"You are lying to me."

"No, no! I made a typo! It's 10,000! I left 2,000!"

When he got this answer, Chen Jing instantly understood why Qiao Youning dressed so poorly... This girl is really poor!

"Are you crazy? Why give him so much?" Chen Jing couldn't help but hit her a few times, feeling inexplicably irritated, "He is not your creditor, can't he support himself?"

Qiao Youning didn't reply, as if she was afraid that Chen Jing would be angry, she kept typing and deleting, and it took a long time before she sent a message.

"Don't be angry... I won't give him money in the future, okay..."

Chen Jing really felt blocked in his heart, and wanted to say a few unpleasant words, wanting to scold this stupid classmate, but after thinking about it, he decided to shut up.

After all.

This is also someone else's family's business.

What will others think if you are too inexplicably meddling?

What if Qiao Youning really wants to help her brother?

Wouldn't he become a bad person?

"Look! What is that?!"

Sun Zhicheng's sudden exclamation drew Chen Jing's attention back from the phone.

Looking up, Sun Zhicheng was standing in front of Li Mobai, holding a wine glass in his hand, as if he was toasting.

But at this moment, his face was no longer flattering.

It was an indescribable fear.

Sun Zhicheng seemed to have seen something that he couldn't believe, and he stood there motionless, only the wine glass in his hand was shaking violently...

Chen Jing subconsciously followed Sun Zhicheng's gaze and looked back at the French window of the private room.

He saw that it was still raining blood-red outside.

He saw a giant hand with a dark complexion falling from the sky through the clouds.

He saw a ball of fire rapidly falling to the ground...

In that fireball.

Chen Jing could vaguely see a familiar mechanical creation.

"That...is the International Space Station?!"

Chapter 77, Jing, do you believe in the end of the world?

International Space Station.

It is one of the largest platforms currently operating in low-Earth orbit.

It was built in 1998...

It is a manned spacecraft that can be visited by astronauts from various countries and work and live for a long time.

"That's the International Space Station..."

Li Mobai had never shown such a horrified look in front of Chen Jing. Under such a huge change, he seemed to have lost the ability to control his emotions.

"It has been operating outside the earth... It has been running stably for more than ten or twenty years..."

"What's the matter with that hand..." Sun Zhicheng's attention was not on the fireball, but on the giant hand that shook the earth.

At this moment, everyone in the private room was also stunned.

No one exclaimed, no one screamed.

Including Chen Jing.

Everyone fell into a brief stagnation because of this huge fear.

It seemed that time had stopped at this moment.

Outside the French window.

There were constant flashes of extremely white lightning in the dark clouds that covered the sky and the sun, and the rumbling thunder was deafening, as if even the earth was shaking.

The giant hand that reached the sky and the earth paid no attention to the terrifying lightning in the rain clouds. It passed through the clouds lightly, as if chasing the dazzling fire at a very slow speed.

In an instant.

When the burning space station fell straight into the city center like a meteor, the terrifying giant hand also spread its palm completely at this moment, and fell into the city immediately after it. In an instant, the whole city began to shake...

This scene only reminded Chen Jing of a funny movie he had seen before.

It seemed to be called...

Tathagata Palm?

Perhaps people should be thankful that the giant hand showed mercy, at least the force of its landing was not too strong, and it only crushed some residential buildings in the city.

After a brief earthquake, the city did not suffer greater damage. Although many houses on the periphery were collapsed by the aftermath of the impact, at least it did not look as tragic as those two-dimensional ruins that were crushed.

Chen Jing could see that the hand was heading for the space station, and its palm was always aimed at the fireball.

"What the hell is that arm?!"

"Fuck, I just bought a house with a loan!!!"

"Look!! It's going to disappear!!"

The humanoid arm exuding an ancient atmosphere seemed to be able to switch between entity and non-entity.

Soon after landing.

It became transparent at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Until it disappeared completely.

The former classmates in the private room finally screamed, and even a few timid girls were scared to tears.

Although compared to girls, boys are much braver, but at this moment... except for Chen Jing and Li Mobai, the faces of other male classmates are very ugly, a kind of bloodless paleness.

"How could this happen..." Li Mobai muttered to himself, his face full of unbelievable fear, "It shouldn't be like this..."

Shouldn't be like this?

Chen Jing looked at Li Mobai calmly, thinking to himself, could it be that the [Ether Association] misinterpreted the Doomsday?

To be honest, Chen Jing was really curious.

What exactly is the Evolution Day like in their eyes?

"They are coming..."

Suddenly, Bai Aji, who had been silent for a long time, seemed to be awakened and whispered in Chen Jing's heart.

"We should escape..."

"Where can we escape to?" Chen Jing asked helplessly.

Bai Aji did not answer, but he seemed to know the answer.


They are here.

Where can we escape to?

At this moment.

The city has fallen into chaos.

The cars on the road began to run rampant and flee out of the city. People's screams were everywhere from far to near. In the urban area that was flattened by the giant hand, there were many places with billowing smoke.

"Old man..."

"The doomsday you said..."

"It's really coming..."

Although Chen Jing had a premonition that something big would happen recently, he even felt that it was not impossible to wake up one day and find that the world was coming to an end.

But when he saw it all with his own eyes.

The shock in his heart was still difficult to calm down.

"Hello? Mom and Dad?! How are you doing there?! Are you okay?!"

"Wife! Take Ranran home first! I'll be back soon!"


The private room was in chaos. Except for Chen Jing, Li Mobai and Qiao Youning, everyone else was anxiously calling their families.

Less than two minutes later.

The first person who left without saying goodbye appeared.

After Yang Han finished the call, he grabbed his expensive bag, didn't say hello to anyone, and ran out of the private room.

Then the second one...

The third one...

Soon, only Chen Jing, Li Mobai and Qiao Youning were left in the private room.

"You're not going back?" Li Mobai stared at Qiao Youning, but the other party obviously didn't care about his strange look.


The moment the giant hand fell, Qiao Youning was stunned, staring at the city area that was crushed into ruins, with an indescribably complicated expression.

"I... the house I rented..." Qiao Youning raised her hand and pointed at the ruins more than ten kilometers away from here, her voice trembling faintly, "And my parents... they are all... there..."

Hearing this, Chen Jing and Li Mobai looked at each other.

Good death!

"Don't be sad, maybe they still..." Li Mobai comforted Qiao Youning against his will.

But before he could finish his words, Qiao Youning couldn't help but interrupt him.

"I paid a year's rent, and I've only lived here for less than two months..." Qiao Youning explained sadly, with a heart-wrenching expression on her slightly chubby face.

"Fuck." Li Mobai didn't expect her to say that, and immediately began to re-examine this bully in his memory, "I thought the reason you were upset was..."

"It's not them..."

Qiao Youning suddenly lowered her head, clenching her fair hands.

Just like Chen Jing's nervous reaction before, her thumb was tightly clasped on the side of her index finger, almost pinching it white.

"I don't know..."

"I just..."

"I... I don't seem to be that sad..."

When Chen Jing heard this answer, he felt a little complicated.

But from a certain perspective.

Chen Jing was also happy for Qiao Youning, his former classmate.

At least she was relieved.

"Oh, it's normal that you're not sad, which means you're a normal person, not a brainless living ATM machine."

Li Mobai suddenly laughed, and the fear on his face subsided a lot.

"If I were you, I would have found a way to kill those bastards!"

As he said that, Li Mobai took out a cigarette box from his pocket, but he couldn't help but glance at Chen Jing. Seeing that the other party had no intention of objecting, he carefully lit a cigarette for himself.

"Those bastards not only eat your things and use your things, but also want to peel off your skin and drink your blood... It's better to die! It's a good death!"

"..."Qiao Youning didn't know what to say.

"Besides, we have heard about how miserable you were before. Your father is a white flour-eating ghost, and your mother is a gambler who wants to die at the card table. She beats you every now and then, and your brother..."

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