"Look what you have done..." The red king held Chen Jing's "core" tightly in his hand and looked around at the messy universe. "You just use those rituals indiscriminately if you don't have enough strength. Look at you. What a mess this dimension has become!"

The moment the King in Red broke through the ritual and returned to deep space, the influence of the ritual on billions of dimensions completely disappeared. Those pictures that were distorted by the power of the ritual and appeared distorted and weird no longer existed, and everything returned to normal. On track.

"With your little strength...you dare to use this kind of ritual...what qualifications do you have!!!" The Red King cursed through gritted teeth. Then he raised his hand and waved, and Chen Jing's left arm suddenly exploded. It opened and instantly turned into a piece of debris that looked like flesh and blood.

Does it hurt?

Of course it hurts.

But Chen Jing's mind is not on the pain. He is reviewing his previous plan against the King in Red and preparing for the next...

"I was wrong from the beginning. I shouldn't have underestimated you. Your strength is not Sequence 8 at all. With the existence of that damn star, you have the ability to kill me!"

The more the King in Red spoke, the more regretful he became.

Although his appearance has not changed at this moment, and his appearance is still the same as that of an old man, his aura has obviously weakened a lot. Compared with before being sanctioned by rituals, he is now frighteningly weak...

"If I had killed you from the beginning, instead of playing with you and humiliating you, I wouldn't have ended up like this." The King in Red said through gritted teeth, while slowly squeezing the "core" in his palm. ", "You made me fight so hard..."

"Before the birth of your world, I already existed... The energy I have worked so hard to accumulate over the years has been wiped out in one fell swoop."

At this moment, the Red King's hatred for Chen Jing has reached its peak. After removing Chen Jing's "core", he is not in a hurry to kill Chen Jing. He just wants to make him suffer more... If he just lets him take it lightly... It would be too easy for him to die easily!

"Do you know how many years I went back in time in the ritual... Do you know how heartbroken I felt after the energy was forcibly dissipated..."

Just when the red king expressed his anger in a cannibalistic tone, Chen Jing laughed inappropriately.

That extremely hearty laughter was a huge insult to the ears of the King in Red.

"why are you laughing!!!"

The king in red suddenly raised his hand and grabbed Chen Jing's neck, lifting him up like a dead dog in despair.

"Are you happy to see me in such a mess...are you?" The Red King asked tremblingly, with a twisted smile even showing on his old face. It was a sign of his extreme anger, and he could no longer hold back his desire to kill Chen Chen. King's heart is broken.

"You should be the one who is happy..."

Chen Jing's voice was unclear, and his breathless laughter still stimulated the red king.

"You can actually force the King of Deep Space to do this... You are really amazing..."

Chapter 898: Removing the Crown (Part 2)

There are dozens of descendants of Deep Space, but Chen Jing is definitely an exception... because he is the only one who has revived his home planet, and he is the only one who has reached a state second only to the "Supreme One".

So from a certain perspective, the King in Red is proud enough.

After all, the person in His hands has the same aura as the "Supreme One", and they even have very similar blood flowing in their bodies...

"These words you say...I don't like to hear them."

The king in red said softly while squeezing Chen Jing's "core".

"It seems to me that you are not afraid of death."

"What's the use of being afraid of death?" Chen Jing tilted his head and looked at the red king with a smile on his face. "If I'm afraid of death and beg for mercy, can you let me go?"

"No." The red king replied directly.

"That's it...if you're afraid of death or not, you have to die...then why should I be afraid...what does that sentence mean...the biggest fear of human beings comes from the unknown...since I know everything I'm dead..."

Just when Chen Jing was going to disrupt the rhythm of the red king with his long speech, the red king suddenly interrupted him.

"I remember that you have relatives, friends, and dependents... If I let them die in front of you first, would you be afraid?"

Hearing this, the smile on Chen Jing's face suddenly froze.

Then he slowly put away his smile, looked at the red king expressionlessly, and remained silent for almost half a minute.

The King in Red also waited patiently for his answer, with a bright smile on his old face and a look of great interest.

"What do you want to do..." Chen Jing still gave in, at least in the eyes of the red king.

"I have seen clearly that you are a complete fanatic. Although you always give people a weak and weak sense of aggression...but in fact, you are the most arrogant and bold person."

The red-clothed king's smile became even brighter, and his cloudy eyes shone with excitement.

"You are not afraid of death, and naturally you are not afraid of being tortured by me before death, but it is all physical... If it is mental torture, I don't believe you can bear it."

"...Don't mess around. We can talk." Chen Jing frowned and asked calmly, "How about I kill you with a thousand cuts and you can calm down, okay?"

"What do you think?" the red king asked.

"Then...I'll kneel down and beg for mercy, and you let them go?" Chen Jing asked tentatively, and then shook his head, "That won't work either. You old man can't be trusted. You say you won't kill. , maybe I’ll take action right after I kowtow, you creators are so damn despicable... How about we just talk about it!”

Seeing that Chen Jing had begun to relent, the red-clothed king couldn't help but laugh heartily, and then turned around to look in the direction of the "Supreme One".

"Did you see it?! This is the resuscitator you value!! You helped him so much, but I still got the upper hand!!!"

The eyes of the Supreme One were still suspended in the vacuum universe. Hearing the provocative words of the Red King, He just watched silently... and then continued to say nothing.

"Why can't you always see me... I'm obviously more talented than him... and I'm more loyal to you... Why do you value him more?"

When the King in Red said this, Chen Jing suddenly had a bad feeling.

as expected.

At this moment, Chen Jing became the target of the Red King to vent his anger. Although this guy did not dare to do anything to the "Supreme One", at this moment... He had no problem placing Chen Jing however he wanted.

When the King in Red suddenly let go of Chen Jing's neck, Chen Jing felt a sharp pain that was heart-piercing, and then his right eye suddenly turned black... There was an extra blood-stained ball in the King in Red's palm. eyeball.

Extraordinarily complete.

No dents or shrinkage.

Chen Jing couldn't help but want to exclaim that the red king's skills were so good. It would be a shame not to become an ophthalmologist...

"I should have won from the beginning!!! You have no right to gain the upper hand!!! You have no right to deprive me of the energy I have accumulated over the years!!!"

It turns out that cold violence works just as well for the Creator.

Under the calm and indifferent gaze of the "Supreme One", the King in Red was going crazy at this moment because he could not get any response, and he could not do anything to the "Supreme One"... If He had the courage to ask the "Supreme One" If the "Supreme One" takes action, the "Supreme One" will no longer care about destiny and can directly help Chen Jing solve this trouble.


In the end, the king in red could only vent his anger on Chen Jing.

After the "core" was stripped away by the King in Red, Chen Jing's body had transformed from an energy state into an ordinary humanoid form, with flesh and blood, and an extremely keen sense of pain...

It just so happens that this is what the Red King wants.

"You have only lived for a few decades... What qualifications do you have to stand over creatures like us who have lived for hundreds of millions of years... Or do you think this is destiny..."

While the king in red asked Chen Jing, he stretched out two fingers, slowly peeling off the skin tissue on Chen Jing's body like peeling off the dead skin of a scar, and then tore the muscle fibers and crushed the bones bit by bit... …

"Let me tell you...this is because He is too partial...He thinks you all have the same origin...so he favors you...Do you think this is fair?"

At this moment, Chen Jing seemed to have turned into a bloody man. Except for the skin tissue above his neck, the rest of his body was no longer covered by skin. The red king was about to peel off a complete layer of his skin.

"Don't worry... I won't let you die so easily... You made me suffer so much... I will never let you have an easy time..." The Red King murmured softly, "I will I will continue to extend my life for you...you will live forever...accompany me...and your dependents..."

Chen Jing could no longer give any response at this time. Before his consciousness was on the verge of losing consciousness, the final ritual diagram still appeared in his mind.

"No, no, no... you can't faint now..." The Red King finally stopped physically torturing Chen Jing. Looking at the bloody and skeleton-like body in front of him, the smile on his face became more and more excited, "I'm going to capture a few of your dependents now... How about your grandfather?! And those friends of yours!!!"

Having said this, the king in red became more and more excited and kept shaking Chen Jing's body that was about to fall apart.

"No!! I should capture all your dependents!!! Let everyone see you like this!!! Then I will take them..."

at this time.

The king in red, who was in a trance but extremely excited, suddenly felt something brushing across his face.

A closer look revealed that Chen Jing's bloody right arm had just dropped down, and there was a bright red bloody handprint on the left face of the King in Red.

Realizing that he had been slapped by the half-dead man in front of him with his remaining strength, the red king instantly fell into uncontrollable rage, and his smiling eyes suddenly looked ferocious and terrifying.

But just before He was about to explode, Chen Jing could only be heard speaking calmly.

"Don't hurt my people..."

"Subjects?! Do you really think you are the king of deep space?!" The king in red punched Chen Jing's abdominal cavity, pinched Chen Jing's spine with his bare hands and began to tear it out, "You are now a monster at any time. You can kill all those insects! Believe it or not, I’ll kill you now!”

"If I die... or if I don't die... your ending will not change..."

Chen Jing's blood-stained face suddenly revealed a labored smile, and his remaining single eye opened slightly, looking at the Red King calmly and indifferently...

That look was exactly like that of the "Most High".

It is precisely because of this that the red king became even more angry and raised his hand to dig out Chen Jing's other eye.

But just when He was about to touch Chen Jing's eyeballs, Chen Jing suddenly uttered two words.

"Remove the crown..."

"You...what did you say?" The red king's movements suddenly froze. These two unknown words only gave him an inexplicable sense of crisis, which was enough to illustrate his keen intuition.

"I say...take off my crown..."

Chen Jing's eyes turned slightly and looked in the direction of his home star.

At this moment, his eyes had become completely relieved, as if he had made all preparations to meet his end.

Although this ending is not what he wants, nor is it what the deep space mother planet wants, nor is it what the "Supreme One" wants.

But this is also the only optimal solution at present.

"Do you hear me...remove my crown immediately...I am no longer the King of Deep Space...and...kill this bastard for me!!!"

Chapter 899: There is no deep space in the world (Part 1)

When the King in Red broke free from the shackles and escaped from the ritual, he thought that the ritual had been destroyed by him. After all, the targets had broken free from the locked state and lost all anchor points and the stable energy running in the ritual. They also began to disperse on a large scale...all this was a manifestation of the ruined rituals.

But these are just what He thought.

Under the observation of the "Supreme One", this ritual has always been running stably... Even when the red king broke free and beat Chen Jing to death, the energy of this ritual was always flowing silently.


From beginning to end, this ritual was not destroyed. It just went from a state that the Red King could understand to gradually hiding itself and entering a state that the Red King could not understand.

This is the so-called third form and the ultimate form of this ritual.

"Is it worth it?"

The Supreme One stared at Chen Jing with wide eyes, sad and angry. When he heard him shouting that he wanted to remove his crown, He had already guessed the final outcome of this descendant of deep space.

The king of deep space who takes the initiative to remove his crown will definitely be worse off than ordinary creatures living in the deep space environment, because the moment his crown is removed by deep space, the power he gained from deep space will be forcibly withdrawn.

Deep space energy, ancient rituals, billions of powers.

Everything... will be taken away by deep space.

In the process, the old king of deep space will also suffer strong backlash, which is a torture more terrifying than death... But in the end, isn't the final outcome still death?

It dies in deep space and dies in billions of dimensions.

Even if you change your identity.

Let the "Supreme One" succeed Chen Jing at this moment. He cannot bear the strong backlash from the rules, and he will die... So he understands that Chen Jing is hopeless.

"Can you really accept this ending..."

The Supreme One couldn't figure it out no matter what, and those ethereal eyes stared at Chen Jing, trying to find the answer from this bloody body.

"You know clearly... As long as you take one step further... you will become just like me... Billions of dimensions respect you and me... All the creatures in the universe call you and me king... Why don't you want to look back! ! You are so stupid!

At this moment, the "Supreme One" couldn't bear it anymore and asked Chen Jing directly.

"Why don't you want to look back?! As long as you say no!! Deep Space will immediately end the process of removing the crown..."

"There's no turning back."

Chen Jing's voice has never been so weak. The feeling of being once an immortal and then a mortal really made Chen Jing feel a huge gap... He only felt that it had been a long time since he had been so weak. Maybe this was a real mortal. , as if the wind will blow and the bones will be destroyed and the flesh will be rotten.

"You can make me pay whatever price you want...but I can't...use my relatives and friends as bargaining chips...you should know..."

"Are you willing to die like this?!" The Supreme asked in confusion.

"Of course I'm not willing to do it, but what can I do?" Chen Jing struggled to squeeze out a smile on his blood-stained face, "There is no such thing as the best of both worlds. Being able to reach this point is actually considered a blessing. Lucky for me, I finally became the king of deep space..."

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