"The original light?"

When Chen Jing heard the voice of the "Supreme One", his first reaction was to look back at Him, with a trace of doubt in his eyes.

"I don't know what this thing is, but it was definitely given to me by the mother planet."

"You...it's impossible for this thing to leave its home planet...how did you get it?" The Supreme asked cautiously, as if he had seen something that he couldn't believe.

"I told you, it was given to me by the mother planet. If you don't believe it, there's nothing I can do about it."

At this moment, Chen Jing is different from before. The golden light no longer shines in his calm eyes. After being deeply energized, his entire torso does not have the same golden shape as before.

Under the yellow robe, this body is translucent, and the skin seems to have turned into a material similar to frosted glass. It seems that billions of colors are flowing in his body... Those flowing colors are exactly what the Supreme Being says. The "original light".

They are very similar to the splendor of the deep sky, but the perception is very different. The colors are more bizarre and complex, and some colors are even beyond the comprehension of Chen Jing. They have never appeared in known dimensions and countless material universes.


Chen Jing didn't want to delve into the origin of these energies at the moment. He only wanted to kill the Red King. Especially when he saw that the Red King had been completely bound by this ritual, he suddenly had more thoughts.

"According to the instructions from the mother planet...this is how this ritual should be used..."

Chen Jing murmured to himself, trembling his fingers slightly twice, and the way the ritual was performed suddenly changed.

Those golden liquids were sticky and thick, like burnt asphalt, tightly covering the body surface of the Red King. However, after the ritual operation method changed, these shining golden liquids began to solidify rapidly. It turned into a huge metal cocoon at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Not only that, after being completely solidified, the color of these liquids also changed dramatically, becoming very similar to the color of Chen Jing's body. The surface of the giant cocoon was filled with light, as if billions of flying stars were flying across it at any time.

This is just the beginning.

The ritual... has just entered the first step.

"The light of origin is an important part of the deep space mother star. They flow like liquid in the depths of the mother star. If the underground core is the heart of the mother star, then these substances... are the blood of the mother star and the blood of the world. The first light.”

Although Chen Jing didn't care about the origin of these strange energies, the "Supreme One" talked about it on his own, because in his opinion, this is one of the greatest miracles from the beginning of creation to today...

"When I was conceived by the mother star, I also saw these substances. They were like the amniotic fluid inside the mother's body. I was soaked in them. Until I left the mother star, I never saw them again. They did not exist in any dimension. Traces of... this special liquid energy only exists in the mother star. "

Having said this, the "Supreme One" still seemed a little disappointed.

"I didn't expect that the mother planet would be willing to let you use it... I don't even have this kind of treatment..."

"Then you go talk to mom." Chen Jing looked impatient and said to himself, I am busy with something important, and you are making me sad just watching a show next to me!

"Mom?" The Supreme Being didn't react at all.

"Mother star, you hug its lap and cry. If it doesn't give it to you, just roll on the ground and lie down..." Chen Jing said impatiently.

"...I am no longer a part of the deep space." The Supreme Being did not seem to hear Chen Jing's bad words, and still acted very sad, "In fact, when I left the deep space, I should not have cut off the connection with the deep space. Contact, at least this way there is still a mother.”

"Unfilial son, no wonder it doesn't give you this good thing." Chen Jing laughed and said, "People gave it to me because they thought I was filial... Oh no, can you please stop interrupting here! I'm so fucking busy. It’s business! Why don’t you help me kill the red king! I’ll talk to you forever!”

"I'm sorry...I won't speak anymore..."

"Nothing visible."

Chen Jing didn't care about respect at the moment, and scolded the "Supreme One" whenever he wanted, because his mind was already focused on the King in Red, and the only serious thing was to kill this old guy first... But It seems that it is not that easy to kill an extraordinary creature second only to the "Supreme One".

As the ritual continued to run, the giant metal cocoon was also trembling crazily. It was obvious that the red king had the ability to resist at this moment. He desperately wanted to break through the thick layer of the cocoon and then killed Chen Jing with his hands.

But Chen Jing would not give him this opportunity casually.

"This ritual of yours is really good...its effectiveness is indeed beyond my imagination..." The Supreme Being couldn't help but sigh.

At this moment, the power of this ritual has been completely affirmed by the "Supreme One". Not only can it temporarily suppress extraordinary creatures like the Red King, but it can also reverse some of its energy routes, thereby causing deeper damage to the Red King. Levels of damage...

But rituals are rituals after all. This thing is not born out of thin air. To arrange such a huge and powerful ritual, the energy consumed is also an astronomical figure. Anyway, in the eyes of the "Supreme One", it is obvious that Chen Jing's conditions He is not qualified to arrange it... But the reality is the opposite. Chen Jing not only arranged the entire set of rituals, but also made them run normally.

And on this basis, Chen Jing's aura did not change at all, as if the energy that arranged the rituals did not come from him. This made the "Supreme One" very puzzled, because this completely violated the basic laws of the universe.

Just when he couldn't help being curious and wanted to ask Chen Jing, Chen Jing suddenly muttered.

"It doesn't matter if you haven't been promoted... Didn't the King in Red also get promoted..."

As Chen Jing spoke, he controlled the ritual's energy route to continuously change, until the giant metal cocoon began to shrink violently.

"After I advance to the rank, I will definitely be much stronger than him. Just like you, it will be easy to beat this old guy. But even if I don't advance, I won't be far behind...the mother planet will gradually fill in the missing parts for me."

When Chen Jing finished speaking.

The giant metal cocoon also suddenly emitted an extremely dazzling light...

Chapter 894 The first light in the universe (Part 2)

The inner world plane.

Chen Bofu and the others were still racking their brains to think, why did Chen Jing want to exile this world plane?

Before Li Mobai could think of a better reason to deceive them, Chen Jing's battle with the Red King gave them the answer.


The light emitted by the giant metal cocoon has spread, not only dispersing the golden light dust that everyone is familiar with, but also breaking through the restrictions of the world plane in Chen Jing's blockade and coming to the surface...

Looking at the radiant and strange energy in front of them, everyone's first reaction was to be wary, but when they sensed that familiar aura, that ubiquitous aura... Yes! It's Chen Jing!

"These energies... have the same breath as deep space energy..."

Professor Armitage raised his hand, wanting to touch the gaseous energy as soft as clouds, but before he could actually touch it, the energy actively bypassed his palm and moved in other directions. Spread away.

"Purer than deep space energy, closer to the source." Keturt silently looked at the energy dissipating everywhere, with a hint of surprise in his eyes, "Could it be that Chen Jing has already completed his promotion..."

"Are you thinking too much?" Chen Bofu turned around and cursed, "We are all his dependents. If he gets promoted, how can we not react at all?"

"That's true..." Kturt shook his head, "I'm confused...but it doesn't seem like these energies were specially summoned by him...like they escaped from some kind of ritual or battle. …”

"Shit! My grandson won't have sex with the King in Red!" Chen Bofu couldn't sit still and hurriedly got up from the ground, "I'll try to hit it up again! See if I can break through this layer Ban!”

With that said, Chen Bofu raised his hand and grabbed Keturt.

"You and I are the strongest here. You go with me, and those two..."

Chen Bofu looked up at the sky and saw that at a height of about 10,000 meters from the earth's surface, a black ball was suspended there and spinning, and a gleaming cloud gathered on one side of the ball.

That is the splendor of the black star and the deep sky.

From the moment they returned to the other world, they fell into a state of self-isolation. Not only did they ignore the families of Kakosa, they also did not participate in the discussions of Chen Bofu and the others. The old man even came to them in person to give them some advice. When expressing opinions, neither of them said a word.

Chen Bofu knew that these two guys had independent consciousness and an IQ that was very similar to that of humans. They could also speak human words during normal communication. Therefore, when discussing why Chen Jing wanted to exile this world, Chen Bofu Bo Fu couldn't help but scold them for being unsociable.

"Forget it, we can't count on them." Chen Bofu sighed.

"As the two most critical 'hubs' in that set of rituals, they must have been exhausted too much. They may be recovering on their own now..." Li Mobai helped them make up an explanation.

Is this the reality?

of course not.

The black star and the splendor of the deep sky are already part of Chen Jing. The level of flesh-and-blood integration is something that neither Yagertos nor Baiaji can match.

In other words, they knew very well what situation Chen Jing was in. Although they could not see the terrifying death battle with their own eyes, they could roughly sense that... their king was facing the most powerful enemy in the universe alone.

And what about them?

He was just a waste who was forcibly sent back by the king and lived an ignoble existence.

As the king's dependents, as a part of the king, and even as his heirs... they are not even qualified to watch this battle.

This made both Black Star and Deep Sky Colorful feel a strong sense of frustration, and even an indescribable sense of self-blame and guilt... After they closed themselves off, they only had one thought lingering in their minds.

If we were stronger, could we help the king?

at the same time.

Chen Bofu has already taken Keturt on his third try.

The first two attempts ended in failure, and this third time... was no exception.

When Chen Bofu and Keturt were sent back to their original coordinates again, Keturt waved his hand directly, indicating that there was no need to try again.

"You and I are far less powerful than Chen Jing. It is simply impossible to break through his restrictions." Keturt sighed, "I think you should relax and wait. Maybe your grandson will be here soon." Just came back."

"How the hell can I relax!" Chen Boxu couldn't help but cursed, "That's my grandson! My only grandson! He's my relative! You..."

Just before Chen Boxu was about to curse even more unpleasant words, his voice stopped abruptly... No, to be precise, the entire Kakosha fell into deathly silence in an instant.

"How is this going……"

Chen Bofu looked at Keturt who was constantly twisting in front of him, and then hurriedly turned back to look at the rest of the people. He saw that everyone was in a weird twisted posture, as if he was observing the scene through the heat wave above the flame... everyone was It was twisting strangely, even the thin and tall "Xi" was twisted into a terrifying worm.

"We're fine..." Kturt also noticed this phenomenon. After a brief panic, he quickly calmed down, "It's because the spatial dimension was forcibly distorted by external forces..."

"This method is really clever..." Armitage said in surprise, "It does not damage the matter in the spatial dimension... it just distorts its appearance..."

"No... that's not it..." Keturt, as the oldest ancient god and having fought against the Yellow King several times, is very familiar with this way of distorting dimensional space, "We are not the target... ...So we won't be accidentally injured...but the enemy who is the target will definitely not be so easy..."

"Is this my grandson's method?" Chen Boxu asked tentatively.

"I don't know, but it's very possible. Maybe the escaping energy with weird colors is a precursor..." Kturt murmured.

"Then who does he want to deal with?!" Chen Bofu suddenly became more nervous, "I see that our Kakosha has been twisted, and even the ruins have been twisted into whirlpools. Is his enemy in Kakosha? !”

"It's not just Kakosa." Qiao Youning suddenly said, "Besides Kakosa, it has also been distorted. The entire world... both the land and the sea, have been distorted out of shape."

"Outside too."

Keturt slowly raised his head, and in his dark green eyes, he reflected a twisted and distorted universe.

"Maybe the entire deep space universe is distorted..."

While everyone was talking about this vision, the giant metal cocoon in front of Chen Jing's eyes had shrunk into a weak point of light.

"Promotion is not the only way..."

The Supreme One looked at the incredible scene in front of him, and his tone of voice was full of disbelief.

"It seems you have realized something better..."

Chapter 895: A ritual that transcends time and space (Part 1)

Under the influence of the ritual, all material space began to distort uncontrollably. Even Chen Jing, the person who controlled the ritual, was distorted to the point of losing his human form as early as the moment the ritual took effect. A vortex exuding extraordinary brilliance...

This ritual is the largest and the one that consumes the most energy among the rituals that Chen Jing has performed.

If there was no such thing as the fall of deep space, nor was so much space eaten up by the Red King, nor was half of deep space restored by Chen Jing... then the scope of influence of this ritual should start from deep space. , until it spreads to billions of dimensions.

The stars and the universe are gradually distorted under the influence of the ritual, and the colorful streams of light form vortices spanning millions of light years, just like the starry sky in Van Gogh's painting, where every light point is composed of stars. Every brilliant color comes from a distorted galaxy.

"I see……"

The Supreme One murmured to himself, looking at Chen Jing with eyes filled with wonder.

"The ritual has not been activated before, so you can barely hold on with the help of the power of your home planet, but now... you can't hold on."

In the eyes of the "Supreme One", Chen Jing is like a ripple of energy that can dissipate at any time. His body continues to stretch as the dimensions are distorted, and his stability is also declining at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if he will collapse after a slight impact. …

Not only that.

Chen Jing's aura was also horribly sluggish, which was completely different from his previous state.

"I thought there was really no cost for you to use this ritual..."

"How is that possible?" Chen Jing chuckled, "This is a three-form composite ritual. The first form does not require anything from me, but it is enough to restrain the Red King. This second form... is for killing He can’t do it without risking his life.”

From the beginning, Chen Jing did not think that he could kill the Red King. At least within the scope of normal combat, all the means he had and all the powers he obtained were nothing to the Red King. He would be directly immune. If dropped, it won't cause any damage.

After all, the difference in strength between the two of them is still too big. Even if Chen Jing tries his best, even if he risks his life, there is no way he can defeat him.


Chen Jing could only find another way.

This was also the glimmer of hope he sought from his home planet.

without any exaggeration.

The home planet... no, it should be deep space.

Deep Sky is an existence with independent consciousness. This huge extraordinary thing really regards Chen Jing as its own child, so when Chen Jing refused the invitation from the home star, Deep Sky was really a little angry... because it felt that it The child is disobedient and is obviously going to die.

But what can be done?

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