Stop him directly?

Deep Space does not yet have this ability. After all, Chen Jing has the power of Deep Space. From a certain perspective, he is the master of Deep Space. How can there be any way to stop the master?

Therefore, Shen Kong could only find ways to keep Chen Jing alive, even if it meant taking huge risks to let him perform this ritual.

"Mom told me that this set of rituals is not what I can use now, but I have no other way. With my own methods, I really can't fight..." Chen Jing murmured, with a clear tone in his tone. With a hint of sadness, "The strength gap between me and the King in Red is too big, so I can only use this kind of foreign object to make a bet..."

"Mom...Did Shen Kong tell you that?" The Supreme One still found this title strange.

"Actually, this ritual is prepared for you." Chen Jing suddenly said.

The Supreme Being was stunned for a moment, unable to realize what Chen Jing's words meant.

"It treated you like a child at the beginning, fearing that you would not be able to protect yourself if you went outside. As a result, your heart was too big, and the deep space could not hold you. It didn't even react when you left..."

"I..." The Supreme Being didn't know what to say for a moment, and felt inexplicably guilty.

"I'm really not as good as you." Chen Jing smiled, "At least I'm not as good as you now. This set of rituals is too difficult to use. I almost lost most of it by converting the rituals to the second form. A life..."

"Isn't this enough!" The Supreme One only thinks that Chen Jing is too greedy. With the strength of Sequence Eight, he can unilaterally suppress the Red King. This is completely impossible in his opinion... But this is a fact and a miracle. !

"There's not much I can do." Chen Jing sighed.

At the same time, the light point compressed by the red king suddenly flew towards Chen Jing, who was shaped like a whirlpool.

"What is the specific function of the second form of this ritual?" The Supreme One couldn't help but asked curiously, because he could not see through the working principle of this ritual at this moment, and could only sense the breath of the red king. Rapid decline.

"Looking back." Chen Jing replied.

"...Looking back?" The Supreme Being was stunned.

"The selected target may be a piece of material space, or some special substance, or a living thing..." Chen Jing murmured, "When the second form of the ritual runs stably, the selected target will Start looking back, looking back in billions of years..."

"You mean..." The Supreme One's eyes were full of disbelief. He thought that Chen Jing had surprised him enough today, but he didn't expect that he underestimated this guy after all.

"The King in Red who is bound by rituals is no longer the same person he was many years ago. His strength is declining at an accelerating rate. Maybe... in the end you can trace him back to the state when you first met him." Chen Jing smiled.

After receiving this exact answer, the "Supreme One" was so surprised that he could not speak, because he knew that Chen Jing was not bragging. Judging from the speed of the red king's aura declining, it seemed that he had really fallen into this uncontrollable backtracking. Among...

But... is this really possible?

There are countless laws and regulations in the universe, and the most complex and difficult to understand are nothing but time and space.

If deep space represents the laws and regulations of the "space dimension", then the laws and regulations related to time are a higher level of existence that even the "Supreme One" cannot understand much.

"Is this a ritual that can be assisted by the 'Law of Time'?!" The Supreme Being was surprised.

"I can't explain clearly." Chen Jing murmured, his body twisting and turning like a whirlpool, "Mom only told me that this is a ritual that transcends time and space. If it is performed by you, it will be completely The entire universe and even billions of dimensions can be traced back.”

At this moment, the "light particles" in front of Chen Jing's eyes suddenly trembled violently. This was a sign that the red king was struggling... For Chen Jing, this was not a good sign, definitely not.

"Damn... I am still too weak..."

There was a hint of pain in Chen Jing's tone, and it was obvious that managing this ritual alone had brought a huge burden to him.

"This guy is coming out..."

Chapter 896: A ritual that transcends time and space (Part 2)

From the moment he chose to fight the King in Red, Chen Jing had already thought out a comprehensive plan. From the beginning to the end, he never thought about fighting with the King in Red, because that was an action that could be described in two words... seeking death.

Before that, when the red king's beam penetrated his body, Chen Jing further confirmed this idea. If the red king were to use all his cards, he might not even be able to get through the first round because he wanted to be immune. It’s already very difficult to deal with the damage caused by those beams.

As for why he acted so relaxed... To put it bluntly, he was just pretending. It was to make the Red King lose his mind for a moment, so as to ensure that when the ritual selected the target, the anchor point could be accurately thrown to the Red King.

"Except for me, no living thing can touch the 'Law of Time'... But I can only touch some superficial things. I didn't expect that even you can use the power of ritual to play with time." The Supreme Being Sighing, he was completely immersed in his own world, completely ignoring Chen Jing's increasingly nervous reaction.

From the perspective of the "Supreme One", the "Law of Time" can be regarded as one of the top laws in the universe, and it is no exaggeration to say that among those top laws, the "Law of Time" is also the most difficult to understand.

But this is normal.

If the "law of time" were so easy to master, the timeline of billions of dimensions would have been played with by others long ago.

"Ah! That's right!" The Supreme One suddenly thought of something and hurriedly spoke to Chen Jing, "Since this ritual can rely on the power of the 'Law of Time', then if you think about it deeper, can you also resurrect those who have died? ? Just go back to when they were alive..."

"It can't be done." Chen Jing was already extremely nervous. When he saw the "light particles" starting to tremble, he looked like he was facing a formidable enemy. But when he heard the "Supreme One" mention this possibility, he responded smoothly. came the reply, "The power of the ritual is limited. It is impossible to choose those who have disappeared as targets, and the time regression cannot be stopped..."

When he said this, Chen Jing's mood was obviously much lower, because his first idea after getting this ritual was to use it to resurrect the dead... but unfortunately he couldn't do it.

"He's coming out." Chen Jing sighed, but there was no hint of fear in the words. It seemed that he had been mentally prepared for the worst early in the morning, and he had a backup plan... he probably had one.

That kind of confident look is all too familiar to "The Most High".

"Although His current strength has declined by about half, you are still no match... Do you really not consider returning to your home planet?" The Supreme couldn't help but ask again.

"Who says I'm not an opponent?" Chen Jing smiled, "Didn't I say that this ritual has three forms? This is only the second one..."

"If you activate the second form, you will lose half your life. Even your home planet cannot make up for the missing energy. How dare you use the third form?" The Supreme One couldn't help but become nervous when he spoke, because He had already I guessed Chen Jing's next plan.

If Chen Jing is risking his life now, then...

"Actually, it's still profitable." Chen Jing smiled, "Both parties lose, and I'm not the only loser."

at the same time.

The king in red among the "light particles" could hardly hold on any longer.

He never thought that he would become so embarrassed.

When the giant metal cocoon that restrained him began to compress, the red king hadn't realized what was happening. He only felt that there were a lot more image information in his mind... Yes, it was a scene of shockingly clear images.

In those images, he saw a lot of junk information that gave him a splitting headache...or the birth and destruction of a certain star, or the beginning and decline of a certain civilization, or even the life of some low-level creatures. .


To be precise, the entire life of all living things.

A lifetime for all living things... in all known dimensions.

Either an animal, a plant, or a higher intelligent life.

Their whole lives have been gathered into a complete image, which was forced into the consciousness of the Red King without rejection. In addition, there are also the evolution histories of countless dimensions and planes...

So...the Red King is going crazy.

Although He is an extraordinary creature second only to the "Supreme One", His power is only limited to certain aspects. After all, the capacity and processing speed of consciousness are limited.

These image data that cannot be measured in digital units tortured his consciousness to death, and he was on the verge of collapse every moment.


There is another thing that the Red King cannot accept the most.

He found that he was also "looking back"... That was looking back in time in units of billions of years!

His strength is rapidly declining every second.

One point per decline.

He knew that he was one step closer to death.

Although the King in Red couldn't understand how Chen Jing could do all this with his Sequence Eight strength, the reality was right in front of him. If he dared to neglect for even a moment... I'm afraid he would really be in trouble!

"I can't just die... absolutely not..."

The King in Red just had this idea, and he also showed his real trump card.

As his body burned crazily in the scarlet flames composed of energy, he only felt that the energy that bound him became weaker...

This is a good sign.

At least in His mind.

And for Chen Jing... there is no worse news than this.

"I told you, you still have a chance. Since deep space has this kind of ritual, there might be a way to resuscitate the dead..." The Supreme Being was still persuading Chen Jing earnestly, "Use the method of retracing the timeline. Maybe it’s possible to save people!”

"I asked Deep Space, and it said there is no such ritual." Chen Jing said with a smile, "You don't need to persuade me anymore, you should understand me..."

The Supreme One wanted to say something more, but Chen Jing interrupted him first.

"Actually, you don't need the same kind."


"You're just too lonely. You can't find a qualified creature to spend endless time with you. You don't care about any of your fellow humans. All you care about is yourself...this is what my mother told me."


"So you don't have to persuade me anymore. After I die, there may be other successors, and you won't be bored by then."

"What if I say that I really want you to live and that I want to be a blood relative with you?" The Supreme One suddenly asked, "Do you believe it?"

Hearing this, Chen Jing couldn't help laughing.

But just when he was about to give the "Supreme One" an answer, the "light particles" that appeared in front of his eyes... disappeared.

Chapter 897: Removing the Crown (Part 1)

It was extremely difficult for the Red King to break free from the restraints of the ritual. Even at the moment of breaking free, He had an illusion that He was about to be wiped out by the power of the ritual.

I can't die like this.

The Red King thought so.

Even if I have to die, at least I have to drag this low-level creature with me to be buried with me... The Supreme One will never get the same kind in this life!

Facts have proved that the "Supreme One" has indeed forced the Red King to the position of "rebel". His series of indulgences to the Deep Space Resuscitator and a series of restrictions on the Creator Clan... All of this is like a steel needle piercing the Red King's heart. Whenever the Red King thinks of it, he will be so depressed that he can't speak.

His attitude towards the "Supreme One" has always been respectful, worshipful, and fanatical... Before the Deep Space Resuscitator appeared, even if the "Supreme One" asked Him to die, He would never say a word.

But what about now?

The strong hatred has made Him forget the kindness of the "Supreme One" long ago.

In his opinion, he had worked for the "Supreme One" for these years and transformed all the dimensions into the way he liked them... This favor should have been repaid long ago.

This favor can't be repaid with interest, right?

So the Red King really hates the "Supreme One" to death now, which is the truth that the deeper the love, the deeper the hatred.

If possible, the Red King even wants to kill the "Supreme One" with his own hands, and then hold his head and ask... Is it worth it for you to abandon the family you have cultivated for an outsider?

That's right.

The Red King considers himself a family of the "Supreme One". Although there is no such relationship between them, in the Red King's opinion... he is no different from the family of the "Supreme One".


When the light particles that bound the Red King disappeared, Chen Jing quickly jumped in the opposite direction and evacuated at lightning speed.

But unfortunately... it was too late.

At this moment, the Red King had completely sobered up. He finally realized that Chen Jing was not a piece of fish on the chopping board. With his strength of Sequence 8, he could indeed kill him, so...

"I underestimated the enemy."

When Chen Jing heard this familiar voice, he felt creepy, because this voice sounded close to his ear...

"If I had played all my cards from the beginning, I don't believe you could survive."

As the Red King whispered a deep reflection, Chen Jing felt that his body was locked by some external force... Unable to jump, unable to move, even moving a finger seemed particularly difficult.

"Why..." the Red King murmured.

The next second, Chen Jing felt something piercing his body. With this intense and piercing pain, he found that the sense of restraint was much relieved. At least he could move his neck with all his strength, and then slowly lowered his head...

The Red King's arm had penetrated his chest, and in the Red King's skinny palm, he tightly grasped something that looked like a heart.

Chen Jing knew very well what his body was made of, so he didn't think he had such a thing as a substantial organ, and even if he did, it wouldn't exist as a physical entity.

But now the Red King was holding this thing, and no matter how you looked at it, it was very consistent with the characteristics of a human heart, except that the color and texture were not quite the same... It was more like a work of art made to imitate a human heart, emitting a strange and inexplicable brilliance all over.

"This is your 'core'." The Red King seemed to see Chen Jing's doubts, and explained softly, "Every creature has a 'core', but some creatures exist in reality, and some... like you, need a little trick to catch it."

As soon as the voice fell, the Red King pulled his arm out suddenly.

And Chen Jing was completely exhausted at this moment, floating in the vacuum universe like a skinny mummy.

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