, "At least he can't do it at this stage. In order to maintain the stability of the ritual, he can't spare any energy now. If he is in a normal state, it is not difficult for him to do this, but it also requires huge sacrifices. "

In Mu's words, creating chaos at the landing point of the Red King is actually no different from suicide. Even if Chen Jing can do this, he will be swallowed by the Red King and die faster than now.

"So our role... is a medium?"

Yegetos kept analyzing the information data sent by Mu in his mind. Although the part about the ritual was written very clearly and straightforwardly, he still had a vague understanding of the principles behind it.

"That's right, there must be a member of the deep space as a medium, either Chen Jing, the king of the deep space, or... you, the followers." Mu nodded slowly, "Among the followers under Chen Jing, apart from those who are fighting with him, you are the strongest."

"You won't lie to us, right?"

Yegtos couldn't help but ask in the end. Although he was not afraid of death, he was afraid that his death would be worthless, and Bai Aji on the side was thinking the same thing, staring at Mu intently, waiting for her to give a definite answer.

"Do you think I still need to lie to you?" Mu said helplessly, "If I act according to my plan, the chance of successfully delaying the Red King should be 90%, and 90% can delay Him for one minute, which is already..."

"Is one minute enough?" Yegettos asked with a frown.

"It's better than nothing." Mu smiled, "From Chen Jing's progress in restoring the deep space, he has now reset 35% of the deep space to its original state, and this is still under the condition of being chased by the Red King..."

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